I-M Thse Canadlien Champion, Wed. Feb. 14, 1979 IRealIi"Sftde ACTON COUNTRY 4,000q. ht. cuotI. bsit ranher, hghw"tpond, lbkeb. e l, i placl.,3 crag. ra xase.7% 6 te011. ta.ttenvrd .dtced fo immdiale.11UU.lUtfi'. ACTON Cnt,.rcal lt66'013T. Ged am, COU NTRY 3 bdom,, ,.iedbun Igaow l aglt Ut136" cse ighway onUtpaetd tad Aktng $5,56565 Mtdat dontlattt. Jack Holmes Real Estate roker 853-1650 + 087ov,7 CampbeINiIie- 5 Acres Neat 401.2 coates. 3 wood.d. strawt ttagh p.eg.tty. 9% fltaeelotg. Call 1-65917603 btSnata. 08.7d LIVE RIISHT HERE CAMP 5 ELLVI'LLf R 5EA ayhmst in a clering. hy Had,.td bush hltta glats atîin thelb.lineg ,oo , igitg tht aide in The ase h.dîetcom iS .ensuit dIatlhlo tattd for the, Ofeed t 115ZOO. For ell ad viewig 519822-1651. JAMES DO EMSLIE REALTOR. GUELPH 07-7l Milton 3 Bedrooms $49,000. 1 ;6 SmaII Down Payment AChatming o a igcagst ulfe ... Pr Condominium t,,.srt tilh atees trgg.slbdAH p t, Residence At1 ls Bese St, tOlttttgg *Ftdg. & Ste s *BtadIUtsv Apartment *Idvidu sro etInghontrols,îs sn,.andne'oos - tt: For Rent spoti,v iCIUdi t iterSItn 2 Deuroom -$9 Cait Mr. Bill Kng for appinment Ia vîew 878-8787 or 844-7496 or 878-5013 ImnalaiUe 4 bedrooms rc rom 2 baths loe wîth sltawer) Meadowbrook Road Do ytund 4bedtts? fsalIt-.virlloveStsIsloveltdeplt hgkttchev. ltc FlOUSE ANO BUSINESS FOR SALEý $75000. U,.stof Wood6Usdcs -tMvsttctuitg Cmpay rtttee Iltdyvan elditgt. band sawbnhvit, bandtlvde, bm,hS tc. and ostt, bu5iiton,40 x20' with Sighssîelig.Hoseht 3 edrwstnd finishtdttttttsUtt tqae or4snle bedt. cls aMa t mml Cal r ilM tl Kingvefsr tpoitttnttas et, 8788787, 8447496 or 878-5013 -1- I. o- 1 E.. -:2. BrethouttRatty Smstte 1976) Ltd Ste st baccepiettd avtst "HOMES FOR LIVING" teettittht, ttm tyWhat dos thtt ,,tan t' hme coutsd b. ttttoced t, tht "HOMES F0R LIVING" matgtazitttpub shebd ey thtatntd dtrthstd ttUtttthn M afiitetltt*t,.ktt thttghttCnad and the Untetd Statns, Th, adtaat t ,s nIo tb.t ttfile t o l frts al ,ett North AUtUeric oe ,ntght b. tttcttg to yvur ara.t ttd b. e erktg et yottomet.ths tît, tee ttght 5. tttng, ah t, th tt,,tt,, t ttt our n homt e d ai nU S, bahons.yfe loue thet bg tt.t,, coltoraddttnal itormtioneoet .Aat mt cn.de otrouteas tàt,,aber te ht*HOMES FOR LIVING NETWORKI' ltyeet6ttt stop inthb. ght dnettt 107 Marin Street, Miton 878-4121 <MInOS>210-9991 JlTo.MaUn.l For Personalized * Courteous Service ~ Cal 878-2888 Bob Doc oeo UP10 Main Si W GOWLAD 879M Milon, Ont u 'u "HOME 0F THE WEEK" Wccdoatd Aenues- a desntthe lctio losu to 1schot, tlttpptvg atedtIalt pcittî ddtMton" 'aostSete. Tastîpîslly deot.id tStcsgouat and Iaded oith xrs t yoUs 0,11deight iv sessg. Pefor v, is, tths o wtoU ,,yIshis u it homtt Se. E.A. MITCHELL LTD. Traalgar Square, 310 Main Street East Milton, Otarie 8784118 458-1453 Direct Line SNOWWONOER Easy acc.ss tUthe. crsss country skong etClsê t- th. ,.tndtrland of Ktlss TreetI lui. 16154- htdro0m home, 0111 delîghtl sot t.tnlr andI summetr. Ytu 0111 b. snot.td under wth ail the, gond.s that tiis $95,5W0hite.uisha o efe. G ive me, a catI mw osvîvs. Stwart Haddcn 422518 or res. 878-3574. WE CAN MEET YOUR NEEDS Fireptacet, 4 bedrotms? Separat. Dittg rUses' We ave a nomber of homes ,.itb mnasy of tittst feattret. Lova doon paymetts. Early pessio. Well svrk ardein I cd thete jtue t-gt for yu. CatI Bonde MAlliffe 842-2518 sr res. 81&5014. PRIVATE $1WO. de,..aeglurtsa.3 b*ted t. tonho thO 1 % bath., p.ttalbd dinittg met, htt'ah.d temrom, 878-3573 Prvmt 3 Bedtettebick & aleminle,.ibetgaow., ap8 entttee., nt-int teoba. 1% bath., fbdthed base- rnatt. Lt i.e5' e 152'. Adskinq*0.90. C&Ma m 8783747 « &GODDARD REAL ESTATE ITO., REALTOR 239"166 !TRANSFERRED- MUST SELLI Oytransi&t,.led force thmi ofthisbauty onextra larg . Ut.nMODEL sttndition,. TO BETTER THAN NEW, fttcttthe favly kite,.c ,lth tpbteedtgaore te the poesstions,alltnithd hbeltemtt. Thttt am r be.dt, dn,2 fllbah end mUhvmoe. P'ied olytthe G0tsIT 6509 T LAST! S.. it dat, CaiAntte.ChUchtash, 878 =A. E. LEPAGE STONE HOME-CIRCA 1810 H striatieogi atg'tstyle., toey and a haIt aith ttatehîtg Soe2-et,, grag e.tathed. Batitfuly lesafrIt tt,25 'c'to Esaptt,.tt, 2% tmiles fît,,. dotclttt Miltot. Ttisc otttttlt,2300 squre fottthot,me«th thIa b.d atS:d 2 bathtetvtb.has t, "tII ,tactaitdad d ebtthe original gantdeur Ut hgh c.ilivgo.end pins platktlt. 96 ACRES For les than $1000. per Acre Idal pivate ecrsttjtio rptetttith oer ett6sosth and 1t2Mile Ctaalt lemttg thtmugh its ett.ire l th. Excel.' BR8OEIILLE ESTATE $34,9000 la $39,900. 4 'A mtlestttttHwy.401 e tuelh Live,, ntvthtvge No. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 1I11NEIL Country Office, 3358897 Butingtot, Office, 637-8246 087mt,, $114,500 t am a proad cne, lot ino tam. t at. in my on kingdemn of 3.5 acres. My dtligitl for yce osutd b my appealong fir.place 01060n ety proed brtck cItait t ase titret, large peaceftl ittdrtomt. My farmitus, kitcitt,. n for yser deltght asd a eparale dinig omn e obci tc serve. Wîit family ro0m, and parluttr ..s enmore, for yce ttt stea l Stwart Haddon and h. oîll bring ytt le me. 842-518eor res. 878- 3574. RGOM FOR PARENTS? If yse aret Uinitgo el elong your bomne and it bas a self tontained living area for parente, t bave t client interested in mcviog b. Milton. Clt Bonnie McAtlif,842-2518 or ren. 878-5014. AU. E. 1L E P AG E nawfr rcmedto friends BRAMALEA OFFICE FOR SALE OR RENT Lrg 3 b.droomfam*ly .p.tetIntlttttab nrev.tythttg.Caf Cur Aitgado. VALENTN0 S SPECIAL $3980005.tttat.a3 b.dooets fitihd boas- . l .t, crtr,n e yard, gs 80.8Brion Esquivel 4574«00 FANTA8TIC VALUE BRAMALEA 3 b.cr'det. .ab.d ettty 42,900 pusnlacd, 0% dclown i e.ty *478 petrttetth. Caern Ahtgde457-6«0. CUPIOS CHOICE *44,80010% finetingl Spettons Btnttp0tc, b.,.aI 3 lage b.dtotts, 5 appkatn., gantage. Posessiondtutt. Bron Equive 457-«0. TOWNHOUSE BRAMPTON Nicet 3 badtothoe.. 011 a gaage, con- Abogade 457-6«0. $W00*INCLUDINQ LANDI Dtaced 3 bddme. honte I. Beta.da. Fattttd yard,1001 .shed, patio. Walket fret,aree.lvintg *com 300dovet GeoreaS Mudtyk 457'4«0. WHO COULOASE FORM*00*5 Bramtpton*5*,900, 4 bedton,... 19 bbon, ic- bsh.t ee o rt..fitpiee., oglset. 9garage 10%% itu t.etg.ge.. .botth Medtyk 467- a. JUST USBTEO BRAMPTON 4 btdroon e,.a..i.tâhed in a quit a. tdtt terfore e. ily. leur applimeces intIudd, Cour Abog.do 457-640. INCOME PROPEATY Spacieon deased nWtt.y tub,. Bram.pton 6 hedtoett. Paingter 6 cars, ggeones tîetI eot,,loute .11 convetttttce $6790. Ditan Gebste,467-6400 CHARMINO CALEDON EAST $109M 5 Vu-t> sd.tplit, 445e.on,. tgily 100t., tee shanghesme, hs.oddm, td Debh. Mdtyk4_764. Stît.>.hstg. lage cherc,t etkatdoen e Otat,.hDeb.eet47-6«. =A.EPA GE1 0 A1055 )IOl L'TD EiL'T'0 reconmmend fit" BRAMPTON OFFICE VALENTI NE SPECIAL Hollywood ktchen wth but-un table atd chatrs, 2 bathtO,oosCOMpletely Cnshed roc roem mit bar and artifictal fiteplace ples beereem ieba$sent. Clly landecaped and enced eot. Violet Huhta 451-19800. A HOME TO BE PROU O0F 3 bedroom. 2 stoîey *000>, $618900. compl*tely decerat*d, broadloomn, ait conditiontd, waîkeet o oate patio. large eag-mn kitchen, immacelate home. Pet Crothaîl 451-1980. $73,900.00 Wall pricedl This home b0.505 large epacieus rooms. Master bedroot. has ensuite and 6iihecl roc rcom and roegited in gamnes room. Trudy Snyder or Chis Gibson 451-1980. FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUVER Spacioes 4 bedroom home in «eCollant Brampton location, spaciots living toem, heated sunporcit, large kitchen with Franklin steve. Ann. Dempster 451-1990. PEEL VILLAGE Where home values maictain a high level, this 4 bedreom, 2 bath, detached buttgalow, inih.d basement, offer today, icground poel and patio pues i, conditioning or a ice semmer. Violet Huhta 451-1986. GEORGETOWN LUXURY HOME $81119W Spotlees maitecance r00i two St01ey brick and alumicum home eateres large 4 bedeeems, bright eat-ic kit- chen, separte dinicg, f amily room, stoce ireplace and doeble garage. Bary Cock 451-1980. LOVELY HOME 1.8 ACRES CaliCornia racch style bucgalowl Fot the discriminaticg buyer who wants that extra somethicg. Superb craft- smanship acd qaality. Tudy Scyder ot Chris Gibson 451-1980. CONTEMPORARV HOMEI 2 acres oC mooded loti Stoce ireplace, waîkout and cathedral ceilicg are itogts oC living areas, 4 bedrooims with the master having ecnsuite. A lcvely home. Trudy Snyder or Chris Gîbson 451-1980. GROUND CONTROL Gorgeoun landscapeel acre with long te,. ranch bungalow, 4 years 0000, roc room inisheel with bar and ireplace, ovetsized garage, shedl and ouldoor dog rue, creek, near Glen illiams. $79,500. Mms. Blton 451-1980. THINKIPIG 0F BUILDING We have an exceallent 10 acre parcel 30 miles 80oBrampton asklng only $29,900. Sont. bsh plua gravel drive, building permit available, et titis price wonnt akt longl. Barry Coctt 451-1980. Streets- untangled nretiJ=etowe malles any otensplt t r- naming a number of MiltonssStetts. Meeting iCoCmmitîe cf te Whle Mtndty, MithosComdiil voe.t o ap= %.e rectmmettda- tioab planner Bob Zadanyl andI asb a number of eommanity organsations ineding Miltos Historical Soiety and Campbettvilte Womet's Itttte, for comtmeta atd input for EOBd renambtg. Mr. Zoadanyl sald the. matter of road r.ttamlttg dates back to OctWmhe, 1977, whetc a plan vias present.d to reglotsat ,etmtiltub aveid daptica- tion adcottftusionin rod The region Itas cone Up wltln il. otesplan for regionat roada. Mr.. Zstdanyi said lbe 0005 bas si.ggested semte changes tu it. Mr. Zsadanyi ai..soid ter. a.. a nomber of loat roads whieh reqir. tattk inluding tire. First Lises, two Town Lises and fou. Feurth Lines. Mr. Zadanyi uid te commenta r... ved from te cemmumity organisa- toens wt.e eddk.colected tnd ,oess.I ,etdud citos. t.e rses til ed best. FOR SALE or et spatlons 3 bearos,. townot, s . 5applacces, shaa trpetitta. fireptat,. in famltl o Ce,,areg country kthn, â8 tachea gaa, 1/ baths. Cal 878-3322 evttStgs. PIATE-Larae-tosrt, proessionallv deetrated 3-btdronm, s. cl iI 11, and brick. Bntcls 611 hoe., I. gond a,-.. Of Atn, l/t bths, tee oel bept home.. MUSI bt Stm,,853215. SUBLET - 200088. Il. et- tIcen arhue space, ,.et.din *MiltoncIse le 401 HUt..$1.19 Pat Sql. Il. Aeailable Match 15, 1979. Lass.elepies Aprîl 1980. Cal 0788871. 31419 WANTED Cat.pbelvlll. are., bungatlow.oIth s ail aaa.. Pleas. phoe Donneta Syt.5, sales neptatattatlno for Natilt,,ITrust *.altt, 854-247, otice 1069-821 350. artconvinmed I1,0 a gond deal. Th" rpesaoI-over 2,000 St fI. 01 *n00elt,* hoe nlth double ea- tâChtd garage.' tep laucdrv anad 8a,.ilv ront, and et course a tli.dstt,,e ireplate te kesp eat,. 6von th00e Lmtttd 0rth-wt5t dlst.e. It ergetool or Ac.. Priced aI sc9on Cal Ett ZborRt,156, Ceterv 21, Ct-o, Cily ReaItv LiRttt, edaltor (519 Wilfred Mcntee Company Ltd. 52 Main S., OUndali> COUJNTRY LIVING TAKE YOUR CHOICE nOLtO BRICK nCHOOL84OUSE Nedy deettated. non plîît.httg, ve,. oirig, boatrds. Waîtscetttttg thteegSotsa nd chet tîccîs. $37.900. COMFORTAeLE 8 00*0 MODULAR HOME O. 75' 3w, lt -75' dil.d mitl,.TV. oe andtîor Clonte ski .,a*25,900 LAKEFRONT Custo,.trulli 2 beoUton, hm,.. attothod gara8e. pas.d divet. h.mtifu vie , e a sn, veValey, skitaîns. $3,00 RANCH BUNGALOW 3 hadtsvtnet. ' lt g.td g.îdenn mil, double gnrage, tecghetin liret pacet.00011 lesaInt. HAVE YOUA OWN Oaen'vahv gronttgt' do,.minatre glfecours er ohalmotr-on tibla9 acepatoal. S56500.4 2 m.iles fre, a 161>0,19 tllI agir mth pentyt effet. Comv 12' e 90 houee ntasaltith Franklinstslow. $31 .000. Ft,.Appontmeat Cali Our OUNDALK OFFICE 1-519-923-3136 Eainga CO RETA ITCHIE 519-923-2904 199,500. Inervieoftsts largetnetintkitcen esvSsîstandard fortthetesoftttts briktand rancstylenhuo tSit.4bac tUent. aniy test. 3 hatStttvt, s om vt tptsnx imtely It2800 s t hstttstand de>.vttttandtttyynmore eta.Cal Vaughan Thmst,,tt8 45-3737.,a.e 87e 7378. Cntutst'21, F Pe nyRaîhsîaî,Ltd F.PENNEY REAL ESTATE 123 Traagar Rd. Oakvill, 845-3737 461 TRAFALGAR ROAD, OAKVILLE 842-2518