The cenadiahapitpon, Wed. Feb. 14, 1979 B3 Ref coaches clinics kick off soccer activities KEVIN PARIKERI-,loemetie) Parker brings home s"ilver performance ht woulti have natsrally liteti to1 bave tiono htter. -l oasi plesseti oit seconti heq siti becaues1 kisee I itetnisisteti my hsi. If I hati stoltes y hst I woositihave heen spset. Parker oas fortit ater theo figures portion othUe progrant an te- provenlent over pevioss yars. Las> year esto st on sith place atterj thte figsres. He lotaiteti1 27.806pointa. Pocher improvoti is stanting in the short pro grant vaulting front torUs toi irsl anti amnassing a total of 55.0 contineti total for th twonevonta. Orser, oho ess in ninf b ater Ue figures, esovoti mt seconti hinti Pocher t Uat point esit 53.84 total points. An ostaeilig per- formance of triple lumps hy arien Orsr oas li Usai toon the sowey of Kevin Prter n his iti for tite CenatiioisJunior Mon' Ciampionsiip. Parero esmontiiltie Thuntier Boy competition in seconti plce n his Uirti anti final ttempt et Ue cos fesf tyear in Vicoria. Prter placoti tourtit. The year prior to Use> ho was fifU. The vonluel golti mti- eist, Brion Orsr, troioti Pocher going mb ite fin aI feeshting progront buot o continetion of tripleonxe anti luz jumps liteti hies psi Uso Cemphllville shter for Ue file. Pa1hec hd hoon sofferig front eslighl vinus hfoce fise rom- ptition bul saiti he woulti soi use Uset on a crstch. He oen happy oith iis Pocherttalieti 9.0 for is freestyle perfor- mnce buit wasnot enougit as Bries Orser accontesuiteti 73.806 points for a total of 127.04 in finsb jsst aheati of evins 124.08. The thirti place fiisher Sheos MeGili o Mississauga ttalieti 119.52. Parker toIt thal Orser tiita gootijob ih his freestyie perfomance but aisofoili taihe bati the jues but that oas Now ihal te rom- petiive sesson is oser Panker will concentrate on competine is eîgth anti ina> figure as oel au shtiii s gugest aIt iff- ecent iaescarnivals SUZUKI gSs the Rdisiame Fnlo. . ihy', he, he 1979 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES CANADIAN METER Uiaoc top tiples Ai00 GIRLS Marchosîcb 29 Pete Fehouaey 8 Vantionheuve> 683, Dio Loieshigh ssgle Pt Machesîcbeeo68 Asta Marshaoll 275, laties higit Wiintollec B00 Barry I h h J triple Pot Marshall61. Vileneuve 687. » ý Other top singles RuUs Barry Vileneuve won 5Shona 178 oudeis l. Twiss 251, Leeni Bough- for 8, Teti ievers 7 for Mary 7, boteD2vi, Ka 79, Henry Vantieniteuve> l ipo wlLd MryHeio22 23. KaUy 7pfor 79, Gus Tilemans n _____ Rushe to rils for 7,Tom Btusfieiti 237 thrtptilsLeesi foc 76, Freank balit v for ___ Boshtn e9,Mar Hi-76 Pete Vantenheuvel 2MIIN ST. pe 2,An ilt 1, for 75, Martin Vantien- - 4594210 Lorrie Lahernce 810 boom 5 foc 73. KeUsy Rush 12 _______________________ Colson won 7 toc H ND82,V< Boes 7 for77, Thonmn O D CI C 5 fo 75, Tunney 2for 73 'N W G TE MoLean n for 72, Pers W 'V O hMR scello 5 for 7, Biley 0 for 69, Evans 2 toc 69. HALTON CREDIT - 4 SPEEDS UINFehosary8 a 5 SPEEDS Loties higb single, - AUTOMA TICS Anna Rota 316, loties' higb triple Anme Rota IA r 10VOEMJO AT 720. Mna hgi singe "A TTO PR OSRT Martin Vantinhoont 30, TO sEE THE HONnAS OivEarV mn5h igb triple, Mactin Ventienitoont 715. Other top singies Barry BAZ MOTORS LTD. Villeneuve 206, Alida wie utm i"..M Vice la ag Marchesicb 241, Tom lsahasit Bousielti 27, Dm0a Van-a"IV terheytien 228, Dino 19og elplov' l. - O.sgoaws Marchesîch 260. 1 BM87-526or676-1813 Congratulations to irnTi dent gotender Brod Eans who h dop/ooedspecroculornemnigi Thrday evenng in Ayr osý Tri- dents wound op ther regs/otion hI session pay in firt place. Evns and Marno McDonald Yno//be co//- ed ti netmndng doSies whon Tnidents enter p/oaoffs nx wveek F- Ail :Sialt YMTON SPORTS Witloekey-play-offs Fritiay, Mrds 2, frises6 sider way titougs ttris ta 9 pm. andSaotaedayh ta surmmer activties Mercis 3 frses 10 arn. taS6 midcoisorot ho tac ho- p.m. Ao io pet yesrs tise ioti The Mitoo Yoth rogistration wiiiho at Soccer Club is eii u-hi) MtboMail drway Vdbhpilnsifortthe he regishrationltee, 1979 occrhoeasoo The bas beoo st at $17. for oxcutivo aond directors the irs> chitti, $W. for haoe hooit meeting for two chittiren and $40 soverat monlhs and haoo maxisoum pe fooily. progroms set sp for For tiis reeistration oacit referoe anti coacheos ptoyer witt recive a traiing coorsos as wll soccor sniform cees as cemptetiisg arranee- poisose of shirt, shorts monta for ployer and soehs, ternt anti registration. intijoisuat piotogropits One regastration oniy anti an ent-of-soason pic- wlt hhld thîs yearon fic. Ancaster too much for minor bantams bn tieir secontiroo o OMRA playtiownn tho Grant Heulage minorj bantams came se agaimit a strong As- casier cub asti were1 bowleti oor 5-. The opening contestin Miton entieti in a 2-2 overtime traw. Boit Lantiry scoret in regsla- tion ime anti Mach Now- hy appeare t f0have1 notchedtihie einner i oserfime usolt the vistors scorot i mtitlent titan a minute f0 pay to escape with atiraw. The ftlltwing nigit in Ancaster tohe antants piayet il eftfor test per- ittis but coutnt conlain Ancaters powerfoi Robin Borboooais scoredt l one Mlon tliy frtnt Ricit Browno aoti toatteotier Jeff Hoge provitietimes> of lise tefence witit sensatioal saves, usol» the ibitie burst and Ancaster ssaliteti anay eitit a 4-i viciory. Thte tiirti ant intiai tanteio Acasier oas trset inmt a penalty- Iileti jolie esitci a toont officiai hiameti on incees- peteni retereeing. Milton was assesseti36 minutes oie the homo club oit Thte final score, 3-i. wsinticative of thte play an Ancasier was lo strong. Paulo Zlian gave an oseresorkeoit Hogg a breatiter in set for ibis gante anti performoti acrobaie saves con- stantly. Defoncentan John Turner anti Bantiy Heggie pst io strone efforts as titi Stsart Anterson, Ricit Bront Boit McColough, Borbonnais, anti Mite hcllowraitit Suntiay aflernoon te b anIs resoteti regular league play anti troonceti Brampton 71 witit goals gting >0 Stuart Anterson, on a biasl fronthlie point, Robt McCoiiougb, Steve Pinsent. Sleve Meati, Bob Lantiry anti Robin "Truck'« Borbonais oithti ot Mite Van Wart, Dave Wials anti Mcliioraitb al] pichoti up assisîs. RATEPAYERS Feiraeyf Loties' igit single 1 Glentia Cartiineli 271,1 latiies' igit triple Glentia Cartiinoli 712, mens igit1 single Gorti Gent 319,1 mens higit tripie Gorti Gent 70. Other top singles Nornt White 294-271, Chantie Perchent 305, Haroti Borton 29, Rmss Brown 279 Ken Brown s262. Other top triples Nores White 707, Cbariie Par- citent669, Ken Brown66, Rus Brown 0661,LOck Cain 044. Escitre Test won 5 for 88, The ORK.s 5 for 79 -Mitowne Cenre eserchanta are organ. caine a seninar on prontotne thte tiownlown coce. nuntiay, Marchil i MENS WEAR LIMITED To our customers Thanik you for your wonderful rtsponse to our ANNUAL JANUAHY SALE. W'ro sorry for the detay on alterations and repais from our Tailors Shop. We lso regret the 6ton 8 week delivery on madeton measuro suit, unfortviîatoly ce have no cottrol on suit noie orders. As oser ce wîiI continue to offer Persenal Service chich feado on long asting aisfacton. Sprîng o vout weeko away and ovr nec sprîng sock i0 arrîvîng daîly- we invite you to corne in for a oneak prevew. Art Melanson LISE OUR CONVENIENT REAR ENTRANCE WITH PLENTY OF F REE PARKING ON MARY STREET LU ihV.M0O5an1O~f A full competitivo 800000 la plannoti for girls toamn etaitilges. As eIl ais theo hosse teagues ait ail aees boys represeihatiiveteaîar îlhieOed oins-the itia ton Loeue. The MYSC (s oow tait isg applications for cep. anti ioasebague coachies for hotth boys asnd girls teants. Il as anticipateti thet 40 ioams will ho opereting titis year sa atitionei coaiches are srgently seetieti A coaches training course luis ieen arrangoti for imo Soo- tioys in Morcit. Titis course oIlho rns y lte Ontario Bercer Associa- tion ant iose complotiog thetormse woll obtais the tirst leocl O.SA. certi- f (cate. Men anti wonen io- pifires 3 for 75, Nom- futzers 3 for 74, Bobs aooits 4 for 70, Mare's Moroohs 5for 68, Judys Jokers 2 for 66, Hear- taches 2 for 66, The Chmps 2fur 60,Mrys Angels 4 for 54. AROUND TrHE HOUSE Ch> soapflid salohi pads in hall, use hhhh h pace -ss-and hhahpehh Tha paorhhpohhi ohl mark ohp the -ici.hhfy-h ha dbif h ou aryil in ah aid pihsticoohbhshhhase Heips Io locale ilinh h The lfovrhortion of ha banane ritl) kOp i 11h ilhina tihty seaithIjar. Il. CAN 1 SAVE M01400 .1f SAVINO A W ATOR SOFTENER INSTALLOO WHEN MY NEW0 HOME nS sooT? 'les. Carolol planningp ai in the deiofî h hhoue home0 Larisflyhh mvhhOh .aesote I0 h ase terestoti in ttontiisg tiis course cai contact Citoles Cropper et 878B 3481. Las) yrar tbe retree hîhihIhi P(ph)hlh lainine lbohrfitrstlel> certîfîcates Tiis yesr's referee course wil bo holti on Bootiays Feit- risary 25 aoti Marcit 4. New reterces, or titose oushtng toinrssit-opon titeir officiatine shilns may contact Dan Conooly at 878-9W07 As etitasiatir groop of soccer motiters is get isg logetiter Sootiay afternoon a> 2 p.n t a te Optimist Centre 1V- fore an auxiliary t orgaoioe social aoti fantiraisine events Ait iaties inter- esteti are welocome 10 joiO n thte activitites. ShoppersWorldl HIGHWAY 10 AND STEELES AVE. HERITAGE DAYS February 12 ta 17 Join us in a salute to our rich Canadian heritage. Mail displays highlight Canadas multi-cultural mosato. Entries in the Canada map colouring contest are on display throughout the centre. This Saturday, enjoy the songa and dances of many cultures: 11:00 arn. to 4:00 p.m. Heritage Days is sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Brampton. Hear the GALILEAN QUARTET Singing GOSPEL SONGS presented by thse HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY iStis 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Opposite Milton Mal d1 if-,or ezc= ......... - - - - - ".k-- - 1-- AliA. ROD GOODING AND PAUL McCANN battie in front of Barrie Colta' net in the final game of the neason for Milton Jr. Flyers. Dave Turner who complemented the forward line ia stili nursing an injury but coach Doug Vaughan has thingo under control for Friday'n play-off opener. ç~5t5h ~ HALTON REGIONAL WINTER CARNIVAL r SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 186%, 1979 KELSO CONSERVATION AREA h~hOcOthh TIME: 11-OO&m.to4hOOp.m. The Mi.melnpaitiin of Milton. -tin Hill.. Oakville ad the alion Regio Coneratonh Aurthsoasae sosOoinaFUNPFLLEO talton Rs5hto W.Vfitir h KlslCnCsmrtin Ae nSudayFhhabry 1as 179 froi oe0 IIM o4 ..TEH ALroN REGIONAL WINTER CARNI VAL ISA "FAMILVAFFAIR" FEA TURING ... FAMILY RECREATIONALACTIVITIES COMMENCE FROM11:ea&M. Cs.CountrSkOivîhntls FaitmilToboga>mohq Fami YS alng Family Sksh'eng D.9 SI.d Tearnv OsIhhhti.h Regitratio foth CmeiioWini6elti5i5iiisR5 Age Catgnoinî 56-7)i. (10),Il1112) 13 16). nid lAdulthi COMPETITIVE WINTER ACTIVtTIEu WILL START FROM 12:0 005O ON 12:00noon -LhoSawing Chh>nhbegins Famly nSu ptig begi 12:30Lp m - Costume Judgg Contest 12 45 p m - D'cnder'Paraeam 1:00fP_ lI.Skhhog5 Racs bhgI 2 30Lp hm FbgheSkatng Club D.m.n,-shaî 3:00 P 1mh ohOhil Tobogan R aceshhcgn 5:05Ph Lat bs IoMiton Mail NOVeRh h t h,, -h hh h hhAhh, h h h îfhthhvhhhLhIhh h h h 'TE 8 EE a SKOILO SERV ICE . - F5JPd-R EPRTEN lL ED WINER ARCTIVTOEF AR$8 LNNE RING TLE0 WOLE AIVI TIE AAEILYAFFAIR