Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1979, p. 5

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$100 million in housing planned for coming year Mltn residentu mOU 1e said Mr. Wedo. for the cominig pear in- anp moses are made in he sent 12 mo05800 10 a itnessoe, 10 a cottînurd "People prciassg stode 20 homses 10 o ituilt iegîn construcion on te eý $1 million high cfSiil musiroor of housing homes are lookkng aI by Kîngsmay Plasteriofng oois. sid Mr. Weîdo t,,o- 7:1:11 î ft W i I i giomt tsinte toms in lhemallot more care- on Commerial St. Commercial drveop r ui .cry Scloo'thelhrixil Iwo, as Timierlea and fsity, hocald, adding Campitelîlvile residenls ment is aino nopectedtu1la10expecteil tnhoctishrd Mlance E-Uritan deve- thot deupite alary in- can alun look foi-wrd ta grnm itilbinte set i 9. lapSes proeeed mt pano creaug, ages have sot Ioi sew 00100its ste renut per, lu keepoos milli ihe Worit os a 107-unit foi, heur respective suit- topO pane witite pri-Ie of piano a i te McLaren itouolog giomt. Nodatin apartmnent complen on1 diviions. ofitoung. Subdvsion. Tite nom- Commercial Deveit>p- Miliside Dr.. 18 expected Recenl Ontario lie etimatod iouiog pany inendu 10 ituid o ment lu espected 10 hegin f0 ho compieted w mitn Municipal Board ap- prces have ripled linte total of 20nemounits. contruction on o shnp- ite set montit, said Mr. pi-val of the Alliane Es- bt fve or six ears in Fine new itouse are ping plaoa on Ontario St. Weido and lhe ospetts Uritan piojeel itao paved Milton. aluo plunned biy SBrook- near Derry Rd. Maosi Proportion iii hoe te way forte niait of Maklng a itome in Mii- ville Estâtes in Brook- The shopping and office adnertising for rentaI ni the 532-unit pan. toit iowever, coninoes 10 ville., plaza espectoti for onstte neai-future. Ray Weldotown zonlng ha lite papulr choice for In te former townslup foit la nom luleti for A second apartment adminittllator and biuld- many familles, nf Eoquesng, Soutmolit conruction iis pear. comptes is sioteti for con- ing inspecteoi-. 1ad t "fil lu sIlOte mosl Eotoles bau eveno f 14 Mi. Weido sadtbie $3 strucionshside te nem bouses are aled for cnS- affordahie hoittg wmst plunned hoses siated for million complos, 10 ho aparîmont bilojdng, bot' estttctioei lu lie comling of Met-o aid Mi. constuction int 19. buit y Ricenhrg Devel ite satd te prolect is yeroai te Deei-y Rd. and Weldo. Ho Cilod GO Bms M. Weldo predicto the ppimens tLd., Torontofnlîitelyin t get usdermay Braneit. site. services andi Higtwy 40, total value of residenliol lcooid star usy time. hobfoce te frt ouidng A furtier 60 detoched as te chiai di-oing pai-mito for te comning Approimalif24,000 has restedi ai 80 nîto. antd temi-doloeited pitofltecoomouittf ear wmli oini excesu of squarefeo of office space Altitottginthe building homs are epected ta ho Sales are 801118 meli in $0emiiO. mil hoc olincated for deparîmoont bas receised competed wlthdn the next te developing aea,hoi Tithere re Imo internai medical, iroil estate and em appications for in- 1 moellel, an Timberleas aid, adding taIicioolielocaed intihe fnnciai offices mitt a dustratconstrutction,Mr. moves in10 te second developoru are "sur- Timerlea developmenl fui-ter 4,000 square fret Wedo stateli hoe pets phase of construction, 1e pri-led' 'wiihbusiness. and a tird chool ste in alolled for o variely of te-e miliiho a "spin-off" said. 80 addition lu te mn lite Aiiance Ex-Urhan sormsand arestaurant. of smatl indastriol At hlo ilme nnriy 300 major bouing deveiop- project, bu e wll bmli at8 Amon oter maon homses in lie comples ments, contruction piano teat another per or efi costruction projects for itoused iy Don-y Rd., ThompaesRd,and Ont- OUR READERS WRITE: ario S. S. are finiiohd, Thse total Tinuhrin i village telilaccommodale 1,40homes. 1-- î ýComplelion of te plianetod mimpleailProtests snowmobiles Milea an ià ohletsa the reuldesil deveiop- i Editors Note: A cop of iis eter 8 tomlas, plli a nhitld on a slnd; and mnl taI cas gonthe Myor Donad Gordon mon fdled mtit asotitor tîmo te-e as ose looping iom,"ualdMr. Weido. Te Champion for publiction.) acit ond foi-tfromtlite sidemalit to te asi Bulding sttilstico iitow rond. iinSliea slom comtr- O Dea orOidon: Rom con oui- chitdren play afety lion yesi-, 1e nid, dspi1o isminto10express 80 giest concrs oulduors under titese conditions? hri-ui houing contruc- mut ithte snowmnoitiitg preitiem in Even mien oprated ityadis tion starts. Miltonsommoieiin s iis area consistentyliS A total bilidng prmit Inoarecentlisuec of Tite Chaompion, excecd te spoed imit. boommoblees value of 822,971512 mon te-e as o discusion of t1,e inter- are aitmisg my*ights 10 pouce and -& M.1 regiuered for O7npretuiioo o Multons iy-lom rogrding quiet, asnd mot importontif 10 suityS. maeglnoiiy lugier tian ssommoiies, and te article poited Who couid tonetly argue tat tI figures for i977,ht $6 ouitaI pou and t1e police osdoistond safety ot oor childen is ess ipru million e its n176 tito tom 1u men tmocompletoiy tif titan anp"cieap tirils- deriord i-om siatisticu. feret thitigs. 1 font il is imprtive tai itese eiicles? The permit value iis issue bo reooved ut oc, and titt It t my ferocnt hope that yoo oil sotold ho incieasing sOommobities hcouotlomed entrely rosi rese tiis proitinsi mth ttc by-law hoîmnon fi vo and 10 poi-rte ritn and suburbin airas, and hfoce il is 1on laie for an inoncent chil cent par anoum hiesaid. strîctly regulate ins te coutryside. in toms. A combinttaion of higi The subidivision miere i lise is Yours ra y, toret rates ond coi-ent predomisotif compourd of ousg i Mrs.i Mîctele Cameroo conomnic condiions have amilles, and I1iave jusi atched aO 000Wilom Aoc., MiltonIL caued a lag in building, soommoiile opocted biy o juveile, A 1race ibntority Melnir Prt. a P.-To te editor, i hope ihai oher Stc r chitldiens piopgiousd, puilisg anotiter mito support my stand iii also conact young friend on skis. Ealier in ttc day, titir represesiatiir or Mayor Gordon, Sa fr, t9»o n turisg t sam a snommoiilo rocisg domo 8the and tai scommobities wl oui mout o osa average fmi- centre of my nI-cet, nbitiios of traifis disappor [rom or crots. mitesit comm 1toilicence ntickei-smies in Milton Ca About 1,00 ofi n o s 1îleOH NDs stceshave ees soidos$,O iis foir. Petr Elinco o Dent. Sr: prcsious compaîgs. Cementss tore, the local To oi-es and conlri-ihoors I te Wr are indecd mosi apprecialise to agent for sticiers, said apiliiear:yualwresadcnibts-o -1 tha 08 litte me Mr. DR. Ferguson, fititAdii our magnitîcent response * lsyesbuify tube st-aloi- for te Halton-Poci Rogion of Wit hast msites tu y on aloc 1979 Multons iciose te Cosadion NtionalIinstitute for te population lato occou in ud, tas ashed me 10 express hitîs ti-b ioeAseny tiere dornt secm tobehocere thonstu 1 aIl tioor mio helped asnd Consoner, osp difference over pie- cotrihutedt te rcceni apooal for Casiphilolie District vilous fmi-. iusdsnn ocr ae.Tite amounti-caliord Cg N, i.B Cansass Dedinlaets rit2. ms $1,001.90 wiho enceeded acf 10 ldays! Buymbsedusive Ol G is"n Barmuit £x an qoeibk l $900 O(Vested) Thoni of ail »1 wayu you con comnbne and ciss-cros a (1) sit jacket ilfi (2) MalClitng ti-oooco(3) maldwîng vet (4) contiasllng trouserS. TVoS 1lato handsoore package Oleg Cassini and JF fas dweeped lor- you ina seasafl spaninwiîtnîkie- Stteddng 55% polyester,. 45% wool hop-sacio meave fabric. Eadh plce Eticopeani tallai-d mf renarltable attentlioni la style and detail! The blazer suit s in Navy, Bladi, Carnet Brownl; reg. shorts8 and tlls. Szea 36 to 46. Tho optitocai ti-ours; in Grey, carnet, broten. Sizes 30to 40. lHiriyl con Febcuai-y 41111the pricO 0111ba 149.50 1 - o f The Canadian Champion. Wed. Jan. 24, 1979 5 NEW APPOINTMENTS DulsG assett J.J. Gai-wood. C.A. EJ eae 'Il-i,î x),i(îî reidntolBaonlîtIi;,iig an Pi h 1Ih CI 1i1, 11 ..1Ga 'A . vIc, p Iîiint1 Ia iiii't 1,1Iwd îîlî aîclid %it I' k[h V .1 - 1,*,,s(len(and oier l man ger«III p i ri -A VII. j, i I liii:, iîî.tîiig îcîrpoIirile i. ti-ci s i.,liiiiîliag ifigil:i In, iiiI r 11 Ih ii l ii ,l'îi--,iili-it îI II nand u i hihîg Co ii, i :1, a iiiiîîîttii il Elit, , ol iv, I v oii n,,. i,: t MStglagr iîrpîratiori C ILf ii. l:tîîii Iuitei, 1), iv ll «-., -.- .- -.a. t. . deoelopmeol 1as a rsuit of major ' idsre Plan o r th ne $28,000,8000 glass plant cati for construction in begin this spring. With Milton's nement motel Herigate Inn cm pleted asd open, stepo are noo underway tuproceeti mith turbter development of the entertainment cosiplex aI Elîghmay 401 and Higinmay 25 According 1a Milton deoeioper Rots Possadîik ni PomBro t)eoelopment plant tor a tmtn bheatre wili go ahead as tirsi annooosed. "The theatre wiibc in lte groood in spring,- said Mr. Poiadiuoh The treaire oui double as a convention centre. I addition there are plano for abarrestauranoiand disco plos ofiîces SHOPPING IN SMILTON Thee Pine Tree 10 -7 N .OvC N T . 'aPSil HANE *MultasMoto Mutos *BurUogos Mail. BuUn5gto Cluaigex andi Matereluaige acoptod - 2~- ~ JL, . PLEASE ond ieep yoreees open for botter savings on fie foods .,,h & Y ~)LL compare your prices. SLICED WRITE ÏSTA BREAD 3--aon ROUhLenD TAi 79 s BONELESS" Van Camp O STEWING PORK ri BEANS ~BEEF f 4 POWOEREO IMOINTOSHor RD OELICIOU.9 ETERGENT ~29APPLES biohel baSket YJ5 FAcy Uqîd 18 alllv McINTOSH 51 a.9 ABRIC RDDLCOSOR OfTENER ~.9ROOLCOS~ a99 LIQUID BLAHl.BNNS 1< S an , D . n 4 R l I P k g P N E A P PD S a , BATHROOM PNAP e-1,oc59< TISSUE 1 ANJOU PEARS 490 SmflsP rua morLus Maple SacPl .MIVViUl. ,,Ia, Ml SULCEDSD 8EMUII..IMSD~"m BACON lb 0k0 11.39 " Ifs IWIENERSb9 < E LOIS1 CABBAGE 3h..ds9<' PORK CHOPS lb --,9Jasmom BUrS MELONSa.i PORK CHOPSIb 0129 JomboN..-lObSA Ugo FesL4o30 LETTUCE biieti T-o, PTRLOiN No, 1USA.Lrge STAS l j.4 CELERY bunAS .0 1 O.H.A. > J INTERMEDIATEA Georgetown Chrysier Raiders VS. Dundas FRIDAY. JANUARY 26 8:30 p.m. Gordon Alcot Momorial Arasa Adois Sdes- hd- -FOs $225 $16 5 5,000 SENIOR CITlZENSm. IL BE A RAIDER BOOSTER M.-,nb Apdaobi.AI,1 Rade H_,,,G.- A Dont Wait For Get Your Special LONG GOWNS !i Now At . . . 1 cayna fasIhiorts /i For ½/2Price Some One 0f A Kind Sale ends Sanurday. anaary 27 il Main Street Sout Acton * 853-3600 -c il Tinking about decorating in your home? b y our skiled craftsmen. CALI TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OS Mý,fi M 878-9094 Milton Upholstering 751 StmSlêAvom SMoR-Sat 9-5 Fr.99 CLeEI uine 500 Bontc St, S. Milton 878-2328

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