Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1979, p. 3

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Rage, dispute, confusion seethe in wake of report Dehalo on Si/e F ain regianal counnil Wedtmo-lis day, Jan. t7 eatared dt rage, diagreemeni and li confstmion. Tihe controvesy ia nemmod ram proposain ir snggotod hy tallEs SoUcitor Dens Perlîn. d Mr. Prt/s badlo noggeted ceesdil ap- s prove Ue go-ahead te, apply for permission tleFi acquire Ureo proportion e near Sile F, ose otUsem i owned hy 93-yer'old i Sagie Smith. a IlWe dont have le dis- place her Item er prop-M riy," ho aid. i Howvet, Ue romarks t taileodtle satinty Millen K Mayor Des Gordon. a Hte s/d lie rosies and LI les comslat said ovr et three yeats ago, Miss Si SmiUhsnproperly as sot seedod. Nom lie tegios is a sayisg ilt/n. Ho said the rgions cenutants M.M. DiS/os "d/d a toesy jis" nf ad- o/snsaHalles il il 50w han le tus armnd and aslotier 10 acres. "She dees nom dserve le ha hasattd," Mor Gordon aid. Hs inio mon nap- porled iy ellow Mlion teproaontaimve S/S John- son miosa/d lie proposai siani ot "sldaagety Oakiv/te Ceancit/et Ron P/anche saîd, "I am 1 go/sg lo voee ga/ml sthe propoal."' "We seld have go//os oui o S/le F ' -he sad. . The pople mise gel as ntnib issSmtF mesviold bhabsoi.- Aneotrceancllor sa/d he coa/d eenonejust- iil/ta/os lot Mr. Prt/ns tepor. Halles HiulsConclliot Roy Booth sa/d, "On ont hand ousml/o/tom sad vme didolt neel tie prop- erty ... Ues he sa/d we hoatd admuire il. -l am cosfoued. 1dosi ondrsland tise stase- monts." ho said On lie îhat sîde o lie lence, aki/Se. Cen- e/lot Terey Masseliled public wohn manager Jacks Corbet opressed lavr oards Mr. Prt/ns tecommenda- ti/nos Mr. Mesoîl sad, "Tsme miso are de tosd/sg M/ns Smm/h are do/sg het a dissotie"- Oahille Mayoet Hatry Barrait said Miss Sni/h wold ha ha/tt adised tuosoll nom. Il use domp gues ishe wosi ha ah/e reco/ot a tait marktistiptce, he sai. "Whso man slIland n Ue m/dol of a landîl s//e?- Mlien soictr Peler MWilliams whmise(- ng on Miss Sm/Smo s e- alt, naid h/s ciment Ionsi mastin10saihar land. Secause ber grand- 'aUsor ballon tarm/sg Use sroperly in sMO, ase loess/mownt/tomove and Iosni want le ha nurr- mandent iy a dnmp, ho said. "Shit e ppaned te S/le F. She le reatty est inler- nnied in selllsg las- I .. (osarIn/teted /n makisg mony Item Use ate et ber lend." Mt. McWllias s d Miss Smniths haldo Use trsi siotgage os tise land omned isy Roert F. Kemal toveniments Lid. and ttasdy Construction Ltd. Tise n-acre prop- ety, /8 adjacenltenMima Smils. Wisen Mayor Gordon nsisod Me. Port/lisy lise region as maisg ils hd1 loth l and no, tleis ltler aid Halls nte prove belote lie crrentc Ontaio Mnicpal Board hearing on S/le F Uai Uei region is welling 10 e-à qire Ue lands adjacent lu Ue prapaned dnmp. Il we dida't, e have a proistee,«'Mr. Pertin aid. Heonald the region must1 ha prepared le accepi Ue1 renponiiity 10 acqire Ue adjacent propetties ai Us/sli/me. When Su//sngton Mayor ttoly Simd ased Mr. Perlin why Ue te- gionshad'l made Ue oller mn prchane lise lands /831 yer, the laler said Ue necesnary re- ports had'l heen cm- pleted estI Ue end ni 1978. ln respone, Mayo Bmtd anked, 'Doms hs mean Ue new concit han le conllrm tise pot concin sacilon?" He naid il wan hin opin- ion Uai Ue regions cane ai Ue OMS/is soi niresg. "t amne nleapprovat nf Sile F" ho aid. Sartinglen Coanittor Pat McLaughtin aid, "Il in ridicatoan we donst prenent the beni cane nesibe." He asked theihet it as coani'n inieni mmm mmse Ue hesr/sg. Mr. Johnon aid Ue region han 'a eah cane." Couc/tînt Planche, a /awy7e, aid Ue inleni n aimnys mn presnnstUe het cane ponible. Hoe sid Ue reglons nolicitor had bold coancil /00/ yesr Uai evoryUing necessary lot the heu/ing had hees dose.-Now i needo more renlti/ons -, Nt oly ln /1 enta/rtol onenil bt, Conillet P/anche said couese/ots ate getisg 'mucised abou." Denpte Ue crtm/csms level/ed ai Mr. Pet/mns reommendati/ns, ait of theen are apptovod alUseugis omendesenis mrt app/ied. W/Us regard in tise appronol /0 mahe appli- cta/on tn puchase Miss Sm/Ahs pteperits, coantil vo/ed l"- in aret- corded vo/e in lavor. Voing n tavot mas regiosal chaitenan Jacks Rat//s. Mr. Bal/ms' action dtem tris/c/sm ltom coant- il/ors McLaaghis and Manne/i. mise sa/d lise ciairmas cas on/y vte inattet. The Canadian Champion, Wed. Jan. 24, 1979n Solocitor's proposais draw council's fire Conroversy ooer the proposedsnvtiarv andI iog /Iedoooday, Jan. 17 Whle theOntino Municipal Board /0MB) hearing ai Haion Cen- tennial Manor in Mlion progressed lthroughlils second menis, regional counicilines in Iheîr chambers in Oahvlle de- hated a subjeci whnch han been heinreenuccessive nounicîls for years, Ha/ion son/ci/or Dennis Perlin brough in several renommeodalmons per- Region tackles waste Fotmisg a mtlid anle management commi/en an approvoli iy regios- ai coseI Wdnsday, Jas. 17. Mlion Cosciller Bil Johsmonas osenofthUsto peopenmmod. Halton fis vacancies on regional authorities Appois/mensntlevar-n iomsorgasizatiom moere0 approved iy Halles Coanit ai its meeting0 Wdssday, Jas. /7. Approvod le teprosons Mlton ai Ue Hallo e-Ho gions Coservaions AoAhoriiy are ceunici//ors1 Gord Krasto and St/an Pesman. Reprenening ation H/Bls att Cocillr Rs Mil/or and Garsel MtKeszme, a former coneier. Oahvile is tepresnsiol hy Coostitiers Ko/Us Srd. P.J. Far/oy andL Terty Masseil. Repr.oentatien on hoe- hal ot dut/ingios t//tlelt hy Cuse/t/et Joan( Allingisamn, tiies % Stuck anris and G. Logan.a Josephs Wi//mol/ asf apptoved MItons tepre-t son/ati/vonostlie Halles Rogios Land Div/is .Cimmtlêe. Ms. Pamela Shodos m//t topresnsiHalesn H/t/s and St/as Fletchser s Bringlns membet. Oakislue'n roptouosiatioe hasol ieen desigatd. Ha//on Hi//s Mayor Pete Pometoy and Contilot LA. Duhy tepresesiithetomn on lise Credil Valoey Consorv-r ion Auihrity. Concîillet Laumie Masseli as apptoved as Oakvile's tepresenaiitt Cosciller rad C/e- monts wIl rteun le MWl ionssmal ai lie Grand iter Cnservaimon Auhoriy Ko/Us MInlyre as namedt il l/Ilie open/sg Board. on lise Joseph Brant Mayor Pomerny mll Memorial HoupitaI Sourd repreneni Ballon H/lis on on bhaaîtofSurlinglon. lise Georgeown D/s/riet Ceuncit/or McLean Hospital Board mid Anderson mn Gakv//te's Jacks McGeaci ill// choico e t itI lise spot amt epreenl Milt/on at Use tise OaSvitIe Tratalgar M/ltien Dist/ici Houp/taI Momormal Hospital Bourd. Derry projeot gets go-ahead Approvallot terone- s/rutee/oso Detry Rd. het/mens Tmaine R/I and Gueph Lne as g/von the gtenn lîgisi iy Ue Hales Publit- Worhs Commiien ai is meeing Wedsmday, Jas. 10. Derry Rd., hichiss also designa/ed Rogienal Rd. No. 7, as pos/ed le ha mdened, alto/I and teconsirucied iast teat. Pesdisg regosal tour- cl aproa,mworiin eo- peleItu gel usdotmay lalet lbiss yar. Tht commien a/sn ap- prove/I reconstruction of Dot/ph LUne, rosie Rd., Moon/ainnîew Bd. an/I Winson Churciml Svd. Woeh0o 0ue/pis Lino (Regonal R/I No. 1)/n nolves dîtis te/m/a/mon notmh o Co//msg Rd. n Sut/mogion. Gradetspaatonmo n- tu/st/I on StontRd. tRegional Rd. No. 2/. Mountamnvmem Rd. Rogienal Rd. No 13) tons rom Rivet Dr /0 John Si., Geortgetomn. Tht propose/I otisai- iracted tonceen Item a teprosen/alino lot 2583/0 Ontrio Ld, a teai s/a/o compont -ase/ in Georgetomn. The mompony omno pteperiy ai 171 Mous- tiniem Dr. an/I as conuetned about semons, aermaim as/Idrive- mayostances. Ceancitters Trrty Mamoîll et Oakvile and Waler Mothemicis et Sut/sngtonnete atmo delegaied. BSndm lise ten reginsal tcdelets, Ue commi/m m/Icinlde imo tegional pabiei mrks employets, a reg- innal passer .nd a te- prenontatimt Item tacis et Halons fou corn- mes/t/en. Tise comm/O/en han tise powertuIota/Icnmultanss mieslise need arises. Tise trens nI teferesce aret /0 tecemmesil 10 ceuscil lot ils cons/dot- ai/on an updatod plan o action mmh respect le tise imptemostalion et te- ourcetrecovory in Hal- les. Sucis a p/an s s l covet a/I relevant as- pects ncuding tpr, iecissology, sm/oenerc i/os, cmlt, isascîng, pro- v/nc/aI tOsding it asy, pt/vase estrit/e /n- vo/voments tf ast, and iransfer tac/Ii/es." Tise comm/iten had heen projec/ed le have hees caled mise tenource teroveryty sawas easg- ed in molid anie mas- agement. Milles Mayor Don Gonr- don, wmiseondotsed lise commi/ten, mmd ho mas sirongit- n laver nf hav- /ng pt/vtie nerprise in- Councillors jump at cutting red tape Rogonal Commil Gathda/e Tonhouse a/yod to/os o pro- Deve/opmeni. iiur on llowa/ istalla-io tThe tosi of sochi n- a Ha//on Hi//s stopeely t oaI/aimes shal ha omnot Wedoesday, Jan charged bath /0 tht 17,ownr bt hulie togmon Tht secîe s/tOhaeox-shah ouse is hasi etforts mnde/I/o a Me, Me/e mho /tu /oettthe tos/ bacS resdes ai170 R/ter Rd. n from the deve/oper oflise Georgtonm ' Gamiidale Tomnisose Countil agreed /0 /he Dene/opmenni belote region maing imme/I reeasing miai dettlop- at arrangements We men lot tegisira/mon o cuethteisîisg set- tonOrociion,tt the vies esposedto/theoto/d mo/ion said. hotamse moltht adacenti /.mtingto the landfi/l t/ýsai0kýit/toBoti- Bease ofa change in the Ontario Planning Act Dec. 15, 1978, Mr. Pet/to said he had fitl the region cold ash Milton and /hree proper/y onr neo//ooSitFpermison to huy land. Since ho expected the îinrs and thtoan /0 refuse, hesaid lie/hought the change ini the law coold mean settliog the malter helote the curtont OMB hearing. îhis isould avelime and ito//et- Mr, Per/toot ect- meodations e re oir ft t-i-t/tthe pansing dititiJot. t/t t//n aîd it thetrgi ou ti /t//id Mr. Pot'/îooadvct- ii would io itcting ilogo//y. Mr-îttulIto/I /51' L/t ht-t iot /, ft,'o t//mo t/te Sujmnne Cîo /'/ittamoeoded hi, protposatis ti avoid hiiitit/tîttî/ion at in iat M 't/t tin /eotd ai, ti-gaim nie Bei-/ttî e t//t-/o ancd i' t i-/.]tlg ih no/tel hecamse o the on/o on tetommîlte/ae/Irît ///t-OO/Ij-/s th, -,,n c /uO developments lise husi- bcause /heir toper//st motetigBoscit't t/t-/i nomsmon/I ias made in maslI/mt/I to lan/fill. Oetni/tho'peopet,, nost t/t't/t respeciiomasie man-He samd thetregmontrea/themuasDviî/i t//ta,/ttchow agement. nteded people uho mre Eston. tht lauset t /'///tt/ t/tit/t/et toper/once/ in thetepresentong /he Tte popr t-s-t,-t r t-'/ao He sodisemwasagainst ehiqsn of dling an-rtni lz Milei,,a avng regiosat tonsul- as/Id posig o oi n' ru ttecrP*iia"nSt ant sM.M.DilIon nI Ter-astos.rn NBhaig âm-I More Milton school kids as Halton's figures drop Mmost fhe vehools in r MionmIl ha p/thing uos nsmhrs olsudents nesi year white Ha/ion Board o Eductimosptojectionss show na decrease is ev nombers aiiendisg e/e-, mtntary andsecondatye stiosîs 0/mec/ne ot Educaimon Km Latendert nid stismle hoatdtustees Tisrsdayv ai Sat/ingion tise sîgnîli-c tanit ealore o lise pro- jec/mons n is e decîmne na enro/men/mwimeis emots pectd 10 ton/tinusmîtl lise et/y 1b8Bs, Tht tepotishoms ai drop onI68pop//s n lise e/emetary stiosîs n Halles moi Sepiember againsi encolmeni igotes leom tlis tartiotim sthool yeat. Ha/ions en- JOHN L. JOHNS-HILL M. D.F. R. C.P.(C) ANNOUNCES THE DPENING 0F THE PRACTICE 0F INTERNAL MEDICINE Consulta tion Bo Appomn tmen t On/y Ait 488 Incust Street, Burlinalan Phone 632-4552 THURSDAYS AT 69 Main Street, Milton Phone 878-8700 ANNUAL WINTER SALE Pianos. Organs Seidoon wiii you see such a great selection of the Worid's finest Pianos and Organs, ail at the best pices ever - sav/ngs of UP ta 30%. ENTIRE STOCK TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU MILTON MALI 55 ONTARIO STREET MILTON 878-8202 /OPPOSTETHEit BhAVAIoo Nt/t BURLINGTON 752 GUELPH LINS BURL/NGTON 632-5131 WOOOS/TE OOOLINGONOOMhL/) to/meni lorte t-m e stimm 28,573. its math i siory n lise hig mee a drop o/ jecied. Ties ot oopects 20646 seni la/I Fout othlie se enltay scismîs OuI expermeniE t-toast n s8mai ia/. Tise hîgis also expectd moto siodents Tht hoatd'oîp to/h /903. Tise as agoag dis migrtion, thn nuehas in kim and ppuation. Projections toit sthm/ l oI/omise suhooto do ma> i t - lted /0 ho teaivniste nomheoof pupini/ 00t-tOO ýPetto c .i: lise samne W Met- /2208t1'70 2/.,M i1 gis stisools (/79)and 1/00('i i,/W. i29 spo ik547 tC78t538 '79 boi/hoard and t-9? to/t tooht-î//og O 6 siodents 50 ('78)t 507 t'79 av/I 5/3 Oit"81)/tiei" ;eon t/tm- cpet-mi /0 tnt-tast i l esa n Mm/os ppi/ vomhoos oare tv/tag/i/ te an ite Campise//so/it 54 "78) 30 busieso dests n00/('79/ avd 62 1 81O M t-ent i thosl t-o Denyt-o481 (70/ 512tt o //,aitott /0t have and 529 /0/t1. Mrtint st Jt/nîto ustas iiso193 tC78t 227 1'79/ and 33i/i t/t'cal 0/ti, Roherti Badwin/647 nesdatio .1 projections t('78, 007 ('79) and 70/t /tt-tasv 1 taf l ooh S0/lifl tocis i/Oms Mil/on and Ditrittot ,r:1 ito/e/hoion. Hîgi Sthm/ ,atcot/i/vtin't' t/t-») /i t onpet/d pojections,o'/lsectantin t//att//t-t idergamtn t-tast l of /a tdonso nxt /0ýe. fa/I]/to ri50 t/ito/000//o/cetsi// shomw lise 147t-Bt-198t tise figueot e e n to/ ,wthe id iii ttnded eage es Up retonato t/-t ut- ont _,'aoav/I o t 'ipt-o ti ,5 t- t/i taitle/I i/, t- ;O Sp IIBRAKESi m % SAVINGS I * ON LABOUR I ONE: * WEEK * ONLYI: *MOTORMASTER BRAKE PARTS SFront Dsc Brakes Brake Shoes *2 Fent Wheels *ITMJ410!51~. 2 Rear vnolees 1 17 oustvm Botdtd - io I Parts& Labour GuaanedatorOsoe * RffliRf TIRE Uses/n * RSOCIRTE STORE 5 anesie . M. *MARKET ST. MILTON oeIli on À .EIDqh JUST SOUTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 25 Service878-8393 * % 4 OPEN MON.-SAT 9- THURS.-FRI 99 ,a-.. - - - --- - HONDA CIVIC 'WE'VE GOT 'EMI". 4 4SPEEDS 5 5SPEEDS *AUTOMA77CS "CAS STATION OPERA TORS RATE TO SEE Tiff HONDAS DRIVE 0DY" BAZ MOTORS LTD. Sha ae et 199 GulphsSt.,Geosrgetown i

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