Milton Thon and Now More 'about those barber shops By mel Rtobinson As o boy i cou remember g1oin 15 Usroe differoot baeber shops in toms. osa of Usem mas rsss by Alexander1 (Bandyt Dei. il mou located at t601 minIsiB. A 1 rememiser ilthUe building laad %hst mela sldlng os framse con- strsactn. Il wus palinte grsy, or Off1 white. A Use reglslaei eseser 0f Loti15t tram 16la in I Sandy had bis ows iaop and Uic locationst lae Usaut 0f It as Mor as Use alleywa biWe Use Pros- lb adh C haOmpion painting ofic tenant 0f bis. 'lace mers ssosy tisses sehes a barber sbapwas ot very bony. Cisaelle Anderaso recestly ressisdsd Me Of Bawdy's habit of slttisg at Use front door 0f lais alaep, eojoyisg Use fcoah air asd chattng wiUs p _Heob Oc ad close cropped mbits bae - pe nt, qui c- siedl losil, asd ho ousaily mors a mide hbamed bslack feait bat. 'Phare Usas no bitter rivalry betwees isarbers. A typisai cor bond of sports- mon tabisg off for ae alteron aithUe races mould iselude barber$ Bllly Anderson asd Saedy Duff. alosg wlUs jba Kennedy 0f Use Commercial Hotel asd Cisarbe Jarvis. Tise sisop mas la gond bands mise Baedy mas sot Usere. Por masy yearn bis assistant mas Ivan Gnhad, o elender bualt mas miUs a round focs, islak Uslscisg bale asd a qoiet, cmwrteaus masser. Biedys was a etical barber sisog. i hadibeaushill ore thsedays of ex- pansive plate gliswindoms. It mas old' faabioned, bat lldy. Thoro mas Use In- evltabie spittoon, 000 barber chairs, i selieve, asd a rom of plain cbairs aloog Use ose mail for maitiog contossers and Use occaciooal peon os droppsd in for a chat. Thero mas o great deal of pleasns toUs about berse races, othor :~sseta, and Use latont semc A halet or a boy mas a very simple matter in tse daye Tise barber sed isis clppc aeudUesds and sph ka ino lahUe lorsisesd Use haler mai eusmssot medUs Ust te scimsors. Foi as efl 1oo begas to notice diat hi th, eliprs os UsaI bacS clope, Use barber mýac espm-isg -a cheet sa issmp on Use iseads of rnocy of my frlecda. By slg a bond sleeoe i rost 0f the largor mieror sas dresser 1 fosri Usat il ton, bad ose 0f Usose bumpa Of Ssowledge" expoasd. From that timse1 berame a uitile more fussy about what mas beiog done with those clippers.t 1 maoted more haïr os that part Of my bead--a bairest more like tisat of grownups. gobsg te Use sisop of Franks Bescoby ai 148 Mfain St. He mas a frail mas wlth o difficult breathiog prohlem wbh I1 aassed was fromn asisUsoa. He mas a quilet mas, but pleasasO selUs yosgoo s. 00 eop was more modero Iolgsdlarge plate glass wiodows were in Use store front. 1 Usinkil i had tw0 barber chairs and i do sot te- member Mr. Bescohy baviog ansassist- ast. Iltwae oftso peaceful in his shop as ho solpped away ai my hair. There were oeoaliy fewer people in las sbop. As ho 1 orked, 1 amaed myself loohïng over the vaelos sclippers asd scissors st out os Use shelf for bis worb. lises Usero were Use batUles of baie tysics, in- isisding ose Usai 1 behieve mas called eDasaleroff. thaee more sbavisd mugo asd leaUsor ramor strops. Maoy mes shavedaetbasse, of course, s Uais mont hbysooldo Use sbaving issag, e stick of sbavlag soap, s shaviog 1 cuh, asd a rasor strap mers ini iovidesce. The sirop mas occasiosaily l.putto oUseruse whensa bey failld to live ,isp to bis parents' standards of ho- cibavior. R.sachlag for the strap asd tdaltih Ue bey fîrmly by Use arm, Use laUser procseded Os Use woodshed asd tIdealt ont wbatever ireoiment semsd t-appropriais 10 the occasion. 1. Cottlsg bale mont bave beos o tire- i-sonne job la Usosedoys. lisee more n0 1electrit clippers la ose Uses.fil mos g years later that the firot rumberoomo d machinssmers iotrodoced. Cottisg bair inby Use houe miUs boand clipperso mosi bf ave tsf t barbers with their hasdr and e arma tired.Cutomor ho rassois for la shaveomoers fairly osmersas, and must bave provided some relief from Use letodios sclippiof of bair. ,d The houes os Satorday more very io losg. Shope more ssoully open for i businesby andUseymsere ept as open for toto Use evosing. More Usas Drose-Usird of Use buns for the meeb )y was done on tbat dy. The big rush did se ot start ontil the ofternoos mben planisowers Useasgb iUs Usie moeb for Ue meb 5 y ihe tisse the brbees coed Obeshops os Satuedoy igt Ueir legs and armo mss.t hase bec veey tieed indeed Between the WiIows Quite some padre By Don Byes door, acd always dîd s wîU s hearty Our inimeetng ithRev.Steart lasgh. Eat ued s eth m iUs z5.Sarr i- We, in trs, spot maoy boues o is Easocclrrd oderraUer isare 5e-home, is cbrch, oki g lasariet tOSlsaaOam. of groupe. Acd me remember mitis At Ue âmseIRhea and I ers on oue pide, sacding hfore this giant of s Seec--is a deep lreooh-tayisg ma, as he oiigty and getty weepng Odles around Ue bas ol ur christssd esrb of ose childree. home on Meodombank Rond. Etobi' Througb or friendoip, etesreof colk. Ws ers orinfi by Usee000- is esly doys an a yosfpastor in Ue fadling glose f o dyisg flssbight. deedf 0f, despairicg dot-bomi oc the Ssaldealy, oue troncs becasse Prairies of the desparate 30Oc dlamlsated hy a stroog ham from Feom oUer sources, e heard of is aisove. "Hit I'ssStewart East, lsisgton explots as s padre in Ue Canadias icd Cisforch," a pat voire boomed Army in Wortd War i, binging seat doefo ht asesssd e hUe camiornsolengUs br could 10 Ue ho- clouda, "Are Y.s Don and Rhea eagooreil front-ise troopos masy Byso*"' battes. Ho ecass owomo10the mes We agreed e ers and ssggoted ho as the "Marcisg Padre". He could had fond on la a roUse appropriate oulmlk asy of Uem and thoy ioved hlm position. for tl Ho slayed and cbattsd, holding is For yers aller Uemoar Steart East, isetUy flashigiso. eniusllo 510 " in full niform, peoudly warisg is shat me ers dolng. medals, presidsd oser Ue Novssshor Ltee on, iside ase patlally-finisbed ,thU services aithUe ronotopb, hfore iose, over cofise, e g0000 good look at nid CtHall in Toronto. oSr visitor fross Use nght. A spcialB'm of Remnembrasrs" He waca toit (6'7"i), powerfuf-looicg for is churcis, hcasse an imsportant macnselUs a klsd but dtermissd face. project for this aimayB'on-Use'go padre. We isarosd he had comseto asb me t Adis s oored wsen he asked me take one a yoSsg boy9'S OYchool t peAndîamos ho ke hc ol Clous. ApparentiY, UeY morelittie bel' 10 Pd roPre a se srvceOwe lism who, arcordiog in Stewart, e- the hsaalifuf book as onsedled. Ose qslred a stronger lasd os Ue hels. paderes dreass as fulfled. Of course, i ogreed. Il maS maso diffi- Afer retirlag [rom the pulpit, cuit 10 sy no to Stewart East. AIS. i Steart soccmssfutly eslerod local poli' tosgit Uat clou for foue ysae-whicb tics, sher, 10 the best of ssY oom- ls asoUer colsmn, asothr ime. 1edg,= otnes 10 serve Ue people As e years passd, Ue padre speni o o.i0 el oves. masy houes ai ase basse. Os maid tome ind of padreontoe klad of ave in Stoop 10 ge ObogSR*the front mas. Ryckman Sheridan chairman Adrey Rycbmanof chairman of the board. Master Unersitv. She is Burlington as intimons- They rs re-eierted for uctiveiy issotord in y e-leted chairman Of one year tersB. sari oas ommas ity the Sheridan Collego Mrs. Rycisman as ap- organisa ossin Board f Govrorrs aits pointe ta tie Sord ol Osriigton inaugural meting Wsd- Goversors in 197s hy the snday. prosincial Cosseil of M. Farrow as oins George Farres of OaS- Regens. A moeitiailoch- oppointed 10 Ue hourd sn ville as also osoni- nciac hy pofessios. she 175 hY the Conit of mcii yre+Alctod vice- la a graduate of Mc- Regons. Tho Canadian Champiosi Wed.Jan.24,1979 C7 No Mmistake About lt... Zellers Has January 25 until Saturday, January 27 Blig Buys for Baby W. reserve the right to limit quantities IR __C?___l . 1_____________ Save3 '~~ 89m77 Colonial Crib aides, saaîety*spacê pndles asd tlurneit poils, leotbing rails sand eaBy-rotl whgels. Meets ail gommnseey standards. Choose whte lsthl gold coloar accents, or mainuit. "ABC" Safety "ABC" Mattroes Bumper Pad Zliarssexclusiveapaliers ! malrt is lst andardocis he atcs ay iylcvri 21.77,.. AB" r8t.8.77.. 2,.97A. 3.97.. Terry leeper Deluxe Toerry Sieeper Csy sisapes eih sonrsriihm on salis, Haoyoeigbi sretch eoiosed ery. Lok; fronti siipa. Paiilesglb zippos. Doms asieslsgs. Zetiarse Boseolvg IColoninlYon Pink, yelow or bise. Baby" baed. Coiioninylos. Whie, pink, S.M.L.maizea .M.L OL. "Big BigBuy" Disposable Diapers Newbiors Daytlmo $01. 6DB 3a77 4m77 Toddler Es Absorbeni 489 4:1. 4u77 4m77 Zellers own bronit ai soit, ab-' sonisent disposabis disparut wth slip-dry barriet, waerproof bacling, satoty labs. No pins or plastie parts nesteit. 2@47A. Mattres-covOr 27" s 54" o 7". Flisal standard cola malisasses. ElaniaOlyt. k c' a 1.47, UtIIty Pad Vashabs pslsl olsyl suS quilt bars. poipesser lîbesîll. 18n-x 27" 24.77 44,77r.. EA. aîABCcs Bath Folding Dresslng High Chair Table 13Y Dose'13 -oe"Thc Foumpadded lomm pedded v055 sea and baok.C ri AC Adiusa I.blsoolpItsltysr ras andLoso lrg somosvablu ufay. spase. Visyl 5cr te ..AC" pattern. SSave $7 "Umbroller"* 35.77 Stroller"AC LightwieghtMeuh 685Y soragePlaypen asndcs vig. Lageand aiy bct, tlobaspasPh- trame poobl i ss *e'd T.,. n 19.77EA "Super Coupe" Walker Dle amp@round11ay, padded seat. Adjusts to cslnd weight. Foid fliai for stosage. By Baby lyse lm97E. Knitted Baby Tops Shor ameeotschois derdomesaeiig. Polte 1 ottn ssorted sldo oeinadlsfpes. 21 n 24esonthoý 3.97PI Infants' Corduroy Pants Shouiders shape donne lastenings o saisi and legs. 100% 00150e lRed, easy or biown12, 18and 24 mOyhs. 1.47 ES Diba Overal Ooieepint cottonterry front. vlsyl bsos. Whi itt t',. 2PACK1.47 Inante' Pastic Hangars %Flnà leanhga. peciai Magis 0505". Selo, bise. plisk. 3-Pock Bilas toraas plile "nt iia Lunh, Dileset or, white cotolorry Pasieobsoli 311.47 Waterproof Pents Vlsyl pente guuraasad loir10 saSings Whte. &qusa.t ML. 1.47Es I Food Warmor I Stu dplati.Whiebas -tx "Platex' Nurses' KIt Inoludes: t holdeos. capsaid nipplat, I relainel rieg. ss dîs.posabie botiaz. "SilamOis" Olsposable *sils 100 par box. 1.67 boxc,_ BOC&Ug of loo'.sce lmitatons, s o .a Ites aedgg los osisaîs sisoson iis page a my soi beaaaliablin @ il storsS. B case o cmaZELLERS MILTON MAL I Tiadalaetha seies ur55 IlETA III STREET SOUJTHI c 'e 1t Naw'card. Opn M y t R.y9te 9-30 eSatudy 90te O e178 a wuLý5rv -t ' --t- ,-T- a 1