Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1979, C, p. 4

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C4 TOe Cunadiun Champion, Wsd. Jan. 24, 1979 Halton 4-H leaders plan year's projeets By Mark J.Leabo b oftered li o Yogt Evetyn Glltes af potpe, illa o10 yrars of Milon as re-elected s 000 as ut Joln. 1, tOtO.- preident af the Hall n 4 Acton 4-H Clt Clubh. H Agriculture] Club Itlton 4-H Beef Calf Leades' Ciamil ai the Club, Hallon 4-H Juniorj nomial meeting etd (an Dary Clt Club, Halton Satunday, Jan. 13 ai the 4-H Senior Dairy Cali Agrculturat office, Mi- Cab-, Haltan 4-H Field tnn. Eigt leadero mre Crop Club Hllon 4-H preunnt. Conservation Caub, Firt vice-preideul is Haton 4-H Lvestoek Boh Lasby, Bockmond Judging Club, Hattn 4-H and second vice-pro- Horse Cub, Halton 4-H ident is Ken McNahO, Maplo Syrop Cab, Georgetown, ih the Haton 4-H Sbeep Club, Secretary-Treauurer e- Haton 4-H Tractor Club, maiing the O.M.A.F. of- and a Haton 4-H Sine fice. Club. The representalive 10 Att 4-H clubm itI 0e the Haton Farin Safety orgaaizod dring the Concil thiu year o ODoug sool break in Marrh Nemhinuey, Milton. Five 4-H mnem0ers and 71e folowmng clubs witI o chaperoue mdl 0e travelling 10 ufloîlaî Coonty, Wsonsntaib somme as prt ut a 4H enchange progrm. A 4-H day wMIh betd ai Brote Creet Pro- cial Parts in Jane. This wil ho a compulnoiY meeting for al 4-H memhero. StelcoInternutional areter, Haiuilton speefatar and Dundurn CotlIe mre suggestons for the Halton 4-H bus trip. Each 4-H club iSl decide on a pecial pro- jecu for ila membero. Cecit Polteeson gave on informative report on his esperieucm oas dir- ector t10the taltou Poron Safety Concdl in toto. P/o wmen re-elect D. May president By Henry J. Stanley secreary-treasurer ith Beyai Doîght May of Hornby George Sann. 50 Court BmeC as retUroed as pr- S. N., Milton asststing. Wilî sident o!f the Haton Allan Harris, Miton o foere Plowmens Asocation the Farm Safty Repre- andJ for another yeac ait the sentatve for Halton. Lai annuat moeting on Jan. O.P.A. Dirctor is Wilsc 10 at the Agricaturat Oiglt May and Haton Halte Office, Miton, Murray Furrom Queeo for the coin Breokon o Bocbingtoo coooog year is Naocy nat moved p ta ho first vice- McKinnoo, Miltoo. Iis! presideot ith Bryao Dotgates lected te Thi Marubal, Miton otoctod te annoaa meetng o tho PIew ao second vc-prsidot O.P.A.- Feh. 19 aod 20 on schle and Jack Taylor Torono, are J. C.Cuno Oct Bringlon romnaio ug ao oiugham, Georgetown; Nas Erosion, pollul' ByuHenry . Staley ut havy metats 10 our trot0 On Wedosday, Jan. 10,ater ystom The mat Haltoo Soit and Crop speaker stroogly man Improveront Asscia- ggesed bfferstrips of ies Hilîcrot United Ctorch croppiug or platng man for their aunuat meeting. grain aod corn ocrosthe Is lupei bauds, aller- 510t Guet speaker r. atog tet tmh sod. Ho Hal Mrray Johnson, Chair- aso suggeted farmors per mou of the Canadiao sec- should ho composatrd geli ton of PLUARG, dis- for icrring the extra cent cuaod the co-operalioa cool of roduciug phos- acr hetweeu Canada and the phomo ta aur streams. 197 United States io atlomp- tad ting 10 redace polutioa of George Gardhouse of inu the Great Lokes Ho Caledon East, pool pro- lu statee 2400 more saidet o 1he OGaos Sol pay tonnes per year exela ed Crop lmprovement iet phshrsi en e- uuAiocatonu, suggested il poie npO the reag oer meous o cotrol- Lobes. Clone t0 on-haîf liog phophorus ta oftis comeslfront agrî stroams fromt a larmers culural tond manly s a peloivt o wuoug crop resait o eroso of asoit rotations te gel more partiles inothe ater grass and forages au bills ysem .ta cul domo erotion, improvrd haudliog of Heavy ioduslriallned aure la koopit ftram arens cou have maay aolîîug tto streamo, tîmes more phosphrus u0100 the capital gral rua oft lhaa agrîcllural. program avalabte 10 Tbey alsa îotrihoto a lot tarmers for eronîaa cou- Wood off lbrary seat Milîons oaug Wood possible for me ta h- Ionderod is resigoalîsu camte îavotved la the ram 1he lrary oard tla xetuthIalone ihould Halons Bord of Educo owhea accoptiug such a lion. postin,"' oto Wood. Ils regrettable, The ltoIer, dated Mlton Wrd I and 3 Deember7, as ar ep- tuser Ivaa Armstrang td durung Ttursdayss ad, Ay jobhhc Wood) educatiou board mering doeso ho dos etl, ot Brtugoa "lnt ua emarkod thotruser. B-80 ced.Tacbue 4" SnonTheoume forali seasons COMPLETE WITH 42" 86401 THROWER INCLUDED Gie our family adr noctrtts m u eten DlZ4 $MW/ aud 8 aul eets Osea Hom B -0.Y.,uuae faiesuu oose, Te8OHP AA.L cason emmOne somboOu s ATr',< nOS n sp-moud e oEXTRA COlTr chlegf 000oe-acre 0U30 U9OMLOM6RS uLAWMEgg!A HIGH SELLING CHIANINA ut Conadion Western Agrbition, Regina, Sask., wou o full blood bull consigned by Abrfel1yFOrInS of Milon. The animal sold to Vlilant Farmu, GrosVlley, Califurnia and Lauxmont Forma, Wrightsville, Pa., for $7000- Left to right are John Coîble of Voliant Forma, Ernle Martinez of rray Lauxmont Farms, and Doug Guardhoose of Aberfeldy, Milton. th ai- eoSuperior Hosteins recognized TOM Two puiehred Hostein for ber 305 and M05 day Jazz ai non. 0o nad meent roostan1te brd o Buru- recordus.uI305 dayu u0e elght monnt.prodac, teom vtem Farms, Miton, produced 1,314 kg mlIt, inu305dayu an Iice a day Inter- reretved bonoro from the 466 fat and teted 378 per mitking, 8,760 kg milk, Mach Hasteis-FriesiOi Asoc cent btterfat, for a BCA 320 fat, teting 371 per laton of Canada ibis ut 239-247. lu 165 days she cent, o BCA oI 240-243. laton moth, for outtouding yildod 14,159 mit, 535 00e compteted 0er toc- os production recorda. fat, teting 3.78 per cent. 10h00n in 360 dayn 10 yietd ardoy, Att Vi0W Herdonaster 50e is casited a Good 9880-362011367 per rosI. Mlton Evetyn rereyod a super-Pus com 0he is oins a ood PIns or producton certificale Coos Rdge Rl Mapte for type. topics ait Soul, Crop Ïg att Thts mas due 10 tbe very aarded as folousl surer, Henry Stanley, prove dry Jaoe and J.luy. Mr. Grain Corn, irst Art G.M.A.F., Miton; Sfety facît- Ediger saaed thal 100 Lamson, 00i110f 114 CSutcil rep, Peter otra iurbos o rom oin bu., acre>; second Lamhricb, Copholl- ;enerat July woutd have sved Harvey Nurse, George- ville; O.S.C..A. Dote- Crop the Crop lasurooce Com- ton (113 bu./ acre>. gai, Dou Sberwood, ttario, mission at tast Spriug Gra, irsl Mur- Miton; Aternale, Nores ent of 6000,000 Despito tbe ray Harris, Milton ý2746 Biggr; and ogle, 17 poor yetds lu 10io prt o poudu acre>; second W.C.R.S.C..A. deteg spetag the province and prts of Kei10 Aithen, Aclon (2592 aIes, John Nurse, 33 per Eastern Ontario, tbe peands/ acre);- Corn Georgetomn and Art 7 beot Commision 01111 bas Sitage, firul Jim Reid, Lamuon. ,ed. la $3,000,000 surplas or the Georgetomn. Directors are Keitb 3durors year. Oticees and dirertoro Atken, John Breekon, )r crop Pol Fisb, Soilo and for 190 mre etected os Ted Bromn, Murray re Crop Cropo Spciaisl, pre o- toIts:O Dawson, Doag Gard- mission sested 1e annuat samn- Prosîdent. Norm hbouse, Denuls MCure, i 1rer mary ot projets. Prize Biggor, abvitto, vice- Bob Merry, John OReid, ney s mouey for the Higlu Yietd presidant, Art Lamuon, Ed aegsourt0 asd Earl HItlon. Campelittoflu mre Miton;oseceetar7i-irea- wdln. Mur Sper with Brec nd 1 epre ýor tA le Ir Mi Ha ch atur l M 1 ' %cir imr ng 1 , gei he OnI et ýreaj ie a ýnd 3 ter ý jUr£4 prod for the mm e to M Il r H ana Marshall; M thkon, and Si -n, Nrval wi ies John B John Heid. rry Hord anc on are 10 lOI Iton inthe junior petitoataIthe ioat Ptomîng oîug Mtet iedulod for Soli L27 ln north asgomeyot. tion t procticeSter lermays and t .uue haudîtrl> Henry Ediger,1 nager of lbe arauce o - ted Ibat 40 pei Itono corn arr -r ce01 oth1e iln creoge au( îl ofthemwintei :reage is ss >0t Haltou pi, id 57 dlaims ti urouco ith tI Lsuronce Con iying ot ctose1 ues s mchor received for I Now Only *07CM ~Nme 0400*02u95 Goaîalualkv - ou,0 nusiuuu mau fflPoua o uoum DOOR CHIMES COIEETOPT 10000 n soOd ModSURFAM SA MER ~~~~b to25% OUFFtdPnt# "n il-3 SU :RILS UMBWD OOS TaCM ACE A ENCLSR ,oms and ohet mje .rei k h.Wes. Aumelth t m 0001 - el - 7m Mo"e I A w.- or -u-.- MOf Cure% SoF Reguan Price $42906 No $349.95 Reg.50al rc 25 O 0FSae White Stock Los 13 STEP LADDERS Alaminum 14 PRERINISHED 4fi. -Hosehtd Modal- Reg. NPe $ 1605CUPBOARD 00095 CLEARANCE AT *13.30 UiOttcabinet mureidua lmai fý 80 08, r«eS m CLEARANCE AT $10.96 1- 10 Y, slOn -nReg. $695 ea0 NrOe 4-4.95 en Ols-it, faop.enModeli Osu Pu.51396 ie9 a CLAANCE AT 1095 22 Ol'h'u-Ouu 00m5ch oaono-85' 16 SEH5 ATR 16 SELECTED 6FT. S sePHeRD CSTERS ORNAMENTAL MOULDINGS WoodI onmts.ouealu>fo, UC2 01 sFI frie , ds,lieu OFF REG. AL STaOCK RED /OoFP a covlivu g25%/ RI 17 i x 4 CEIUNG PANELS 18HOME-SPA SAUNA HATERS finish SA VE And Acceusoont e ff OeootrPmiO$5,ous 25% *$4 5 Atu stock Redacud Tu Clear At £N0flOFF CLEARANCEPOICE 19 ALUMINUM STORM DOM9 - SAVE M% te 0% 2000 vEndueo Modal - Aumnum FoithRe.0649.95 CLEARANCE *29.96 5 OrlyOneOits 0.Modal -White8Finish Re.411o.95 CLEARANCE 800,95 20e onf OeLite Modal BomntFnish Relg. si10.95 CLEARANCE 89MM9 13 0.dv Ariubset Modal -Atomnu iniFshlR-e. $7560 CLEARANCE @W.95 6000 yAmoeied Doon - S011460 Osmge ONE 1000 PRICE '5.00 Bach 1 HI9 IS JUS TA SA MPLE 0 U TS TAAIDING VA LUES. COME ONIN A NDSEE MANV, MANY MORE' - C" debuMM difcenb NOM CaSth, bUilding conoultentî,gthe kn@WI*dgembIO staff 70MmaiSt E. STORE HOURS MILTON, ONT.i 9&RVU 8881711 S-ý 8 jusT EA8T 0FTHE MILTON MALL ,.CHAS 8 COPELAND L70 OPTIMIST CLUB 0F MILTON INC. C"ELEBRITY ROAST/STAG TO HONOUR ITHE ENTERTAINER" EDDIE SHACK Master of Ceremon les: Peter Maher "The Voice of The Leafsîî - CKO-FM I«>ST1~S~ u.!NLLDE KING CLANCY DAVE "TIGER" WILLIAMS PAUL "RIMMER' RIMSTEAD e BOB WATSON (Eddie's Lawyer) e BRUCE HOOD e LEON STICKLE $1000.00 in Cash Prizes to be drawin OPTIMÎSI VOUTU CENTRE 311 Commercial Street, Milton, Ontario Friday, February 2nd, 1979 Cocktails 6:30 Dinner 7:30 p.m. Proc.eds ta Optimnist Club Building Fund $25.00 per person For Tickets Phono: 878-8411 h 1, y rl 1 à 7 oniv in stmk Asýned Pattem 1 and Colmm 1 l i

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