Cross-countiy safari .Lions,, tigers greet skiers The Canadien Champion, Wed. Jan. 24, 1979 O By Ry DOuaI squirrels asd blue jays coutry ski operations andi Game Farm, skiers Cross-country skie-s atone tise traits ut ose of this winter. are more apt to rue are seeing more tian the ameas newet cross- At Arican Lion Safari acrons a lion, tîger. or heetah. its perecty safe, say Safari officiais. The ai- mas aresn tise other ide of tise fenre rom the eigist mies et groamed ski traits surrniinding tise ni Safarissis animaiens- '5- ~ ------.cosures. And the skiisg hla no charge. on Daiiey, manager of thegame tarm on Higisway 8 near tinekion, saiti he wanted to do aomethiing ta improve witer attentiance ai Saari-and so ie investi- gated merging tiesoai- mai operation wmus somne type o otdoor inier ~recreatios activits. Cross-coantry skiing wasithe ansmerdue te its carrent popatarity Mr. Daiiiey hisied experts to dmsign ihree traits, rang- ing from an easy iegin- -ner trailt tiroagh an in- -- termediate evet course. up to an epert trait toc tise skier mise ants somthisg more diticut or ciatenging Tise easy trait is trne and a hait istomeires, tise longer eorse runs iiiism anc nîîîaofithe afari, animais ramn the traits, bust iinoculan are ad- vised and caneras are more tisun ecome. Ait tise Nortis Americas uni- mais roam outdoors tiaity and thep are joined hy lions, igers and cheetaiso miicis hase adapird mii to Casadian inier conditions. "t's qite a thicit, ta ski 10 fret away rom an nsk or a moose," said Mr. Dlailey. Siiîîf n fre-therei.s uisoitety noitcharge toc sing the traits. An eqipmcnt reniai cnnes- siooopercutd ha Mltonî Sprts and Camhridge Sports offeres 150 pairn ni skis, and a comple package shîs. poes. indng s andi bonis cossi Instruction sessions may ha oterced hter, de pendiag an dîiîand. Pîrnir talsrs are paceti atoo 1he trails and tise cafeteria lea- lares siers' loocieon, hoti mlîrd aine ho ';iiuiiîciieiiaiiniîeiiiA.d a Trading fPst is open lac skesmwaelnglt am theirfoes. Ponds ai Safari-land are f roens soid and frcee shafing is an uddrd ionus. But yoo may hune ta skate arosnd a feîendly sesaiorimwo-hey roamn fceeiy absout the groonds. Dring lise inier monlhs, siers are met- conmeekendo and holi- day ony, 9a.m. tu4.30 pm. Ater Muraisi tise Safari ns open daîty 12 0000 lo 4.30 p. m. pus 9la a.30 erhends und ioli- days. Ater siing. nana viilors drive thi crs lirogis tise animal park. ohop tiseSafari bisnfoc a gideti tour. Admisnno i the animai turm iv $3 toc adots, $1.50 torc cildren ad youihs aged 3 tot17 SaUi-iland is on Hîgh- a'ay 8O morts of Hmy. 5 andtisoth ot Hmy. 401) bteeco Hamilton and Cambridge YOU CAN 'TALK TO THE ANIMALS" white you ski cross-country ai African Lion Safari and Game Farm this winter. Some of the traits go right pasi the animal on- closures. The Carr family from Cam- bridge-Gordon, wife Judy, daughter Joanne and son Andrew-stopped along the trait to admire the eik in the North American compound on a recent Sunday afternoon outing. The Safari charges admission if you drive through in yottr car, but the nkiing is free along 8 km of groomed traits. (Champion photos by Roy Downa) THE SKI SHOP at African Lion Safari and Game Farm offers 150 sets of equipment (boots, poins and skia rent for a modeat $6 per set) in tie introductory season of cross-country skiing ai the popular touriat attraction. Manager Steve t)ahner helps heginners Jacquie Dayman of Troy and Loanda Kindt of Branchton to get fitted up properly. Skiing is free, the oniy cost is the ski rentai. WHERE ELSE can you enjoy a winter picnic and chat with nearby elk and other wid animais, but at African Lion Safari and Game Farmn, Hihway 8, Rockton? Janice Fox took a reat whiie cross-country skiing there on thse weekend, to make frienda with a friendly herd of elk. The new ski trails at Safari-and run past severai of thse wild animal compounda. -Taday, Jan. 24.ts Hato, a gondi day to quit Counicit on Smoking is Weedless Wednesday in smoking. The Haton sponsor o the occasion. LIVING WITH ARTHRITIS A PROGRAM FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY The Arthrits Society issponsoring a series of meetings- LIVING WITH ARTHRITIS' These meetings are open ta anyone - especially patients and tien amilies lapics discussed wiii range ram the medicat aspects ot arthirts ta diet and gaackery The meetings MIt 5e hetd an tfour coasecutive Wednesdays (Jan 31t Feis 7, Fnb14 and Fnb 21 1 ai the Casa Lama Campus of George Brown Coleoe The meeiis witiroatrarm 7 30Opm to 930Opmi There iva reistratin tee of $5 whctî coers ati tout meetings To regîster or toi utr info trmation. cati The Attritis Society ai 967 CO-OP ~LINED GREEN *1 9 SWORK PANTS I' LINED) GREEN WINTER CAPS$27 son il ANKLE SNUG ASATY RUBBER BOOTS*19 878-2391 U 28 Broute St.. Mltu There's a jumbo of a bargain for everyone at Square One's Jumbo Sidewalk Sale. (This Wednesday thru' Saturday only) Ail our stores ai Square One have goile ouf of their way to make this the biggsts. mosi value-pticked Jumbo Sîdewalk Sale ever. Youll fînd more firsi class bargains than ever hefore and a wider range of merchandise at pariicipating stores. So couni on gel ting a Jumbo-size deal or several. But try flot to forget. the sooner you gel here. the less chance youIl miss oui. Square One the change of pace place. 1