Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1979, B, p. 1

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SPORTS SECOND SECTION WEDNESDAV, JANUARY 24, 1979SPRSADCA IFES sport WITH PETER McCUSKER Champion Sports Editor Its a horse of a different e way thse Milton Jr. "B" Flyera are playing at thia Liane of the year. Flyera have always been known asaa late season teamn and once again they are proving the axiorn true. Climbing from thse cellar ia no joyrade and t takeaagroup of hungry, talented in- divduala and team workc to make thse grueliing rnarch. A few weeks back Flyers paaaed Dixie Beehives and Barrie Colts to secure te final playoff spot. They liad to fight to stay a few pointa ahead. Now, after the tigitest scheduled week with games againat Streetaville Derbys, Burlington Cougara, Thorniill and Oak Ridges, Ue top teama tan Use leugue, Flyera pulled off two wina and 1a tie-oxactly what coach Doug Vaughan had predicted in The Champion. There are five gamea remainang in Use regulation season and Vaughan is predicting Flyera will take another see onta if Uey continue to ptay leteyhave. They are preaentlyin aeventh place, two pointa over Thor- nhill. Vaughan told me hie is impreaaed wiUs the teum aus a ohole and aaid Ueir attitude is a complete reverse of what waa going on in Ue early season. The dressing roomn and benches are alive and players are backing one another up. 0f course the Rod Gooding, Dave Dirner andi Paffl MePann inei-he- powerhouae of Use local juniors. Gooding and Turner have been togeUser f ive years. As a meaeuring stick of how Use Flyera have corne together and im- proved, lets look t Ueir record wiUs Burlington. In four meetings Flyers have been thumped by 9-S and 9-2 scorea, but on Friday Uey came away with a 4-4 draw. Gooding had three assiste on Paul McCanna hbat trick and Dave "Bucky" Harnden netted Ue other with Joe Todd and Marty Venner helping. Turner and Todd Sheppard also aasisted McCann. Ail Multons goulusoere scored ohile the tourna were laying ix a side. Burlington notched two of Ueir four on powerpluys. If Flyern hud stayed out of the penalty box, lthough thut is im- pible for uny Jr. team, they could hav.,e taken a 4-2 win from the Cougara. Flyers are lso playing a smnart gaime in cutting down Ueir penalty minutes. In Ue lat four Uird perioda played, Flyers have taken seven minor penaltiea and have scored seven goals. This is intereting when y ou compare the 12 firat period penalties and four goala over the four garnea. While coming down the final tetch, Vaughan hopea hia boys cao retain their momentuan. Flyera hoat Acton Sabres Friduy for their only action tlis week. The Sabrea have had a win and a draw in their lat two outinga but have reully nothing to gain in Ueir atrugle. Coach Vughan holda a greut respet for his crewmen and the resulta show they have the saine admiration for Uhs man t Ue helm. Jumping into a pool of sharks would have been nasier than turning round oarly anason lbases. But Vaughan took the cellar dwellera and drove themn into the playoffa. A tip of the hat for a highly credible per- formance. On the other side of Use bourda,1 Miltons Intermediate "B" Tridents1 took another hut end in the nar lat Wednendoy evening, this time fromn their own leugue. At a meeting in Port Dover, Ue northern division clubs were preaented the Royal Shft when the central and southern division reps decided Ue norUs would not obtan an automnatic two points for each acheduled game with the defunct Six Nations Redmen. Central division teama will be uwarded the free win but Use northern division cronsover clubs, Milton, New Hambuirg and Ayr Rockets who have still gamea scheduled ugainst Six Nations, will bc out in Ueir number of games played when the final stats are taken. But even more incredible is Uat Ue Inague wilI not allow Uese three northern teama to play mare up garnea wiUs any oUer cluba to mare things fir. What Uhsa meana is Paria '2era could take over first spot, on top of Miton, if Tridents lose Uree of their remalning five games, tise lce being shsfted o thdreustarta. AIMING FOR A CURLING TITLE, Ue rink of Ede Crydermnan captured Use District Seven Senior Ldes Tanard in Dixie, Hum r Highland, Oakville, Brampton, Miaisaugu and Chinguucouay. They travelled to Use prov- incial finals in Barrie uesay. They are, left to right, Ruby Childa vice, Grace fluncan -secondl, Mrne Childa Ieud and Ede Crydermuan, skip. Two wina, a draw FIyors kop winning in race to playoffs Looks ou, lisapre cons-f ing tisougis Miton jonior "B" Fy-F rn isockeycri ais son tisea more and climhing tiseF standings as tise seasn ind tooarcnse. d Sunaop.Fipers defeai- ed Oit Ridges Dynes 10-7s ai Miiton Memortolr Arana as Rod ooding 1 scoreel four goals and as- sisled on iiraa otres tfa set a iid tiird periosi1 pore miicit narked hiss ti tries and fine oai Fipars' goals. V Tie locale aIea mon- agad ta laite a point ron s tisa irt place Brlinglon Cogars Friday in Bar-t linglan wmus a 4-4 dram, On Wdamsday Fiparsr ieat Bramptnlan anr Cierys 8-6 int ieir w arasa, gating rid oi tise frustration ram tise 6-t Ions In Sareasrilla an tise Tuesday. im as a mugis maris ist tisa locale cama tirougit1 ih fying camers giringi tans ira points andi savants place inlise Cee- rai Jr. 'B' standings. Dais Ridgms tonit a 3-2 lead ater tie opening1 priod ta MiltonSunday. Pal MeCana maritad tise apeniet home toma goali miithodiaf and Da i Turaer anisfing, butj Fîpers naedad mre ta break tise 3-i Oaks Ridgee lead. Trnrs goaliai .47 isapl fthealocala in dia ganse rons MeCanand Goodieg. Thie sateron lina irned tie tablies lter in tisa contat. GOndinge tfirt goal ofi hisanavn point nigisi rama 0.12 inIa diasecond poriad miithMCane and Tadd Sisppard laking dia assini ionons. Il mon Jins Court, tisa poongeler misa jnnpad ram dia White Oais Leagne, misa gara Fiendiae go aisoad goal ai 6.47 idi Mrty Veonrs islp. Oak Ridgen lapped la a lyieg and go aisad goal at6.19 and 5180ascaptain Con stan scorad Iice la marish isititict. Milon taak dieir sniy paerplay goal aI 2W an Corad oading ted McCann for iis second ai dia nigisl and eeed dia cannt a1 5-5. Il mas sortl iled as Osi M uaido a»padIn.l ftreal ine sagasla lter and clasesi ontthOe nsd- franse aisead h-o. Tise final period mas all Fiyers as Gooding seorad ai 19.13 IronsTorner and F. J.Millti Dais Ridgas orre deteensiard in stay tn front and setled thiar sesents sots f500 ce- nsaineg uisiîa tir tant effort. Dondingu isat tricis mas conspleted ai 14.31 irons Turner and Siseppard. Court scoeed misai mas use oinning goal ai 7.51 mush Jon Todd and Mite Tisampuos grabishng as- etîts. Millet and Turner cons isined la itelp Gocding sattle isefourth wiis3.06 cansaining and tise tisai monter for Milton mas poltedmwiiis42 seconds o play as Marty Vanner ticed isnme a pass frons Court and Millet. Tisa Barlingias Cou- gars mare isaid lu a i-0 iaad entisa opesingftranse in Burliagios Friday nigisi comng onfthetsastickt of seorînf ace Misa Care. C are cantîned is poca satiîg sp tinansata Mark Lîttos 7.24 nitisah second period as a pooarpfay and wîis 3.0f ensatning, Cougars tools a 3- iaad on Rais McCos- oels goal. Fipere gai harkit niatde game onmwo quicisgoals front tise isada of shair ssooter McCans. Dooding aesisiad on btd minis Turner and Sisap- pard also getng assisis. Cogars tuois fisc eati 4-2,6.07 into tise fnal transe bst Goodîng agaîs ted MeCans for 'lyres' thîrti10 seconds tatre. ca eleaseti hNimJn Cut rttns 'iiSand Venner wîtis9027 teIt 10 pay itod Sachs iad tît tur away 42Burltegton sots 10 Todd Pe'arson's 34 Tiscee pooerplas goals oece tise itys Flyers ssed to unlocriamtpton n- Wednesday as McCann and Court scoedin the opesirg transe.Ben Allen. Court. Turner and tJoodsg liadt ('iesys nanagrdon martereai 19 230 rom Mtke Brios. itlton stayed on top iy oui- orcting Bamptosdt2îi tise second peiod on goals Sp Aten rons Sheppacd. Gîodtsg anti Vennereront Court and Alias. MCana. Turner and Vnner cossted tiseer more in tie tiird for tise Tise 1812 Otorriare heard in tise second per- ind in Sreetsoîleowasthse Fiyars last as thay feit 6-i là tise pomerfot Streets- îville Derbsys. McCans scored aînd iJooding assistinistise ooe iMiton goal. .Tise Derbsys oere ieid Milfanse Canadian Tire Crporalisa major1 nidgefs flfot la BlRic-j moand Hile 6-2 in te elampinnslsîp emi-fi' sais ai ltse Gorgetown Midgei Tasenameai 1051 eekend. le iheir iret ganse Wednesday, tise CTC Misigels dasilad aufieet 4-2. Saltflee's Oen Mosse scored te fane irsi perind goal mhie hiei teammotes played a cose checlelaf ganse ta kaep Milon off tise score sheet. Tise CTC players gai uairacked je tise second periad and ahint mI a 2-t f ead ons goals by Dave Fleminglos and Richard Shannon. Milon carrted tise play ta Salileel in tise tiird periodth iesJins Newman and Ira Zlian iiag goals for tise CTC teaus isefore SaltlOeel is Bil Curaro ended tise ganses ncoring to gire tise CTC Midgets tise 4-S viciory. In tieir second contet Sainrday. tise focal mid- gais facesi off againat Stoney Creek Tiis a proisaisy tise mosi encit- ing game for te CTC Midgets' fans tise scasn mus tise tirais ioning 4- 3 in orertime. Stoney Cree'se Cam Hlmes scored tise game's frst goal mtdmay fhrough tise firsi parîad mit h Mions Joe Dueton tytng the score mitiis nly 19 seconds remainiag in tise period. Tise second pertod ment seoreiess. Soney Creek and Mii- ton played a clone chseckt- tng ganse and Sts goalian came np ilS everai bigsienves. Tise ieams iaosaned sp in tise third periad and Mîlns Mise Corsait garehisi perîod but scorrd tice is minuessrantat tise second witis Paul Lasu tias a minute Pîiskard and Sentti unare later tise gansa mas ttad seortsg. Derbsys satted afier a goal moutis four goals tontise final seransisia misa Stoney pereid as Les Campbell, Crerits Ras Beckter Jîîtt lfoytngton, Siaons sorati With ose mnute itîtieri and Pool Cooks tati Jor Gaaton's second cored marisar gave Milona a-S Ftýers iosi Acton ead anti laIt tise teaon Sabrees E ridas ai Miltons mus osiy sîty seconds tu Muensriai Arena. preserre thiar sîctnry Combines clogged by local Tridents MtlosTriderts seored 3 in tisa secnnd period sto thîrd pertor' goals 10 mtisArnold scoringifrons iard Snifhisie as if-5 Sierlocit and Rnobertsn desbiiig ai Mlton and tise second goal isy Mensoctal Arasa Frtday Richartison Irons Ken eent5g in exoibiition Fay and Jîns Cle. play, Riciardsoascoradtt- G;ary Rtichardson led ice in tisfinalifransemitis ther lrais' scoeîng wmus Cola assisief os ohi fosregoals and an assîsi. cauns i mu Arnold and Jins Cote iad a gond Hugis Wiliamss evrnîng. seoeîng oscer and pîckisng op toue as Cola tien hia Marty isisý Jînt RoSertson aiso Saeds aid Fay's goal ai iad a thear point ganse lise midmay maris Will- cisto-o goals and as toms and Fay asistati assist.Cota's frsi goal ils 330 Il tuas a cose 32eon-reanîing andmwo qaicis test afier tise openiaf goals mre firesi iy peeîod wius Bead Evas MeDilloway and Roiert ieimeen tise pipes. Bill5.sonsie seconds apori. Siseriocis and Richartison Tridents iseed seorati asassistad and Rocittan Tuasday Cote cored tise openîeg esînig andmwiitraralito goal mush Bill MeOito- Platisoilia Frîday. Tisey oay and John Arnold iii have Nw Hamisrg assisiîg. te Milton Tueeday, Jas. Tridesswest aiead 5- 0ior an 9p.m, ganse. Juveniles clinch first with weekend victories Fini place. tiats miai Mil tans Wilson Indusi- ri actianeer juvanilas cinched idi a pote ni viciarues di it estin. Tite local jasasules detealesi treainville Saiarday ta hir oms rit 72 and issted Osedas BInes in Miltas Marof alArana Snnday. sendlng tosas thsme ils o 4-3 bas. staeeruit ployasigoal n btdicantenta. Bacitsp Dan Bell ln in Oe isspitai andcranch Barry Bliti ta utfiztag major midgel gaailtenden as backapo. tan smeesvMe isedi lesascorasi Iie in Oe opesing perioti as Acf Currie opesad tisebarr- age rons BiltMansaI 640. MeLaughiiisied tise ganteaai730 ustîl Bilf Lyses pt Mlton aiseati 2- I fena Rasdy MorDose aid. Bendie netird Strisriie's monter to eres dia opengpertoti iaily. Milton isiao tise itioff tisa Strarisoilfe net in tisa second franse mus Dos Hah5îris frons Noms Flamîngios asti Jin Cartmright,. Jay Dresser scartag frs Seti Bres and Ras Chanspoas. Dsane Stark potuma anodiar tees Billi Mases and Dug Dorey scoring fros Haisiiris ansi Dresser. tantise final penid Lyons frati his second ils tisa haip af Stock ant i Johna Loapricis Thte in asuresi Milon tise haine ira adrastaga tenfise playotis. The pay- otts iii sa claser tias lhiss in iedicatasi. as Streerila as sîenisg savarat playare miso mre offt studying far scisonf le Milton Masarial iianday Osone Starkt and Donsey soras ina Ose tiet penid for a leadosianr Dondas Bfles. Lyone, MacDonld, tarie and Dreser alan neliesi ans- isis e opesîeg trame. Tise second periods am Dondas ge a taitthOe ganmid ithtongoals isut SottîlEBrs' monter ai 4.22 fronst Lapoîcis assocesi the Miltan fead. Wash and Kaiylnki tiresi markern toc Oe BInes. Wanlensn onlrled Oe lana Oird penid conalr frmm MacDoald aI Oe 1.18 mark. Tise jarendles taae16 ine, ira laoan sand tsar des n th Oe 25 gamaes Play- 0f. Tlsey tare nare I te goals and allomesi 76. Victory mas denied ta Milton in regsdlion lime on CDam Hommes iied tise gans ai 3-3. A t0 minute sadden deolis overtime periad mas tises piayed mush isolis ioans issing several gond scorng oppartonities buat sut loaviag tise ganse lied. Tise content was ilsen to be decideti on a penalty nsai shontaut. Tise sisonlout endeti qsickly mus Mton's Jae Dacion conecting on tise tiret try in canspiete hts lit trickt. Tise CTC's goalia, Erie Pinlsney, foiled Stoney Creaits Fn Beckter 10 gire tise CTC tan a 4-3 viclary misicis senttem, ta tisemi-fin- ais ogoinni tse AAA' Ricismond Hill. In tiese emi-finals tise CTC mitigets nsonaged ta skate sîit the far super- tue Ricismondi Hiltram for tise f test period miotr ended in a scorrees lie Richnsond hiti domîn- ateti the second pertoti. hoeerand shot itooa 3- eati os twocgoalts h Pouf Harrietha asti ose by Randy Depiero. In lthe thîrd periodth ie CTC Migets came out iittîng and got hacki lto tise ganse onit 10 goais by Iva Zuian. ose Seing s sisortisandeti effort, Zlitans 1100marisars fired tise CTC Mîdgets up momeniariiy,ioueer. Richsmond His Siawn MeDomeit ohot hîs ieamn into a04-2 eati a short ise ltire Dannytsendersoa and G4ry Boyle fîniset out tise ganses scorintg 0gte Rcismondi Hil a62vie- tory and eimittatr tise Kin P Ke vin Pahý i Canadiam isy Raiin ncse Fgure Skater 0er s Parkar 7,i ,i othltaCanadias Figure Skating Ciampionsitps. irons Jasuary 29 tii iFeburuoy 4 to wir ehopes If mil i h a Prters isird and final 1opporunity f0o ait isthejnior mn as cosn By Canadian Figure Siatisg Assocation culas a comp- eitr may compete inone levetlfoi' t only direa pears ietore advancîng ta tishe nt lavai ai conspetitiot. I Kerin fas tîiiset ifuis astifourtis repeciivefy orer Oe positmo yeaes. tLookieg ai diiegserealtstîeally Keis realine esiay topoth ie field in dia jonior compettoshut i faaiig for ai feasi a place amnog thOs top tiscee -Kin s morking hatiin issat- tampi ote isa mpîonesiispen tdinginteaisareaaf i tiratosxhottes a day on use ira Tirear to finir f ihose Iios e snpeelaonmliaimaybharos- siderasi issAchiules seat is Tisa figre skattng cacear of Kmvi Prter sagas msa en m as rîglît pean nid, Ha as introdaceti lu ire aahokyployer but, "t score ino K avis. Latartat pear ha ois op figurea kating wmuhthOe Arisa Fîgw e Bitiig Cub. In taiis second season Karîn isat jpiekesi ut otan mas ta sa 5îs fîrsi of nsany irapides. tisa mmi improveti e haler amard. JTise sent skating seasas ftarin nsovasi an ta Guelphs miera is coold Iatlais seller ire tisa. Ha ramaisasi w iithtiai rIaisfor Osrepearesaefr moin isnig1 a Hamsilon club. Landos and roancisJon Caghia Ovr thOe campelitive senoone Kevn remainasi in Oe ihome o Cauglsei and gradoaled tramt mismounalPublie aclsoal.lentai e, hin Onrt idi Canaheil ise mas te Canadian Navire Mens tIe nal n asa Kevt in lahesi çTC Mdgets ram fur- thet' play. Athough thse Ricis- mtod Hillteam mwas eller in Most areas of play, Se CTC Mdget coachtng staff were pleased th thter teate's overaIt etfort and the tact tSey oere intesegame uett he 10f minute mark th e thtrd period. The consensus of Mmst Mlton tans wmisatatended lhe game won that Rish- mond Hil s detinitely nf Jr 'f30" calibre and woosid Se competifive in the tCentrai Jr. B. Lau- guer Thr CTC Mtdgetn are nos awaitng the tart ni their OMEfA qualifying rudand expeet tnuise pavnga poft gase ai tome o Monday a 930 pnm arkear ker is 9'bound filtri tîteP Jottt rietîs comrpetîtiont heore retrîoglo htstborneontse t Guelphs Lte atodtattentitng Solos HighSchtîol tact yeatiî OUI SheKichener Sisatto g îlob, Recto Itoîsheti loartis ithes t'.tadas trsptlecac'yîsg a haîl case iof the lît theougisoot tise Cîotpetlt nand tlheoc revereidhis f lis as(e 'f t oeroatosat cons petttti lac s coplett toreCanada insseo o'ttycitri tFrance ani Geemattt Keott'îa as wuithhisstouth latd ststh place tînîshes intes conspettors aod Popes ai anotiser chance s' repeeseot Caoada in inter- oattoal conpetttîs Reste s haust dueîeg tise ointer mncnhs tepîng to concentrate on sisatng and slodîrs, tut he teets .ctoe ltgh 'casîdo t Se etteel'F 'Theî'reereally co-oeaiior' saiti f-o ts lie otssed 42 dans of seisoof let a ad mas stîli able fn cons plete hîi iteuses Kcctîiîcied ittucho is tthscshoni dscîttgtho' dîttsoîai aed Canadien t'aisonîshipc ,t? t toc'han tise woeis Ittai aIsctiis qstrheavy due ttt stîtîrsero hnges. He e istioplelttconlis reports arî ndsoterd icatch sp ohenise Kevite s haskisn Kitchener nons peepaeîog for httofitnalshiti ai tise juir ute lts tugisesicons- petîtton, 5e teets. tuilcame tramn Brian Osrcer o (Iitia and Sisoma MeOilof Ttronto Aitar tise conspetîtton Kevîn ii apfteae as a gorsti n many areo carntoais, tnctudîng Mitons. Ha ouli aiso atiespi isîs eîgisti and finil figure. As for eins future ta figure nkafînglie is opng tf0 maka il a corear. He wouf compte thisnon fane lime asna juniîor andt ien ttempt la isecame tisa Canadie n iar Figure Skating Cisampion ad raprenamnl Canada aitlise warld chanplansips and "isapataliy'tise 1*4 Olympia. Major midgets ousted by Richmond Hill 6-2

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