M eritorlous presented I The ,annuaât meeting 0 ad"o and p o bnosppci ofthte ~ Miton and District Hort- e icutual Socety test 4» 01o place MaU yJas. 15autdi th. UAW m5 Isabele Dams waa rectpient othte Socieys 'f Meetrlees Sevce %i5fniit>' Aard. 1preeeted ia recognitlas et ber valued Frd'. repart recsppedC efrorta ta horticulture activlties t thse 1978 P and ber coatinaed inter- meetings, aad thc pres- IJ est in Ue Sciety. Ms. tiet hiaJlgttd suc-C Doas a as becs a menm- ceaafud pail ventures and ber for thc pat 28 years, innovatiosu. tcluding a directr frr17 ycar, lie cammsaity beaul- aad urned as presdet ilcation asarda. frrass1%55 te 157. Ste bas ladys Syrmaa becs a fatjlterant presented te Syersses and supporter aoflie ans- Plaque, baeoriag ber ast and maalily flower ubesd Ed Byermaa, tu stases, and her persuel Isargaret Wrigglesertt gardealssg interestu are rr ber averallttal-pint evideaced by a beautiful scre tantemantily home gardea. flamer sbow competitios President Le. M Neil ror 1978. Tie plaque mas itraducd lte hbcsd table reeatly remaasted on a guesla Johnbn esiess ta sesebase by Murice is direter at district six Readlead toalaSas more et the Onaria Hr- rosuiortarhe asmes af ticultral Asociatien, winaers, and tie prai- Violet Siestinu, Hele idenl Usatsed tim, fr is McNeil, and presideat- stiltul ort. elait Marjerie Powys. ceavener et the math- Annul reparts tor 1978 ly flaer sbhow, Marilyn ere presened by rca- Smit pruesed tirt, se- surer Mel Robison, aud- casd ad Uird-place iser Ad Woadley, selare prises ta Margaret secrelary RouhLuette, Wrlgleuwortt, Jean aad membersip cair Rertson, and ladys ma Margaret Wrlgglcs- Clemnente fr Ueir pit wort. Secretary Agne scors in Ue decortve Lovatts seek family school Ttc Lavait grasp tome judged as quliit cd by ta buet in lise sens, bt is -camptttvc, coper- a ditterent et. eaced and well-educaled Douglas Lvait tas personnel ata are e- made applcation te Mil- gaged!tanlise ied ot social tan Cusil tr a zostag service wrt tor tis pro- ameadiment lte cisa mince five-acre parrel et lasd Ttc applicattons sean lacated sear MfatI ram turned over teue ptan- rural residettal ta nig departmenct for un residential scbaal. initial repart. Under la a leter le COuacit. qaetiaiag, planning Mr. Lovait snid thienl- dreclarBobels adanyi tion ia tecreate "a spectat said tc repart weld nt type et scbal" called lie b tee difteret ronitte anverne ss Teactisg reprt ttedepartonent dtd Family Scisl t teacb "a asnte Levall' groap maximum et ine ciild' bameapplicattan. ren reterred ltute suaol byuseveral agenrtes." T, , Te Imter snid te USISIlM cildree mill be "esulY rne trem broetashomes... tem e scesi uf Ievleg care itana ennreamenl mlct il tiadie UItm au ueseway et lie."1 Discussion as Ue ap- plicatiann s ebld te a minimumi becasu tzkiîeuse of caurt case tsvolving Ue * tasesand ttcevat prentoas application tr a zntsg ameadment te groupthome. Fan oles aa eirenn inene, te ie a spean' local esidens. flid sinniet. o The pplcatin t curentincrnetas? Yen out te Inernes Teah- et seeand waInete ing Fmily Scho itut, PaYncflts. lis murbes for stffer. nati leaicg ini. Gins papil-leactarratio et oe telta "Tis is avery igis rutioe tdeed, and mates for anvery stable situation," sid Mr. TIe applicuton aise stated Ue staff au becs Head injury P.alII A 2-year-tttd Camp- bellvi5e mas te recaser- i i i teg ta Miltn District Hos- pitlwisttt ead injuries s AEnRMUF tollasetsg a seusemobile .$U.NsCûtANI accident aasday evcsisg. n te Jerry Welc, 141 Jesste 310 MAf ST EAST Ave., Campbellvitlc ms travelling seuth of M- cLres Rd. n Guelpb Use mises be lst ceaIraI et las 1972 Planis, truct a rocadsmuksbed inte a bydre pet, sid Huttesa r Regiesat Paître. NEMO...fo cmmmwt oemLEU m-. wt h Service Award sabelle Downs and borticulttoro judgtng bosses andl severat inter- Margaret Manted, and ioring therpitt yeri enlîngtfilms. (,race May, Dintrict Jota Siekis repnried Etten Reid, Leona FiA- Direntor Jobs SimkSes n ttc spesmiar O.HA. ler, Jean Roberlaon, and inslatled the toltomteg distric tesix annel Luis Parker, sebe cas- otticers: - seeting te taise place vesed ttc supper, mare Paul President, Les March 24 at Pari Dever. ceugrlulaed as ita McNeil; Preaidesl, latanst asd direclar et succ .s ad lbasted for Murjerie Powys; FirsI the Rayal Ontario Useir effarts. Vice-5'residenl, Marg- Museum, Dr. James A ses sate et atticers arel Wrtgglesmertt; Crulse ml speat on pett- and direclars mas pre- Second Vice-Preuidesl, ple and plants. Alse sested by thc asmteatteg Jeun Bromn; Audilars, ilasscd are a leur efle- cammitîce, Margaret Addison Woodlcy and cal commercial grecs- and Cliff Wrigglesmertt, Maurice Rcadisead; Directors taor1979, Ettel CeetGrare May, Alas Odenbacb, Martlys mortt; Dtrecterstfor 11179- 190,Barbara SasseSl, Rutt Luctie, Jean - McNeti, and im As eslgeteg prestdest, Les McNett spabe briefly as hisecjoyable terra, et ottice, ttatteg alithUe members for ttctr belp asd fricsdsbtp durisg ttc paul Ime years, eud nese presideat Marjerte Powys eepresued ber tapes fer thc coalisued succesefthUe Soctety asdlil auctivities ta ttc cemisg yeuru. Hast andd tess fer teveingseere Jim and Marilyn SaitUs, seo tstrodured a nese meai- bar, D.A. Kumaier, sebo bas becs iterested and active ta borticieterul ED BYRVFMAN PLAQUE for tise moat euciety affairs for Use points in monthly flower show compe- titions was presented by Mrs. Byerman (rigbt) to Margaret Wrigglesworth, at tise Horticultural Society meeting asat week. MILTON YOUITH SSOCCER CLUB COACHES CUNIC LEVEL ONE CERTIFICATE Any persans intending ta coach soccer for M.Y.S.C. during the 1979 season are invited ta attend the Level One Certif icate course ta be held shortly. Please contact C. CROPPER for de- talla. Inquiries front neas coaches particu- arly welcomne. Plase phone 1 878-3481 levenings) 10%/ DA IL YINERES T ONYOUR R.R.S.I? REGISTERED RETREMENT SAVINGS PLAN HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. *44 Main St, - i 77 Wilson Drive, Mlton Milton 878-4168 E* 878A883 -*338 Kerr St. *S80Main St. N., -Dakvilte Georgeteown 844-0866 877-6926 31OW; 7 MRITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD wss prcsned by retiring preaident of thse Milton and District Horticultural Society, Len Mc- Neill, to Isabelle Downs attise Societys January meeting. Mrs. Downa la a paat preaident and bas been a member for 28 years and a director f or t7 years. Her husband Delbert left) wotched the preacotation. pot as yesrs. dens. Mcl Robinson tnowlcdgcably on stîden Te meetng eded commcnted on is ssce- of berbaceous anA tree wettt a aicaitrs' sltdce es s wtt amaryllis, and ponn.ies. sowe. Ttc Wriggtsortt breugbi sides te sbow At tbe seet meeting os brogbt sides efthteir tte spectacutur bsgc Pcb. 19, tbe Mton and boec garden, inctudiar blooais. Rutb Lcies District Horticultoret eultandteg gloriosa ecellent colectiions et Society is pleosed te bave datatiesptanted in a ris and peosica nire Jobn Siaiis speatîng feundution bcd, aoi ng isons, isctudteg e beaut- on Grecs Srnîvat. Newi- glriai, a strtting bcd et itul double pint peony coaicrs arc invited te cassa ittes and mari- saic in ber bonor by attend Moeday evnisg goldo, and soae ictewssoet er latter O.A. Kum- et 8 p.ai et tise Untcd te unsut-floner trials mer, sebe iaised i reen Steeerbern Hallone end rock gardcs t ttc sccd. Mr. Kuaimer bu - Pîse St., bcsidc tbe ib si.stadadeliadritinu Ccrporation Limited oinc eappitnieeiof Conad W 8tack and H. f0. clans Mi stock 's 'ceidaet fAces Crporaioneand Clai, mas of Aies t-ecstiie Commtitee. Prcsdmet f Wmni Seaiini tInesifet Compasn Liniiied and Vice Pieidet o1Thfe eiiniCoporation Liaied. Mr.c Oclein Cai""esf TecFmpciciAessmr Coaipanyeand Vicce iden a emcaiof thecsecoin Cnmnittee et Aies Crpaion. in.stoçk' ourentire mon sale Ves evecy rfat. aveiv potin eneeytenture...i t tvn-Stoct il-S on aa for hIfaItpcoe Fblrv i odoy and Sve ontitso, voýls, pcec. ybaoi photo mucls Ail oie pie-pasted and Wal >u0 Snsa i Ctort Motels Si Clou s BnctFPicinelodOnyl.o SI Clul Foi e fune Fnl Iole Type SgIeRo~l l iglefou." l Fi or-tie ahbe 39 4 9 A 1174 Feelobln 549 dot 2 i Pe-Fesled Yninnbo0lo Dy Sfriipninble. Vînlhi 790 __599 9 Pe-Fested Scionnoni Peeleule, Slîiii 1199 09 5 Pecloble M15.iF9u f 9900 7_8 _T"Or~ eiqs 1>s lt. 1 lat Redi-PrP Trlm Kits L=tx 9070 Quarts rg $229 "l eg RegS229 18 $0al8" sale lm soe Seni Gobsa Alkyd Quarta #9200 38 Reg S525 si.l3 Lalex Serni Glosa Quarta #4700 Rteg $475 Sle.3 l¶>aper Smocother Sl 8 Maylr Smaother. ideafor toi wOtpxyx ail01$and mylc eRg 79 Sale4 Corner ProteclotaS the paint and paper people rai beie60kioa e o nstins oinitiA g 878-2629 MILTON s e