Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1979, p. 5

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OUI LEADERS WRITE: Shoutd flot own pet Deaar Sr: i la regard d lte article tat weeh,H "Family pet pans for nrol, rosuaIt: Weekend of worry, -a t fret Mca Hcwitf hooild not le f allawed ta awc a pet, for lihe followiag fil)Lack of camera for possible l denepe a dap cadld do id peoplesa faf No coacers thaf the di oasldm bave bitte a amati chld, srlouaty; 1% f3f Refluaiou Mrs. Hewttlprios-id dasrtne te lama hy-tsw apalct ltfnglic pour dog - s tase;m (4) Napilpesce of asecer id let dap oui idarn the areela witbout dcp tapa; s 11f Mrs. Hewita shumase way af i aapetiog barcdopbepgivea a swft bot I id lihe blaid, t flad veryinimmsc. Inclosncp1twoutd 17e tidy cay 70fthe persas lceotved in holdnp the dap for Neighbor watc Dec 0fir: Itam riflap regardlcp aa article you pridfed ou Jas. 3 /79: Famdly Pet Gans Fac SroiLl I agree wi70 tebaf 701a gentlemaa dld. Thoupblea dag oteers alaw 7er pes Id tee strails ou the praperfy ai others and depeif gentand worm carryisp focs. Repardlcp the oteers csuggestionao klcklcp the do, t kcaw ai few peope seho would kicb a fencac Shapherd as To honor 1fe Dear Sr: 'Te alon Reglosat Safefy foaccel l ech and everysar peypupicitfrihafe1 id macy ciftien wha hy 7efr couragea ano d ch afself itereat asalafinthla7e saviag of lUfe. O7ers receive publict recognilion 7rough 7eic effanas la woblsg faardsa abetter ysten of1 safety for ail people la al fields of en-e deavor, wheher ifbe Block Parent, D.t . courses, chld ssfety restralato, braf-3 f i, waler praprosos, teacher saper- viurs for choat perlier activific, andocraolcp ggurds. We do, however, need ytar amsistance in flcdlcg 7esc peope oho dnserve toi be pebifly acctaimed aith7e acnai Safety Awards Banquet to be held la the prngaof'79 TRINITY MILTON1 BAPTf ST HA CHURCH 36Ontaio St 4372 Apolo yL'oc Chrtas Pmsos: Oa. 7.0 Pyre leThaNa, Sooday, Jan. 14, 1979 Lod Je 0:45aem. - BiioeSohool oi Saedap, Ja alîa0os100oaet f 11:0set . -Morv:g viceso11:45sa.emtt S 700 p.-Comioor i Srvioe Wedîi Tauday 8070vP..vP 70 pver Teisv 0By-cEr Rad:vg GiClbAi aacO Wednesdap ThauS 745pm.Proves Metirg Jesas sid,I1:a &hbilestody. M ii spmi Oaeargailotecocoffi ot shstlo aad. Ood - ____ A WOrmselcaiorecta Ail TF PRESSYTERIAN ANGLIAN CURCH CHURCHES DP AOLFOANACHRC CAMPBELLVILLE & GRACE CHURCH NASSAGAWEYA 37 Main St. Miloni liaih idcocd, lasi ocai ai Guelph Licol Saedap, Jan. 14, 1979 Saeday, Jan. 14, 1979 Epiphaap tl Sermoe Totla :070 aset, a0:O.-oe "TheAhtsofiPiceidrcs 930cet .Scior Ciiaoi Sohool. Nassasosopa 10:30 acet Jocor Choh 10:00am. WorhipaSemc Schl ST. DAVID*S lio 0c -etrMins. CAMPBELLVf LiE Thosdsy 1iiloo et WoihivServic 100 st..oiy Coet Osa M.PP.Frmeei M. On ST. JOHN'S ________ NASSAGAWEYA m HGWYGSE 9:30 arrm -Hlo Coi H HWYGSE etnoo rmeon CHURCH ST. GEORGES PeriecostotAssoeiliou LDWVILLE Wkefield Rd. and H000 2.r 11:0 50 0010 yCoet Pasios Pao .M. Chiaiecorn er.oo5Srmonr Assontsasor onrWloon Chidies actiisos and neor.Sandap, Jan. 14, 1979 _________________ SOa.met SodaySchool i0o ris Morisg Wor- EMMANUEL shop BAPTIST 0700.FariyPrase 70co Oesioq SoW. CHURCH hîc CoetetcsialSi. Mitoni WEONEOAY PasosiDr.JR.Asmsrog 8:0 prm,-Bbl i.todr Sandsy, Jan. 14, 1979 Paoer 0,5m scs hool 7:30 mii- Fooniyoighi aed Bile Clauetoi dulte. ooaara ailoore o ide ou, 11:00 acet Ascaisllo bu o an od fhoet Odav Worshv ýSesior: Divn chooL Jon aS 00000 Guiace. 5h00l 7:00 pet. OoEwnig Prouse _ ______ B Bile 5iad. Setor: ST. PAULS "Livin asfor od ic c Pa0cr sooiy.-O Tedap THE UNITED 9:45 s..CoRsa hor BCHURCH DP CANADA Bil aody MinSe t Jcmm St. Wedasdsp 7:30 p.m. Saodo,Ja.14,1979 Meineg aiforcs h &Bile fieos Moade atdo. 11:0 cm.-Woiship SOn Sascciyicoiliilcc are pioidd vi.SerBamon Chic. "As tas et ali aaeaay Scesne e MsdMHnacc' Cunacyeiomeng. Conaad inga arind Nrseyidoilin the aonimal shelter, mou very hausa. Ne 7oupht eaough af the animai id kep tl off 7e afreets and safe.T'hec aisai shelter shold alsoihe peatard foc Ieir action. As fr as Mc. Hewitt, she tacha responlhlilify, hso anrespect for the taw, citflnsansd 7er praperfy. Asea ait, sbe should lboumth70e oue f Hausa andoInhuanse. Mcc, ewft would sot bave bad bec eebendofa wary if sbe reaily loeed ber dag "Kng- aida". You would dünlch se would bave tcarsed erless te firsf f ime ber dap mo plclted Sp. t foultha70sf Ifer dop id caoghf aainh, she ahould face muaimm fiefor sach actons.A.Mou ber dag should ha ioen sa(OOD HOME. Cacersed Pet Otecer Dovid loyd More 'good old days' Dear Sic: .Ecoued fida choque for renewal af The Champion for asatber pour. As a former reideaf of 70e Milton district iourfarmwaobeaw the bluff aiBatte- scake Polnt, haawn as Ctembraah Farm and owaed n by Bradford Clemeato Jr.) t woald lihe 10 mahe a suggestion on tle oor 20-75 yrars 000 eolovro To the iores tuai arc nu,%ie 40-tri ycar or older age groop, toold sapprat a 25-50-75-170 ynar ago colaman, ou 70e on pour aoaneers lanot an inter- oullag id 70e aider peoplec. if la veey iaidrmltiag tocned aoferbaf bappeaed pears ago aod t cot thesa ouf for a acraphaah of Miltonand district la ynars goar by. Our family is a Milton famîty of away bach and my fa70erîa father William Ciemeals omd the land 70e Milton Aresa ila hait on, on the Third Liar, according ta 70e Hatton Alaa. Mlo t wntld ltise 0c mmefbing of Actaaand district aers of 30 or 40 pears sa as t mas a residrat for 12 or 13 ynars, hafore t tcf t foc cnlisfmrnt in the rightThis is restraint? s rg tDear Sir hamief of a dozco houses waàrants dop Iht hve ee kthedhav a Sfaeeffîghfs in Broohvîlle! Whaf brîng lit op hy 13 coormoas fîtores, fdenctha avereliated aeaneaf? ohm the order of the day in restraînt tn tendecy toretalate.Who rdered fhrm? Who paya for ospendifore and energy resoorces. I recammead the cent tioae tlid lady tem? And who oreds fhem? Jouta Woffsochcr, lts ber dap outfofr a alcali, she ahasJd t fiod if bard fao ndecsaad thaf a Rfi. 2, Rockoood. accampaay hlm and make cace the dog keep very close ta her otea praperfy f, Smoking if reafi yE as sheremnarked, dawhaf dopa dawhen worfh if? Join theTei a iI flI lhey are lef out f tw7e house. majarity, bc a non- ..H lviI LTON I amoker. Yomrssiccerely Lysa Skna, I T R P O A 66i Childa Dr., Milton .WINTER PROGRATENE savers ENERGY SAVER OTMS OT Should you, asua memher of the pub- MASHERS 311 COMMERCIAL STREET,1 li, noofaian acf of courage Ihat ftoo AND place la your cammuify la 178, pleaoe DRVERS aahmif the persans same, addrenoadI a descrpion of fhe incident ta the Sale- ty Couail. 73st, Should you asa kaaw fa perman who bac coclihated t id =refyavensd ahove ther daily worh reqicemeato, - t I- yoa fnel they deserve an aard ai meif nhouid aino besaent ta the sain addrnns on or beoe Feh . 5. Pincse dont louve tis matler fo an- other day, if domo and write u nom! Aoafldnao"Robinson, OPTIMIST CENTRE HaidanSafrfy Couaicil, WASHERS P.O. Boa 561l Brlinglon. * Singleanad imo speod c High vove poly R G S A T 0 e vi e popee agator NOW BEING ACCI _____construction REGISTRATION INFORMA' GOSPEL CHURCH OF CHRIST Fo 42.0To Rogistar Miton \LL 1412 BOtoovîs 0d. WestnialPotOfc St N.878 2022 Misie, Ovao Co. ORVERS 8Mailto Lfi sl a ibed 878-5696 * Porcofain tops nPro aiho pnuano îrvooiThe Saoday. Jan-.14,1979 * Sîavfss steoloint I Plon teOt311 Comor ssChvis 10070 o -nie .Sohool trap 31CMmeIf on.141979 claeforIoîlLaom Ml Ocalca cBread if:00 MonisiraWo, * Vacoom dryivg Wedneaday, Thi oendor0cbool vvp ad thoLoîda0oSpyes * rom $29950 'ltanuaa v1 GospoliSerooce 730 pet -PeoOrîoo o 10.00a .- rtsdap thc Gospel 'soyasard Bibie Wedenday CA* SL as sha Mimor vecm 730 ibl Stodo * * * . P F day and ioo70 'The ChbEt of Chriou amvthedcoos 0vMNTOMR LN - mriho THE MITO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 871 .Joh. 10:9. PRESBYTERfAN 87-28CL HE CHURCH *CL KNDX CHURCH MILTON 170MaienSt.E. RaolsasosJ.Lewis Osgoasi-Choir Diret-, Mr. inc Scoc, rio Icetr Saedsp, Jaa. f14, 1979 9:45aa.eî -Choînh Sohool 'Woiahip -Ooio Commiron. BOSTON and DMAGH PRES9VTERIAN CHU RCH ES Iisseiet- Moderato Rc.tsaorJ Lewis Soedsy, Jan.f14, 1979 GauitPiesoher Ocv orgeoîLewas BOSTON 9:30 cet. Holy Coetmror inand Choîo hom. Narsery OMAGH 11:00oaet 005 yCoet munaorand Chaioh S0000l NuirsrPaolities Comnsansd le pisai ofOr faili otoship ST. STEPHENS HDRNBY ST. JOHN'S STEWARTTOWN ANGLICAN CH URCH ES TheaRco. David W. iniri Recto, 878493M Saadap, Jan. 14, 1979 Epiphanp Il ST. STEPHEN'S 11:00î.m.-Moreing Psîysî ST. JOHN'S litebset Hoivlaohsisi Attend church this Sunday acmy. t1teoched for Mon Nixon and George Damoon la 70e crmamecy 7err ando kew quie a feer peope arond Aclonanod viciaity. Tbece are sf111 qaife a few of the Cidmects fomiin arouad Milton. t am loouiag forerard to compiliog a lot more on thc Clemento famîly ie Please kbep tho Mlton lhampion ibriioîocie viic:dýtvvi <fid, or Frîday allerprîoong. llîs anointer- eslîog and inormative peper. 1twold atso 170c to seeasomething of the paf 0on70e iouataîn Union Sanday Schoul, and photos if possible. Thot la wbcre i ficaf eeal b Sonday choot t1 also attended the Bell School Lîlerary Society and Lîmnitone School. Hopîng this cao ha arranged, t emaîn: Nor- man Bradford Clrmcnts, iBrothr of Allon Clemcnts), 25 Cocha Aoe. Paris, ont. i Editoras Note: W'd tîhe bo priat a 50 ycsrs ago cotomns bt the tile captes arc ninsisg. Hapfsilyt hccotun con he reviedo ta 198a.)i The Caoadtao Champion, Wod Jan. 10, 19795 Dog teams wiII return soon to Halton winter carnival Pln 70e uderway orsi itnouttisyarn io orcmpe5ltom .drîong caa eapecl to psy Halo' h ertono cedale fev fs eitain i tab ai$2.50 gafrfee. omter, the annoal wictec aod compcliiions place on the day of the Mlton Cooncil bas yet cniat:) be held aorenions Ic <vdelco r sarrl ai <v, Prvb :appvîoivthebbdgetlcc I-l i ,, ,îî t:,Ir:lîg ke iaîi ire, t': î5a1d a ik i The Ihoe moicip.lî ciotot c and 10ogsai :0 buto shattie sorvcerapplicationo 1r f2,000 t:: tics of Milton, Hatos demoasiration arc lcasîog from iltM a M oe tetw'ssaeo Hilla and Qabville eilI alrendy on the hoohs. b the park every halepenses sponsor the day long Foi Ihoac indisidoals hosrhcegioning o __11______ event. ýoho arc bepi rooiof to Thc fast hos lavI h Oore agaîn, dont-cal cenjoy as many cocoto ao site ai hive thai feno inp cootesta, tobogpan possihle, a oariely of aerr for Milton Mall races, snow-sclptorîng vicecclosscî5hebon hand The senvicers offered compefitîom aad a dog mith agoodooupply of hot in an atmp to ds slcdicam demomstrahion food and drinhs, coorage drives fro . nuIt ho among the activi- The Milton Fîre- lahing their cars to Kef- __1 _______ sies featsred dsring the fightcrs Aosîbiary ofilhac 50 day. dîshîog ou' hot chili and -Thererocre nueru Thsix-man carnival fond oi ha acodoabte parking proh 70s as committccis planning a from avariety of othcr par - said MissHil costome contrat and a cOmmooîlY organioai drapite the facthate possîhle parachute i0ns free hos servc a demonsirabion. Al ac- Paricpantt.eedrnoi offererd,8 - 8 1 hoilcaes oUf tahc placecon worry ahoot preregisira- Mitorists who nito Kelso grounds. LasI years fon day drem an rnthuîaatic ceowd of 10,000 partici-i s I L S % a c. r n pants and Mdlton corn- miter member Honnie

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