1 Lke &guian0k&ni VOLUME 118--NUMBER 37 MI LTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1979 56 PAGES-20 CENTS 0MB hears Site F case» Experts predict Iengthy hearing By lied Lamb Spoiesmen from Mit-f Tie irt day in miaite ton andi Hal ton Cooncifst enpected feie a long indicaird if coud con le-4 leaieg on Site F as i een ix and 12 weeisni opened y fie Onario and manise longer if Municipal Board tOMB)ltfengfisy adjournmeoi s at Halfon Manor en Mil- are calfed ton Monday. Te region os sering te George Swann 78 'Citizen o f th eYVe ar' Seveniy-year-olsi age of 17 ansi iegan George Sann ein fiee orbîng on area farmo. menner-up hnld anc In 137 e beame an won tie contest, ater employereofthtie local learieg Teeday ie bas teesi miii. rrmaining ieen declares i Mtons fiere osfil is receni 1978 Cfitizen othtie lear. retiremenf. His hobbysys sign- h Pinksnmeisody eler,' mif iog and for many ie tld tie Milton Cisam- yearn be bas ieen tie ber o Commerce mien official ini painier ai be ac nstisied of is tie Inernatonaf piom- selection. iog Machses.He as oiso 'He cerlaini y did onf eairmae et pobiicîfofor epect if and folsi s e fthe 174 Iternationalino sismld cioose someone Haifon. else,' saisi Maria Reis, He is mrrird te Ciamber presideni - Blanchse and ban imo Tise Ciamier dilrerf ors daugiters, Rosemary deiberafesi for an iour Ryao and Heten Sann. Tuesday mornisg te Hein tise grandiafiser f00a arrive ai fieir risoice set fetwiins, Deiiî ansi rom o frge sefefion et Kim Ryao. entrins of Mitons finesi Modesi about his men and omen. nemfy-acqoîred fie, Mr. "f ana tomgis sien Oane saîd be bas ai- sien ansi tairfy close,' ayn rird te foiiom a sid Mia Res, adding fong-esfablsbed famiip sie wmmdd lise f0 gire st mutin. tie aard f0 ai irot Tiai mote stairs "me firee or for of tie en- ieip ofiers" and accord- fraet. ngto Mr. Oan, brisas Tiemwinermas foibe fredftoieofiseipmbhen- ciSese for is or er in- er possibe. vlvemet in cemmunity Tise Ciamier ifi 'nuis, tie etent of sieir honor M. Oane ai fie euselfisiseess in ielpieg Citizen et tise ear ban- elisems, and for pointe quet and dance Safrday, brougit formward iy tise Jan. 20 ai Lions Hall, neiSsinturs- esplatned Memrtal Areoa. Tckes Mies p.eîs are $12 eacis and anaif- t ACortSi. N. resideni, ablie rem Ciamier George Sann isnon direefers ond focal siranger f0 ld and ynsng ianis. et 5e in Mifione A popofar figure ai tie majorîty etf Milto's soiafandsports Championl activities, Mr. Oaneas fo svealyersdoatd IfltrOduces is services n co-opera- ien ifh is îfons Robin new Meature Hoosi Fieur Miiildaer Focos te a sein feaure Seperseee Feedst as an miscis Tise taîadi.in anensecer ai maoy poi- fw mins nrdce lic evente. Chmini trdcg His oire is faîiliar te tien reglar weeisty addi- tise mso anc affeodes iontoday. Remembranc Day ser Aiir ai people, Focus rie, soodoe er iii bc oe people mise lire vi armers Maonr or macis in Milion, tieir cheris, Fces fMr oie, tieir hbbiiies. tir ke, Jaty t celebrafions, lfestyles. fall fair. seam shows, Tise first prrsoo iner- niemespaitie;laeo Dasarec over aperiosispanntog20 igis issMitnPirica year. Rn iegchol briFcpal Originaly f rom RPaige. ScFcs Englaed, i Mr Seano aeIs arrires in Canada at tise force fihe toms fo rezone Milfon to lansifif f frose million t ansfif site. severat ofier people and As Edgar Sexfon said fthe fond at fise northwesf- conservation and Opposng the region orgaiations miso ere in is opening remariss ern corner of Tremaine agricuffaraf. are Mifton Cooncil aod represenfesi by tamyes. on iehol f of fhe regio, nos and Brifanni a Bs. enfie If sa afno seeiing ap- tie Tremaine-Britonnîa Tise iearing wilf deaf ofher sfes wiff se con- Herigate Inn Retired innkeepei By Linda Kieisy of earpetiig ansi brand el" saisitie enegetie Two o ears ag, 56- nom turntore an tie Gaelphs native. year-oisi Heina Zuosmi iînîshisng touches are pt tI0am bornfoiba sy.* secided te retire fero tie snhbsn eurib motet- Hie laiet accompfîis- motel business. fie asi Herigair Inn, Miton.It is ment te noiiing ess tien ieen incoives in fthe boi nîfuaird on Chissso Dr. a family affair ness ince 1960 ansi ads eufsenof Hîgismai- 401t For sx monibo ie omned irer epori te ans i Hgismy 25. searcbed ibrogis tise motels in Ontrio. 'i retired. bof afleone province f0 prchase a Tosay, ie can be fotisi yerc1I 000irtoatty 'deceni' business, bt attire i n oriing noises bered-lfmI ansi1 I dsnt isnsi neiiing te is satis- amîdaf fresis sint, refis ine miaite ode wtm m faction. r opens doors in Milton Tise idea et biuldng is Tise motet isetise iret Fuoding Corp- Mr cemptiso date stated emn motet in Miton phase et a ptanned entere Zoiosmii soi demn musth ee earty fait. came aler hisîsson sufi- tainmen and oficerdevee tie tme heoibers and an Bt a s trîng et coi gesird tie fomo offererd a iopment on a i3-acee par archîfecite design tise penser and taosr strîhes goed epporionify for tie cri et tond tiati sexce ises sam tieprosef oitf tea venure peeied te rosi ieiee Manp days and maop ihreer mentis te tart, A business administra- $Il and $i5 mîllton sethesies tire, tise gensp fUntîbe hie otre motet tien efudeni af York Fotiomîng parcisase o arricrd aitishe presenitventures, Me. Zuonsi Unversiy, son Charles tise land in Novembre stpe-oariy Amerîcan- became inneterd in rcery frarellid daity beimeen 1977 frsm projets dece- as the final design. aspeci t ftise nn'n cea- is Guelphs home and fopers Roert and Bus- Construction nif the ion. troos tise isueprinie Torontu on Hgismay 401. self Pomadiuko i l toîtn, two-efrey 50room moteltotetise ehice et atipaper He deemesi Milton an pariners in PF0 o ee tgan in Joly inis a onsi coepeing. ideat location fr an snn, "Here, t narie r ie oing te tise amese 0 j ,jscrtc,' Se espiains raffir tiai pasned Milton 4oA IT h i îi r ifispide. tstmnferesid V LWrkisng afongside hism liii fe cioice in accommo- w5mee is mife Helga and dation for risifors and t i ~ 07f anoliser son Maris 21. traceliere atise. tL n a m e m o tel If te eeeîî,ng, ' be Atibougistiere area , said bcauetIhaeite somner smaraitableai et h ,gje ~ ~ IIf ande in lie pie. tise Fiffis Wieri Truck II ri a te In nNo, mut ens tian twe Stop motet ansi ai Charles merise le openîng date, ie Hotot on Main Sf., tise ifien Heina Zukoisii etf t ifS dîffereof naines busies himneif mus tise nearesi goosi motet te named is beand neos possible feom ,tis e tters. final detaite et complt- Mohawis Inn ai Camp- Miton msotelTise Heri- Herîgofe Inn" s tise îng nemniefiere and adl beltilie. iagr fi -,e hadteoidesalaiertato mmie cisen ertising folders. A "bok' as ritten ise osas asîng tise same fer tise 9-oo estebisi- He is sot accepting re- isy Chares, docsmentng namne as anoiber motet ment snfo be openesi seevations tutti]thtie open- traffic statittic, tise bsinesn, untîf nofihesi. fI inclades ailthtie original îng mecisensi Jan. 20, bt nemier ot local indue- Hantng aireadi- pur- ici tere -jet in a ditter- be doseni enpect f0 bave tries ansi iusinemnes, mus cbased tise indîcîdoot eof order. maey probleis i n ai- a forecat et anticipatesi neon feifere ta be According to Mr, ractieg retnere. motel buieess. mounoesi on is biluîding, Zesomsi, tht- namene s Tirnsgismît tise entire Ineaddition te providing e ie as fot in a brey fa nom mitionslly registeresi projeci, be fias spen hise dasi mitistie meova- fiesi a neos nome ansi and ie bas ittie fear eftfinie ansi money tn maire tien te go aiseasi ilstie order anofier ef of sbaring tise namre witis sure ltes tee mii refleci idea, tise"bok" mas letters. anotiser bsiness. th ise est standarda of instrumentai te tandlng Conequenif y, ise ted Tise inn in tecatesi on quality accommodation. lie family tishe n er tise eigbi fettere speitg Chieblm Dr., niaitiwst Tie i featores meengaegete;-oces="I% siis Heritege tefto a coos- of Higismny 401 and Higis- tise %0.00 proecet. pter ansi roceired a fief ay 25. (Cntinued on Page 10) Mr. Sexton is a Toroto The egsttios foehide posai site os Ashgrove in towyer wtho s beo en e eaosueeespahities rom faites filits aod a fr000 fained isy HaotesRegion epeatsg %euste opera-fe taton in stise sofhern te represeot ifs cote. ios.sPart ofthtie region. Presiding at the heoe- Speokseg ofthfe OMB At (bt tiose tise iog are OMB membres teoetttgtesaid -Hotten Mifnstryttf Enstronment W. T. Seheees (chair- teheeefecse ilhbs tu MOE weosprsoîg a man and AiJ tChap- tefsee - pgamtofstodyng re- mat l t e eeittg opprecat sue erecceeere in vas- Reprcseofîog tsth se o adut is compelird toes munîcîpatîfîrs. is Fred festch rettt tais tocareýt 505Hotton hadl indicatesi ville.Mr Sesson tsi sctttd ntereef attdoccoedisgfte David Estrse oppers %as(te dsposai etodies go Me. heston, hoas sot for- on behatt et the cstsoeee bock toth ie days oet-i goses hbot resource ce- groap. tn Cüoet5 fiîcbhodiaitsIer5 Meon ote awMe Sex- eoemstsyteed a tudy se The regionis continu- togtce htsttpning ee t1972dTisnas preeted tng ttîsody resoece marsand cattfttetrcst lt1974 andootas koen asrecers. he said. ssttess: Robsert Moore, tise McLaren iReport. A deeisesesInte tise regiesat puisie woeess toeng tise eecem- toodstanfuture as tu drectoe seendtos ma h Me.Moorewho nder- btcattn fasnl i-(otinued onPage 10 Sp M estr.estneend ( I ID . Leifch Tuesday pos e lr elyontise iisteryof et e a rin g Mae cutsr exonmembers Meedas eternteg. te--s osntestpeople unerA out for the opening of tise Ste Ftes tuoted inca ttteo Mncpaloard etMBI hearecgeonSiterF at etme ecin fBue HalotesMasse Mondas moeesng, tsegten.Thiseas cisoeg- fBt, Sttiseeed et tise aoteneesesseon. the oomiers ed te Secîsme patoetetMti hod do tded tee o th the isccptsec tf Appesessettets 70 peple ietise audience, ever a rrgoat gieseenotent tt deectoocer-, andevareteemedaorepresenfofieswere 197, ort hnd oheothe heoetcgîspenedin the merning. giMe Sesten saitd te re MittîttttSe audtencec ocre oearsog the green andi gon pentoes e tii obttrrttttttn, irnete tcng tethese memhersiin tise hase the tMBecte 11Teemossse-Betanssa Ctiettens Geoopowhsch is opposing fao fhlo' equent b tîtît -troque-,t t locae a o aîetdfttfsieo tishe Soat NI]ttncreosetht- sststho -eensectonoethSetintersecttio landoan te attestheere- vthtc e etteo athtrd oftheeer hod gooe, giotottocalecttsstrect othugh 93tsertrîd BessieeîSith continusîofe and ftettd o anfitit peentrof isegsos i heefos tîfecatisetscesttog $3 The aoeverc. epreented srs'rrotgroosoand He sainsie S ine litteeerotatr teeorig session, osfp fiose gave tSe eegsen th,- erpesenrtttg thc ttoo the regten andftheeifioens' responthtttttteeforhesi-geep rseotîsdoteengostheone othrtooyee, tgooasteobhec te- Te mocctg-aoeaoesettoftteetstoneadiooad fomrceaedthe attrpepepleincarndac c On ewthe press Jan.1 1974. emaisedh isheoendeof he day Chairman denies plea for evening sessions fiatteonfiegette î cee- renttp ivgsee idence iseek ai tisesentario MunicipaltBotard ssMt heaesng oetc se F Hereîg chasemocbt T Schisn reethtb 55MB -aid tier egisîn moutd Se thSe ftst tes fie ecedence fiat itioit Osibcf-mttod bp tise lam1,er e peensgio rions groes and iiidividualt Lasife. tise publie s:i ttc abte In peeseet bher The hrares s te p dicsed ti, oSe btrtrri etsoandt12twrris- The tesesomseitltbc presentrd inte m engo ond oteteenosone day te Thersdoe- teste,1 a t i)t4.30tpsss ostO an Mi behiise- otd Il das tnelordr!,s il. fltset eteiigltit pteon e-e sttei bpil fthtie Tretcrne BIicnita ('itjes t, op sed Ithav Ioestes doeseg theda>s 'rtichrivtets e etseed tise -equert eoe t sg thbe ortic it f tw bord ise long meetig stisot sgis Evese tbîtsgb Ste Ei-certesiped on ob senc iormoting ts-e eton t oteet ' te d tt o f et tgt mtteeiegs.MrSte eie Monie\stee ite ed 'ioiStdt'oedtoise ri Fdgar See\tiies nT ors Ts otle dette retire îpesicg remoeis lolteitd by Ohie et sublite 5îris. MteMMire oas cross- ,-somîccd Ibe Fred tetei tbe amper eepresenteng Mito and Mte Estese Terday Eath iessstise re- giec catiese sisiabe tebe cots-esamied Sp tise oppoietion. bîeîetartp oshen tise twcesseens groops and otier eeganîaionn calotteeen Me. Ses- ton a ut teae o ecross- exmn hem tM h0 eat eeg rotes die- tate no moing, n drinks otscotter and n caea nte hait ai îîîecamersamanetrîedto ehoitt tîttage prier te tise ,peceg ofsthermeening ondte ernets sessions, tee iritusedebi antereof Ste chniemise or- cri t O ii t 5op MISS BESSIE SMITH, onc otf hundrecls oI dump lightere et SieeF in Milton, wee among the crowd nt the opening day ofthlie regional dump 0MB hearing Mondny. Mins Smith, 93, will lbec part of her tarru f0 the dumpsite if it is approved. -I