10 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Jats. 10, 1979 0MB hearing ... (Coalia ut rmPagle One) anduste, transportation lie made titit regard ta and social impact. con- t Hoeer. a tanditt suting engineers M. M. location s stlli seres-tDilasnait iStIe F ta tthe ment. or idisposa- odred hut ater fuitier i. t.f aisoiti raste,- ie techiaatstues, Site F sait. as tie ose miici as Retorce rerovery han econsmendedt lvregion- vol reacisedth ie point ai cuel miere o msnirîpotty can Cotnt acceptedth ie rely soly an tiai lacsnif Site F location as tieiesi waste management. use. Mr. Seton reierred ta Wien il asiseti Miton 10 Hamiltos Wentwrift, reone thelandito aacom mhises bas a esoocce e- modate ite tis19v e corery plant lonet. Tie actanirougist He saîdti b plant bas abost tise MB iearing. ieen a tisappoitment Mc, exon saidth ie ce- foe tie tam qastiy aigions titiattempita osat- garisage pecesseti Ad sly tie tom's cancerns lie prise bas ieen hisgis about tise impact anti Attioogis tiat regtan ramificaionsosrroand- bas acresorcc ecerey ng atandfillnsite. plant. i t sit neetis a Me. hestonai ie lisad lastitili site. aaotioat tise opposition flttasliisixnialantfiîti ianitioppose tise region. sites is 1974.Naoto « Who ants a andil tiree remaîs Tiese are siteie asseti Pasnas inergetomn, Dabitte enactly a popoar thisig." anti Brlinglos. Lacis otitme anti spore Tise Esquesng site in are forcing lie region la lattas fis as rioneti asSite F lie apprareti Marri, 1974i, Actan in M. eton saîd Site F Haltan Hfuis in t9t5 anti as cissen ater yeaes ai Milton is May 170. oocis iy experts. Miltos sam tracks ils hpoaiing ai ties nidies garisage ta Gergetomn. astier tie ieading aien Me. heston sai thrtronmentronsderatian. remaîning tria ut sites planning andstiC lie bave a capocîly o tlant ta aidthie former osein- lise endi aiibis rear. otreti iytrotogy. drain Me. heton saitie age. eaehisng conlent. gas cegian seetis a landil migration anti sie tid- location capoable oaies. iantiing 100.00ton a Planning innaireti stu- year iy 1900tues priaisîrg la noctai He sai stues are impact, esîstîse anti pro. underway ta esposdth ie poseti social use, site or- capailttes oi tise Dai- sestrottin. teingn asti vile antiBrlntnites opoealtios aisite, affect mhisir, il approreti, onagricoltta resourees ootti etend lie197 astifulure se ai site testiise ta193 after i s flit Haerer, the proposai hîties uinder rani ta espasdthie sites bas roseeeticentres olaste sot iees appraet isly tie geserallan. future e- MOE. sure reroneey. future Canstruction andcsti rniaisite teretapmesi opratitn aniii sites asdthie regiar's aiilily ta aanie sae.ciean andtia- financer cm gasizeti. Cositering the ari Mr. etan sait hile F asti expertîn iseîis tise n tise enti reauit iof a rogios bau cxpncvtttit carelul study by experts. cbosîsg ile F. Mr. Se Baneti os hytraiogy. toa sai ils reiuss drainage. enoîraemestai -bouiti ie granleti ranrerns. agricultare. Teiearîna cntinues Herigate Inn ... Continseti rmsPage Onel)fHe bau nthîsg ai peaisefoe tie townsni sevrai moisospecit -Mîltnast iticpape. caly tesignetiforlacbndi- Itikiis iceina t cappeti prsansTiey tous b e aît. atiig have etawite datstaor theeentralao csatiofth mieelciairs. batiraoms tous matie il a favarable safety tîstures ndasi alt pace tonet up is ii lîgitsi mtcbes ai a lamer "The peaple in ibis teeritian normal. ton ave aiso ieen rery Tise motetisasin indu- heiplul. bhe saîd ap- riduai tieemoatiiccas precit oive.ntigithe tris anti eact rîmm s iou hltl ati bas berît ailsair ondu ALCOHDLICSJ A rlor teleisias sn MEETS EVERV T cuig a MMrai isi vr oo . TMN M NR AL go hs h no ANSMLO morin cffe r rek- ALANON meetig.posThd Thpe itn n- 90 mGaeCtc kpo -ilntdslse P,ý il Bg lne rts u He il hve lwat ONRACTNG rus nth nx va ut CNSTRUCTON futerepason c878, Famiy predîctians 583A MAIN ST. E.M nbaa the or a i 1 libria texaeda45t 0is ina the secod or hir ver ' f Hie aloipiano anoui-t tir polin the sprng, We altheiork is dose Mc Zuiosnki ti (Ctltu eetsto lle arausti Bot e ast i hs ite iii lattisdams an il ail astnd o ntj ieepiur eyesaonesery- 6M u ti thisig,' he stateti uie 0 GEORGETOWN Shop MIIMON9 NEED... ~IMATE OP IBREEN AIY ASSOg Hi School Happ'nins "Blind volleyball' By Olga Tarsnemnby Altsmeg in t voBleyball tiese enior Ic f gea a t t arisaller tisai teans ast tiseir lieut tosenament ltnt hSt i ioiitugo ionrlioitay wicrrithbeetls v;etituicome Tise ta(pi- toit gOitailttanse pIicoas starsyoa il bheatriacîbaut in îhe goatiies you anset far. future are meit-brows atistetes suais htaetîng oifthtie nem yrar me have, aso hehy listns, Lori lsio, Jep oc junior boys' baninetisall teans Bennett, Lori Canseron, Cathny Laid- siso mon tiseir tisird toucessent on las, Karen Steinger, Sandra Taiselli. tise meehenti Outstantiing perforns- Potti anti Tierena Gins anti Judy ances mere peeformeti iy ail tise Widvagisiy. menstar fnitise teans. Congratula- Sensetising new in ntaeting ina mIra- tians 10 JansieR acisy, John mural actisities. SBind VoBley- Harset., Richard Hoslticroit, EacI bal. Twn teamn conninting of nix lisnery, Perey Martin, Paul Vanese- players challenge tise greet mwhite sabot, Jeuf Lansta Jota Freesan, bail undi girls. if yos baven't ployai Jeff Deireitan, Blair Burgess antitisis sport, yoa'l love il. Iow-rent hoi Tise Miniter aif Hous-mas"no ngîis sit interesenl iv enta smw-rentai oisong in to-rentaI MlotsMiltes. A lettere tatie town At Mos, irons Cade Benett, nfiMlots Ontario Ministere ai ote- cube B R ing.nsays thseprovioce i asetift ieepisg ait opilonsapen iearti rai toc Ontario Hatsing Me. Harr Carporation ta-rentaI spearisati unîta in Mitoan. gel OHC risc toms asai tise Mltan, ae Mînister ta nariy lusn nom if hb position on lise mater bren invav aler pobisiieti reports Tiseles indicaethtie province provincial Drumquin I supports Jsing olanger inter- sn entaslitshing al unita un tday's necing nCauncti, Coan- Rse Harriton tise bswnbat mtise Mininler. cison ban isees ling tise drive ta, csosing for tnt mantedti 1 heteforts base lier indicates al interest in tise bld plan, pravitiai there la enesgbspport iv tise cosssnty, anti a nai- ficient nostar ai qsatiiying tenants can ta iounnt. Tisn postiion as stateti eebs ago isy Cbomta Hale, miso ban ieen co-rinaling Mit- tonns application for tom- rentai isosntg. Sta aiti tise province banismatie a cossilsent ta conitier ao application, anti the projet onîti ta isadi"if ut coulti ta juoldfiei." Euchres successful lis Mes. Ceci[lPaterson Catiresers of the eucisies ai ornby Com- mumity Centre report tisat enjoyabte parties hase bees held. Thse pre- Chistismas party a >Dec. 23, witlt t0 tables attrending. Winers were Miltireti Masos, Lamaa Taggart. Evetyts Wilkîe. Htarv'ey Dose, Mac Alex- ander and aveDoing. Prizeccîssers at the euorteron Der. 30mere Hatel Prestos. Eva Prestrost, Elles De- forest. Ellisan Bail. Eti Parsos, Mîke Brenem parhicularly ra operalive in getting thse projieet on Thte'ororo I.droelop- nient projert oiesigorti area residensoand bhast nese.Reteassg to he hutin the comptes ara restaurat and disco bar. lorre movse tbratres, an office busild- intg and a hak ANONYMOUS UESDAV 8-30 p.ns Haoîrg a proistem? Ciron m, ALATEEN aN .h H ANl ARIA LGTNG B2048 MLONONT.93J21 iview Road S. 877-6984 g,,N MCH E 1:: AL Tiere ere six tables ta pay. Tiiseeeisiy eucisee as hatuetiay, Jan. tai, Hors- by at ine tables anti wisnsersmweee Lamna Tag- gar, lira Peennmond, Elles Delresi, F. Pearocis . MPeacocis .R Fealseesian. A telîgitiaianti msci estayeti cantiteligisu sec- iiew s eit at Belisel Cisarnis osDecestar 24 aI O pm.Tisivsas rranget by tisenchoir aba sang many caras. aniemss anti iymns. Res. J. Geifin anti ses- bers gave lie Chrisîmnas siary. -Ligisi inoDans- ses Famîly cons- ioonios as serseti. Tomn CutisetrofaIChaiS River sang a solo. Tise cantiettgist service dreis a large aiteetiance and mestars wr happy ta melnonor many Ms Cultrianti on Tam aof Chais River ere sodayvsita s is er 878-8881 DATSUN nw NEW CAR ANNOUNCEMENT PAGE B3 tiaugiter Mes.L. Liter asti iamily. liîppee y matis on hunday esenung Jan 7 nausai a car la tease tise rond anti break ouf a hytica pote an Dery Rd. ant i BgistisLine. Bîitiay grertîngs anti gand isises ta Denait Featiserstats. hîrsen halîba anti Cari Wilson. Getlltisiises ta Walace imson, wmois aphtttntis -Mils uts0- Family Ilise Reaalsaaite Coin-x mission on te Famlly, ban annoimeed t li liaf a committioners. Chair- man De. Blair Saw, an 1ilabriite poorbalagini. sith1e gropi taacce5i-1 ting brinfs and nai-i misioons irons tteresletiE indivitiuels or groupe. Ise eomnisiolners are Helen Gasrevas ai t. Cathsarines, a iosttwifet anti solter anti ebair-4 Omagh Family1 By Ms. CeeU Pattersoea Congratulationn ta M.A anti Met. Daviti TaylorE (nee Violet Fintiel on te bisitis aitieir ton, Roberi David ti iQteenswayC Hopital on Dec. 29, a brotiser foe Sandra anti anotiser grantiton lac M. anti Me. ansFinnie. Miss Lytia osae Finnie retarneti recently fetm a 12-day boliday in Cal-1 ifornia mtar tisevisiteti han Franc"ncoanti nany pointa of interet. A yoaog couple, Me. anti Men. Melveroy anti tieir two nmaB ebidren mere forceti iy fie r fo lieir mobile iome on Tiuseday nigist, loaing aU tieir posesiont. ise fier starteti at 3 a.m. Mlot Fiee Depart- ment antmered tise clt toc bnlp, miicis onior- tunatety mat fiet sent 10 Bampton anti relayed isy Peel O.P.P. ta Milton. The ismîty wm ina isa an Tiompuon Roati jut soutistniot tise arena, bave secoreti a neaeisy tacs iome. Local associations are endea- voing 10 islp thym gel establiseti agoin Anynne caring to otier bnlp ils cltting, batt isolti gootis, fond or ranhis are asedt1 contact Mc. C. Paul ai 878-9516 or Ms. C. Patternon aI 878- 59a0 - -0- Birtisday greetings anti THONDApCIVic 583 MA7IS.E BAZ OT OR LTD rn SaieEaDS 5Servi l99Guelph t- Geongeor M877-5286 or 876-1813 MI Commission stan nifte Làncota Renassance Consmittar; Brion Kempaler ni St. Tinomas, a lawyer; De. Jont Laben nifliingston. an autisor asti assistant1 protessor oflsociolafy ai Queenu University; Sheia Mrristn ai Toronto, bander ai tise ShtasMorrsot Scinools anti ecretary aiflise Par- ent Action Leagor; Dr. Geofrey Saw of Nem- foandianti, an autior, edacator anti lettreet Dr. Robert lhsonofa Briitinh Colunsbia, an astisor anti etocator anti farmer priameotartan, anîd MiiurilWhitelrof Peterboroughs, former necretaey ai tise Peter- boroughin ttr-cintrei Costrittee on Religions lidacation ta Public Beboîn anti eairman o thePeterboroughs Costef is burned out gond bath,. ta Cieryl Gel meIl mîises t10ev. Atm Pracoci anti Roie Wilam Mliigan misa n Botafielti. convalencing a lusnhanse Bey. Gordon Tistars foltobang a car accident athlie guesl mintter a1 on Cheisas Day in Osagis Prenityterian Ortsngton. Mr. Miigan, Cinscei on Batday, Jan. driver ai the car, mas in 7, anti cantisleti the colliion mush another nacransent ai communion vehisile andt rereiveti toc a large congregatinn. nsany bromses anti a Tisee yostg people, S- severe sisoiing sp non Marshnall,Bath it- Met. t.ety Walbec o ien anti Davidi MeCann Toronto an a holiday mere melnsmed i mb the viitor bath ber brother risurcis iy profession of Harvey Campbell anti faits. iamîlyForth Line. THE FANTASTIC VAW.RABBT DIESEL a i f announced ai Woneontncetiiater tit montOs A prelbnlnary lbt oi 1 at ienessn consultat n lase n oaloganr. reletet ani icîsienDe nfornsality bil t tise Kien Dasis, ciairman ai baSlmaris of tise iearingt, tise isliry tacutty ai tise catît lIt Shsaw tiiorit ' yof Waterloo,. -Formai hearîngs are Walter tinsuate, sadîîionatly tise maio- Menstar of Parliansent nayn ni comsmitioas, for Brandon-hotels in bat sere gvtag in do a MaBtaba; Siaron nonsier of otinar lisg Forensan, seretary of becauste wme e tiaitfoc- tise Concernai Citizent mal preetofa briefs Cvnsmittee ni North s ritcser linittag." Battleforti, Sasatche- Ose of tise ways tise wanv; anti De. Murray formalsty ai brarins ibal Meitosern, a ciitt aecltai t is euste oi psychologiot in Oskiee teteptanea. A perses ces Tise Conssinonmas impty raB] o cons- organizeet ntier tise minioner astiexpess auspices ni Renainsance is ne ber sietet ait at International, bradai isy tise. a Miton cleegynsan,. B. Mr. Canspbell pottat lien Canspbselt. Bt tise comssion la intiepondent of Retaio- Ibe consins ilIta sance bInerational, holdilng israringn in ail altisoagis tise parent major ritien. Daiesni tise group mill font tise corns- iearings iti tabcan- misiono sills. COMPLETE BODY AND PAINT SHOP IN GEORGETOWN 877-2901 et 23 Armstrong Ave. next to Mavalk Automotive WE WA NT YOUR BUSIN ESS IF YOU CAN'TCOME TO US WE'lL COMETOe roiI FOR FRÉ E ES JTiMA lTES oCars o Trscks o Snowmobtles 877-2901 eLu - it -Ou*Filer 23 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown 877-2901 SisME BUILDING AS BILI S PAINTING SERVICE *Any type of metal trailers (Skidoo - Boat Horse) *Made to order [Ca11 aaaq loIar ednrgo *Repairs and Fabrication vo. h- trola Recreatoi Ofice ut r he e gresde 877-2901 eps e..d 853 12 'Dwe %e t r enftcm 198 Mein Street, Milton 878-1303 - 878003 ( 1 0111i *Supplies for the Dancer, Skater, Gymnast Leotards 8& Tighis s Skating Dresses Dymnastia Letards haresa a-f Cabots lîigbts andi Lvg WarmOrs Sîsypers Satans, Danse Bags Skate Cavets Sookettes Accessorivs Sbves Far Ai Types oi Danse '0ts INEW STORE OPENING - JA NUA RY SA LE SPECIA LS I GYmnâetie Leotarde 1chidens Mdum Leg Warmers Ladies' jLarePink Tighte Assorteti Colora Caton & Velvur kai Dresses tesemel Adaît - Ove Sîze Warns Up Suit SkatingforBallet sr 15%op 27 5 20opn I g case - -- ~a __________________________________________________________