6 Tha Canadien Championi, Wed. De. 6, 1978 PAPER PIJPILS and tiseir real life mates galber togetiser in preparation for parent-teacher in- terviews at St. Peter's Schsol Thse grade four claso coostructed the paper models of them- Paper pupile occupY - desks at St. Peter's A ooetoOlO was adsed to leseon prior to mak5555 the p=en echer interesor doplsssles. fsg ode uor clos ai Si "Il gae hiesn a gond Peter's School in Milton. percepiion of Ilire bodies and ln prearalion for Ose Ilseir feaiures" said Miss eIel. popls coosleocled 11fr- Arstriong of the poper Ise esadels af tbesucîes ceodrîs. a hpe. ihsn Iheir desb Papile sos eealised lIrai I ý hairs. tbeir srsss do not strecb According 10 grade loracedose l tha pupille Il teachee caselen Amsong :1:iee luio th e bb cm tierwe Areisl, becasse awale of epebosi tise Oeas asd outier feallures. I rernembered haSilîidoncethe Whe parents arrined inthe 01 ~saine thssg ingradelfour clasicoci for tie isterview The eeecise achieved a with the leacher lacer Oral sec monter of goals in addition 10 evniog, ssusss and dodo berne a source ai eood fun, sece aslad to identiy tbeer saidMss Arsrong. chidddesk and books vil Popel receiced a hea lb Oiee ai oie paper ssadels. GOLDEN VI FRY HALIBUT &SOLE -a~' s.,,FAST TAKE-OUT SERVICE selves ta ideotify thiser desks and books for FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE visîtîng parents. The del carne from grade four WE ARE NOW OPEN teaciser Debbie Armstrong, who did the samne thing when sse was in grade four. ML~ on IA S fositOr sas Si Johnfrn Asntsotac is sc aco af- 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.mn. scd ilgadoally o'sth :oy eul Rsosc gloccoo un fnil Christmas ght lasot, and pot the h.od l Du unirulauddo ont 5o MILTON 55.005ov li aptpli CARL FARIA, 9, and Krista Mars, 9, pose besld their "laok-alikes". Thse grade four pupils along with their classmates mode the hife-î models in preparation for teacher-parent interviews last week at St. Peter's School THE VILLAGE GREENERY FLOWER SHOP Caepbeilvil le - FINE SEASONAL PLANTS -FRESH FLO WER ARRANGEMENTS -GIFTS UNIQUE AND COLOURFUL -DECORA TIONS FESTIVE AND IMAGINA Tf VE 10% OFF an aIl orders placed before - 20December 16th forChristoOS Plants * and Fresh Arrangements Guelph Line, North of 401 S Betweeo 10 & 15 Sîde Roada 854-2348 S AVE Thse Mazd GLC Deluoe coots about $1,200 less than a VW Rabbit. * Yen, thse GLC cornes vith more standard features than the Rabbit. It gives you bettor gos cconony. And a smaîler turning circle for botter rnanoeuvrobihity. Corne on, hop 10 il. Shop the Mazda GLC and save yoursclf about $1,200. .OcaadconffaofaCiO«'ugSaOa55,Oaa64oece auhilles MM motels SALES and SERVICE M5 Oua.' Stoee Seu * Actioa * 8634M0 SaL uD 2 xN24ER z p hg FreiLea FsOdBSea 4ou CHENS bLA Cas ee. pl i o pks eno SA P CHRM TEBy GRe PE FRU oI 2AKECt PERAL 'sd~ No ~~ Nm BACONBEN lb.$.% SCUIT Wht Frsh "A" h $399 BREAD 1REDe or GOEN DELICIDU F hLean nces FrsPY h h Ida brakigo BEE F CGOKING Ccgs £EPJP F qucsBh 6z-u fl _ _ _ _ GATRONO BESE G 2hEEN Fre S oca Tendr gr P N. 1 Canada BICIT S o ARROTS phat REDST oh NOLDEUA CIU Wîi h a ch Artaohe 5OM I b asl SMflIING $OKSCE No. 1 Ontario G o en ieI Milton youths face charge, Tsno il-year-ol Milias tephe S O Cli dt ilo f arja anaa aroh of poollo face naincotie charges Or, M i ee b welroce foowgoaninvestigatonhby posseson of arijuanlas. aller Warren Selch. of Fay C., Hon Rnegiona Pce. po i sesrd a on-ounce Milton is chorged rnîth pes- sesson of marlijuanaeorthe pu psef tafficieg. S te re o tAcco rdieg ta police, flic Haitn Rgioal olie ae ad a AMFMcadis and soda OSuday, aftar police neigaig a break and sierotsystesssnas talioni. sipe aael ce o rry esira lre fîcei Wiiebll The incident sas ree e 7 elr ilie60pur Denelopsses on Oerry Rd. weceelredY nssi. Bl nrid d ecl wl oearOslar!o Si. poiee Modieeig thSvranSil i Accoedisg lu police. the police ai ibis fisse aon 00 appear in Milles Pronleelal sales pavillion ofthe deelop- rou how the building w08 Court os Msarday, Jan. B le ment Companry as eiteeed enlerred. baveatrial datesef. ilmin e TRINITY MILTON GOSPEL CHURCH OF CHRIST BAPTIST HALL 14t2BritanniaRd.We CHURCH 306ontacSI s* 8782022 Minis 0312haplOs co CsosasstiahescBOsan cor l 50 530,0,h" Sondey. c. 10, 1070 Sonday, c. 10, 1978 maDc 0 9:45 an 0,0 Bilcheol c,' ost S10 dy. 1t978 500 e nI. 0Bibe Schoit classe n,00 Oscakoq Osad soes 11.00o, Ma W5Sfsol sedO5l tOton15a SundeoShtCI- 1100 a..n McsncgWoshipand p masechss-M'sso 70lc Soscoisc theoLors SOOctSo 7-00 c- nEru cocssrocose., Wednesday 00 cn escOO i 0 mon , ah. Ofie fthseso- 0 Psaycs andî Bible ope Fe55055hip cou ater thise iso Ocodsoq Wedeesday .1.O.Al IecWell on 7:30 m.O n BsibStdy Tuesdey ThnOr Sesosces "The Chos of hisht »ls 7 00 ln Tssnty oys E h SI iersssaisiCom nro Me, airve You Rons16:16. Clob.S ;l alabo, nd ahasoSssaeeoand Wedniesday will iv oO tst Meth. 11.28 THE 7:30 ln PIeses cîesîuin ansd : -PRESBYTERIAN notoraisTHE CHURCH BibecsesnasuscosdsoSd PRESBYTERIAN NCND A Walln Welconro il CHURCHESOF KNOX CHURCH : CAMPBELLVILLE Et MILTON ANGLICAN CHURCH NASSAGAWEYA 170 MainO Si E 0F CANADA Sunday, Dec. 10, 1978 ReoOssos J. Lernis GRACECHURCH NASSAGAWEYA o7a-os8s 317 masn SI Milton 555 SîdenscO sors rest.f Soscis -sosO Choir Ossactos Sssedey. Dec. 10, 1070 lse Ms Al..s Rotinistd Advenl Il 10t00e n connass,oriSeice Sunln Dec. 10, 1078 800ae n Haly Comnno ST. DAVIOS , Whie Gift Sondait 9.30 an Ss.o- Ccasc CAMPBELLVILLE 90545n -Cchcha5 5choo5. -în n ononSrviscea 0 Ora- n AdultBbe lou 10:30 an -Junior ChucS": 'eM.essovMo tO s. ssaasî Schao Ai Wessn Bacssrn, lt3ta.nos M1sa e 0 6s30p.ni.Cossnratonss TharsdY 7:30 cni Msltso Ailrsc O5Welcon0 10:00 a. n. Holy Comnons ________ __________ NST. JOMNO HIGHWAY GOSPEL BOSTON and N:0A S S A G A WEo Y A m un o C H U R C H O M A G H S T .os C O R G E'Sc So of Ca ada P E SBY TER IA N ST EO ES Wakefield Rd oa sos 25 CHURCHES LOWVILLE tesos Rev M. Chsrsesos ssssnMoaa 550an.osnoPs ars Arssssasofos,0, lor. ooa ssSonday, Oc. 10, 1978 SUndey, Dec. 10, 1978 Cssslrelracsossar essd Nuasery 9.45a.mn Sossday Sc.ol OcrastPsaacher:OasadRenoa _________ 1.00 .ni M.'nsos sussss BOSTON EMMANUEL 6:00lo FasssssocsOoOs 9:30 anm.-Wcsahsc Serssae and BAPTISI 7:00T,-. cootssstsOossI,. Chusaschha CHURCH 8:00 pn -wne,,.toý Bble Nuassoslaciice Conesa OIs'AM0sltn St.dyoand icote, 550 OMAGH Pastor:DrS .e0snrgc ~ o il 00 a.en -WcrhService and Soý,nday, Dec. 10, 10780 . voeroncom n n .sdensboss oCIC, l scresacities 45Os am-SundaySchSl andaned oomSlaShsol JosSeCasdeaslsiaaa Bibleclasses radulte. , scgshot osssean bcpno uf i i ,11.00 Il.n Arntol asdsOir rnclship. Sermn: So.i _____________ 5 Psnsa kaca T. STEPHEN'S. HOIONBY' 7:00 ne .Esensso pons ansd S T. JO0H NS, ST.PAUL'S Bible siado, Sermnn "The STEWAItTTOWN OF Maoo,' a Osse an, n. A N G LICA N CH U RCH ES THE U NITED Taee H d:Biba T RI-t Saysd W, 5S;si.,, CHURCH0F CANADA C sl ae sd a y s7 :3 0 p . m . R ct. s 8 78 0892 3 M an S t . e t Ja m e s . Wsedeasdr ay:3 an.0so. Sandoy, Dec. 10, 1978 Sonday, Del. 10,1970 art.v. Adoanlt Il 11:00 a.e ...Saoc, Tharna, Nums eniaoitshiaareroosdedoass Si Johssa93 a.mn coso "TheaMed ciGod". Sondev Selrnisei ano TuoaclenEchassas Mm. JamnaisMoFaddas nantis Si. Ssehc sl Oý 11:00ar . Oroîo.hSrbo.1 Corneandsringafrand Il ns Moîng raier Nurosr fcEiin