2 The Canadien Champions, Wed, Non, 22, 1978 Milton enjoys fastest growth in Halton Mihltonoc ntinuesî 0oe the constructliooprceOed to an And tOis t 01yeae tO lHalton Hills,in hoold in Burtîngtan can 0e largely groutti bad becsn 1earp mlof the cipys gcowtb 1972 and 1973 to 1974 Or 4 pr cr eaide in tise faubst gouîncomusoî n eclpcompeîîo." coOt busactullpdcopod eent a minimum growtb attcibuted ta the cntis g '70s oheýn tOc populatio et bubr onstant ai rougkfp resprciivelp, tOry declbted to lu 1ei15a1 ps Haltua. Timrlea is prOjecîrd to u 1611. of 300-40 people" d eeoms fU tc B ris tom 29,176 o t-9.1t.31,060in 2,No people a pear, with the 402 belmeon 1971 and 1976. Peel iucceased21 pr en Betreen 1977 and 1970 Use has 1,0 det lni oeetn s pr "ic 95ppdtnso Usl= uaity ululeB: bu 92ud3,71 93 e ig splucees coming betueen Houeser, Ibis last peur sau or 90,05 peefcu 1974. population nf the tous orsi finished, o cogl 5,000 centage poiahmcacS 0 erea U rbnAea villes gontti con lu tracel .creau of 2,563 or 0.0 per 1971 and 1972 and 1973 andl the popultiont cr by 1,uoe Theyec114auUelm focm 22,005 10 22,706, a pr prople. more dsisu the otr Halbis Oas declined frtcn 17,599 lu lu th1e erecton of mure nmits ceint. 097 uece il increaoed 4,017 thiluluon's total pu"etulaton at wa r eglumul goverumit ceolugr lnceuse ef 2.8. Milton sas actually gcown commuliitrs. 1975 and to017,393 tItis yrar," * in Shteridan Hillu antd the Bisse lOrs 1the increauco and 6,00 rrupectivelp. UsMou uUrel 3,0 WaC litadlte Insarpot suhmittedtoUthe 35 prcet colpared tol971 Burluglue's population 0e said, Betusen 1937 and occapaucy of masp imita have du'mdled. Oelp 1,973 Betuet1W4 andl1975, lsseet almostuaiqaterof a lli Duhm ma poplatono Hallue Planing Committer ohmn the population oas musets 100,354 tcom 100,314, a 1970,Geogb u lî a whucb Id hithecto remalurd preple moyed lutwere thr up3=lrm 97,972lt 01,936I. pseopile, 06r goi 9 1, it 6M'su, 646 ance lih" hp region planing dirrobor 14,838. prrc otagr of 2.4. Jure 41 prpemptp. tive-peur prritd of 1973-78 8 uvlspplto u Sevetaon ag l 171 t ln, E. R. Cummiig, Oc satd, The statistios are based on Oakville'snbeltOupl too,eo1î "As with Milton, Use luch ut Betweeo 1971 andl 1978, uccordingto1 statistios sb' tncreaued lu =5U Ibis , per ai 190,230 people, a dli- Thorae are 313,08 poupée "Milton for Use pool four regiseat baundacies if thep from 68,572, a percentage cris vaitahîr semage capoilitp Hail-u Ruil a' ppuson hu -itteil in Cumming's report. compared ta 58,971 lu 1971, o terence ut 44,662. 7hu Use livnin l York webluls lu1,1116 pces bas nad the distinction bail heen in etteot in 1971. of 1.9. asd resoltlug restictions on gone roa 3 0,96040 ag.n Brtueen 1971 und 1970, difteceece of 11,910 fur an perceelage lucreaur lu Use laié thuai Halltis. of grouing ut a faste, raie Betuees 1971 and 1972, the Hatton Hilîs oas tOc grouth ,are reuoresible toc r ee ut 13 pu Oul. Burlugluns' popuilion bas mncese of 16 pur eut. , regloe la 19 pur cent. The gresth bus beru et tihe thas stbrr mumfcipofîties in popilatin iocrruied bp 692 1 smnallesî of aIl, regisring no the delay nf growth in Use hl aIprlubenils rioen fronm 86,74510106O,134 ae Although Use main ie- The r ceie growtb eXPULC of MeOs wbat tOto rogo. 153.Fm192073, Use more Usun n.01 pur cent in- Georgetone Urban Ares." smaseat luerease. lurae0 10 o o'creuss oece 2,752 uem ,2 c elui 07 ose n.plluu gseey0.pe Thse increasr meunu 611 numlu of peoplerincreasecda creuse or 33,993 peoplr su Cummieg saidUsheincrease Meut nf Use commonity's centage of 20. inothreuers betueei971 and PeriencedinuUs elgburbf grit lu tise lmt lre 7WC peoplr are livîegtUstin the fucthor 0 10 16,068 and 314 34,051. regios of arolilli Metas h» , th . foi, re ~~ tous tOut w00051 bore tast beturen 1973 and 1974 te HulfonHRifla' luok of growth Toonto 01Peel, York and b3iA peur. 16,382. spare 'umn .orpr, Durham. bp 174,404 citlaens. Pr"gu .authulis sbuse '.However- said Cu- The co muiynderuent Hsîton Hilîs causes the most el atnlniho o er' ouainaWM in"he so uîd Cron Tajse comuinp the Ohee c onrnwtO an abst theI Us ntaisi ha po O faion i 5eu,6 tromta t yeur misg, ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 "10e 4beoegst ae '.. ~ ~ .î,um sr "'~'AW 21,618. Meut nf t'ha, oW',ss ta th.e coot 2,04,171. enperienced thsyea is he louest (sin1 557i-1974 when il was 314) 1 He said. "TOms is a eslt of the tempoeary shoctage of souage treatnent capacity. The plant expansion 10,11 allosu the Tîsnbeclea Com- nsunity, currently undor Beiseen 1973 and 1974 the population ment fr097 16,382 te 18,431 an increane of 2,049. ltent up anoter ,78 in the 5r51t yeu1 to 20,509. in 1977 the population tallied 22,095, an increase of 1,386. betwren 1977 anld 1978." "il may actulafbeIosing population." he said. "given that a municipality should eow bpa minimum of ils natural incease, presuri1g inmîgratiOfn and 1,t1 migration balance. Mink farm oss: $ 16,273 Night raid bydogs leaves costly toli ns Peler Mills M Just hou much Dasid mot Yemm ili [ose 0u11 yet to Oceav tully detormîned, but the o'ee attack on hitmink lar'n5ha Ono packt of wudd dogs last Mayp r ufli 0ie a detînite sethach. despite the compensulion 0e n wili recrîeive om theTtwn of Ses Mîlton. bas y i as May 20 100e0 Mr, gai Yemm was returningto his 100 home on MeNiven Rd., Kilton icde aaboutZ2uinM HetMid oh he heaed minkruttning up and dui doms theie 1050e cages, uhich i are located toiard the rear ofre bis peopecsy, some 50 metreS c asuay ts'om bis bouse ".I ent over towards the sas cagesto isnestigate and 1bas o able 10 tee secetal dogs kne esnning sasay The nest ha mornng,lurst out to he gu cages and saw a loody mess. kil 1 didn ' t kowuhat tothink" o OHs lmss ove 600mintt. ad includîsa breeding temales antdtheto young. t Although ituas darkhOhOn Mr. Yemm saw the dogs rus auay, he said hewasable to u gos a taie ides of ukat boey ke lsoked lihe. Ho said bhey Oece scufly and rough-looking. Ho rs also estimated they uosghed us in the netghhoohood of 30 PI pounds. Mr. Yemm has ownrdthe n mishcranch since 975 when 0e hougOt it from bis fathor. at agol2 Heosaid hisathoc had owned smeof the best 'docks" (dark-coloced mink) in Canada. He also noted there had becs somo troubleo 1cm days hetore tOc night Of tOc attacO. Foc a couple of nigbts befoce t0e attack. Me. Yemmn satd thece 10000 apparently dogs cismmsng in the accu of t0e cages. The sent day, hoe said, uhen ho out o th1e cages, 0ie 10usd 5051 ofth1e mothees had kîllrd thoît' yousg. Hsesaid aithe time. he didu't Onsu uhy, but tl -as clear the mothoos oece agitatrd ose, semething. Mr. Yemm ui ho reccînlng $16.773.12 incm pensation forthe lmsseom the tous, and 0e dismisses suggestions tOus itll oe the mus adequatcly bocause bts esponses. includîng tceding bis heed. uce great. TOc Joms is compoundcd by the tact tOut Oce pelts oftIhose animais bhat wcre îilIedar uncthless TOc animais oece uearing thesc"*summer fur", uhich is pcacsically morth- In an effort ta, replace tOc stock, Mr. Yemm bougOt 200 sou breedrs. Each ycac, Oc replacescoughly 70percent .1 hinstock Th.. year, Oc said le ould Oc keeping rougbly J 500 reeder femalcs usd 300 kceeder males of bis herd of about 5,000. This leavss cniglsly 3,200 mik 10 0ie pelted and put upfor aoctiss. He said ituould bedifficOIt to estimate uhat a poîî wuld arnin, because the prices are fluctuating. Ose esample be cited mas a prît brisging in $123 ut an aaotion, 1000gb a more reausoble figure wud he $30 pr prît. Mr. Ycmm said! tOut thc dogs cauoed the moUser mint, alla are servoin d uspr' dictable creatures by nature, ta go un a campage, siaugblering their Young. Ho cieddone case ie uhick a cou of 46 cages uas vitually de01- maîrd. 011110840, 31 cages ut kits (smalt esink) kail kees ohliterated. Eactt cage con' tains a idîtr of kits, and Usece are an average 4.1 kils ie a normial littr. c. Yemm said therce er 'ckits in thc cages thon an rage littee hecause bhey eas splialcruss'breed Oit un as demi-halls. uhich Misd lie more prolifiO Iogs hase becs a probloso haitacea for secerulyears. .eraleesidents ofKilbride e ccasionally had theic 'bagr scatteced by dogs ich appaccntly subsînt on scraps, and also from uit hep cas forage at the mporarby. A packhofup Je dogs Oas spotted tOrre ently. Mr. Yemm sasd uhen ho w the dogscunninguaa mthe cages uhere hoe eps the mink, ho uuld ve sfso hem ifhe had a n at hand. He agreed tOut Jing 0cmn is probably 1he iy uay 10 gel eid oft 10cm. ding boere uouldn't be job likelihood of mistakîng cm toc ocdinacy household JIs :easa pot ss usually rll grcamend cared foc. seceas tOmse dogs oece un. mpt and scrutfy. Ho also noted boey w amîng at large, Out a polt .unal esîhor kepI indoors or ul on a ropr as nsght. Mr. Ycmm's oun dogs wece ton gurd duty the night of ~~e1WI ai Mr. '118979 mother's hose and the ohertowe in she building, unable to gel a Oce dogs rampging though the mnk cages Wu r -, dogs, accordo, Io Mr mn ýW M Yenm, ns that tlsey k111 merely toc the ton cf il- Ho POUND FOR POUND, mink are possibly tise suid there hace esn seeal mont dangerous mrature there is, according ta other cosnplaints from orea mmk fariner David Yemm, who lest quite a few faesners about dogs attackin ong mink in Ma y when a pack of doga ravaged nheep and cattIe-but nothing qn han heon done about il bis tares. Many of the young were killed by thse ~ 878r96_ bô-lý Wl WILL INSTALL TOUR ma F SHOW TIRES Plus for everybody's protection and your peace of mind we do the following 10 POIT SAFET CHEC SAFETY SERVICE SPECIAL $995 (Purtn entra> COME IN NOW! Cati Bob Bridges, Service Manager Today For An Appointment []RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS Hwy. 25 South at Derry Road 878-2393 aider mink, who becamne excited sehen the daga attacked. Yemm was compensated by Milton Couricul for tise Ions, but titere isno assurance that thse money ho received will caver ail bis lasses. SUPIS ASSOIMTM OF IM M F '3 TACS & SEALS WA moma 24" LIONTED TABLE TOP COLSIIEFUL CHRISTMAS TREE HAàPPY -~ - HOLIDAY GIFT WIIAP £99 3 LIONT UP YGUR CHRINSTMOAS esIUUI HOUSE WITH JOY.... 71 i72 0COLOU FUL OnLTEYAT 5.161-Qss 3 PLV nAiteist au "aPRIM LUNCHEON NAPKINS PARTY SET 77~.o2 77aZ - a' -. SPRAY i1, 8rscA SET M149' 385 STEELES AVE. M5 OPEN THURS. & FI. NIGNiS 878-9222 LeY.AwBYPlan 1 $78.3212 &9=1 878-32OUS .,22,.23 m24 s..25 ., WMW. a M wàmMW.LMM smsffl-MFNJM =Imbu S..19 Atmài $dur* Maëm 25 ..gh'y J.-Y - . .ýhy Ri 1, ý2f %AOW -2 a= 2 pmrmTQ. lxUaw SOI M Me-.PL= show Thnas: Siun. Io Ttu". 8 P.M. Fri. end Set 7 p.m. SI 9 P.M. r7 [ (if rqp1ý,jý ý ý jýA[ M(_)T(_)FýS [IA[ýTS assassins@@ 77 COMPLUE a