10 TheCCanadieChampion, Wed. Nue. 22,1978 Pracce il hospital1 for ya Tonhall conflrms Milton doctor returns f rom Taiiw [ election post ngs li Pr Mil te i ho s r otoi and itourd dur g the havest sentir, mu orcyrle crashtes mure Cthera ara sex durtae ait imseitgea ircturt Uai tae DrC onae Ou h a - The shtf ut Luaefest Hospihtl pray r ria el.s b u ctsu Dfficial rîrutio retullu posted h afler te Nov. 13 rleco coofors bafoua. 'lse offiiaitllje of thse elue ara as folttam .MayarliuGlr tactd 0110l)4.2 AoueaMocAthur 2.251 Rionleal CSnallir îWordeOOne a WilliamJohnon (elerlad) 1,.190 James Watson 1.063 Region ousilae Word tao) Gouttououhi td3t lâue Kerr 2t11 'relie uecIlOu mWarde Oneeaed Homard CaritrY 43 Richard Day (elecleot> 799 BiasPeemoit eterled) 715 'roue Cueirittr (Word 'eut, Gurd Cartwright 1.752 Doue DeSytua 1.781 'rry Gibose elerîrd) 2.540 Ro Harrn eecrted) 2.878 Blanche Hietenrton et 1,.070 Gordon Keotittrlrrted) 2.750 Don McCotemo 1,550. aoord ofEduatiue (Words One Ivan Armstrong (lorted> t1,187 NeiJohesoet00 CourduofEduactoi (Word'ruut Tom HilIS985 William Lawson2,530 Acclaimed as oft. 24l weo rr Moion for the îmo postiosOf tua Arolaimed thesaine day as te Board ofEducationelectadhCu Are comied mootelipalitts ot Jobe Bradley and os the Tome o Separote SohoulBoerd-i. Angelo T The comas ond aciaressos ut trustees %vhll assumea thaîr poso Mayor DontOGordon.752 iSoh L Rafîuol Couerillor moardu Johe one R.R 2. Rokohod Regiooeo Couuoollvr 00usd T% Tome Coureotîlor moard One) Ri R. R 4. Miltue. TowneCuuoooltor ( Ward Tmt B R.R. ,Miltoe. CumeCouneillur OatdTwmuTt TowneCouneollor piord Tmu t TowneCoueotllor, Ward Tmo) G EducatiootTrusterWards One Board ut tduootîuv Wad To Miltoe. Tomn Couollur moWrd Three Rd_ .RR. 2. Milton;. To Counetlor i.murd Thrree Edurattue Truster (Seporotet. Board ofEdooattoe Separote) Trwo f ires ... Caniîsod troue Paie Dite birut lire avd the tîrfighîr The gargruos con sîructrd i ansscin and il wasdtttotot tortoire' tîghters tu pst out ail tho toames. olthough bhey con saurral houe fives and at. îached the huldineftroue thrrr stdesoand thr rouf At une pointt thry useot o chan sou t1 eut tbrough the malts, Il touS about ou hour t0 brinel the tire unoerrotrol Sleanemhota oball ut ir reapt 30 fret froue the roof, reportrd onevtns Lose intludrd four tors. muo of them aetîtoro belli rapoard. plus tome lns teldieg aqoîpueot. radios aed othea gods. AnOoldcar en One section of the hoildivg osroprdftredamage. The buildintg and cotets weportatît oesured. Peuople lituing te earhy humes rvocuoted. thaîr chold- rao in theor arme. mhro the tira brst haobr out and ib oOS trared il mîght spread t0 adjaceet homnes. oes prautîsiet os M Lton for the pees ai. yeors, bo juI raturard tramna year'C trip ta 'raiwmou. Dr. Ho os a generat pror- titsoser sOlo se otse a trember ut tae Canadient Chrietian Medicat Society, and tl mas tbrough tisaI organseotioit 1h01 ha mas able lu go to Tuait aed pracîse ai lte Logefrît pmauced LOti ge-teel) M, ur Hospiht Dr. Ha paid ltae trae- sportatioe coula tue hiuesetf. hiu wjîr, aed hie Ibra children, aed the houpitlt more Matayan or Ptlynestatt ie thaîr origle Ihait Choueso. and rarety 000 thr people. wouare pour aed ignorantt for the muet part. attord lu sau douer, hae eaid. "'rhey bave 10 rouer their 000 oteditat expeosue.- esptaieed Dr o 'Charris nooOttP or thr mdical onsuraoce like me houe bore.- There es aie ucother reaso mhy they rurely see durturs. "They arr bardý murbouf peuple. They tut oan' tlake thetlie offott rk tu liea dotue .esPecially Ir eumyt thesetuesses tire, Ohars, Ibougit, miti uety gel morse, epciotty if lhey murbrd tu bord." Dr. ltu said lte maie itenes there tened t l bc of anun teîtious nature. Dailes such us mrotegitis or tubortutosis mare et ucheardutf, bot disasutcb as malaria or smolîpus mare roîremely rare. Heosidhe dtd nol site a case ot chutera bhrr. but dtd he or of surb a As mal. injuries tramo oser ote t tuto egiofai aparata scituetors from Hato ue Olu and Miltoneit fMilon truste rao the auoi tha oem 00000c an sohotl toseffectia De. a. a as ore RtR 1 Mitn oe adThree Wiloa o) GuoGououkhtR 1 Dr. MICHAEL HO hou raturnad ta lots pructsce tn Canada ufler Spending tOue Pemae. 5153 Derry Rd., thesa st yelir in Taiwan morkieg with doctorS ut a itaspitat there. Dr. Ha is eyGibbhons.857 FraserCt. part uf tise Casoadian Christian Medicut Society, tohirit hrlprd imn spend lattohe Hinoue to1 Cilde Dr.; samne tifloe in Taiwan. Rose arrisn. 70 Wooward N00 Boy srout poper ordoet<roett. 163Main St. driv s SoturdaY, Dea. 16 aned hreea IvanArmstrong. i Brodilam atun,3 RRry 5. ~ ELECTRICAL * INDUSTRIAL 1 BadClmets 431Dery A WUKLY IVLCOMEI CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE Don MeMîlios. Mofftta. I POLE IE * AERtAL John Bradlyi5g Marin St.. N E , Y HOE CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING Ang L COHOel ICS ANONY OUS 878-2048 iiLCNOLIS AH NYMisS53A MAIN OC E. MILTON. ONT. LOT OJ2 MEETS EVERY TUESDAY .830 pue THE 010 Flac HALL 000,00 o orut biri MAIN STREET MILTON Diop vr ER EO N EOVRCU AL-ANON ALATEEN * sL Co V00 have a relative il 0000 0000000' th dr king oblemo dikinq bthring Yeu 1 *1 Meeto TOoooOtut 900 Marto WrdoOOdaO. 8 00 ,, - ooo'ýCh.,ch p.ma Goaoo Choool CoottoHall Cuo.th Hail THE ENTERTAINER IS COMING CLEAR THE TRACK TO THE oPTIMIST CENTRE ~ Thinking about docorating in your home? 'A wh nnr strt bv havînq your fa vourite chair or sofa reupholstereî S'C ~ by our skiled craftsmen. CALLTODAY FOR A FAEE ESTIMATE I ~ 878-9094 j Milton Uphlein I.751 StudonIII Avemo.. NM-Sut 9-5 e FiL tstand. maedicialie tougit of ie Taimait cait bu seau je Usais laguoga and tae siueioarity hatweni morde. rTheir Word tee ourses la pruou ced ,,uba-sea" and Usa iordfo witras is protoeed "mou- sea" , itsdicatieg tol mediiejita a bitaof a ueyery ulisar fo oe spuriotiso le inerneot mudlcie. Dr. Ho enid witite it as ohUera, twa of Usa six deetaoru mare Caimoasa. Titura mas oeal Canadien tbiseeuft oed titrisa Amuricoite. Dr. Ho, wa0lio tian Hueg Kieg .bat cama te Canada in 0900, soid be selt mouy Of Haieds ad at a e ofu tiay, but ita theugbs is hlao i eildee in particltar-were buaid at timue. 'bTey mure ued ho modere eoeveaieees itee iCanada' but ie Taiwan ltera mura lia cors. Usures mas eo taevisiait, y Milto romo hall the duo ei att tltîes troue Use day tr! and thitar ehatleegers ed Tisree sand 'risrea Brad Clrment and Don e- n oersilotuinWard'Traae lits tsev s Pan ra were vary fao oya. lise dre doot epeait Chtiasse, thet' had reatty mare oral hooks." es fomtiy tived ho a osioeory scboel dseriag lise suer mousisa, and isad 'ess tu tise ase" lbra. hr. Ho spuake Cldsse a ta, bat lud If auceuary use ae itatpratie leutaa oTaiwoeeu une a dtfeaut turf, and oueof lie tribus ea tbeir ieue asuela oguoga. We're .avaeaî ste oe Wddea as th- .asuesteueansadosIffl: HALTONVILLE Monu'SCountyMarket BROOKVILLE ACTOPd Edea lit id Out Coyal MKift osre GEORGETOWN Outrest Oakais Seanaidu GaseaStore HORNUY Hobo Cuiteral Storea Counry Fa DRURMUIN Ommqu5iC Sesu PALERFMO NELSON Nol..ailieSllO LOWVILLE Niebutaaa'a5aeaaaO Laowittu Veutusv KILERIDE CaliClia Storu CAMPSELLVILLE Mohaek tee MILTON HIOTS Caitea Corer Selr IN AND AROUNO MILTON Chalt ReurantlC H o0 0 '. O j a 5 Al500l Frait Markat Wst Ed Maus Harris uteslie isTe Champioun Chu Cfuregaili Ma.*. Ml. eas Airs. Mituelisa are Min istrc Car pta iveaisaliary 7 11 FoodtOser" Milaon Fruit Maskai Hutlen Court Homei aaSeiue VuilutS Shoot sorsAt Ind o o'nee otecOjue. 10 F CoRY PRi CES for Cite mae uoul e tou of r tt snearae oedk ro ail t O of wh OTHSER ALUMIN beU ty RofU T Halptue H e esh ouieadl y uep oep g re and hl d ig thp Aivs prms th tiiit bud accbet ouraguet t fas the OCLOCL CR PrtCs ONe m ogi e r of05 aite upe anedfo i aso Wu tue ail bu proati ot our 040150e Hilis. With pruset 0Aîumrnum AwnîflgS streegibe, suund planning anti coetinead support we wiii FEDERAL INDUSTRIES hav th commuity tht e the ruides watunes y ous DUT DF TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECC ofiry MILTON RU!TPOOFINO 583 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 PROTECT TOUR CAR 5 YEAR-50,OOO MILE GUARANTEE *9.9, terpreteadsCoigbtY magicl S t D c 7 d a ln Dr. Ho sajd the eiaSe e .7d dln sii oog doetor je 'rTe grop fookig for od Coucil, Tetaphisoet PionreaoM Caaband je shgood.b Ch'hair copies omfNatioensot Gebo- owfhAMeroca,t le tft aout timieifd ie oehat tbiy ron do. doae tolieaond Ebiseo 5,f00 f tbase ouedi mago- Charejea noeoebfbtiegoa an tposte s intbe norfth of zoje.CiTheitoi mitebefta as e b ut a n e I b l sre , a d t b e i r C n d a tb i s C r i s t m a s , b o e s ' c o f o r ft i t , e d o r a t i o o a t loborotory estoopuee Ca net set Fridoy, Daec.7asthe final Cbristmas for tbe eortbr as good os mitot me hove je deadtiee for droppiog off pteople. Canada, but Obet' moa do. donations of tbe magaztese. Books con atise be droppad They are fored te utif se ubot je avoitobte f0 tbe hast Chr Cbhaepone tae focat off at Bramof ou Ceetra and advaetoga." drop-of f poit. MiCelsaogo Sbereay Ceetre. CHRISTMAS BAKINO NIEDS Mixed PEUL Autrlin ULTANAS M..3 LEXIa RAISINS GlzdGenCERRIES 11.7 B W5 FEATUCE Nifflit F-uCWCOQgeMait .. MilTair viamn & ,aOC Surelseeis GT- itaoum OPEN j Tsaalp' il~O Tues. Wud. Sot. 10-6 m m l 1Tw Tioru. E& Fr!. 10-9 OC" 1 es.to SuCÉdeyeusdMonidSy Il