Maryon Kantaroif Sculptor, art historian says art is oldest profession fly Lscre Catdec The otdest professio pea- ttned hy nornen,' accocdtg te Toronte sculpter Moryse Kantaroff, ta flot Pes- ttton-hot set. Kastecoff, te addition f0 hetsg o ecutptor ta se art lits- teetan voho han hen eohthtftsg hec wsck otece fO62S. She spolie ait Sheridan Cottege, Thueocfay an tee fitrat sn a sectes of blerteon Les- fare sponosed hy the Oonens Ceter of the Csf t ge. Shespolo s nof!i crod os the copte of -Womn aond Creaftt y" Earty rose aet and eynhot s coro n ts ooe nece actuaty dons hy naines and est te mno, as htsteey woafd hase os hettese, sccordtng f0 Kan- tscsff. She saitd tee mn nsufd ho husy huntof for food and nocifd he tes hooy f0 poont ptctoces on case wls The pittoes nece ofteo signedhby aiseifpctnttinpaint and the asinais w nesoatty tahettel n! the drawnso locthe tater seslttec period Wedding of ftne, people hod dts- coveredftire, seastog, hus hsodcy, agrtculfure and pottery. They haid hecone teee noinadtc and teteperiod focnn! tee hastas of future rtstttoattono hy hecoeoteg mnsee efftn!. The nomn hsda o noce intiniste contact ntth tee eseth teoin thete goteer- tn.g andt ncaceogtng days. Thy prepren! tee f ood for tee fsnoty antd nade con- tainers tee tee food ta ho Put onte. Aftee they nece made, teey noatd ho decoeatn!. The decocattons on the pote an! honte would hase sone nagica sigstftcasce ocoanse art iseenattonaf otatens in a etagicat nsy, accordt ng ta Kantaroft. These people hottesn! tce eymhbofn nhtoh dccoeatn! tee pote rapture! the Panter fa proteot or destroy, shne satd. Wtth the ctty-stetes of t2eeece, cane a nuch nore oreattco dornenhoe scese thos ose have nova. Theor set depocted artuot historirat evenssas veiltasnythical storese Fritzley- St. Pouf's Unotn! Chorch osas tee seffoof foe the osdn!tg of Ssaa Charmnte KatkoosekfsJerry Fcedeetch Frotzfey, Sept. t16 af 3 Pin. Thehbride who ores at Robeort Newmn Stes, os the dafhtee of Water and Loftt Kathonsio0f Miton.s The groon, os enptsyec of Mottas Wetdtsg, na the son of Donald andt Ruth Frotztey of Rev. Jtn MeFaddes of- tociated ac the dsshte-rong ceremny.Orgnst wssMrs Magee and saoost Moryane DecJardine. The hbride nos gooeo os narsoage hy her tsthee. Caratyn Rtankone ot London osas nood ofhosse. Brodes- ncidn nere the brnde's freneds Rosanne Marcantontt and Nancy MoKossos of Miltoand thr grSsns sistee, tOsot Fasltes, of Mottas. The heldes heother, Walter Kathaosho. oas hoot mnn Ushers nerc nove McKtnnon ai Motltos. o frtesd, and Terry and Actas Frttztey, bcstecs V I of the gerom. The geoin's heathes Bradley nos rtng GRADU hosrec.Sua A dtscee and dance far t40 married goetfotlonn! ai the Rayai honeymn C astn Leots Ton Rankinse, rheerin of sero gove thenbride *owsmsnser ofcere. skc, Cary moinoes and peoposn! the Mary Kat toastifa the brode. 0sf ai corn Foncer, Rt tusscm rain Gadeeoch. andt Na Osait Ste. Morte, Si Thonos, ottecdaahs Loodos. Otohotir.e Toronto andt Kitchener. gh Mope oho hn gr e fon Milo Lacer, the Cathousc Ctcacch aimoost kitteot off womnens ceeattotty, said Kastaroff. The snty art ta corne out of ihis ers was the ttaniooated mansciptsnmade by the nis ofthe llte ceotury, bat eoes this %vas. doste through the church. Masy woen ere unahte f0 ecen study art, lt atone have their work ecgoed by the art world, an aycho tsad een otctate esougtto tears theor craft oigsed thete work usder thesramesofthe man shose style they copied. Masy voorts cf art are being dtsrocerrd today tCI hase bees dose by sooces o lata hees studense daughters sr sisters of great initas. Eves in today's ssciety, a osomas cassot appresSase ta a omas. Kaotaroff oatd she apptsd ta appetoce tCI a male artist and as ftattytre tanedhbecsose, "a fenate's presesoe mgttt Cpse the mate appret0ces.I She otea sotd thst gettiog to oahere shte s today nas a r conpetitos. She sever coas sidered gstsg tuarst cottege hecases at the tine soase had dose it and tee teooght 0f tl seser even ceosedhlerenrsdl ssitent inftttaart s.y Is her postgradoate art clases, Kastars!! najot shte hses nore shoot tee back- ground of art teas her pro- tesses did. Nowo, honever, compettts sa est the tsp petetf tu hec rIiut hoppy to he teaesing, mucktsg and corh isg," shte oaid. 0f hec poofgrsduate atoss, shte satot that nast ot the nomtcn vet topofesios]t ncultfiogntotte teens chose tei gef married asdotedn for tee mrore accore ttce cf teach- ing art. Kantaroff lis a gradoate ot tUniversity Cottege, Uni versty of Toronto. She has her an foodcy nheee shte caste hec on scutpture as welas the norbo of other sate Becoone of tee physt- caltstefegte often oeestnt to woeh wite scutpture Kostae- off said she ta ottes ratteot a teshtan. Sy sculpture nahos deftstte stetemnts. she sad. 'f une hote egg f hopas and tlosg steaight shopes oshich eepreent ternatr and male respectsety insrt. Iftyoo wast tu hoys arare of sculpture, hay it tront a comn,as salt, t's anast isvortohty underprired. q0Miý Tag Hornby Wl sponsors three 4-H girls' clubs Hornhy Wonnens tnsttt ehohetd in Acton Preshytertos vs hed atthe hone of Mms. Chrch sn May. The 4-H H. Reid Wenesday. Oct. f0, ahievenent day satu ho hetd ostth Mms. C. Wroggtesoath inotheE. C. tJrry srhoot Dec presidong. 2,:a. to n f0 tt The roll catt, a faur lise verse os Canada, novas an- rs Mcarras. casseser sweredhbythe eight nonhers of educattos and cultuaral and wo vstors prset. vn aftair,takhCharef the thr ahsenre of the scrrtsry, progean Sho introduan! the the ssnistant, ters t> Sony- gaest. Mrs Cronor of vos. rrnd thrntesv Georgetown,.ovhcgave three huorosrradng coteot Atletter wacrro'roordtran vo-o conadavtcd as shoet the aoptn! rhotd in Kores and il wasdeodrd to carry on ovoth donattio for ihocsv-hotd scother ycar. Mrs. befftrcoarth repartsd o the ao-hooconent day hetd is Octbvrct Church os "Foras vs Finsscc Shr a fsO thaoihed those caha coostrohated ta thr dosptsy ai Ç Milton Fair. Thr tostotate Oc sposorotng three 4-H girlt' clahs this timns t')r-ttù3tAq oct q Mrc. C Fattersos gave ths rport of the doreciors 17 WILSON DRIVE meeting Sat. 10-5P., Abdisttrrct Lay s otooeherd in Logsy Htall No% 90. a Oh o dessersttacheon ai 12:3. iThe Ms, O'Connor were the vatosers. The guest 'sas presested woth o goft hy Ms MoCarsas. Lunch was servn!hbyter' W. FordMrc. MvCarroooand the hostess. Mrs H C OCosr wa oartecy ladyý thohin TherNovrnhcnmeeting will ho hetd act the ho af Mors. Roay Wilson. Th,.C \'-d1 ro' 'R 'Qo o C08 3 Bruce Court tenants ready for Haltowe'en -JOIN IN ON THIE FUN F(. R , 2_ rýw a- ~s~'BRING A FRIEND AND THE CHILDREN ATESvisitng us wiII be BIG BIRD e DARTH VADER *COOKIE MUNSTER *CHEWBACCA A eS f Miton District Higb School - Kalkswski and Jerry Fritzley orere i n St. Pau! s United Church Sept. 16. A nno JamaiCa followed. nshy Mrs. Kahaca- do dance a Pne Steeet Hal it lys Rankine and The bridesosedding dress kocski and byGai was dsged and madehby sasse Mar as as o Rosasse Marcas os a. The S cy MKinon Te weddng cake ws made by gvo bahk ed Mrs Stan Poie .% L DARTH VADER-1 '-CHEWBACCA- BIG BIRD COOKIE MONSTER ý(1N SIG NIME il T OPPE ýPEN NOVV OPEN A N IN ST E MILTON WHEN FALLING TEMPERATURES MEAN A BISE IN COSTS BAILEYFUL 7-9 p.m. Saturday Afterinoon 11:00-1:00 p.m. 2:00-4:00 p. m. FREE BALLO S r R A o-E iLî« i" STAR WARS DARTH VADER STAR WARS INFLAABLEMODEL KITS ACTION FIGURES INFLAT3ABLEPCIA e 2f22 AND MANY MORE BOP r BAG 22C3b - LUE SKYWAtKER Reguaa $7.00 DARTH VADER SPECIAL SPECIAL DTHVER LI oO5050YABLKER *eua $6.99 Konn,. THE FIGHTER X-WING $2.7 Rogoot4iZ4.1 Regultoo $10.002 FIGHTER FOR ALL THE CHILDREN SESAME SESAME STAR WARS STREET STREET JUGSAW PUZZLE FEVER FAVORITESc Assonrd Soeo-ec 11.99 $5.98 39 _ 55 ONTARIO STREET SOUTH, MILTON Open Monday thru Saturday 9:30-9:30 p.m. 878-8178 'I Ka lkowski w 711 A P and plas wer iade for-f t oh Kapro-. forh o-h the Osa.e enOight. G.dies a ho ams B.6 t.omhov ocoti ho obstethaird in the Laodies .1 the thmo tloor lobby of the building ,th i, .i as vno it c Arag ts wesr aiso serd da intt 'N uhoooso mader a white etephaci theocallOur acd hom baking sale and o-ea oThorsdaN.\ov 7 ytran 2to - Soti -00 or,o reacohed their po-to o t -eh in (1-o tOt. the regodar PrOae Fal arrangements for that littie 4fl L touch: that expresses you. COME IN 500H VOUR SELECTION Sas EMt T"icF"11h MILTON MALL