A POLICE DOG was called in Friday ha track down two inmataa sbortly after tbey made their gacape from Maplebumot Correctional Centre. Halton Regional Police and Mil~n OPP searcbed for lite missing men for several hours after the break, but mere unable to trace tbe inmates beyond Higbway 401. Durbam Regional Police picked Up lite two escapees Saturday morning is Brighton. Dave de Sylva running for seat Citing Oie aeed for im- proaemealtiilhesvayotiltoi Cmmcil hautes la hoahinan, civil rigiarer Dave de Sylva oftgiLaurierAve. Oiiiueeh ainouaced he ulîl han candi- date fora urut on Oie counci Oie Nov. 53 eleeton, repre- aeiliog Oie orhaa Ward Tua. Thruagh his uorh nid asti memheroftiluaalratepayer graupdetylvaiayshehas t heen espuard 10 Oie muai cipat procesi a 15f ilion ami te arverat tOier communilies Couacis shonld att uilh logic, reautin ted common sentie, henaid I dinh theeria room fora more diorotigh tuah aI the deciaitito. hafore diep are maie,"heaaid.'laouldtihe /topalnhitofipeedin Oieuay Oiingi arr doue, tua." ilriuggealuheailthafraah sot uiihy-uuihy. de tylvu mas hara n BrnmptongreuuptnNorvat nid altenird high ichuat n Tomai o nid Geergeloma lie on coun cil gradoated from Uaiveruity tif Turonlo n 1073 midi a Bachelor tif Applied Scinice - n Civil Engineering nid a - curreittyacliveaaamemhar a Oie Ainuriation tif Pro- g Inuoloitil Engineeru of Do- lie mtved la Millon ho inria peurs ugo aad tam on Laurier Ave. milI his mife Trisltavdlaurycarttdvoa Tony. lieupeala yrar ourhiag for George W mpey Canada L d Meadouvue dien ipen tire uni a ha f peurs u Oi ____ Marhharoagh f oper ni as - Meadouvan - The uhe a Meadouvale uni oneolhspoeets heuns - achurgeof hectos tag engneeasvhndnsgaedand O Etirtier this year he apent Itor monîha uîlh a coniultiog lîrto. The Etrîttrîdl Group n Kitchener. then (here montha agorrturned Il Wiatpey Terry Gibbons Wd. 2 candidate Terqaice R (Terryt Gih- Itecreutîsa haSe' nI Oi7 Franer Cf in Me Gîhhans purtîcipates MillonOils ueeh auaouaced aclîvrfyinmanycomaiuaity he uill han candidats for Oie sports. lasîhaîf, suimmiag, officrof couacitor Mil tsn's squash, (rosis, noccer, fuaf- urhaa Ward Tus hall, ifiuine uni camping, lie toatinuaf Sales nid hlnehel- ta also a memher 0f Oie iig Maaager for GBF Fume MilIce Tenais Cluh nid Oie Systemi ia Miashantiga, he Burlînglan Itacque n C oh stiid his eduantion hauinesa raporirace nid commuatty apirit mahe him a mordiy candidate. fuifîhanniste- geaI puai ofateam uhîchuill for Oie hallermeat of dia cnmmuaily.hesaid. gel peuple usrhiag tagedier ~,eaaq~~ At Wîlioa ut tuIlas, a teacher aI Actas liigh School. ishiovumpuiga manager. Me Gihhans resîdes smO his mite Suana ut 057 Praire Cl. uhere he Sas tived for Oie peurs. poulfourpears Hehaiheeau reoideel tif latta for 20 toton Durham ofOahvilleîafstl.tniuniaa TERRY G>BBONS teacher aI Itoharl Balduin tohual n Milton. Pile, Gihhaîa completed his iecondary edacaf ion aI Thomai A. tilaheluah high ichuaf n Ouhville aad tus- linon his attidies ai Oie S tjaivreiity nI Western Onturiouherehareeeivedhii bases Bachefor 0f Arin degene a Physicat Educatisa midi a lieut cluai ifuadine. Me. Gihhanu afin ohtuiaed his diploma n Computer Scirice B f rom Oie Buaisesi Training InitIale a Toroits. lie hegna his carrer ai a salai represetilative for Prînuali Chemicaîn, OnO- j ville nid Grace Compufer Services. Minniautitiga fa fO7ilMr Gihhaaiacceptedn I s pnuilion midi Or City nI Mii- niainuga an Stiporviior 51 AVE de SYLVA tahere he s active n the tuad drvrtopment prolerta n Oah ville. Brumptot avd tOisai- aaugu lita utrh has givra him auhatantiat rspertrocr a deuttag with municipal councito and staffa He han freqtteatty atleadrd Mitton Couacil meetings durîng the puat tua pears, tia treasurer aid often spahesman for TREOC The Reaideafo' EyesonCouncil'-agroupot Laurier Ave sports centre aetghhorsuhoctirrted cvii plainfu ahoot that trojeci 10 Oie council lita campaiga tîterature catIs for sttnd tinancial ptanaiag coupted mith a reatiatta approach lu grtuth ta Mittot fie exptuiaed the courait tuant t ignore Ihe groulhcommilmentaithtis made uad thr toton eopaad. Sol he ares a oeed lur 'prevealtiuive medicine' 10 avoîd future prohîrmo Mîttuna destrtihtltty us place It lîve, taorh und p tuy ta groiviaf, de tytto supi, hot il tontina traffia und trama porlallat prohtemn o'ttt ha compouaded us the Itun eraus. Ntu 27, de Syttas hahhies inclode coohiaf, gardentoil andmakîagpiaefurnîlure.us as photography. la hîs apure lime he tihes 10 play hasehaît aid haîhelhatt s I lA s ROYAL CANADIAN LEGlON~'1~ LADIES' AUXILIARY OCTOBERFEST DANCE OCTOBER 21 9 P.M. ta f A.M. AT MILTON LEGION HALL Maaic By TAc - j I CROSSFJRE LtNCH WILL toSMiSSitS nasmntcs n3ranrteSts Councillor Rick Day announces candidacy A veteran of aine pears on couacil. Counciltur Richard B. Day this meok ataouaced he uill again he a candidate for a rural Ward 00e aeat on Milan Coandil w the muai- cîpatetectîantahehefd Nov. 13. Day mmii lotir yeari on. Dahyffle Couaiti (1970-73> aad la mat ftisishmg hia rfff~ yeaeofworkoiMlltuaCafni- cil, eepreseatiag tOn rural ward that mai former NorlO Oahville. hefire Milton la to heep iti head ahane Oie mater Oint i comiag- froiatheregioii and Oie pravince," he said. Day had eartier mdicated ttemightreotgofromcooact RICK DAY at Oie end of Oua terin, to apead more time midi di 7andt, ticeoaFoorOit.,iae famity. He toti The Cliam- Recently cotiocît made a piaa he hai urraaged hia chaagetntheeoratmardael icitedule ta be abte ta gmveop optai toard Dae mai a feu odier dilagi w get more panded taidi the addition of time miOi hia famty aod keep the former North tiortiaglon oplhemorhloadoacooncit. ureatothatmard.Daysaid Atauyer, fie hum practice heeapectottiecaaritaitt have ta Oakville. lie aad hia wîfe uhoot toto mare votera tva Karen aid tmo cliOdren, aged etectîoo that a Oie tait oae 630 Sagniate riovvc(ota guoti ihe Cavudion Champion, Wed., Oct. 18,1978 3 a 'i a (1875 11151