B2 ThwV1 ot 18 98 Gamean ri BYVRN COULSONie The great salmon hunst of 1978 is over. Larry Noris of Grimsby, O nt. won lte event with a 34 fIt., 2 oz. Chinlook Salmon caugitt near I Oakvîf le in LakebOpario. HIe claimied top prine of $12.686 fisiting oat, fully eqotpped. Noria' fish was caogitt on Soturday, Sept. 30, the same day Rick Santa of Hamilton cought his 6 1. lb. Coho Salmon. This fish, altitougit much smnaller titan mosl Coito caughl. won the second prize ity wav of a lucky draw . This waa one of the rules set Up bv the dlirectors nf te Salmoni Hunt and entitled any angler who enlered a Salmon in lte Great Salmon finl a chance aI second prîze fair enough, Chinook and Coho Salmon are betng caaghl off te moulhs of Bronle and Credil Rivera ta large quantifies, Fishing bas pasaed ils peak as Salmon entcr lte tIrônle and Credît rivera on their way upstream to spawn and die. We think titis Salmon fisherv la Lake Ontario ta one of thc grecatest programa ever by lte Ministrv ot Nalural Resources. Il itaa created îiouaands of hours of recrealioflal fiaiting for thousa nds of fishermen aI Iheir dooratep. h othersaise could ot afford toi laie a trip Eaat or Weat in search of Salmon potting an added aIrain O on theîr atready over-îaxed budget.O .s mi Thc goose seioon lis op--:. for a three weck Soi perînd itis vear and parts of neighboring Wellington ('ount%. Puslincit and Guelpit regionat mufficipalities arc open. The Ministry U feels ltaI tbere is an over population of geese ia ltotse arcus and warorants a titree week open season. If huiers behave titemaîelve il may. juat mas. ie open next year. So cIa' govera ourselses accordtngty. Agan swe cannol em- pitasize ton strongty. asit permission. Titere is an i errur ta tour itunlîng regulaltons ltaI alates one Va. gooso per day. il sitould read two geese per day li Witen Jim Coalson nI Lowvîlle. our enlerlain-I mentecitairman. Bruce Coulson. Lowvîlle and fic Ron Coulson. Lowvîlle. George Coulson of al Duritam. Boit Martîneau and Berr> Slawnîx ofl ý Sudbury .Nhat a collection)i go fitîing ltey doiiun not do t lte modern, soit and lazy way no sir' Titey paddle and back-pack 13 miles over hbis and up streama t0 get witere lte good listing ta-no cottage. no cabîn. 'just sotiall tenta. and 'W sleeping bags. Titey caught over 35 fiait, basa. piekerel. and pute, lte uargeaI a fi- lbI. pîckerel f being caugit bvy Bon our club vîce-preaident 'A 9 couple of lte boys admitted 10 nol botng able la % alraîgitten up. resulîs of sleepignitar gron for a couple of days. but admillted 10 havîng an excellent trip.f At lte regular meeting of lte Halton Sports- f men's Association,. AI Campbelîl gave a itrief lalk on our n0W gun legialalion ltaI cames Ti1o effeet Jan. t. 1979. The bîgittigitît beîng-anyone requirtxg a lirearma after Jan. 1 muaI poaseas a firearm purcitasing permit. lte cost as $10 and lte permît is gond for fine vears. On applicationj for a permit. "<ltu <tilt ho tiorougitly învealigaled by mie of our police force'. 10 tee if you are capable of owning a lirelitm and thte use you întend 10 put ilt 0 One of thte most important is ltaI voit must regîster att saui armai in tour possessioni prior 10 1979-titis induiudes revolvers and antique firearms viitit barrot- titorter titan 30 taches i wietiter ix worloing i-indition or ot i Faî lure to do titis result in a biavv fine. You muaI alaîî store present guna iri a sale place. You muaI not sel] ans of tour fici'ams to anvone wito ta not in Possession of ai parcitasing permit. faîlure ta titis alto carnies a beas s fine. These art' mnly a lest of lte stipulations in thte ne,,% legislatien. We, ttrongly advîso gîta owners te, gel a copy ut te new legialation and atudy it Asit vour 'sIP o<r NIPP stiere 10 get a copy. Svmputit' 5<0'. oui iii club member Primo Rîgo and fîmils () ile recent tuas of jus faititer, Mr> Bîgo hIeti mîssed by tamily and com- manits. Pictecet buse tieen bitting stoîl lte lasI fest steeha in thi' Kusatun ibu <t siors lruly and wîfe Helen gettîne their share. Murra fievnlils is stîfe Pal and lamtlv apent thée steekerd îslith Joe and Sandra Wînder aI their somnmer home in te Kawarltat Murray n01 only goes onaa vieeitend to line il up and enjoy itimself. ite sometiniet <ears itis welcome lin by doîng a "nu. no . ouI fîsing your itoat. Sucit su lte case stien ite caugitt a 91. lit Piciterel from unîler foots note, Dîd you have a good lotk at tite laite Mburray' 'sou may no sec 1106010n for a whîle. Preseason Offer ... Save $30 on a new John Deere compact Snow Thrower Compact and powerfut. Haginet lnhp en00gde . 7-pc wheain.. 1.67 trop quart fueltanik ..20-i0 eut. - Gîer endis Nov. 1, 1978. I tAWN,ýANLD(-ARDEN -FQUXIPMENT ( ENTRE C,~e o> B~aa S a@W 0«,y Rd. IlotO ni Mion- 8784121 878-8121 Legion atoms explode 15-O over Guelph Pv! E< 0F THE FEW SAVES. Grue Sitoîf net- League as is Grue'a defeaîed Cluit Claire Of. rider Stese flawlin bil to mako a few savon Mîssissauga 5-1t Defenceman Baker protocta ridas moing intae utcîe Oaks Hockey Hawttn. Iick runnerS aid MDHS Fiowilo i Oktoberfest CC meet edr ,iît iici i Ilgh Scol l o f t en es wee îonig th ois tp itciihener- [roi the Wrstern Otarin planiof, 41ti Ga teioiii,<ki.<iii'.<ot is regions Wilughhby caot 5 sad " M uic' «ci Sîtuidas Midget boys Boctuti Hîiary Willoughhy 6Oih. Paity thitiiuiiices ofiileii trioit fitishet ointh uîth Tournerrai in82positinand TraI1e a et- lo t',ri ica tamnatet liane Shaw th, Chert obherts Bath. itiki- ii.i<o iiiitcurou 5<0e Bcrnahei 3tt and Peter Schmidt ofthe MOHS R ea il loi *1ci'ieii' and ttuî uis Haoîoec 45th, tor a tesan od Miton Rond r a '«it)i (hi icservicest iiinih place paianin othe Runoecs came on 3th for the t i S.iiid.% l«in tacs wcre sctooîl Milton tolooed junior hoys' 0000. Fred with ,on it the intmio; Coss Dlca. CeimirooiOl CVt of Baker oas 63rd. iutr ('u i Ciîpîothipt Gueliph and Strafford North Midgei hoy rotriet front Murray ui <ii surpris.e iciWesternicc W.1 Dinhuwerr Kevi0 Rots ,<n< ttiiiii <mcpupilsic<oin The tub1)S junor ginls 76th. Noroî Rase st MachrkH o tl ii hcioi piuced nîoth oîth femnate Hosheit tOisi and Giios o NiuruS cminrc Tina Pacico athireteoiihe yea00Karen Asp Saw îmth. r1s'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ h r bhon and0 DnsIfteeeayjtienthe aut ri o 21, k ra,..ii idiaed bcprmittd t r if >. Olook lke au,pO r 5h. i t Kc O 6h d 'a c.. ank S1ns h ithd l) Dd yu otie iaiIwtU oits h iii ouac or pcite1 disapard abu nthe er s he an sain moe hatil watcho o*oLl woos tlthe tuth.aoumay orok a aei oneanr hrO o Lîadi". ii,gh igl'e Miari ip e h icipi'.ii19 <««et, iliiciiic w t ig t Bu ges Crs a Iueiha i alarm clock a«<ni he u ge an îieîd '<'i nlo pati'< stickie fouit O 5 05it 81 P iNaii'I~i0 Ruth N.Fos a on eueota goe 1-ic -144 <lte' oupriSg theB îira ooma ..l s 1 s ,8'.<1, N12cr, iieipeihO 68o rlanag ait Man treet.nx ior «<c 1n, 657,micc Pat dr ta he Cedi nie. Uun7m 5War V- 2:t iii<iis« <<i '. -, afor 1 JOHNSON oU O PTO MET RIST 2<4 ARHU AmiS '24 amS 878 3673 on the muffler, tailpipe, exhaust PiPe cL-g-jgk«! (for as long as you own Your car) CUISTOM PIpE SENDINI4O.DUAL CONVERfON Comae in lor your Preea Esîlmalla and FREt]E INSPIECTION!' CLEMENT'S MOTORS OF MILTON 500 BROUNTE ST. SOUTH 878-2328 1sa o ac0 0o Pager Ic 34a fact toale e n ie the a.. 9,2,9t ltms a fat N Raob L.. 208 Main Streft Milton 878-2894J eploie,,; Maor atom u. a ve i T he ne a b oy s e xp lo d e d c ira g D e tr e a a > b t olith i5 gools todemfolisht AAA oms the Milton pipes 'but Guelph ta their hom ena wast prasred inta iTri CoostY teague ptay on workng. aatorday affermira ai Milton Dorren Shaw mcoret to, Memortal Aes. Dos Vasdaseee one and Guelp paee lob et Erie Chudleigh one in tie phe playld ýhve % ne opeelosg trame Salurday. ploymn, h boM lague ralte ntha TC ootPA fat Oie second perlitd uleve rap tenon. oSeaetl sooreit twîe. Milton shooteas hait a field oaptain Erie Chuitieti don xith Dorrea 0haw being h e t o p m a rh sa i a n i t h o u r I G X goals andito assista tollooed hy Steves Scannel with a bat The Legiosaiies hiait a sticcessitti pre'seamn byoit donisî Georgetoiwn aod .5 Gakvilie toise and AM B L S ChingaacousY ontre ta re mais A PB L ' uodetouted in their tiest tise '-Wherevar yoaaro gaines. Phat Bua f51Rf647- Bii1 maxwell and George on:L.R ,B Neweit are eoachîag anitdSr mansaging tie moajorotrons The COsi lu Nal Su Mu Third hperiodisowiaS by in M Mie DelPaPa, Tînt Raynar LIe JalOlaW, Ritit Brode nud Steve scamiel addig numbees ta thse soorebourd. -Loue sameUl? Ti'Y 8 Champion classified la bell you find it again. SERVICE LIME SERVICE au 're n0f t os Fer" 3448, Ras. (519)647-2220 eniford, Ont. chOTo Sulld Vcoue Sal Up Vou're invited to SPONSOnSO BV MILTON SNOWBIRDS SNOWMOBILE CLUB CONTACT JfM FORD 878-6660 1BRING VOUR USED *Snowmoobilles *Snowmrobile Clothîng e SnowRemoval Equmpment With other snowmobillers FREE FE ef1 4REIiRESHMENTS DOOR l PRIZE DRAW LAWN ANID GARDEN EQUIPMENT CENTRE 878n8121 -Corneraif Hiobalo 25 oiDan- ffd. South of Milton -878-2121 Fai 5:11)Ota 9Up.ILi Date:. Fri i bSaf., 2021 Tîmne: sat 10: l N ~LM Don't Miss This Opportunity To cave And Have Some Fun jeà in this year. The two hau a