8 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Otî 4,1978 Region alarmned over cost of welfare orne, ~ ~ ~ ~ a Mrwfaee ttell a s in woufl have t0 lio thse suporvlson' Steetpnd ntt ttc pretino serevices tudget, at 82.9 of aceeomedatieg an mi ioeenOt37O.en8, en'fpr ,,vtmlti2td 7 5 pr cet i coen Jeuu etdle ,îee in etat salantes on tthe seg cienltert are haend. aodua Couenîtl 1nînigst9e~t direct i e te held 1979 budget fine-tei .ost thn . iinreen t l thrne pcr cente onOly noaketneonenda oe.. h, ether. tngtoeat HeatU AuUsensty te appcoen flhc 1ted soce 1 Servines Cei- budget iuI tst wtth thc nhter decdnd te enu Use Conseil tormoc lleer thc ýj ter t Adnoetiotrateon Noemoler civiu etlein ommfliten ton e19ct5lnate. NeverUsolcis. notite ceesi- iltseipeosiblce fi etthec derng thse geeral etae ;hiee per ceet guidttene if non assstancte budget tant o'eek, ý- 75 fier cent nafaev theconmmittcn ttornoghty ,,r ts akvttin Cetre gritînil Reste Vit-ian, ad- ,îîor tileiiiunherued. mntrtatretof aiuand 1 'h- stiieed 1979 socils cl vcesse ont~tn itudget rtcýh dnparintmcot peUfiye iiducttog tnelvia wejfb %eletareerecop ion ilhcr heons canonender tire, ceonoitte diecofd Mn. Viven te bring ineu repen altenatie, marc efficrient oaye o et livcni services. Speeitinatty, the conMmittac wnael te teno nobeUer reofiring recipiaitu ta enfilc tei sociat sereine suis-affinai oeutd resuit ie a eavtag of traielctotei; imie ton staff. -We'vc amec sno a Cailtac -'Wr may have ta!k fait athUe 0etsin ssestnma"It noss tnon." ise issue enas raais e Us te rentent ot a discussion cn- ncettig Mr. Violon's reqaest ta ie anoUsor saporvisor for the generat wetiano nais- tanne pronn Caneilas t23,o te bine anc more superviser n th Ue neat et turoisiue aod equippînli an office ie Use et regionat set. wstke nt e sagaeil :.a 'e hadni ta eut daon Use fiefld tannisos teaida su ane efthUe workena nea l asume aone super- visry foncltin. regressive stop, Mr. Vivias argneil,reatsiUeen tino-eps anil oniloi% wailing reame nf maey yoaire ago seben Ubs prantine -e i effort. Mareover, ailhitianaf socretariaf staft andl office Goaig mb se n ie nsh reefnMr. Vivias said, adial previncial pntinian reaiel at tlast tise snital ttriese te aiade ta Use applicentOs bonne. Mn. Vivian maintained an ailhitioasta saporvisar ta needeil for an on-getat staff traintag pregram desigisei ta orient neno pereonnet andl keep staff ap te date. lie salil chsangesin taegisltionpr ticufarty Use reviseil fatnil fano, bail grealY innei M-ridni. pssaMnVivsan's report. $10 taken tialton Regionl Potine are snvestigatig a break ansi eneret Cemesp andl Noble tnarasnet afl Marn lit. Ttsureiay. Sept. 28. Annorsioi ta poline, jst 8vr 10 wan takeo freai Use nash box. Thieves fuickein ae dior ta enter Use building. Name area minister to Seminary facully Mev. william Payne, Panton af tise Tclaity Baptiat Hamnaec at te Toronte Baptiat Seaisar tWB Fait Mn. Payas hma peaac Trnity Bapti Chrn sitiatel on Apiohy une andl No. 2 Sideroail sine lis lsep- laon sax years ago lie an in reguaer demanil as a con- feiesne saker in Canada oeil tise Itsti States, andl two yeacs ega wss thse gussos spae lte Carey Faaiily Ca meea n 'unie.c, EttglanilRV w .P UNIVERSAL TEXTILES Mmihiin Mao