6T hi 111ý1 VI Oct. 4, 1978 - atanan, Charges dirty Pl O UR READER S W RITE: tIOast anfrinethtneum r J maya~~~~r bas ta reul aneatn r gra dstanding ta urder lu huttd n plulfores fnr ber éetion. tt, Mrs. Macrthur ree es n tran Dire need for pool Der Ste. Ovr ttc yunt tran aneek. t ad muny atr peuple tf Mîittun hune hec a mde aaner ae thar rrer that there sa a dire te uino on Ir a taswmtat puai Mat, people da rat realtre thut tSe E. C Orer part i garmenat aancd and i As the tara nI Miton nb third ta lire tue cae ime tac ail the auatta attttins whc at tawn r tta 'tut requirert As tarIn and ftguîr mOtI prune, un rare- inanclttcutatiratvttactbatnihave mua irata peple ethea beaurre an Town needs a rettattaraof a pragrase. rucb as scaba and pabtir smimtrirg, ne peagrams bing tiltcd to capac1ty withitrendaOfi5saste Of tee heochure. This bisaustp tshnas tat ta w tiare tor artiotaustatards. Surety, tets bas nana heaume a matter ut eugb impurtance tue a.Wtth te pnrstbaity ut mary adabtioaa ehd .igr t C Deuryrn=an ta the rar tatane, ban mach mtrtm iatl heettta tetu -tean Mes. Mary Timubers, t5M Churchitt Ave., Miltton. pool importantt thur a tata-hue Pabttc Swn Der Sar 1 Âeta te Ae tee aqate prngraes n t . tao, trît ery dtnappatnudtate uîtcrnd ruttiatnnt tor a lamaI of tit puhlic antan had Sera aancelted cumptetetn Is tere a rend te un indr and deatded ta utute rnqanrien abaut thts Milttor' t catae tothe.taactasin at 1 havetur tae In arnweruteliraiuquestion,,adt the E C" lIraIN ASano pool lac geunted and îtniteparuUtpugest val ceallv akIer itt considrattun the th wf epne oteporm yeutle-r the sctîatt encourîcen ahen cent- ttc Mtlun Réreation Departeet tng ttc parlto the people ut Miton. Ttc uuigta brU tee ran adl rend E C D r e p o i : t'. r t h e a ttî d e u t te a t m n a r p a n. t t p e ti e P e u t M t natwanrd tar tane antîntte Ir ttc tmtt ts nmpe tee Min .tt ard tut Mtt thecelace tttatted hupra pat latc iuettae 151115n trtha teah eytainmind that M entee Mltntr a grttair taur itît an un tdme nwa part ai ita an t ould ttce ta pane lana qnestions tatt tý ecîttre atuntîp mare Comedy situation OcerSe fo ihn oslaCrigt h Te rccevtrepotrgfnîte M ltonund ofttt n virttons,hbuîtildes Sée Régionalta'mncit metins5yTh rChamp- lndarountht hncanhbetinfueaced inn eudntlkc anstutnrnmndyaantee- anrestent,ufuîast hts btter ud vsov oe tirvdc uSaI ttadnof peopemwe Ceurtny the mayormasrigt iîn w tarer anaw amoIni reftrthereportfrontte tn SOI 1tam relerrirai t is intancae ta ttc thce lgalnspectsuotttuueîdnîîaa,ît ntatemerta mtade St or rcprcsnatttrr, an glua mbnh are tee tegtrtatnd upput ttc precuento the tmcdta. teut auttrs ta ater respeattbdity ta tee litut iocunantmrattenrt aiîîltfumtfatthba, I ttsereatrnd teat teeretl nrt and t qante, ' Drap ibts rae la tte mante- élcinadagodda fplt banket ln anst aannOu trtd have duacmîth îng trgu fnr n t teprentrt thc fitet lette ta oneodern hua mary maay cuaetttat are apparertty atr ctîcc orn repuoets. no malIe hum tel- ttecrattatis ut mbat teey teint ta vrtunittetatthey a e-upntate turopinion oteetrale.On couanti, hure Sera necpI ander the raf ta tenry. 1 tktat MayorGordn it tels mammcc anthut ereen t oeru hnest and stimn 3b intMe0 arartesy ot a rerpî etnod he onaeutated fnr atla Thtnanrntd gi th"1e timpresnitnat the therght tetng fortepeopleaof tntclltfent rendr tnt anc are litnin ta , o' io htipratis South Aertan atntna Iepuhîta, ta- recegnîrd ta tee masteisaskett tndîofta rmaltvtcntaiona carttyý nduam sure teat them ILanaatd ee ttatnsomteMiltonrCur mridrnnareabe toi"resdbaîe closare ranartaf thea talIe showan t ann liaie"-uad jadge aucrdingy y. mouantl We Atcattenapthe whip.rrreryone DrIJ elare iemtîn tatnep 1Iam o aailtitgtthe-aynetinauny a Wants contractual details Deur Ser t1965naerage prtrctpatts Sahîct Cont rut oefuttattaa mit Ballan; taltun atehra - 1977 I diffrentia helmer t lament paid teneber, An a rutrpayer and pareantr lmeatary ratant cttîd'eer t rend yneurtcle In avrage saary patdt rerdied th e Trartren' Cutat ceanfn mnan; \rfattattaar wtth î atanacern -197 avragetetanges pet t Honanr altercarudinf anar artc. 1tinl eeo auratuded ttut hare srecîr nus un cxaeI -177 penlessirtdvtp ai pur and lait* rparti Nnmherc ma preent ncgnttaatigdcesn mentone-ade a thettreltivîe meritnn of tetahr n h fesb ttc teutrers ptta aer-un te eraacer Il 1 anale lte etttr aI Saur aranspapue. t It pu tavestigute ad dnrc naadreprt the.atr tathepublic. fatan1tamrsure teat yure nhurbed and dîsesapnd at te tte, ateragfe trartre eanrtga ta rtsrnflpaY tnuOur sbal tas 196;' avrage carther cauratfs in Vaut Mnl tttt du n testin Milt m rat gemne ishatg iaitue Shameful indiff Ta tce Editar, lt raet yearr ne bane beard abaut te ratiran disetard torbuesan beirgs in sortie rentres an tii continnt, bat Milttor erendtfairresnvndtfrontsurhrbameai tndifferene. Nana ibts bas ienbnd us tan, njt te shacbing treatatent ut the Lonat toesdy naisunere nittirf ta open tete borane ta nix disadvatttagn youg peuple If couptes are unitti ne or ubte ta, take cbitdreu ne teenagers trt. thete humnes teesetessrely thep nautd rat tey ta hirder aters naba have eaaugh tave and compasnanndonar Tiserait ssrh a pitifst scartY ut humnes tue chlder an eed. Tisere was a time uisn peopte 1mbk utiers ta dîtîealty irtu teir homes and vetghbars eatttnd ta betp. Wbat bat hearme ut tbis spirit,. t hetieve the esataritY ut Mittniars No malice intel tDar Sie: tn treply ton aticletattnhuappeurndîin yaue Aag. 2 edition ut TtecChampton, t tnutd lise the uppurtaaitY tai set ttc recarda rîght A petitton tue nu parktng sitga un .anph Ltne ad Thîrd Sideeuud ta etimirute the parking preatu Dud'r Restauant, a nul dune oaut ofapitr n malice tunurds thr Opckabes nButstsptvtntct urad enr aeett tue Stung, not bit Der Ruy: ge 1tuterduasmatriana temrv11Pab-rOf e' The champton Sept. 27 satttu that soame et pule mccc httteu hy bren ai Nîittn Fna nt. nd teeated hy St Jon Avthulance ta aneeen onteme NattdathtnmuegtbitrS peontrotnt page trentet Etthee o mse 1 efiga- nul an a big nema scoop nrelrîe itanat peuple fine anîd anppu Refuseod ttc cas- sdang an Towneautalor u te 5-3 fan, and Murday nigt a tane rg tni dn Treure Dan LAugtend ttle Milton. an tee -'G Ftle" tgnrbagr can) tes ca hie n Ittcer br rerriard Murdny 2aîtrte ti a locutalnthuntarneen. uurty ut Ttc tetter nppacentty cn nee te tannd anafferfrontne tn bant ta gtre ramItc n battr oursntrtdY, dent an tIr ftnctat businesa R. Can Iban ttc Blank ut Montréal. Milton antia bas hundtnd cuanrit's proposaisttrna senerut 1mcai filanctat isntituatins ta ast ateeba camaiil meeting. and thecmusiti ad dncîdnd In neaig ta rtain testatus quoandteep B ut M an tas agent, He said ise îighestna anwoeteaab of tee fans and ttanbnd tem tue tbnir Pr puats. an a netart Onetbant managr tmrsn ame sud tires rrmaind nunais nI Counaitt ufass rucher; Punndiab's imsittencel badl mndys i rcc rnninnnd te metd ;teeaaurerrn summnepof pr- te madehpy puats and came baut un tee board. MunaynIte aneaffee.MHe muand aruter chance aI il," naidthtreasurer. rertetea "t amanot itrerted rn ders mitîhe plapinti that gume' aid inrtquitable Padiat ns te ratird foe te chers. ntîcer ta ba tilndt amy. toer uncitînes hesitntnd ta tile a a ybut ieteb eadtrabto espie , arty dpatc te Utee v.lte oth gabag il Hydro rates UP tai Nîtltan ttîîtarer t cte S o lumpa rt 910 Pr70e b b the Most inteligent way Bnt Secunt ai ret es.a~L areent' tn adt ttdur 1978. aetefaoth ertenWt tu ; t through college. expeted tittenaottfneper Frîcea 'rinngPln cet.rttmang it, o de If boh yranud e-e agraé that urae e-Sut ilt Intkenta ttanSe tiu a atîtefer ithe iraage r ta 1 ilouetu C .dn Fatas maIl y ur tinîtan fesn iv o e- earîysalr hlne, antî a Accydeainrpe rtf Otratr tatadin Fres v ,rîanq Science, Ants anc Ademnnstrao aI oven ar Or ralleqen. Hyito puec ated Ig s udaes ta ap vein mugnre t 10 disciplines ut the Cunadiau ofîgbwr in phedî'rSd ur an-l ant ane ome.a tuemer taI pettc aticr, unvriyo orcoc. nral pn AM US YOU gceenatn planta coutl renaît miiu ffu yaswt h C a itantre ta f120 rlian excsrneenue tntend ai ant-hantinS. pouIt step Itt an itîicrent. MR CAt AN lue 1978, luS. remnediag punsition atIS antiuîtad ay oriunitten R FR tantacta Hyre aantotrner toc pursnan grovtt, noutd uSenrcerme ar ru ofDadliientor AcrlrOtinv t Petratit 1979 abaut ire pur cenl in 1979 This peurs acn ente ard Vfnst Phroce se Write iene io pudae Canadien Foresr Matbile Rearaitisil taram7î p 'e Canadfen Fermer Recrulting Centre Canada Meanoar Centre yteYart thébe tefit of 150 main Street West 310 Main Street Ortario Hytea rebates, bydra Hameittont, l O Miltton, Ontario astamtoners natd rn aifect. [IF iHB1 Oa. m.-4p. M. -Last Wednesday me t rer yoams ai 1977. 523-2751 ecn maatb -A and '79, raid! Mr. tadtey. o1 Apple orchard faces nontag wbhen igled e aylotoa boom , traffic snarls batpabr Hanrg are ai te met an bsy days for tise daratian raid Mr. Chudlelgs. t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~p rugaPb tepaifdt atad p palara e nentiards in thse ut te appte nast ta tise last ana winters, bie gnt dan ta baninera. hetare rbe maes region ot sattera Ontarila o'nryam fpata bseesary poed 5 diltor thetlaugbirl stock o aitar rat atways esy. ln tact, ît ts nrnratUhy arms-nelbb r Nlvetlyn, md a aresent a fens bnad- edae ail Utconse, renee sert a bD. Hie figres il S. Brthet an natimatnd an brld bntnrser lr use way ie ra shobw bis eeet arises, n as mary as Onadte rrnitstI apçrnlaton. 12,000 familles déide t pay a80an1,0crsbu h tik d g Snrday otterrars niait. yne.ncamiinatianaf gasd "etdtn r rn nantr d tise Milttan Fail wbatn e ar, terise gond nelgs- B ien ce Tam Cbsdtntgs, anme Of Fair eesutnd in draves of bars," bne crntlrsd, addlag Cbudtneigis Apple Fars an motaeists atrg te bigbnay. tbat a non apptn srbard bad Htghway 25 met ut Miltas s Tise apple tarse réaisr tne becs statcd for fiait cf tce stitt peetise te gulder rate arndt tnllt tise acrsstamnditbat'trti sevrerat incanvettionce it can sonne parking tot, bat test ide nas raanrdtarsisann naiat tey tisaisk ot suais la- bandrnd Peopte camne rut ta regnig or e Utc apptel. podnte hicae huma beaantr, Car yarmnjay yormari isrfarstaonafainaeetcndi snasoa.sneetends bat ien abis nparkaing wasfacrucial nions andtn.acre estatesnbîie tuntrl buy apptcs, bac tisryarbai tresertoibeagadcnisgbe need. deieradabideet hlrni ed bar nitresd a rase ot Whee are te Dard Samaritars jr Nors- complté chaos. tt inppured afamnya? an Sarday, Sept. 23, wisn cars jammed itohis 2ace M it n S h olo rv n 'rts utsgeucnfut épisode. miicis mas re- Parkingi tnt and ten lared parted intédaiy pes., bas gin Miltor a bt atdes ot thé hifbnaay for black eye wichemsatafus donr deseman. bail a mitte encb may.MrT [atts gnl ar peinestien sraigst. ta tee The prsbtem bas baua l uaii d Ilsrc u nigyn caaridnr more important ter parttatty sotnnd nait te help the metar ar elhifu u ar the Milton OPP. peopte? The y0utare the martimportant ustet tisat Miltonar aay cmtrnity bas. For te first time an novera ý )hr ,1 Sircnrety years,' ar DPP attirer isas Marjurin Powys bern asrigrnd ta tise tares______________ t2i Mitl sî. tocatton ta direct trattir aturg tee bigbnaay and peevet ary ' ' ' mare nigistma rhs traffir The A m.k k i Fearis. it havebWe nded aur failes, retgb teauga nue axes.h hetre eliadt n fat o ut nu es uhnita yuu f ten ut ttc fate meret t Editue n Note: agffura. Wrte-jt snandsttte the John peaptc-nu thutt t baors and peuple parrtng elîeving it anhcnt dune alty ta tire mite tee rest nebi Utac Ipan tayue t emain, Lîtty MaLeun R. n. 2, tzumphnltnitte st . Ynars traty, trerr Sauders, iturnhy. That uant ail. us ttc sue- recrecdthe articleundtit apte nere bittra hy tee St. tthe e béesSrY abaut m a y reig bnr as ei as mutornsts ere mure tisas a latte upret alth the situaton tI eeahne ne are uptettttg the neighhnts anith Ibis, but me are trymfg tn do every- thmfg pnssible ta acrnm- Mndate thm.' ha statnd. I pat years the tuem bas tirted to hie polce officeer, but nean eegutttnr pre- entedl Me ctudtetfh tram hunu the seervires ut an of- daty poltte atticier. TMs peur, that cbargett athen tl heame eteaety vident thut the prnaiciat htghway aa hady ta rend ut a trained trtttc detr Mîttnan O terrer a- buOasgndt iec rfi SEA T THE TAX IMCREASE WHIL E SELECIO S 6000 SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE ON NO W "AT SAZ MOTOAS WlCARI" NÏBOM MOTORS LTD. 1 EP TRET. GEORGETOWN i GRAND OPENING TEuRs.? PRI. 8, SIT. october ?th, Uth 9 eth TRE ICE BOX FREI COFFE a DOUOINUTS CAS: LOTS OF VAL1TT F!OZEN MUAT A11D Fils PRODECTS SPECIAL: SCINEIDER BlACON .99l LE. sa 12 LE. CASE Lise MILL ST. 187-3454a I DIIl byRNIT URE SHOWROOM DunbDars sesmAiNOTREET& HWY. 25i.t ssfromrM5ato Ml)OPEN NS5TLYTtILL@) CALB7-5 End IÉâU*il IandaIr Detaits on page / J