Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Oct 1978, p. 36

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C2 Thce Ca.'odtOo Chcampton, Wed. Oct. 4,1978 Mlton Then and Now Milton's BMeBiton In11 iel a e lO inirîsit tbethee industries. The J. W. Wiliams Co. deî,ded LU nioce as Idioe latolry front Brampton tu1 Miln. Il toi ocr lthe biidng vaeaied bythe Win antd Co. sboie buinessro ai 181 Main Si. East. Thisbheiped 10 d ispel the gloom gterated by theirneoal 'It the Wînn item tf'Perthc litl Augut isio ille itoperiai Fouidiy Co poieiaieti the nicai toandui buninesso Stevenson and tdwoaids ion Miii ni. oire ta'ile Anderson latter did bcusiness for S ,un eaeîti, The nia fitm wao under 1(yplofge!ie management Duingi9ii I as iepiietiig pmogs in titi deîiiop' afeîosin icaitiaind oeuidis B She sprili ot 19i2 lte fii't pliciased a wo anditone hait acre lo frnt the Martie Brcs ioward teiastiend ofMain St. Thei' put op a lare tcemnitbuildingoit.Oea theî ('it She Liard cnlcpach onsth1e Edw.s, b leicsl. icakers if lcr ou, liSen il deidid ta teatoier iront Inronto le 'ililto it pii ipii 9. attentin oas iousseti iai pl,,on tthe ned fordeveinOlent ofi Si' parl t lte to00 wbiob lac liast of Sîsilti SI. aindicilti Mainla bSi hteI ic le oe'ot MainStt estofitheictgi ,.a,iiîSiiecha fionithe et ideof Cout 9 'Nilartîitaiinýasaritniiibiitp North (IL Seé CPB teaifis oaî itoitiY ope field lhe'î, Oas, boneer. the Wiieîctt building ,Iront the oCP tationeI bol asbt y hues Itiiiil'Rait anditaSd t réiudi Between -theWillowvs Riding the lic tiiiiîî'llli 1 .uldn 1 rdécli homirerc,î BOAhcîsti5 Sîake %alaOnid peeiali l", uin ilîî'lîriid lchues of Lakieintio liiitSsi ilsépanoilîd Itevi thewl0oc pailcs n, a%-i liC v ,til% atller tl ad opetii'd. lise, tOus,' ho,,d -,i Slw ute CNE gronds; titili Iioi rIéîiilii% poilii,'aithai Sikt-so e,, nul liil iiii hîihiiil i Ssi oie favoreite spot. 051,e ail stSer % cîtlt oliip. a patthîioughSilarge trat il Everybody needs a wii liaicr. iiiitiCanadians souci lauri maibl tie las I nîl dltestamnt. MatS of bitee people rift hibre de- peedaiioioîibcni adequali proîlc'tiiun and scsaîty. ' iu tiis a,,îid deiiiii Ssîssb Sel aIîdaitie bad ibey l esîî cteits ioder Sc, ait iSai giiol, sîsci titi cialseith of thi esinie %ond ilýer ia bo aie a large 'rate icnfilaOuiMay sitles deIa>s and Ilacin a.unec s a, itilll ai ions ecglgence Regaîdieii il îîn our stes and nu ailer oheiier soî ianîli boatos Shs, >iioui li ,)rtaie tui Sc disiîiiîlletl ilsyounon t'ai e 'ta II itai ou etae must Scîfilded ac-rdngltith Il the estailiIl leiit ite finitd iii S Ian arrangay réîe i hi iliîfei, anfil îcioli lîîli étanplir n i caii ta i le dies loies- tale hI 11u1 a aîiii lice Ian' eeîlulu,î hé Sol thle deeased Sas shîldru t e litirs5000 pli, Mle , rd ci lte il the estali ici ,poule and lthe reeoaîoîg hi bds lie diided roinaiiy amoiigii lte childiet m tut ofcourse,. il ihi ciîdeo aie cîtîcîs). hnn ac sc lit lte inicecinli enplcsid. ond iaicî a teuril inîanctai itio nnder finîs sysoîro Nil oniy n lice biiadiiei gone, bol a largeiportin oflthceasstae to led op in trust. A oi cotaitd bave previtedliics 55iico a ouli yoin ritale nas toi ici di cideli as you oayihaverotsrd. Insorte pioncei loi instance, a sponse obo bas brrr sepaialed loi years, may irgaiiy elitm a rigic i 0SOul of lite ealentf thce deceaset spoose iflice or sice diem inI No one ikesto1 plan loi its on dealic, bol il is BroBluar in oîder t0 prBlrci your latoîly or benefielarles. 1 in thse know... Know Bousfield tien ofltariniiimeett Th fnirhoadlgrile oi of biautca Locaibusinessmentontheord of Trade wrre iiying bard t0 persiade sanne prngessiveiiirmto onteit0 wn and us tbe Wilmnit Building. Io 190 on meanufacturer of piowo anid oicee fim- piement tmade erqutries. A Torontn manuacatrere0of iseiniame in' terested in ibai year, ton, but inîtunateiy lis plan oas forcei don by lte Board of Teadte. Next ceai ticai fitmo pinmoteit weciaged wit faudinTorntoîcouts A grouts if locai mn thougicl ni formitg a tocnttstockcolcépal LU acqai.tee Wiiilmii pI opleti CEalv sî 1911 a Bamtilton huem sOoiiid tileuini So dil tEatmttan ilmof Tcoonto ]i tact erls in Apil il san-t iioiicid ltha lthe loiltolo flm htall boiugii the pucpeiltl tl a pasîceit of $4Oiandi bhai il nîsîsîsil Lake, iii titi teoetgagi ot i -hMosetiîg -nt1 ong wiS fi dial Its iitsks lattsr (-alli' titi attoutoemnt iuuti tb, tîtIi-d tîscleical aitak is, vItîniiiiii liiiig By Juiv 20ithéedea toi Sn t ilîluel "s5 eotopiei aid ltsé decil cisc,, Shes woud itopilî aiicot ii Os.1 So til9 flic enditital ilm ii O it oecoîll. o i, lté' Boaid .1 1eaile ta Shec Oas a lauk ofi homes toi bie aîliiii'i'si the t1/dé oalop t t iecîsîcl l'e the ('PHil fosasasiiide asy acîînttS tuait fi, ii, plan( The iseatîlutiasIo sýkeilbilingl o,,s ,lis, i, C"OP liai ut Camel Hump Survey ni. eould then le etelded notltardlutté lice Boustieid aoivey. This wouid open op an aiea ni dr, eaai drae o tsfo deeopment b tm bLidees. 'lo addition il wouid prntide lice desired access ta lice riecirfica companti biolding. Iompints conninuel thatcompanies coulidnotain maied emplnyeea icersa of lice housing ticoriage. Ther was presaure foe action, In Apîti i1913lice Bousfleld Sueeey was sold and a nia subidivision oli of the CPR toit pianned. Immediate stepn were aen tu grade t6e eoadwaya and oprntihie peopeiiy lie deveiopmmiet. Raisicaw and Co. oad olter lots later to icailders ai atrivfrros. Tom Ramnicaw iad a rai estae andinsuranebiesrs anid as becieiaiy oi lice Board nf Tende. in May 1913 lice oard ni Tiade came op otith anoibit idées in impenci upon lice asstitiliiî ai thi subcdivisin. A roin lot a ord tu asic lice Baiway liililstot and the CPR foi a subwaY lasiitîl toitheiteil. Partof thcebhiiaiiiiate itche ouid bieut aoayadFltn St. oidpfalls andeî thce ailway and on Mir thenew subdiision. Noliig noie a îtîciitoiîed abcout lcai ida. Wîî6 lite ieai yeris' deveicpmeni of Miltoit îindusties tlnmed doot Ticete was a business drpirntiotl in lte post niai period 1erin he enies. Theeatard extensionniWoodward Ave. did maieh ,iewssoeeynmoreaccesible. Tiertoat sorrti oebiding ther,butdeeopmet se tit section ni thettoo as ceiy slowo lortîi the i940i aid l95t's. 1 h - nié, ao a elle, I ap k,,,lis Si She rîgit ,p.îlti- nult- i rde iii a cerisccaiter Titi paiS ,ti(,iutýéu t. iiikîni aideep, statd,,ed. grave]plt 'ih,,,ild -ui tii fi. haSe scslsicediievet moriteitlicg 1 an, t îîeî i u n lune 1îîî reane ié itleîfilsilgasîdililsIiioi -var oi \ o u , il' ut l ii , J ilie tain1ba il no.t u ,sl se do sosli g it a d ltsy 1 1 M,' s ,,,,11 u i é,I l S. , ed-nîu l.j, ie,ý ie.o isSî ii-i Kil î éide o lis84 ial a ii a MY ailitld îilketlliliiais Olight an iin10 lsîiiiihi t aîî î caié mîacine ti l Lootk m pac s w' îcel rl,iill, IileIislslin aller deatit ail4 ltat iii t, sîake.s gilot)iti sstlit"ise il vou wi)rk nu% tu iippola ilanîIls, dûesn il Il c ,eîî,îbis ii dian ap a i t lheo eielilancialo-ll l,î i ag i. b ei Iln et îiAst -Ur aconlil scl, s (right across frorn Copeland Lumber) 4 querts Quaker Stete 10W30, complet chiades lebel, fmom spin-on ail filter. Hur h.1aw quart ilf necesey. JMILTON 878-8819 SIG SAVNGS ... " Factory Clearouts * WaII-to-Wai Broadloom .é. orgnntcz & Arpi URiS rab ¶ ECTRICITY~ î~ HOM SEC EN;EE [LL ý iS Our Business~ î$879911 MILTON USC. I0s~oa k h305 STEELES AVE YD. t : N-CARPET FEATHERSTONE ~ CLARANCE 878638i CENTRE mii If your Canada Savlflgs Bonds mature thls year Now 'sthffetiu metO lenvest in new Canda . Savings Bonds Ilere are three easy steps to keep your money worklng for you. waeand ldenejfy in connectlon with the redemption nf lyour bonds your bonds will be donc for you ait that M tîme. For "S24" bonds tht transfer of Two Seiso Cna av sfndst will laate place automatically on Bonds mature this Fail: oebr1 1969/70 Sertes (S241 matuni ig 1n the saine transaction, you tan November 1, 1978, sîgn up for the new 1978/ 79 Senies 1968 Special Replacement Selles -Canada Savings Bonds. You may (SR) maturing October 1, 19/78. reinvesi ail proceeds from your Lookfor"S24"or "SR" "'T atunnig bonds in the new Senies, preceding the serial nuobet ci the % Also, ystu may buy an additional corner ni ou maturing bods amoont up ten$30,000, the your ondspurchase lîrnut oi the 1978/ 79 Seni ~Fnd tout till cash value Il s a great way te, kccp your nîioney Jo you bonds uorking for yio'! ~Atiatuity, every holder of "SI2 Aanow or "SR" bonds wili reccive tht face Speclal arrngments there are more than 900,000 value shon on tht bond, plus a spesial TEmk e~ ~Canadians who own maîturing bonds. If cash bonus paymcnt and any interesi aeltes orIvs you are one ni theni, goto, your banit, payable on thet bonds. Simply îtresent youî "S24 ' and invesueent dealer, trust ciimpanry or if you have any qestions ah' tut "SR Seýrit Canada Savîîîgs Bonds tu seedit union and makze arrangements iii tht value of your bords, îust ask tht suu banik soi other authî,nîzed cîinvesi in the new Canada Savings people whert you banik or iiivrst redîsoptioti agent. Ail the papetitwork Bonds. Do it now and avoîd tht rush I New Canada Savings Bonds offert you a great choi With theîns Sertis, yisi hae a 5 he bods Ort ouîi c teceihe y00, Agoodretumn shoîce of bonds. Theits a Rets la tihs v hequt histsgh the,,il Nsw iCanasda Sahitigs itîsoi are interrst Bondtfialpayst tiini-t daîhdN\ s,îc'ihetl 19)78a ididldan ytae. And a Compound Icîrsi Bo,] lise Compound lnteoest Blond average anitual tntîrcot of 8.90'Y. whrn thatreinvests your ioiîîît auiiiis.l.s Li s,rIi eck àaingssieîsoh ai held tu oiaturnel98id. earning interrsl ais ytsir itei vi' 411 lovhhhUt5leO for tht fture, (ila eatits ii ir vesf8. 501% îhs firt ytamnand lenteent ond ,Y"",ch os the 9%tf,,, cuhofhe tiainiitt6tYeats flse Reglairlnteoest Bond ssomposasd loresit fldu fisiooaîo Buyiig Canada Sahin(s5iBonds ifowatrrtlaaitil ii rsisc oeiîisiaieiiiit abeograCaidioraiiwno îosomefro ue inviostimnt youlil cetal, ai thte gsiarantreed annual rati Of oe3 like the Rear Iteresi Bon1 wbish W90O1. For exanîpie, a $100 bond wilnu r3 yeaes. They'te tht prohen shoe. pays' interest atomaicaîy grow te $181.74 ai mainrîiy in oust rach Novembr t. 7 yea S. Bf you're lick manry bondhoiders, Suiadntmcs ïzoui apoeciat tht direct deposîr Scry n ntatcs traie. Wcîb iis concernent option, Wbacever type of bond you yoin fineresi is deposîttd dorectiy totýo eboose, you i onin a sait, secuti Ssnsply ait foiî whe you buyyour instant cash wbenever you nerd ot 8O nhe proven chie MILTON RENTALS Save On Fuel Costs INSULATION FOR SALE BLOWER FOR RENT FRIENDS Et NEIGHBOURS CAN SAVE MONEY BY DO IT YOURSELF INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES 878-1880 55 STEELES AVENUE 1

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