B8 T-ee Canadiun Champin e c O-et A, 1978 University Club -hive of ne Lindu Kiette 9r tîthec ceeaed ate de-tcneeau-e. IlMdteln eee c.e-e- tci and fe ,te uiersceet grleder ed thcfeeîe ilt e me fl, tee ace-ee-e-e Titey wee Chancoeattes CItt rerelt le ceetl the frtfl î [île c haper veccle lte club itelped sapport c ni The Unieretye Wcceent heehcees cltieh Ita-el te,epceeneedlte iteet gectpc ce lte gc. pt-elcîatceenh clubt entldeee bridge. educetln lcd-> et-ee-eett meee et andibclane[se le thcccriinaldhttgc-ePe-e-e ' [t acceteadeg caprà Ithe eeganîcclton. tac. tl ece[edt ibis dttecit,îl geceps his ccl i yet-d- ecp[acd lite-e tt-lIedt IhaehcleTh-eepec [eue-e ccc preedee D rc %a>I.nt a Ilce- Hudiey ,,,,,tek ert ec bt dtuc lite jeueal c h lt--h t -e t u e.ih Ct-eh - I Ntettcdlterhacingdte t NI Ile Mit ot Ilelt te heeeecn fIe- g -vIc c,t eo",'j db t ý -ec-u 1 -te-e-tNeH AIi i Uttlie etc ceteI[tccteg tee et-e e el hu e nei ce-el p-itetetdt te-e11e-elpIl --e-etc Ille Mio oren.cdr*, agnh bc itee Tei t - cce' ceocea geteece [etc, et, te-tl enicigice tuh-dl e e -tc dl -n, îe Bute pecee[l-eth dee, telu e tiecht tee- te pc ne n id tttt [t lite ce-et Agtt, e-e fidt cI io h cece iec ,e tee-et- It In-e ointe-e tee tIl tt c,[eee-tp,Ieecet1 l d ad cdesiii, c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r >.t,-c -eh-et- - d cttttedc th de, e le- e.t1 etttpe e-eeellthdetle-eIl-e etet- eI 11 ,t te. el eclttee e roeleons.cvcdhccteedite- te- taltitrn phautedtcit eluteectloferietuactce ubt u c> et lce ee mdl Mec Huit.thau-e ti-erdu ituege te lthe club reccteg nunit tedte-cel ..ecucud cteeîeed lite mettth s homes but -etcî Scthcee'«lete te Il- pndividuel etrnect- Thoteceanutecetad te tu he nee rdc te-e he-t t intepeetatio of l-[cc tte .-ec-c-etetglcttt dct. -e -Tisele ,taedtwlkcoi, l odeel-e .udl curttteceith tteM, lutthe te .cutlt cd", IIIet ecîtee te d -te COlIN ,o m , t-et t'l) * tee geeelce te, t e l l0 [hect tefale idtee-[ttt-eincle] lit , eî 1N13 IACK tbroîtgb tbe yearc, Agen precîdent af thte University Woeee tte a scupibock -clectoe cf necl clip st 16i ycure At [but tite, to Mil[ttn int b. Tcduy [bere are 5h meembere. Att, thi [tee-e e-etc , ec e Thece cs ree a flic elein thet m tel-eh bu lt wee ecer t-eceet deeecetiigtoph. île- Omagh B oysi'bail team wiflS Qntaric t-et, q nie e t î-gh Nledacl t it , [e- aetî t eed Hullel, ttc-eýt (tiptetehtp h t le 1et utir Helth th, [eue, acdet-t- tcgte-hce catcht l[net Fîael [IcI Eee-. tIt-e tc-î-dl leecletNe [clt dc-e htetf [c-tg1u fIrpht cccUgt. [[cedel lelcel Halton studeni do weII in test Adc hch lecît lte caee tee fl Ild,1t -etcl'64 e- e-ecg ' lAcljee, ceeinnleeî i ,Pcc-e -t. lc t chisa ttc- -el-edct of t-eiýt-etecte t re-ete onuî 1 h- t h ,uc tcileuls. Jte nt 'r>ttI dcdu el ý;ct I [ se in nact ion c 1,teet e l heet a", nisieenA ,tr n tec ec uettg11 aetce,lce mauth ptoeiec ecttctg9 ce tcachters.-eîteted gte eeg lt-el deee c îlef - uý pec[atett cettutIg 'e ee-e'u- la 'ho, te tleurd teepete ettectt1 ttttccet,ececltetted ttei teet tsia , te -eeld [e- de,ag ci c [et, tl eLt4efi led-ehe-h e lteastrtee: Hute> ecptceced hi lte tietdeclceue- W [telc te-el- und lte rec.[ are [teP E, ce, Ceteci uelec leecît tîethct t cAcA Cîcettit Wccac hetA eecctIl etetit Nie Pchkec He Bar>Botait and The file t are ete piae tcd rceeh ti ut[ceeA-e t [[h hoitlding a banquet te cetece[c 11li lit s t-el-et- parend ts l li"the Isisaectelecudaeitcl lestl receudi help teacheri ,taeuate pecgeucanditttu urecuccftetete- Haey,> etplcced laest resuts ihe ,heet hW t Dck c,k c cteded fl itteleteec prtelcetn 'lcucheec and peitcipaisî elcî gel te, eo r eI tl t-t tee eci licit Ce ,, mihet Fecuiting -e cusio truseecgdd i de- etin gceeh anatinalmtnteshe -eecud[ll Students ceIf donc lai toure yece vettielu ceni eel hAlr te, t he hete lit lcc M,-ec tIge ltdua Ine ce ld gctc2 c, flctet NI -i -eNi-e. Pasc NIet sekerIerheeeting etghtit ceat, eecstee LHeted u.. gî aneud gccd tIelt Mr, adu [set 3 Jlec cetcuditi ther Ottecec Lterc Ntecda Jce clleit ten Ecle eehldc ehc:eca -it hcca>n utecdc ()et 4; C-eu-e t NlutJli cecA te ecepleter t n arln Bne t leefteuhte [I-h lcda leedit[. lettE ctc ieadutien cetrslad cha te> c fie uncciittitaead He laidtetteststdetee LOOISr..- cie teda typ et cluce and ALO OI S iNuviNYMO as tole tet prcgi 4ei a tudeîttrceetc MEETS.EVERY TUESOAY t p.ne. di atnad nutineuenudn ercient und (t Acanc Hî-et,tttaîe.iAtt ;,,ieph de adinstato emedial peegeeîe I.I h A 4 hat Theinotionctttdehuted PauecîHuaD-et Police com m iso c cct ac itai-gpren t. de-elg .tei- Yu drops civilian code Mnnîe Th-etdcec 9:00 le,\enda.80 Polc Coin- lThe ccttttt-ee ltct d ucied aihHl !uid terniell e cdea(ltc e flce ant-ee pdslHl kpedai g onehecisueco eft to deiscipline e ,fic t odcet ee duet tee plcyel tedee lte Ode, ltcetltc.'ell oeelc ihu fcidîne supensiotnsUN A CIVICS t'tettt'hItsc-er fle~t lia cemeee e-e tec ptecs lt tutteeiint le eituegrd Thc cenltttt'e-ectlt t no, 'ted-et Ilc Poltce A-et, lte tcchtîeg fce seeitg ecletg Ot eellcth-oftheCdecofth ilneteofaele fetttloy t cdect ccclý nurettttd They ccctld le guîdaeîne 'ce lAIcis,'. people cîtt ecai wee theY Wnnr g. dad %teeethîedCoin [ct tht ec osCitant vieil miee vrietcg dth dntotrv 'te-t tet tcak'c Rult Munera the coin Ptier'.TheChinetîeeedmnctce'cn ccdîlin ad cîl ecpelghedaeonee.eeiîeîtctcemesadhecl I l' il participant dued the code tin ed t put hec-e Citane, Heenit. gave epecuiece ce uieetifite fisdc.gitee Judy le footing marnatge Tite artce icne- lTa Hlten Police Associa- rccl> cepecîrd Jette Lyonsliotn ppoed adoptioe et te g-e-et ha hctde aeay [tue code Ticece are cbuu 70 upetegîces cicîttue elîyeen. "ATf BAl MOTORS W! CAR!" 7-V BAZ MOTORS LTD. MI -' --199 GUELPH STREET, GEORGE'TaWN l A LU OD Y 87.5 ofB6r TorontoaBl6181 87- g ty hi- tic, tu 11 lie ttllte let 'Ie educatioflal activity onnparanting. expnPet Mr aunitatr in t979, aed tie monre teeernut lte tocal Hadiry. rapretatlle nf lte Miltoa lete ta tenente lieed eitit Wtdte many asbeeta la-niaptalnarentlrnledlteattend thtennnatnleganialtin. enter lite ntoe ni tenet hie ieacerenc itir owae- Wit ivrner t2,0te ateee, president laqlt ePit t pate.Carrally tItre are 1i ctaegaatnlaatng liaZiegnpe iln aUeeity Wateri' Claiulb acrs ia aiinl d n c a n rt a l i tb r c l ut b " C a a n dn c n i t h a t al m a m iti e - a c n m rt n l a I i Y b 't tee are latereatai n amliferelntttt Latantetanedua wncteeaegta, ittcea-cet . ta l, teeiatrctt.tinreinatincat naletene la li- miltitant-tpe antne tile eonerabnon la enitaduled laite tan, ice enpoaertaeile mare brsite ateteptacicn. italdini BritishtCotlumia nic he Qteaaitetnd ePetd. An part nf thenaIoat prnelttt ieatfitY. 'Yen are aitle tai tciag itaek negacciztin tee cltai at Altnnugt lice. ladir> le te teaei te titeetlit, nitr han- parliipaI= la. retalin denitftiata Milton teteiers cng met a graIotatettee nI [teedàue ity cintr affia- aiti nld. discussin le atread> peopte" cite enptaiard. tdens. aadrcany tnaagget efltof Pellettes are dlanatard uni A Univeersity Wtenratlub arenteing ciitere and ddlfrat clubs huve lte op- incoa Sconha, tee enanîpte, [a peaciding sante hittutty ttr paetanity ta express la- ecrentty it lte titer et tteee teeterc traelting dîcideat areda. ceting a rennttiaant ecsent frentatenad. irai teentit. lte cltbaitaH te Cueud,attolrey ganeat. Met. Hadir> etuted oe of tuekîr cte amnte pcnjr.nl of k In t thitr saterant the hec citiel goate Ina lte etteitg alleaciag e teembitra cla Canda-teide neganînatien ynae ai hal te encore t reanttc. - a teaite a pileu tee a chtange le -thelinteaa Rîghtn ccdertnden The Cammittali far the cite lte eîghts et tadien viOenetu natCnia Milton Fair Qlueen Contest braeces. lthe Mîltona ch Et 4-H Princess Contest pok a e te pencîde dZtee echetuechitte tee wenr weald tike ce thanit the tetîcciet - tcdeetc cîchian te teecar tee gdftc denaird te lthe centectants. Eu.ttycaî. teecganzaiee preent aetudel t iEranet Canade ealnk ofCommeeer C. Dece[ lelcent cith a $10tT.5tYO Bca knîacMn.ccM.11 Rubi. icît and Dennu Hadiey - echctuecii and oeeut ltone mecei tuio int e ainae Club ef Mtlton and Disdtict Distrect Hîgit tethowte adi g.eee eaie a cs o v n t f t e c l u o 2 e H d c i t n g e n t M l c c S r t s n e l t n e M a tl pinec cet i iecu e Fende [ce tite nehetaechtp lton Phelcetaehc tee latice Matt ivarcil> wemen grtisd fecceed ure clccted tecte landeat ena-el ci Mdec boitcalesithe r ocd ocf ttc- c teeteed ge tue- thc detîccent geileedîcele tiegati ti e [tt eceaec cett ttcudindivedelt giel ud hec tei Thlec e itte cmmet eeccr eîel eîcçcrlcdtrlccelu D h v lie t e ed a( centre Han. Raid Rat Baaafeld - -- -I Thte dute cs selteeo the Oneugl tituetti huit, Nccktt scraceeue Jecene peeject, Essnieltu llpclernstt retalu , s. ,a pieented fct tehie Ra>1ceeteler~tC tîcfine AI. ret-pesc t e- llle lvnt uet,asitanut itucheettctededt I l ettîegttlaH de IttItct te eit eli be hetd Mea Muctteot ps cl cc hI t .tt it. ttoucteuderc ted [ctal îlec oet for arec C r tecl meaettegeand a[t nee Mis B Brcce, lB: cc etiscoeereed te puepitl meeting. il possible. mernt tbersecectucpuciace etrie vert girstegistteedtfor cteacee and stal R[ieur prect -end cele cu tectpe fiee led ce tite duelite cI luh Cccgeatltittce Me ued teanA pureletîteeu Nlre. îttnit> Turcee cf ,dure lite fend gtuide toit tîeelttt,e.lit.1 ittefirth ni h caucded and lthe îheît tctt gîccdttitd.acson clhuit4 garde [eue ?e lIe David and Mec tA Mate Stcuct ccd TurcerctAceund eed.lont tle lîpcteec deecen Cettgratlu[lti -osaec te1 ed ht ncite guccî-eedee tce [ce Mer acd Mec . ch caeure e-e enodccTtclt [e,lthteerriva lIcer luchi tl Rien teds gecetdcitd eeled cieee ct the el-eh daugile fce Me anA Mt c tpree-ete. Licu Mcc- Becce UCoeeucof isi NEN2 WAtt tifrTMllo M PLANT A UITILE SPRING un your GARDEN NOW..a. CARRY A COMPLETE LUNE BULBS.. Tulîpo Hyacinths -Daffoddls ONW ow biliTe Time To Fetilize 0Use Dur 6-12-24 Winterizer or Wintrizer Weeder NOW IN STOCK AT.-----_ - I C e n t i rn e n t a s t F 1 5 it P ic t -u Ip a t Mena ch -r IT * E nntine B ets R EI If W ndeteVan Zeptyr *A E-3514Van * Ceugar awth a - i ai eenditeneg F-600lSeVan * L60016' 18'là 20 autumaca eg .ppl ith elenteica tailgata W lnader 65 &M St E. (aM Wilson or a myt à IVeul a MenUSa Yeu' Drap in and check aur ecanamv rates. tSPECIAI. WEEKEND RATES t 3INUI~ ~ IÎ ànu1iIIII NeedA Lift Tnck? BUY NOW ANO S-A-V-E! REBUILT - RECONDMONED! GUABANTEED! ON 11E SPOT RUNANCÎNO AVAILABLE Fork Lifts a Sales Service 0Rentais Mobile M.t.ddls Hamfndl E<piimn Lii. TRUCV ' 100 TRUCKS TO 3610 Mavis Rod, 4MI11 CI40SE FROM Mi îug 'Srtgtainutry For 20 Yers" 279-370 at MILTON CENTRAL LIBRARYL Tuesday, October 3rd, 1978 at 8p.m. They Called Us: "Les Filles Du Roy" direeted by Mine-Claire Poirner ADMISSION FREE Sponaored by Souoth Central Ragiona1 Lîbrary Syncern r