SCHOOL OPENING ut the Credit Valley Treatment Centre tor Han- dicapped Children meant many hectic heurs fosr employons ait te achant. Checking the dayts schedule are Diane Thomson. centre, executive direc- tor wuit Pat Grant, right, social worker and Otti Weldon, left, secretery. iW~UÈ Base on COLThe Cattadian Champion, Wed., Oct. 4,1978 B7 Increase pensions, GIC Thesn metei total at OodJe~ Yot teoreases l ttte01d Age nouncrdtty, HealtOh zadW e n roosepreteen' thte lOtt h Seearîty reson, Garteed tare Mintster Motque ftegl Laartriy eIatttL bedn lIeiiertetrpean tnarne Supleetnt a nd tcreates inOld Age Sella ottoLf iting' aprnet rre euit pah1enbsin and SpeanesA ytlwaa e, e19et3. tt pritnttant Guaranteedtrs1e04 eSeaty Ae eertpntnan ar te, 188 cea-cet apeno Ay ct tinre Oniober, te nc arean Guaanlent i oct~~Icee 'upeen IntI weeaeIcmeupeetpy Prof essional activity days 'penso'$.,,t cc-Pbý &Uio cut for ellementary teacher forthe478 le tsasarprisetstoeTbttt'5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O!%sl Teorsgt.dOOl get au onIiî hetne040e Securitl Teaehrs gl pal regr( vaue fr lh penLa t enWtlrsentobrtabr ay, Haiton Board ot Educa' rsb et ubether thet une n ia Trstr rd rtl $164.74 tremn the present lis decidrd etestentiaro trnont a,1e clîuor on00 luge, deolard.H tr so $19.7d teachers il lbaseuttce plrtttssodl actii ta s Lesfiersuerbulatto.tepys Tbe Guaranieed Interne prefesaissai ahtislty days tOnne i5 noticîtatgttecyalalost PeahPie. Suppetent ILttid tepes- seat year bal higb school entting the nurpcitof pie'-trs sooexbt day in clairs steerebse insrnteapat teachers ci stili base nine s'On 1 aotî tît donc, sbeuidn't 0e . pr ents trm e 014 Age Securt land urged iate upr classroettt suuld Oe better is neitettanî.butleern dayt a atmeea efth1e auppleent bit cati tor a redattiin sfine xao u a doullu,.ru.ster 1ea uld Oc a toure varies sn relates t e r autru ofprofessienal ac' LettCctsecnobetedi 'reasonabîr"« nasber. soaslolcsfý--ee tît'ity dayts îtstedîalely mroto Iurlîngles i r'e, 1Un Georgeown Truster, ay Ther toaxitsums Osaantced sine tu ev ens. lie Houard-to, k uskrd le Sbepberd. saîd. Incarne Suppleern fo a Her sbserved tbere is litile tIaon Ore cittîir -ii lbird Trustee.îl ied astingle persan, er a are enidesce le support adteinis- cotlt or sprota hen the successiol on bacîsg Ciel- perlsi wose aposse s nul a tratesn etaites teacber ttctccnbal cr',îpîonred land's motio amrsded. s esoeradi o reeng workisg dayttitweesudnts but wasntllnoptoi lth> lu er us0 rductoin tprofesiosal a Spouse's Allowsance, 80l g aern = preser aroi an9 colînugues. aciivitv daiys ould ba n lI7 up isOc tae 511à. trote besefti. Cleiiadpteed ol PrOtnsOul ut dit o, nd nottibis eac Hentaid is c $rei 28 The Halse s leacbisg staffi ar uneended, Titl'I 1 u te ara'chang iln the sobesi year mîaxiteum suppliiate for ftlf ain ( neryoweliipaidbaascofli'ntbctstrone tI)otr'enwwudb irpiedmrid cope ahp tberlong years o eiceus tlîoncnt',ibey 1btceincnnnt sîster, tili nret n MitnDu Mur i Milo Ma/hv td and espertescr. su IOn' retanc oeuurtl t'ttlmue Thn cxtra twe days et $102.61eaclfrot $9952 - o r rvd l e ohr vt u pca saiudn't seed teuch pcolrs- acceptable ltît Iltuljcý if classes arr needed Litce Added ta the tasi penusioncl assal desrlopept. eere ibt nrn AîuaiittHesad s0hod arenusng up twoand ibtsoîill gîne ea nai d BOU op tny Hec aaggtd tatIfte publie is 111,,t aîuppN a bail boucs rasb veeb oit pesisnec $267.35 mnihY or lnacbersesorknd eighbts about tObc prott cci oie squrtIngestsnes and aleotaleol$S 47I frl h îeatead et thn lice or sixtIucty dasîthe t"ttcltbf te Oatbbhuslns. TruteelElste ceuple APnt buspc beurs, they woenbon PAdais chbool char ilsos. sut4 Thte Speeset Olacet 1 tbelioattid oslyneed tourna à tRductng thl,'iihr lt TOe oe urcrults oernthe paid te perses Oewn ce 80 ue Tracberteoralis - pnrplcs oîuld libriy caccpieth nstt Thetboardtedttirsteonthe tearrind t10014 Ag Seurt ing" and"oltlitv -uttunds atsrtutredlt1,01 :cîttîtt, queaslntiolrdcng pre-n , e-sssseeWh--. teachnrs în grestngnsoitheo hbrrdaysuare Il,cli 1î'oeon uîoal adtvtldaittfer blgh rsdencg ýeOlie s teT, ý..... . t boardreeidbnhlp itpro thtîoitlîutnrugootitî fnt scbeol teacns. and it lesit Enlîiteet te a pote's bt oiTC icacbe' stage bi hautîtc ready fuc the ti- trce bnraustitrndnd ina10-10tin Ailoancn, and ate lae ..I 1 -1 a lbntoleacbtsglstonredac, irusttocdoel r.îttned TirusteeernttIintes.Obrep- ta based] eoy l tnoe. a-WMl a clated î'lcllasd obcrtt.IItoleare berd, traier. Armtetagn. Tbe mrasîtete potes DîetretEoaîu 2tlotos ci loadoto ii IlaItons u llelland, Ottsos. Armtoneg. Ailoteasce oi iscrease tu nac -1ý Lavnder, obsrcedteachottcioiî n ol, îî'.ttltrsrt C ope t aep nd BillLatesus $207105 irte $259.31 The oeuttu '1 't , citct buedîn admetintaive rcoîto', a t ,.ît lt ed fon Ihn reductsn shte soaxiteut Spousena B5 , Set Ic n i "t chaces. proessios[ deirlop- ullotcîruo no- î'udei't Edsa Ronîson, L. Auger. Aleswasce ta teade ap of as (DI Ottoo,ý P,î'ft, s t t eientlandprgraodOelop cottil bandIt' littîg at Jud% Mexrande. Bltlieet ateeuantlequioalesi te the -tot-.cPnit!,,t'od mtonprolnssioal aîtiitioemeuleredbîgh(ootîîttîody neo.Camoackson, Florence basin 014 Age Securilo jobs. Admiînistraivur cotnr tuItheb nu' tcrît Meures. Garry Morion, Johs pensin and the msaximumt Titýfilttt lo ou' t,1 arc inoaly coesuolting tit0 .1tsprntt bani tttton Btradley, Elatîn RBine and Goarasierd Incetee Sup- 80 n cit neatOuttoctltct- l papîls and parcnts anUf Orl pttlic bottî aOittin iloeard-Loch ucrn opposed pietent ai thretearrted rate ncaluaiting pepil progneis Yogur Loaf,. JL ieimans interiors flot nonular lF i 340 ManSi. Milsen On 878-3435 C*WOYOUT Ibel A TREE FORT. accessible bv otiteccir. o ose ofth1e Centre's top favorites for ail students. Rvas Lcwsrlby lukes partîcutar dniigbt on getting a ditterent look et lte warid free toside ef lte foon. Standard school hours needed Scoeol boara in Hutitsn Board ai Eductiln laic'î lts couid ba standardizet se ail mteît. sîudeaia goin andeotaathbe Creaien surs classe, tainte tin. sbettlds'i atari later thus i Truatee Les Cranter Oaa aurai and tOnne staitd ho a propoed boues be stand- leasi iine-nidooeball beuns ardized H tIeeed eaCbasellant ef instriron daits. Tbre sets ilsonbhs anadlberr ould aiso e on eeheun toe inri muchunitaeteity aroaa lunhandal15tminute recrss the regias. tIa suggestion ten teeorig and atternn tout be deai a'tb by tIaios Ian eleteotary pupiti OP tO set scoeet tours wudfcltt bus roules, end eofsoion ton hearing date pae s s on ve îtidrrsinttine, Te Ontario PoliceC.. (a t as one sellntl and tuotîttate misasion Oaa bers ashed lu pneg atein o i r-coo rulablish the eteployaet autti e stras et Haltot' police ad- 8e18 t0e Haltin Pollue Commtisso, whieh hred ad- May, asd t8e Police B u~ Assoiciation aaked tor a 'fl and teotoat Oearng" 10 estabtîtb ithe satua et Moins,. a IrIser ai Tburaday's cotemo n teissian teeting renealed. D o ' Muaro appear tu base ra faut inabatbcateps, ThenceteStyle i amissionbiredbtim on a vebal casleae as a consultant, acceeding la Halerî'commist sîsser tIarry Saret Thr, contraci, ai s3e,eOW pet buit< ia rneewabtr titra ao'or lice year lten, 8ie santi. b la the other camtp, tOcnb potice association aise lattesvi tuarepeenat Matra. tt secs 8ie a antiarsaid artretî ARTHUR A. VR JOHNSON Q.D. ISHOES OPTOMETR IST 214 Main SI. Robe Milton16 878-3673 Thersd Scotch Block Lassins 4-il Cloui oaa beld Menday. Sept 25 al Ligny ball. Tn trtvoi dlsetssed thetimpotanceeofa geodbrakfast to siactfinir aSone eeand inerettig Idrus were presesled tee dii- inrenl fods te have ai brnak- tat Torse ideas îsciadrd bacn asd Loentaie saind oicbns. cbtoan deg. and toaste4 obeese sandwiches , IL1te kittîbesn e beri onre dioîdnd tatoin ogcnuPs it mk nerg: Squares and ,Luguni Lout. TOn Energ> Squtares. usîng tîleti unisPy dînappeacedfast. TOc ýogttir 1"3f as sol iterN populto Il had a strong faste o Iii tIraitby Frasut Ballot a aIse, Orougbt asd il a o etc isyed fou _____ Milton BowIaway Has Something Newv! Now, Motos, cou can bring your ittle onnu t Milton Bowaway in the aitetnoos and ewl provîde ababysîttet, white cou co a gumofa bowling inone of ourafternooo leagues. Fur inormatiOon on afieteoco teagues culi: Mrs. Catdenel at 878 2552 Mrs Little at 878-9084 Also Openinga still aveilable for bowlers sn evenlng leagues. Milton Bowlaway 4 PrinceaStreet 878-9175 eter Bo n Selfle For Less nd good fit the kids love r&h w- rt Newman Shoes MAIN STREET, MILTON 878-9877 an&Fride til 9 Member of M11tolene Centre FOR KIDS abieltSzo1 878-1100@W O î l .tqtt io , iod fif dift ti ltban i 11, hl o I.C, thk t. i l, I.î4O HA ZEN-k'SteP1 199 GUI1 PH STREET, GEORGETOWN 87789473 DON'T MISS ERIN FALI FAIR THANKSGIVING WEEKEND October 6th, 7th, eth & 9th Friday, October 6th 9,11' WuCertttll , iuilonsoti Ptutttt.1 itd Juitllt 911 Exlthbts 91 TEN Dance tituî FULIHOUSE Saturday. October 7th Su TOCK TRACTOR PULL Hotut' Drnîonîltrtion 1 3011 Utiat Sitou 3, jrsueyowDao, 4utî H Clutbs, Midusut 91111; FairîDance SundaY, October 8th I, alutîpto- 02' Poto Showi Palaomino Classes 1 30î p l Western Horses 21UGî,, HEAVY HORSt ORAW 20;î î' Oeep Sonw 2 U0 tl Exhnîbits Hall totertuiOtoelî Coltui Exbitn Midway Monday, October 9th. Thanksgiviflg Day IIHuo Utses. LîgOt Horses Satîledit Hunier Classes tolitbitts Hall toteitaînte Beoi (tillie Showts Sotito liot 1 MEALS SERVED IN DINING HALL TULIP BULBS 25% OFF CRIATE YOUR OWN INDOOR FLOWER SHOW AND/OR A BEAUTIFUL SPRING GARDEN Anyone -Child or Aduit Can Have A Sprîng Garden SELECTION INCLUDES *Daffodils e Hyacinthtt *Late Tulips a Dutch Iris e Narcissi * Crocus FOR HELP IN PLANNIN YOUR GARDEN SEE US ..ýM L1=3UItTED CO-CIPERATtOES OFffNARIO SC28DSGtdTESTRfE MýP LTON Ol&2391O COME CELEBRPJE DUR lth ANNIVERSARY BIG SAVINGS BROADLOOM * VINYL FLOORING WALLPAPER * PAINTS ENS~ 'Ïam