THE OFFICIAL OPENING of Brian Beot Park on Commercial St. was held at 4:30 pm. Saturday when Multon's Mayor Don Gordon and Freda Best, wife cf the laite Mayor Brian Beot, eut the rihtron to officialty open the park named after her huaband. JAYCEE BILL GRETG Takes the order of Denise Disette. 12, of Picker- ing, Misa Dinelle was with Irer parents and the Nadatros of Milton on Canada Day. EYES DOWN, watch your cards, and t he Kinsmen-sponsored bingo games were onderway on Mais St. Saturday. as part ot the town's July t holiday festival. Young and old enjoyed the garnes. ' UTHF1 -'L GYNINASTS denn'tratttl tituir skills during a laiton t, otonat i stratton at CotinmOottt lIas attîrtiasae,1 ý\goodcrosti îýatchel theshou ART BOIJWAN NURSERIE 6th Lse, Georgetowni 1 Mile North of Steelon Ave 878-2142 WE SPECIAL1IZE IN SHADE TRES... We stock rtost varietieS, doP in and browse this weekend vvhile our selection is ait is best. a INTERLOÇKING STONE* We a e a1v a "!ý; ' 'p Dorastone lteokq Paelt, S!a Be SureTo Se eOur Dipta s We inotait patios Et waikwOYS or the dorit-yourselfer sse provide installa- tron brochures & edvrce. NURSERY HOURS MONDAY-SATURDAY 8 ten oIo et CLOSED SUNDAYS WANT A DRAW? Milton Jayce Presrdent Dace Thortori stands lîke a gunfighter-with his M H Hrol radeo ai his ode. JayceeO osed the ridio H keep the r operatiens runcing smosthty and in case ot emergencies. The draw, welt that wa mode by Mayor Don Gordon toi conclude the Canada Day evens at Rotary Park. The Corporation of the S Town of Milton TAX NOTICE Fiatopayer of te Town of Mttton are rereiede(Jti n FIRST INSTALLMENT OF FINAL TAI BILL IS DUE JULY 7, 1978 Peatof1prcnpe msnth or any porionthreu, illbecharged on each oeduisalyýn ieest a the rate of1 percn a mot wiladdedor thefirsl day of rach monFi to any overdue balance anîtil paid. DONALD E. LOUGI4EED TR EASURE R Serve groups of 15-30-50-200 o)nly$1 .90perperson chicken Vi ai î& Commercial Ne- Red fi White POTATOES 29111) Valencia ORANGES 75ep.,d.1 Home PridO BREAD 31$1 15 Ioaýeý RADISHES 29e Exrsag o an CUUBR I. & E 39 39 ha . M Fesh STRAWBERRIESý 891, Italien BREAD 2is9l, loaves Red GRAPEFRUIT 4189" Seedl ss Extra Large UCUMBERS 89te..., M IOFRI MARKE r- CELERY 991, b-ch Cý,a..y Smith APPLES 67*lb À r__ TOMMES L 59" 11, j