Rock picking, hayn Agricrew workers Iearning variety of farm chores By Linas Kirby ber iceeit t o aUe Msdomt i htbr simeot. operifirations are caried out Rocb porbiog may ot be eanieiy proeided by tbe labor sa a good dooage of ei itadeoto, raogiog in and drirîog tbe eremo tla tce tbe most gOtootoisssatoter program. gropeamaraderc-aod ogciromlo5ta 21ta.tibe fario. job, bat for one groop of ars f-is oot maiig ltto ooe soome frioge benefito. avoulable for saommer morb Emptoyero mail bc foir- stadenta, if's not ail tbat bad, job ta do ooe tbiog, iositad Ooe ai ibeir favorite oo area forma aot Sept. t. mers who are cvgagad la eiuber. tbercia agood mixture,"abie asoigimetotbey rccatmitt Foremas Paut Dirb and loainsog l tat ime, or 'Farmiog Cao be bosiog, siated. loto of somides, mao the job of Peter Die Mars mill morb grccnooae or orsery bai wiib ibis job, yos get a In fart, tbe groap oever rieaaiog brsb for ooc for- aioog siib tbe rcm Tbey'll aperators. Oe day a te variety,' arrordisg tu 16- reaily boos mbere ibey arc mer. bls rcopoooibte for saper- minimum hircprt aod fie year-atd Aodreat iliiswortb goiog to be aotilthîey rerete Tbey îoorbcd bard ail vision, maiig aure tbe job dayo Itbe maotmum. ai Milton. For tbe past i wo tce asalgoimeot fromt Caroiyo moroiog o tbe tash. aod ai mackshbe bas bees bnpy Bird, areara-ordioatorafb of ooeaSnslopped for thctr lunch b e or 5j a9fi68f ronflas, pirbiog radia, projari. o picoir arder tbe t cees- rieaoittg barns and rlearing Murray Hitl, t6, from follomcd hy a smimn aib C o otshéol e brush. ~~~Lameitie, aooter member oft amrsivtton o o e , w l e He sa ose of if stadeoia Ithe groop, bas sorbed on a Aootbcr job icil lhcm mith tram tce Nort Hatoo arna ta marbet farm on pool aurm- ranger lostiog memorico. lTe lo s s $ 0 00 be empioyed la a aperiat pilaf mers, and bas doc somes vrais mas assigoca tla belp ot loHnr .Ssanes $90,s projeri iaaorbed ibis amr- rbicarn aebiag and fond- mîtb as insolation job aI oe 5 ticotriJ Oertetsi Ifyo dai s coe iet me r by tbe Otario Miaiatrp srapiog. faurmi h Agiatri Rrpcaotii er bilsso yoa r tair, l tef ai Agricuture and Food. Il ail rames ta baody, fiafortooalcly sonme ai tbe ihpalrnssshr itrcooyr -m aîy nTe progeam, is deaigocat to berauasecr ai tae members priebiy iaaîaîîaon maîcrial and milb il, tce assariatcd yaac township ealoatar provde umuer ourm em tela heyhavethenecsar woked is ay ntothebeocbito and dangers. Coyotes etîber direally, or îhraagb tbe preiesomr eam xm f ee bacc Utrco ar> lorbcd o tay tdto , vt armrescrar pioymeat for pasiti, plus belp caetoeo ofdoe tacltbOrlrsada O l earas eer pc cl ciehk If tbe evalualor deter- for farmers mbo mast ta get :abe mbatcrer jobs rame leaeiog lbhem arrotchiog for hasard on maay atreas, cspc miees Ibal thr damagc lt some ai tce jobs dooe ta Ibeir way. qutie tome limre. ially for yaaag aoimals an a caiîscd hy moîvre or royales, tbey are tonbasytIndo tbem- "Wchaveebadtailotofgond Il mataIt as had ilshccp Saabk or ecan a rom peroaiy rontact the 1mcai mies fcdar fsm emtoer, cccd too h. aid hcrd. afice ai tbc Otario Miaistry selvs. eedbck roir emloyes, eernd, houg, sd tost liveor omoes oI Saburai esoarces, Cam- Karea Misaber, 19, of andthe mrecrompiments Murray. - ombr iiarby bas ambition fa h a me ge, te barder me marb, The graap "pule *no ohr rsomptensation baidge tZEiîh 25Mra and miidiife and forest terboiriao arrordîog ta Aodrem. tbogb- tagorl entIheir oral avoîlahle ishea lasses due la eatiy them allte problrm. ad a apadgber sommeAgicer yoa also bom Ihat the fOnt- S n ro aaacmerfieAtircIl P aria Mîaîalry af SaliraI S pr io grsp. y iaooarces aperales a preda- A foreserresidlent ai te, lrotopp o u e iialibarto région, eshere ber loi aota ro pîao rm W aoooî-ce tomif> ras a lombariag cmliti aet nOt bioesa, Miss Mioaber bando aria Mîialsry aI SaliraI Se- Ilimbrobe Dora ormshy, a ber naner jb dmandngsourcesaregioaa or district yavchrcd Holsteia rom bred bsur obc0dog offhe. an matepeadeol and omaedhbyl. C. Reid of bu ot oaermbcimiag. "I cao Ibrai a bale trapper is hired la ratrh pro- dollar, bas romplcicd anout araaod, sihe stofed b lermanimai omcvcr, aoy stadngll1yeai-aid reord. amauredly, and reraiied oe ai peq toesaii depeadeot opoa Ihe Sbc receieed a Saperior Pro- bier .o3sigamcts-rleariago a Irapperiog on thesrceaas tictira rertifirile traim the rom harnofa oe mioter's soooaspossihle. aaivicîon-Fririiaa Assoriatian arcumuationof maralre. To mahe tare af Ihis, the titadfhihrfad Sbcadmittcd il was a bard , hvesoor ower shoaldpfir- l.ttday rcord. and bhear> job, bot te tsa . oaally nolfy the loral Oat- la 30t days ahi- vîelded or did itoletarchangehberaiemof aria Mîeisiry aI SaliraI Re- touic Oa day miliig 10.179 kg. ber sommer job. aouces offheo aay damage. atih. 000 hg. lai and lesvvng 1ýIts agflod programt. sbe In arme raves, the tomvship O 51- prcent hbut rla or BCd said, addiog ab tdft tce job personnel widl do ibms bal in indicesiaf 1994247 She oral or allamdherltureahze ad- mavy aihera. the Ontaria lt compîcîr bei, latation iv, ditioesircapadtics sictecvr Mitialry aI Salual tec 339 days, yirldiag 10.633 kg bacs csasted sources duel;aoibeowoaflthe attik, 479kg. lai ,adirvlng - fi ais extnds ourdamage oaCil cloima are sah- 4 1t per cent hiclai or -ilw ese ad o eee mitrd byitheitownshipitoihe tirihy os clositd îe( boaedgc Ont i ce glieario Otivisiryofa Agrical- lusotIr type Misbar eri oeoftu tur iarnîdiFood inTronto, Doria Ormah.vt-ie iedhoý i ds Mia rtin os e iforhivh in lira, vatifies the St7t 01 Farm lReflclior sAd t Ont oes ac aaria Niiitry aI SaliraI ointay isba i, ciaIfdi. Agrtorcm groop mbirb alia, Resriaer persoanel. By ibis % t-vs Goodlforitciedralr( bas o ae The graap gos tram tarot lime, maviha cald have a SupedrrType sio.C hi ta fatas ihereer te e lapidasiiomretmea claim Ii-r dam, ylambcvbe Ci seraicesnare indemood, and ,are rai iahmiiedaabtl a lak,tis lasiird Gad Plue arbieeva varirly ai lares- FOREMAN Peter De Mers explatos tbe metlaad vamber bave accamuaoed. lac iup Trieîrga obo fr of thlsmjng an apple troc aI a local fruit orchard. l9.0 a s land outi caa mer $55aoday for thegroap of A crew af if local youtlas b warking thif oummrrer ta liveiiocb amners h a tire, mbirb morbo out ta on goveramneat-apaosored pilIot project ai farm u ffalered cayote a a apprasimatly fît a day per empisymnent on North Halfas farmo. Tltus far, larras Thia inlac e 1,10. pera for cight toto0 bans ai tItis grooap af fiie ieos bas door painting, braob shrp adltamls,12cil 0 Nom in ibeir serond mebk, clearng adastse1p2k7og Conard the groaphbasolireadyvspcaf 11 lAAA 1011 on é éW ASwwAA --------- im earoiog the trirbs ai resfig, bayîag, painting, and Wshite mailt admit Ibey do otbecame tcrrihlyevcois îaslir atout slave pirbiag, lbey are atsorqairb to stale il mast a job ihal bilted Ibees. 11v' a job ibal bar ta b dore, or o do o:'" said. a u aI faritiîg ahioh noldes N fl N t WPRICES IN EFFE rbîrbev-raîrbiag, sa hie ferla n as prepared la tabtle avy job wn w mwIES p Ibai comnes ap Ibis îammr. Bul, he adesits, il s val aoily frmvg the mtvtiot SOFT WATER US THE SOLUTION TO______ proiîe inteSoutivaifie cois mi Utc aalh fir ALL THESE PROBLEMSI______ Marcrh, aid ta adddtion la bis toi-ming job, lie halas daovn aCA YO FND T U P OSE ? accord job as a dîriswaber invA O IDY U R B E S Birliaglar. isorbivg aloagride Kares CHECK TNIM AND TIEN PHONE US Mivaber iv bier sister Navoy, a grade 12 Maradent, isba said B-îctarga taste or adora in paît dîtauîiag wter Brtf, gray, rot qaite acar tamels and shacîs o1 Spots or dishas, glasier and sîloci t-E Diii, stiegp, lifelers bai- E That "itrbp feeling" aller baîbîvg t- Lima spots or ahi-orne filaures and aîeîîls El Satbtab tiras DSaap and detargeets that aust mor't lather E Trouble geîlirg oloîbes ta rnse îcallp vcar E Film or bathroom fila E Spots and dallivg film or car afiar masiîr -. *E Caifse ibas cavaI tastes lte sae * gE Rastp mater ibal stairs fiotars and îlalbirg El High saap art detorgeat bills VOU'RE ElLima orale and depasits ltai foalap pipes, INVITE D auoaair mashets, dishesashars and motet beaters TO Ses oor f ire _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rollectiaoto plata aed flmers ffc Pilus FRED Isaldlationi, Service and Sait Deiivery unh i forbhome a.dfir ' camplete, lire - fpiavtsopplici wici unsa arasa a k vîbomptI- and mtore tait A p 0 878-2881 RLOWEA L Wff. SMOP MiLON OLLBULL McDONALD 844-9781 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tbe Canadisn Champion, Wad., Joly 5, 1978 C7 Pro-Life announces meetings [laitan Pi-Lîle bas or- aaarced o -ri-e aI vili, oreerngi brgmrmig an Sep- 1cmbeerletigs aili fealare anaeduaoa riogramaith speakrsr1panel d iicasiavs. ,u adio-isualslide ad moie tri~ The i-il meeting ta Sep- iiiitiiiir i- bcihd ta Arlon ,adi.cogtoi-cî A scaad AGRICREW memrbers Karen Mjinakgr, 19, Andrew Illiasworth, 1e, and meeting oîii Si- bcid an the Nancy Minaker are busy tluinnaag apple treco as part of their somnmer jab 100 oittaî- ta Nai-c with local farmners. TIsa program, ara ed ytIeOaro iisr Nf Nlion pablie me-etings mîi Agriculture and Food, wiUl ruas until Sept. b1b. a tibc a FOR CON VENIEI5îTSHOPA T 878-1117 STELSS.I MILTON AV E W D fl THE =Y CARPET HRX ýCLEARANCE biii CENTRE mi 1