8 Tise annChampigonWed.. June2S, 1979 Outpatient service i8 vital need, says report sig tcn ge=smis tast ga o pecialic naait greffier difiicty in mabs tua Use presontatise of a1 Bilas Brady' isqiétal ad- Emergmsr visiita rosa bp atient ne :jca mlaetasieHle' iitHa ti Usi typ vn ags in Use cho..a forer tOtOf. tr m msarafar ncised Me. 2,050 mi a record nf t9,t4 sorsaay or selisrar Carfu.ture isecar of an io- the Hspital Aanilfary te Use Goatosebia remarase la i- visita made dsiriog Use P- «xparsen in lis nfield, ac- Mr. Ganlsi prodioted creamed demas fo"evcs bsia.cesed demnanda s av yoe. rodsiit A.L. Gostoosi hedfs woudd be cIsei tes broagist on isy a rapily grow- ise chsesue represoento Use has made se Use ispitaî. Hspital operatiog rosiss hoitsa atis MUtas Dis- hsptaI agate Usiisammer in mng popslatio in Milton,' ie f1050 isall of a cammlOnent isy 'Sisare fissassoal restreins were $2,Ms,846 for 1077-fn, sict Hospital corporatian. order to redore Use ispitais said, citiog subisdvision the group teraise $22,000 for a are especsed ta rontinue in wihinis lsrlded ispitai Mre Gontombki made ho uoPerating ran defiit. gesmUs asu t rime esempleaof portaisle X-rny machine, thefauture, Ouir tasis ta previ1de saisies and mages of atatament dsrisg Use nUsh Despiso miiga nappeai an espading toms. iiri la nm, io daily ase af adeqate servires od $2,M,429. amial meeting of the board tor extra fandiag tanat pear, it Dilis reotis, ieispia.balasre Use budget loa for- Thse ospense reprenants a se Wmesawrsf tas necessaey to close 25 Me. Goasousis Usnoedvlse- Tise peeseotatioo of Use midable osa,' ta stated. nine par cent incrueas oser Ho taid Use gaUsering of isedo daring tisa sommer,' ise teers and Hospital Auxiliary ciseque mas made bp Win Adinssrs rM 3,ti s peisepss ae dirersora, memisera and stated. membors for Useir efforts sn Nemel5, president of Use in 1976-7l ta 3,390 i 1017-78, arcordbsg tisa huapi opera- medicalnstaffflsat tisa ispital "'The same rutatisb tuii ta tise iospital. Asaiilary taMe ostasi. sccsrding ta a repart by Mr. tisg bond abttemsent.* bas sleeady ssissitted a ptro. made fibis peur, bot 1 toraeeS A iigt of Use evening in a repart ta Use bsoard, Brady. Nembana for 017-78 Tise repart mas gises by saffa sbomed an inree at chsartes Hanter on bebsll of 348, ap 53 oser 1970-77. Use boaedo adilors. Despite Statistirs in Use admn- inressed renft, Use isospital DEPUTY HE~ALTI istestor's report raser a O5 report abamed a diseiit of board director Stos mentUs peiod, lJsnuarp 1, oslp 6M t le fgr o- DstitHsia 1977 la Marris 31, 111. pores te197 reft o rcHniaC Ris report sisomed an la- stîsos and 1975 detiritfligure -Icrease tu tsours of mors in- of $16,28f. -Sbop Champion o ciading more isoars of mork Me. Bsradp afteiboted the lieds. par patient. Roses of moilo lomer 1977-78 dettrit figure to - prpiet dsp rose to 10.70 $70,000 gisen to tise iospital Mare tban 2,000,000 c bsss1017-78, op tramt iO55 as additiosat tsedisg bp tise i o atrta e heours for Use prerios peur. Ontario Mistlstry ut Healts typeo of benrt disente. Backley tel/s hoapital Prevention priority FIVE BOARD MEMBERS were elected at thse Brady, lnwer riglsthand corner. The new letis snnzal meeting of Milton District Hospital members are, bock rnw, John Keyworth and on Wednesday evening, .Jtse 21. Joiltang ini the Charles Ht.nter. In thse front row are Ruth picttire are A. L. Gosotonsoki chaîrmon, top left- MacLeod, Stan Allen, and Patricia Flannagant hand corner and hospîtol admîntotritor, Brion New members oni -Lyj«ecrcc hospital board Eightnominations for fie tuo rsgne rd irii ponitions on thse bsoard of year. dis-ertors for te Milton Dis- Aise nominated for aposi- trict Hospital Corporation rr- tin on ther board were George sulted in an eloction nt the Singleton. Robsert Macbay anoual meeting Wednesday and Richard Copley. nonning. Jane 21. Tise election ws held dur- Elected t0 serve on tieing thse annual meeting ot thse board re thehoSpttal corporation in Milton trdaeStan Allen for a se- District Hospital. cond three-pear terni. The lie ne tes, utv Charles Hutr, aisefor ase- meothers il joio A.L Gout- coud torts,' Jane MavLeod, ouste, cttairroas, M.C. ieaty, Patnicia rFtansagan and Joine .S Edgar, R. Reed, AN. Keyworth. Keîlty, Juhn Ostier, Mns M. Mr. Koptorts utti tilt tise Mei J. Mciraciraud R.A posttion of E.J. Mcready, MavKay. Tests show no rabies Lab testsacarried outoa hiod J. M. DenyeeoSchool, raccoon sot after hitiog an sear the Mitton Sewage 1 l-year-old Milton boy have Trratmeol Plant, tuhet ruled out tisc possihility ot Michael attempted to tilt tise raties, acordiog t0 Haiton animal tu safety. Regianai Police. He tuas takeo tu Milton ftere *!l he fuether tests District Hospital where hie on thseanimal, police said, bot mas treateil for tise bit asd aitis tine Ibere lo inodica- reteasod. tise of rables. lte raccoon was Im ob i Michael Kneale ot 230 Haltrio Regionai Police, mbo Grast Ave., Miltonomas hitten said ait the time Uhe aoimal os tise bouffd by tise racroo, was trothlog aithUe muLait. atter ho aitempteti te heip fie Mtcbael's faitier, J. Larry animal wiir mas stumisting Knae, alan oosflrmed Use on a teste Manday, Jane 19. report that the animal hail Tise sncldent tccurred heen trothina. ~ .~VFOR ALL TOUR M4USICAL 11105 Tans 10-6 - Wed. Thiss Fni 10-9- Set. 10-fi Cteoed Mandny ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE POLE LtNE AERtAL CONSTRUCTION aLIGHTtNG 878-2048 583A MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONT. LOT 3J2 isealts field sisould tae plarlog as immunization and fsmilyp Useoompisasis on prerentative planning. meassaes intisefuture, a0 Publiechealtiand ptmarP rording f0 Allait Barhtop, rare are tibety to devetop r Oolario'sDeputp Minirer of more inlenlp orer thseOnet s Heats là years wts mure peesonalt Spaing to aboat 45 people rare empisazied in tise Ot-t ai Milton District Hospital's ario isealtis pesgram. lie said. assoal meeting Wedssesdap Patients and tiseir- nigsf, isacistey taid ieo uld pisiciano munI torts a lise to sec tisa lengUs offtimo partnooroiino an attempt to patients otay in ispital prevent sicbness. hoe sressed. sisortened and aithUe satie Eartier in is speech, hoe tîme improvements in tise islamed itîtoso un tise ]lie- ouf-patient oure tisat is ot- stylos ut manp familles. tered. We delîborately risis il-; -Tiero isas tu ta a balance nose ibrugi our titostyles, uservices provided." hoe con- hoe stated. altioags ho did not tisueit and added tisat tise etaborate us tise opeciticsofu ministey îsîneested in lîtestyto. lumer rosi alternatives to tise Tisroughuut bis speech, hoe present iseaiti systrm in Ont- made relerence tu tise cost ut ario. provincial heaiticarr.Oiting Hensuggested groupbomes ioalti voots as tise largont fur pocispiatelo patients, and provincial budget item. "a sariog ofservices nUse "Thsecoovenience ofiseati province'- Me. Bacley satd carrliasitaisatbaneduifis une uf tise more important tise ot ut iseat servioes,"' services to ta sisaeed in Use liscvoncluded. province uou Id ta tecieu- A resîdent ut Oabvitte. Mr. togy. Ho peedicted a chsaoge Backley travelo throogs Milt on tise rote ut Ontario ha- tontrequenily and deorised pilais, and suggested tisat fisc tutus oiuspitat as a empbasis inthetfuture wit be "'clasic eoample ut a e- placddon cummuoity isoat rus and moît masagel hon- programs. putaI - lite sîgoifirant value ut Mr. Bacbley peesented five- community heati peogramts year andft-yearoservice pins tien in preention,- ho toid to emptopeoo sn recognition ut tise gatisering and added tisat long service atMilton istrict tisere moutd ho oontinued Hospital. G ie S zc " 78110 9MINISTER W, A. Backley (left) chats with ob ia n Milen foilowlng Mfr, Backley'a addresa to the Miton orporatisssataual meeting. nasd- sear sorvie more Gareta datasn and Geraldine Hirbep. cire emptopees eeceived -eunition for 10 pears ut orvie. Jean Btinro, Hazel Pegg, Tom Mans, Edîtis danssoi and Gladys Reonîcs Fearoomn break-in Hatton Regiosaf Police are nvestigating a bsreak-in at imeet Gergia Bro tes- -etem on Martin St Accurdisg to potlire, a windum tuao tmassed to gain enfry intu tise restaurant on Tuesdap. Jusr 20 As undeteretitoil amuol oflcashsu'ustaser 'Aisr bupert sieup Champio asiieds. ri~ Robert Newman Shoea 164 MAIN4 S5. MILTON4 876-67 "It Doesn't Feel Like a Small Car." The new More-Door GLO. It's got more of everythiflg that makes the GLO's such Great Little Cars. More glass for greater visibility. More legroom. for back-seat passengers. A bigger cargo area. And two more doors. The More-Door GLO gives you more room for your rnoney. PRICED FROM 11384O, GLC. GREAT LITTLE CARS FOR A GREAT LOT 0F REASONS Test-drive Mazda's fine of GLC's now at ... l lmotorS nU-Zoe SALES & SERVICE M7 Guan Inat East Actn MM02