O Ths CseadleChampion,Wsl., Jove28.1978 Drury pupils demonstrate water safety Tie woler seleai prograin iellow studets the right way Drr POO] M lfton Then and Now .. ai E. C. l2ery School Ior the igeh and tantel a cabie.. Awsrdo for th.hesu casier Heorlog !I:lcsps cul- Teo nn .e ImrIo, oaiety posters were gpvout~ (Continuadt tses page CS) wresugdhlrd hsia lor mieoled ladeoslion si. Astroos th oble saline dey. Joh Mans~ SOea chSooite aid rfeiwlth wldpped Caoisdfesvr dsameediSeos of saiety procedure by grade Mîshos have tillâght oly ooplured firol prie. Pally cresos. aldpp crsa, aid olier ri dc le 6 popilo test weei. oee person con eoiely gel in ORPourke received secoed Ie itiose dayst liere mens 11111e lk of mere. Among olier lenhOqoee, hold 1he clis eurely. ie Nancy Hart acere liedt for worli, especially on wosh deys and Iledr hoi. vrecileve b hedm srOtr owed dla oo oc place in E. C. Boird. we.hty homse cleaelog daye. P4any mes ihenne No Mistake Abouft U We're Off On A Big 1(>, gel OstoG Day Savlng Sprats porto ~- No" i 2-Pair Pack Knse Hlghs Yo gel 4 pain" o ci nylon omsve . -lslo f style, reinforced toes.w PACKS Fashion shcles, ove . et. 2 PROUD WINNER of E. C. trury water safety poster conlest are, frontI, Anthony Natale and Nancy Hart f(tied for tirdf; in the backe Patly O Rourk (second)f and John Mans i firati. Ati are grade aix students. v"i.&bol DEMONSTRATING the correct way la get out of a canote are E. C. Drury studenîs Robin Robitailie, ,eff WilImott, Richard Cianfarrini and Donald Melntosh. Demonstration was part of a atoer safety program aI the sehool. Peacock clan holds reunion On NIrs. Cercil Palrsn A large mnairer oi il Peoti ton 1al>a1 cla gaI erd. ilda, June 2 foe thar reuacaa ai Caca Centre ti an er W ran int cetnbtcote tihe 5a0t ao vearv oi lte gel taOetltnrs ferai started in 192 ai tlt descendantsao ailican ond Harniet Peaock ahirc milgra tedtaCoanada in 183: octth six chtldec and hodi fIra moebore in Canada Presiden t HarveToaker0 Misnisoaga avîcanard tht oosns n presided lar thti meeting oich lllaaed, dnlicaaaaa nrirabufet a enînyrd by ail. aith Keaneti Watlon SaYng geace. A aif ihose deparled snels irninwa eld, Tir re ,Or, efs. Hrert Peaoccirsc Gerrude i'rocci, foat Onricir, Artirae Holterma, Jan Loanan aad ('liii Spece Secetoce trereer Cirai Anna Peaoack. ra4 tire mantra a t elaîr,, reportsa Lelleca ocre cead frontaJ J Peaoccireanîer Sair.iand Ruseel Pacack of Mîatoga Tire President remiadrd tira clan ai tinte gaad lartne in iraerng ia faml hietar a nd mne and lirai ti airaafd ire upiaird. ltaecc Peaocci af Pari Ca'tharne es an carge ai lire bistary iraak and attered la daliisorri Il oas decided ta ee agoîn in 19790 ayar Cantce la Jane, afitîers lar nextal ae president liarry Tanker, iE Kn Peaocc ait MeIlian. necery Dan Peaocnit aad ireocorer Mec. Cecîl Pot_ tercan, Miltan. A fine pragram ai allante lao ccrriedotry Mr. and Mrs liaorry Peaocci. Part Caîbacce. Spnral proves oee aocrd ta lire aldeat pcrarre porecat, -Mca îcacr fra eec,ri 'IItltaeeeeegei Ilcotier Praocci langeai rorred,Mrand Mr, F l'eaonk.o44 orc ;neonoî married, Me. anrat Mec C. Peacorh, neareni hirlhdop lady, Mice M. Nnnhn; ceareon hirthday gent, Franh Pea- colh longeet distance, Mr. anmd Mes. Jici Pearonh. Cal- gary'; luchy rar.Tc r \.rcorla gusig cealal n laoaa laf ' Irtt ,,i e King Il ffairc prtcnaseccrerretu h . rail tffe' .taaac irtatmaa anail riav aacer Louei 8 L.oa o.a vcc mrnlaî< i a otae> narf clippecs. Mca J t'ccak, talait1 pians -fat r Pcoceacir a ,arf. .lOcquI t hcldceu Liader datcce t [Irican JlacsoeJ .tsanc. feOr t [ lacer l 1cc hec veaca firecdlet eaceo Thor dace errer. a ircatita curcccara lIce. ao n Oaair ýIrs fi Kinrg RIacres ero tceldintepocrk gcaoundseand lator Biage ua enjaed ire ali aeth screcf tpcries tan fa 979a CMiss Jtalien Bac cil11 lac ther'spacts c(ne(rTho rmcrlcag cfaae w tha oc tltakstu tre caecccItce aed sportscoan- fer fo lannineg tia plea- 'aet etc, tcgeltfelc-> ore (Aitdfcrcandctepsauae ceer ara mor cac e lac n lelarg. Hailtone. Tarante lPacris Placera. fOlgac Part f atirca k, efirere aed MefaeIn ta ary plaatcgrapra et euri aceuinsre ce dca s plat and lac cangcc gearo lion epent tiare tcrag ta arr %frat rhir actlaa, diitorf eveat grondcan iaeied etc airen tirey a rie yongvc 'rlapotir exraended ta lire taarftr ai Roart Cranter aira pasard aoa a in Balln "dînr afoter a teagtirr efinene g , ccalune 25, liercaaorvieîeirby irfusdaagitersAnnierro and cClregocea ttaann and son Rortie and lhir floîtet. r aiea ceairer 00cr> Cranter . and sisler Eeo. Frinecof t evc an ield an Tueaday r crthinrmtithie fal pli a( Or tntg Peairercan *clach lcenetr 1 fn eogir Preairyterton aihrc cir li ire cf anrd for aire acenrr ai Jai> irai tire cecngccgoaran acif aacaip or ferra s ervicesa ce Bosan chirccciai f0am. Tire chir front aBantan Prcalctrton airrai preý cantecd a mucal pcagroan ai emoagir aircoan Thornday cccacag. Jane 23, epanearrd ire fragi chir Pracerda ara tu athie argon fond Ail cnfayrd tire cancrt and talerr Tir ccrt tan cienr direction af.irMc. Fiara Praflaaaarcl of retre oen J une 25 tire cangregaiao picote ai lataagr Prenirytvr- ucrc %,raaso ieldoat Crante P1ari, i artond attendance fit el] aî rimae ta Mca Tamlake lOrr tira ia potient la iton laacprtat Tire scrareat ai cala n'oas ircd ai airrai Scadar, JuneOn25 alaagr circi Formar lamrlar attendvd, tirene acere Me and Mcars Jiar Pracacr ofCalgary ad irntatecivrs, Looco I-9a",r oefa Waalaaga. Reg. Toil9.99 $12 Save Up To 7.99 On Romantic Two-Piece Peasant Sets f enaocoent p y / choartvng fIo- floral prinîs. Chaos. from vola 1h01 nirt gr001 worn opart. Popyes. ler 1oton Scarves 4 r Baded Soit Cron irvvtted Disinciv unsu Bag oblonge es toor llf.1 tstf valets rontSC tient, ahoot, Stvilps or c tsfgs Tst nae sorthes q Sttelrs. sTo, an orte Stock Up On This Special! 4 Raoll Pack Case of 24 Packs c 4 Rils Par Pack 54$19 l"Peflfyworth", Bathroomn Tissue One.ply bathroomn tissue at a low, tow Zellars price ! Choose f rom bothroom-fashlon shlades and stock Up fOo. 112 Price Sale! Zellers Sunglasses For Men, Women and Children Terriflo Haif Price offer right at the height of the suni season !Zellers own brand sunglasses in lots of styles to please every suni lover. Hurry In! 2 Picela Soft-Sided Luggage Sets!1 Rsg.44.99 34 97 2 PCE. SET Save 010 Terrai tranotiers' nolues Durableo, wlps-cleav soli- atlied toggage et Imalades 20" Pullman WITH WHEELS AND PULL STRAP, pros 22" moeke, Steeki> stelleI bmanan, Io or blue. MILTON RUITPROOFING 583 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 PROTECT TOUR CAR 5 YEAR-50,OOO MILE GUARANTEE ZELLERS MILTON MALL e Tho "GET-IT-NGW'11a Card 55 Ontario Street South *assr Charliti sud Chargs Open Monday-Friday 9:30-9:30 e Saturday 9-9 a Phone 878-8178 aisea scepted < <1 uw >e Mý1 ý,wc,- IMMIe', W