C4 The Canadlon ChampionWod., Juna 28 1978 C rlbel/ ville tel' Blair Women see ~ Eskimo art film l and dlid d lat lUem L ca fil Aadrey Ialsoll to 0w. t to hl. Lo a _____ The teol meeting haera Seplamber meoeting in the holiaysOf he li P es sn1edolOgse11001 to A be- Tueoday. JueOr 20 th one dfs.pla.y et Prosoarr Appt:le e Of Mms Stermart CrOn5P. Th Doll,, aullseotiCaUly dressed eseniel started mith a hyRenOBell. dell sri yraiciouo bufft supper aller Vansbusiness items NRonyar Mitl whiththe eOgr mas pre- voes o olalo Fredod rd il vrte byM.O aSrkle finiacig of V.O. Juy1 aelhiig10rnit und es Reser. July 21. Mes. O. vaoSicle te skrîy ed A film entiflel "Eskimo otlored le loile charge Of val,leywrase Art short h ou the 'greelr' for the oacI yeor. the 60potes and Eshimuet feurod frem the Mombors were alla men poeficipaing outoufr toorfd hou to mahte remiodedeoflhe bazosr te hoe priet n depiCtitg thete hîetyle held on November.Ch r Etora attractionsatBc visited by Institute a r For the jure meetintgthe, July 28ond Augusl 25. unday schmlo CumpbhiUvtîle WmnsSpcnorshipt of e the oster Prrsttytoerio Chur Instîtute vistîrd Etero, chif inHong Kong vies ait picote at Oruner C commecgoih an intr- proved for aoter yeur. vinciauPark Suoda esttot tour ot the Wellington Following lusncb, thr Morion Marsho Cout Museum,and onlot vouts antique aod oraîl MoCaOO, Evelyr hoe Elora Millt fon for lure shups and art gallerfes on Josephte Claooy PATRICIA SALES and Robert Dîxon exchunged chion. Mill St. wee bromsed haro Finle urre t, wedding vowu and rings aI Knox Chsrch on May Mite. J. hheelihun on-m theeugh. the pot luch me 27 Tey areIlivingeonDerry Rd. ductrd ahriethbusinsset- ot Tbeonrxl slo apour of Marshall saut g ing, heooe the deltcouou est fbr potlory and Tiftany glasis aout Mu eoîoyed u as sred Pluet were final- uoehshop, it the onveOrd Atteemard gume Wed in ted lue the Miîlton Foireon- il Cholmers Church bufld- wore eu hy Aeoocl riesin in Septmbtohe fien-e ing' antd lstly tdh 5iatii PhbAteClanOy. W D ixon - Sa les ;...ige logîfo, Mot S. Cranip John. where the "Florence Angela Maruh Fatricta Aee Salon beefoni irroir Luit and Donald and tIrs. A. T. Moore. Dotes Nghîtogole" situercomn tthr atr rte oe r fo r thotîe Friday aittroooohake iost s on dnplay C r t hride of Wilimoet saleo du*r brtle-na sfmter RegulOr meetfngs ill Ca iLar Dxon inKnox Fresbyterian gr10000,.s matttoo cre- mtsale rth uu er rsuetplmO Toroto goes W Churuh, Moy27,li700at 4 pO ouailles Thie bride«s heother-mnh e staJu 2, sieinSpmbr Rot. Tevrtu Leuis of ut-lau flîO Hlouard, pro- Aug. 1-7 foe the ce firioted ut the double-trn pod the toast 10 the bide. Orchestra Curihano '78. ueeemoey. Met. Newilts'l'li ihrodding cak u,îmade ttfghtight of tf oegaeitt Thebrdeoîtsgie in deo,1rated rfhthe slter of entertains inrmaretoge hyheieruîîrr hle bride, NancyOow ard tf The bride is the daughter 0f Milton Thr photogeuph% %as Me. and Mrs Jack Siles (if door b> luth Tuotor. sîtter Oflo e ir Ontarto St. Milon Th'Iieh groomî htiiepton Th~~e te ing meeting of groom 100eo f rn oJme ttehmeo h h seanon tee Milton Senior Mr îLoe sion of Mer >o ,,,toî'î ,t aetesooi h Citinens Club mas beld i Rd, Milton. t dit shouers re givro Knox Churofi Hall on Jane 21 Orîdal attenduets ereil îtue rt- s attendant ad intfortin f apot ck Mary Foy, muid of hte. ii 1,o , heh groom' sut Nac Hwr, ,,,e llh r o,,od, hCainn lr>ts stîoer eleadas brtdre Isabelle Atdam, n am fhni h oes oisors otr Miss Lyse ut tO Donna Sales, tioter inthe niait and thi' aster" hrtdaChre drsndh i bride. Chrtstineowaurd uio ,tag for the groomî ai the a luh, ofîsit nes ot Saur etl ti i 11,1 lit 5 oîghSaskatchewan, Ailo. Bes manous FredSales. torhool prr'rotatioO oa Dancingand singesgw >e eter of the bride. hast gtno Ireth home if tIr andooedur 00soe ljeftaesuand Don Ctemiot-. NI, CraglReid inhonoe or eoyeîsr n h s e i or urre usheen. the hrid anddgrom Mur Cesutord mon ut the Folleowieg the ceddintg a %fir a honyoo10in B.A. DEGREE ptano, Margaret Biggoe nid diner mas hrld authîe Ko,, \,orttro Onîtario. the> have Mr and Mrs. Ted Stover ies soroomen on fidd es, Preshytrta Churo til Iak,'0 oy rsirini 1n tirriy fMle r pesdf oot Wtllnen and Soh anotrc he Deemork on hanjos aod ,0 Groe mn otdho Ot idil t \tit,î nneUnc Howard tfldîson mss omeen. B.C Dus 1ograduatien of Ibeir son, The orsI otterneo meetingMr an S t. Pa l' baptisrfl Paul Willmott Sto0Cr, in Junte 3 i the Legien HllI vanogîropc Thîrteon rhiidrei ,re ,1 and î ýdr Da,00 Lidsat trom the Universilt f _____ Milton, are batzddrn tesro 1Iaoýdagtr lBnadadWestern Ontario with ssthî anneunce thi Si Pouls Uniited îlot-i tt-tlh ith s jlie Ly00 Bacheor etf Art er -hCamonssfaito fter hundol. They include trii tlaughtr i Marre aid in Physirol Edecatielt toesnt The stitt rnsompe- Reertrm Scott son of Thomais tont l.î a tt.ves. 'iurray Paui hus accepted a bcu gi S~sti o p- fgrfo Allen, JefirrNI tîloel, 'on tý taries and titinL n Stra atteefoon sily ut Tori pid l çoisition asAssatw5nte aeo the Mopte' Bachelor ot 'Ilme, son Of Trenmaine 'u0iin ltidrsonichael Programmer wîth the huent staff in ae exhiitien dge.H ond LynColen Relit Lto Oidîr il 1 t, n Miltten Parks and gaime aI Community Day. fer claeksb Rando augtrzir ut re ilod 0 ,tu J oad Aa 'asia Recreatiofl Depuet- Damr lime is 12.30 pes. aIt reiifS Chrostno, daughe of Donald Sparig ment. Rotary Park.TontinS PRE-INVENTORYS L IZ CLEARANCE semi oOosCS 500 MLO 5 JUN223OPE ÏWFAEHUR A ONY.RA8n9.,ATRAm4 coul Skateboard race cianq c«ge is July 1 feature lie 1M7 Millton Jaycoe Povincial and National Sk tbo ard Slalom R ace, llosla A au a eS Wi w i el ha Ss ld on S a l ' u 0 e P Issa D e 8 t he o Mot , prsos1 et 2.n te Wo11 woesosmeieadbof th )le organize mai t. promisels on classes indul terO 10 gr-tselcase.A lolvdal chiasy tis eSe all i ea possor d eil b h = twodd ae i s s OIo wlsa. on orlistu rientý undte medirs aryllo iuahi uer shw" I es . coeMs ebc be Fek n Nu,rbo onsd rIte ab, ssid. Jewelr mIS hatie 110 select urre solerted te rep en geotdorsa, rlsas. f5elsorirty ut styles. t a0 Nos- Pen modwrk.e asd a in the hachors stylo is high realfsm siersmttfU i mle a asoof the ceallasses shnwlsg Ibete w 0e show andsaleta ]Jet held place in MilIeS Park, tnne- ,-h picnicdiatelly sent la the Abarlye Cree Pk.MillIrestauirant, Saulara and ~nte reek k. suday, Jaly O and 9, lrom 10 nte S.U antit dusk. ion and Fitisie , Jul ie Lom ence, Ils $ b e d 1 e testi a l mUtl t iimogh JaoneLawee, Pool Mar- becosse an anneleavantad oh bld a shaîl Lytiette Finale, Allie ha esponded la locluded rerh Pro- MoLellan, Lori Ans Ctanry, musical performances loss y ,un ie 25 . N eil (bIllon s J m e s C lon cy , O n sta n d ie te M I s p on d il, ironie Dlougls MuCan, Daid Mc- Amsinlo h hwl * Dllies. Cnin Ruh Diltios, Lin Admisiola Ch0den unso s2 a d B au e P o o u o h s u n a n M a rs 0 5 9 . 0 0 e i .Cil d it e n f r er 1 uchrge of luch tlîsen mon te kik mi elth taed Hwre 40 si. Roet otbll rontest or men, es gel Birec lb (iyngel- race aid aura Mashall fer f00 chas3t tO e nR inr ho aî udîrsý F1000 MuLellawon troc hoge 21 hsnrso srth e t îlch oh îite lleM- rc Rd. 1er a mile and a dland Jutte- tellan and Daid MeCannUs th l.C i evrnth maer n-Wter halIon tossing, and In0eleîysn 0 hladys MeLollan guessingsow milI ha held Jsly 10i and ail, Sluri the Iruos in o jar 10. ia fun week est Cîdian are the masituerode poradr leheuluno On l Univrsity Aur- ued a lîit aI Toronito Island te taeniva1 Park.There mil be or 2,Os eostumrd portiipants and seveel oustume bands.in the porade Duocrs swirl aiog the route te steel hand music and calypo rhythm. F lu a tîi n nîgh u b sh On frres in Toroto barber, complete uîth hors and steel bandsouperate the ueek belera carihunu Weekend. Stage ureut offr music, dance. dromna and pofe refeuing the cutuie0 ut e West indics; heoths exhibit handerafted gieds and sel opiey C aribhhai lied. white muolîluOt und donuers oindr trund puttine on :niupl pefomnres- VICTORIA GRAD iouuh tîke he ad Gras n Frederlck Gro Rio0 de Jnero. TIompon, non f Inabe nd Dvd Thompoon1 o Mltonàiwas, urdate MlM. correction waiotatln fc Mm. G.Vctoria College, Uni t l R .R . 3 . I a tor v o n e r n in g 0O - v e r s it y f T o r o n t , a pIOO5ed 10 ceia routes lu Crawfoed La a e 13GodS atr te gradua- ConsertioniO Areas corried ue1.Gro te - o ni tuol oreho' issue ut The ded J. M. DenyeonPusl she IJ ohne Campion, he lîotion o ch l M rtin SI th nve-,iio Itutîr Volley *as0 Middle Sehool an rit. mith a îoorrcty gisen Thr vitly on District :HIf Commerce S toatrd ai the itersecton Mlhool. Me ul ent egino work .tc auo unupened ruad alto- em 0 oot t nrenot.1,0 Strates Aie. and mmW SCoo in Trn plember. iltîlîrri Lîne tefui - M - - saos lis annuel avant talc, a part tait milton's annuel JuIY1= it a skateboard afalon '0 -p-enti- leading te, the CommunitYDayPrWen- [ c4pture a MÎéMOrr!Y 8zx10oou Portrait OnIy 8e~ se aur new large DecoratOr Portrait. your complete satsfation 0gaanteed Or your mortel ChOOlulty refuflde Noolgto oboy addîtinpont Porti T -uoo Sot. JuIy 4th-Sth LobIaws 55 Ontario St. S. e Milton, Ont. on0 e sitting per subtOCl -$S1 Par Subiect ter r additional sotljOOlt. gesupo. or individueals te n tShl sarno Samifo. Persans undar 18 mut ba accosspaniad by parant or guardiaLo.--