C2 The Canadien Champion, Wad. JUne28 1978 Pioeercrats are displayed at museum festival -Lte f.-rTE7n 1f_________ Pla Itse ti or allt n orpih ' paca hair = ,e ialY=r Haltonf Museu Fetia Ts ltharulevntwa poare y ie uda oMaemFetîa icodd ito ayrDothren ef, n cmlbhe pinra y aeavaatyofwol ndanml arE Fiendani Mus um n1I addition to thse reuar iplystilo Dr.FakpibroHlo Fed ral P fro Oandil n D at thse threr catou&eoemFaivl aebal hn Senior Citizens orchestra played and weavng, cir a n otiser weekendha rwawr ovatts rfaadbodnaa tise n ers c pioncer crafta were on displaY. nearbY museur. w aaudrheolsdoftu Qb-iýt(ýryBetter value ... Selection... .quality! Vera A. Wendover ht-te Assette Wsttkson, Cet- tancataleints iseludeit Itendover of Patiena on ait psting. andtat ceai she tcai22. intg ns stttt and ieceived the -Best Pitr-iiO t-ct- Ged awad at Milten Fair Hon it.eeit, seit,eas held at love of ntaters and plant ite..cetlMordia saime. Oak. arrangingaaaaslsteident. , 1, 'lniJiie 24,loîsgt ex- Veatoched masy lives plaieed its Mis. Cilie and het-tttt-ied ;1eiîtanding. caaingcltdcsppItItaiittte Bltrn Pib t5. l8,97 niai gave stany pteplc stiengtt lt-e Vita we the nd iteppinesa îecangest chttd of Jamtes Letta- t Iarr nhe love are EdaidtSît-kso and ay Cai Davitd.hiscîe Dortt Jase Alesn Deens- and thein childies Edtdetd et Appleby Biuci. his ife Colette and piîeic sheet and Dat-stuc son, lt t) t-i ht-eeg. his Hîgh Acheet, site giadcated ette Debbte aid daugittei tient Shaw s Business- Attises, Chenyt. hei ttcsiand atige ht-id Ptntiyý atd Date. Pettcise he inaritage te San Jamtes rCttk. his cite Dtavid lexander idindoen. Shiatey 'Athtes' esd titein cite pnne-eesed hii on Jet- chiidie- Gordon, Patiet 25t of titis eai, they tteed et Dat-id. Murtaita and Christifne the Feetheistene teint on thte Annette. Tees Lie. st-ced te thei Decghtii Et-le Gecigene. nec haome in Peleint. and bei itccbasd Ct-c- nitnaîn. taen nted to CWindy and theu sans tee and Cîdei tanin Titein tisai Leenand hoet cas as Bucnhateiniieip Atse a iatite- Gannel Rd.snet cdnhet ten sosîs t-inkses and sistet- Dicilla fac Bt-ce Citain. Kinîinsntit, and itei deai A tii iniet-e et tite Nelson tite-tittit- l-it-id and siste n-e t-entent- lsstîtcte, Aniý mas tac, -Tilty *t et-e-s aIse att-iiantcinittofttheDOrterc tfet-ed tninnds Ped and thte Eastnrn Alar. and lai Daietite Edeaids. mnyearees ainCnmemb fhe Site cas pnndet-e sed ity Pateiint-BroieC Bewling bitiens Ccitt-ni Wînt-nen and Leagan. cith Dat-e Siteces aljsepit ltýit-sen, forere t-en supperter et tite Btlne Wides tf neltan, aisoter Hegies Mcnncinv Hene antiltoen and Atecys an atit- lady, sieoeneViae cas intnnested sn sportn, nspetiallytioresnsandwon a A inentenîl dat-n cll he pie tan Bei scitissten of dedîaiteet- aidand Vnna hen espeien-e in tishîng on s hA aîl et the Haltes Ceeues thei nsrhr ee perey. Mueum. MILTON TIDV CAR Preser A-Sie Interie Shampot- aiG s ihn g eatfholse aerp fng HGaoss PcStg UiesyaPos Chroe et- da05o Viy Roof Revialzing 878-2500 and o s hsg ia gea M as e Cha ge k C' rSL A Popular Bank of Nova Scotia Flnanclng » mhuo Bros. Gang 295 Main suet mona 87899a2