i~L*iràrê~rCo ~be !LftIOlG ~IWlLY1OU~ PERS VOLU ME l18a NUMBER 8 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28,1978 THIRO SECTION UUE unity ~CTIVE -IU -........ý «. TYING A CRIB quilt, Mrs. Lynch culs thc yarn end after compleifg another of the many knols in that style quit. Quilting Bee QUILTING is an nid craft that bas becs practiced the wor!d over but the patchwork quilts have a slrong background in Canadiana. Quiin boes wcr at ose timo an important part of Canadian homemnaking. periodically a spare room would ho cleared oui and tIse quilling frames sel up for a 'quilting". Local ladies would galber for as af terson or sometimOs ovor several days and quckly stitch away in iniricate pot- tomns. The sociabilit>' of lb occasion was sot overinnked. Speciai lunches andines limes were oxpoctod of the gracinus hostess. Quilting continues ioda>'. Indecul for a number of years ladies have becs gathcring in a wcekly workshop ai St. Paulos United Church for quiling. To share their interesi andino dispia>' some of tIse f ine q1uilia tIsai havec becs made and soid, an Old F'ashioned Qui ling Bec was heid receniiy. There werc more thas 27 quilla os display and ladies droppeul in for a lime of quiltîg and feliowship. TIse evoni was s0 succesoful, and tIse quilis drew su mruch praise and inleresi, the ladies are iookisg forward 10 a uilt fair or display in tIse fait. Quiiting is an old crafi but it is stili very much ative. ADMIRING THE WORK of thse ladies, Mca. Lois Thsomson, and Moir. Marg Fay watch as Mca. Price, Mca. Saundeca, Mca. MeKinnon, Mca. Keogan, Mca. Love and Mca. Thompson stitch thse pattern on the quilt tIse> work around. THE FINISHED PRODUCTS, some of thc 27 quilt that werc displayed at thc Old Fashioned Quilting Bec, arc admircd by Mms. Gaiipcau and Mrs. Sclisizzi. jvS PATTERNS vary for thse ladies of the workshop but Mrs. Service and Mrs. Sinclair stltch the fine stitches that make quilts prized family possessions. --7 MARJ OVEREND convened the Old Fashioned Quilting Baand ase la sean bore wsi Mrs. Sinclair examining ose of Mca. Sînclair's qilta that was on display, M ........... - - --------- INTENT ON THE pattern, careful with thc stitches, Mca. Mildred Ford, Mrs. Ruth Fordand Mrs. Lil Brownl cnjoy the quiling bec rccstly heid at St. Paul's United Church. zmi 'Pi