The Codane Cbamnponý vid Jsyse2M M 1976 Rotary exchange student fliles home to Japan today Rotary enchongenlodoolt Home foc Mitsu nIhe Oit0of, Mlfoumaoa Mus) Nînhi- 1se-Shi in Jupon muca filles home foLy affec Wfoile in Milfon he conm- fasso a yeac in MiltIon. pfled grode If af Miffon ROTARY exchange student Mitsu Nîshînnura returos home to Ise-Shi, Jopan, today. Ho arriviez! in Milton lest July. ILeali if"* 1# l le FOUR BED 00 M Go kSP pl ACTONS o u 4 0 bdoo 10 "' bain, ,ec 000f wifO model homfe lhatce Franki tfove, large fecond garage, L500003 livings and yard, ltfsire 10x 119', quiet d,0,00 000. eti ihn cour, 115f sf00 t0 busoute0, ', bains, full bosefooi, sohool and pl a OfOkOdl r003h03 i 0firp e patio0 . 00 057,500. 8701293 full1 reced yrd 3 3 49. 30345 f0831 30083 Dol0525 0 PRIVATE SALE POIïVATEîï0073 - 1 0" 0000a 003,000 bungalow, 2 Garf077000Township CWhoo b sth0fo0005 close o 30sf0000 of 23250acr p3100035 of000 gen 0000 0030000f in 000030000rti roll00 inglan, 00000 003w ood Oondoadscaping. and pond sifes. S0f300ed on proimtlfOn ' 'ef00 N E . 87-7403 Fergus 33300 $37000.W cMin 877r5p 15190 0433330 109 087goodO RAVINE ETN .. o .Onf1 caI garage03, ACTONBrick ad loooOoo3 4 0a,..00. 0r,3 bath. Mo,, 00300000 backOflIt, broadloom flor30 i ro000000f0u00000000 000,03 f00,0 wîlO Fankino and walkouofskon .k, 0o0 nova, bu3000i st0333, h00003 lookoof Grand Rivrotno n and0 00100 00 Ofoodîooned by O 0000 or7Guelph 2 700 so fi plus 0300. P0ooad pavaitdr3ie0 full b0000003 0000 al0k.ut t LocatenO in Loknoono. large lot and paru. Ail you $50,000 00 SUPREME REALTIES LTC 853-1625 (5191856-9572 000fr5 00 pm mif BOB CROSS Real Estale and Insufance Lid. THREE 0 efy $52,900. unh god tosms N icely planned 2 bedoom home Evort basemeol finished including second hath and hitchec T asfofully decoraîcd and landscapod home. W ail 33 waII broadtoonn throughout. O wcer relirîng. an031030te seli, asking $69,900. T bcee s300ey stateiy older homo. H ighly recommeoded for large family. R eal icuestmeot -î,îploo 3 hifcbecs, 3 bathrooms Ev00000 coneeient and close 30, dowctowc E xceptionaf value ai f79,900. For locations an1d specilic detoils: -a Cel oday Disfricf Hogb School. fmpeooing filo Eogflsh ol tbe biggesf change ho noltices cesuffing fcom is slay in Canada. Buf bis pacents, oho viniled bece rcenetfy, oh- servcdlhc'n gcown, on ooly in nlne, butin mafocity as oell. Mifau cepocfed in an iofer- view font ooeefs Mitau said odapliog lui Canada oas faicly easy, sioce ho as ayIccu ornaitd oefec-oyl iving in Japon. Whal surpcised huit about Canada 1000 tbe reviifis of th. countcy and the ousshec of cesidenfo who Oece only ficol oc second geneculioo Canadians. Sohoof be fossd moce diffi- cufit thlon on Japan becas of the language diffecence. Ncoeclbefess, ho found fisse Io loin the nohools ccss coutrycunnong festin and junioc band, where he fescned te pfay thc saxopbone, and fo gel logeîber wofb fciendu foc a blues bond. Milsu na an - cossplished piano playec. lHc descibed Milton asa safe place 10 lice and Milfonians as fcienfy. Nu pangn of bossesichness ssacced bon yeoc. White beco he slayed ut fssc hosl familles: tbe Dfavid Thomp- John Conways and the North Assecica, Mitau joined Back home, Mots expecfs oniversify in Tokyo to study learned blare w3ll help hian gef Maximssian Moselloons thleot for soghfseeing in Cali- for finish bigh schoof in business econonsies. He sfloiuiersify. Bicycle accidents a-re increasingJL, This is wbat Ontario is doing toi help make bicycing safer Stay alert to stay alive! Maoy bicyoc accidents involve coîllisions with carsO or truicks whooe odrivers never "see " the toicyclst utootl after to îutoc late. Asa3 bicyCloot, yu haove Jost as mach eîghî roo the eîîîd as cars, buscs or truocks. But yoîuï e sofîli andl they're big, and bcoog cîght doesîco help if îhey doont sec you! S,î its upf 13f y0jito watch out fîtr yi. Scuoyalterr to siy alîve f Woo large yoîoîand youc f,îîoîly te, becutoe fafitl fair oohuflic rides of bicyle safety. Yuîur Ontoî,î ,olvcmmetit bas prcço,îed a spectal botookiet cîlled "The BicyCitfo Haodbtuîk". ào coîvero cyclong rîpo, rides oîf tlie tsood, troffic sogns, how tu, l00Co011e an expert cyclit andl how te, tinitaion a safe bicycle. Foc yu free cîîpy, write 1300 BiCyclist's Hatoslxxok Public & Sîftt Inoootto Brtoch Mttîiotry o0f 1201 Wilson Avenuoe Duîwi),s'îcw. Otario M3M IJ8 OJamnesSnow, Minîster of Ilansportation and Comsmunicationse W5flliam Davis, Premnier Province of Ontario REALTY SERVICES 1976 M.11 E110-1LO d ie qcttlie bctweeit tte io g tilcif couetog 000300 Locaeonth.O3 f00000 0000 E 7730t Oplio I,. hesh d se n 00..150. O.OocOl1duod os005ouooh wid.w niofocsd . iewfor ml ro 0h rc 000000000000ff001000.Locatd o0a3i00 r ivin001g h3000*0maint300030l ~ta îl0 0 70r.-th Guelph Lire00n3310of L.-oOt 589Jf 9000. T..uo eyfu 03000 .m -fll O03 n -$870 à 010,200 -Jus3 0033003 POpu300 400300300 bock- 010,00. -h o07007o020ache000.01 uîOh a00tream 000.S00. cour 00370000 -t0 330000 kitc t1'A boîooootoon oage ad pond to nhocceibrndi new, Ocustom buili, decora ougo330030000 :r0d0s0a0s5i0 Imagin3 bedooms foillaO 3030brick fula 033 p usîa botace gargea300 o0kn0030000000i300070 BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES (1916) LTD. REALTOR S~~I 'L. 107 Martin Street, Milton MILTON-878-4121 Open from 9.00 a.m. -8.30 p.m. TORONTO-270-9991 qî Les Bunhe, Mgr. 878-7059 Betty Brading 878-6716 Ken Neeceif 878-5339 Betty Ingle 877-4288 Beo Casnîdy 854-2339 Audrey Newef 878-539 NEW LISTINGS Perotooalized Couoous Service 878-2888 12R7 Main St. West Miltov, Ontario "B roker" PEDNESIDAY, JUNE 28 5:30 The Bible's View 6:00 United Church Conference 7:00 Rud Whiting 7::30 Fashion Show B:15 Home Insulation c FOR INFORMATION CALL 877-0181 . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 01