Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1978, p. 25

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Girls' bail Speed Queens win 314-8 over BANTAN Speed Qon woan 34-8 againol Mîlo Mane, th5 apehed Qon M arIs Bonghtan batel t 10big homer, and DeSSine Allien asd Janet Lopeole moSh hit honte roule. For Milton Machine, bomrnn were hil Sp tan onarlos, Doris Schathamser and Tracy MoKeon. SOtOlOT The Opti-Ritaniliegare tantr pi lin4n 21-11 with Lyon Phdlipo and Rendra Johtson gnttlag Io honte rno ms, and Jasion Deakin and Kaces Sotiras Bach bllSsng o honter. Kiossis' it Codtient conte throogh with a honte rn for barlteant. lTe Rnighla of Columhus won 10-g oner Highaide Machinery .RC's DeSSie Machine Alexander soi a home run. and KiDm Allen lai oee fnr HigOalde. Rotary was BISntlnner miver Pit D5 hit sur. aIr- fro,laga= sw nolt of home non aotion. Fnur- baggissn were taIt hy Ratanys, Wendy Lerouxt, Jane Su"hI, Usa Haghets, Norma Hughes and Miehelle Hughtes. Plan'. home run bitters ntere, Karen Harringa andl Wesdy Craofontt. Cornent standing in the Squirt Division are the Op- timtinl finit place witheigst pointa, K of C second wt5 fonte pointa lallooed hy Nlghaide Maohinery wi50 laar. Rotary ta alao lied sn second wnth5 tour pointa, lapping tIse lntanla w4t50tie ponts. Pizza Deliglat fliih in t.hesntent wi50 ieuopoints. Waples Ieads Ron Waples, 1977 Honte- B.C., according 10 figures mon of te Ysear and te finit compited hy Canadien 'trot- driver 10 efara $1 million and toi Asuociation's data record 300 victorieo in ose lInocessing departmnts yeati sotely sn Canada, bas tbrongtt May 31. pasoed Keith Liston in ttneir In the money-oon depart- os-goise baIlle for national ment, Waples, oltlt wissings dash-outnsiog honore. Waptms of 9407,331. cntinsa 10e the pal eadn ait drivons ie esnaway leaden. He ceam- sltve wead. paignt; is large publie stabte The Rmbood tivt ed on the OJC's Greenwood- Canodas 3,563 driversowith Mohawk circuit. 1 26 victoies, six more thon Canada's top tO-ntoney Linton. theearty gestiondash winnens have ammasted leadernow camttaignig ai $2,16,81 otnte eantgs in Oandows Parkhnear Vcoria I97 Pineview seniors hyfBil tXanthies well-earnett Oin with an Pinevieo seniors, spont good soncer taing played hy soredhby Georgetowno Britishboh tisans. Piseview goals Cons this yean, have to nene scored hy Colis Dickin- teams entered in the Haton sos (2), Bill Brasz t1), and InterCousty Soccer Leagor. Ken Zalak il). But oith the nober of The game osas isell-hasdled playens siening Up, perhaps by releree Pot Taylor and, on should have eslered three shtle il got a litîle chippy aI teants. Ittcertainty shows that limres, hie kept il weIl fonder the iterest in sentor soccents otrl veryhtgh. in lact the beague Not O good Ion the 'B" has doablaid in size tis yean Irton They played the salnte 10 accommodate the nooben nighl againnt the Meteors and ot ltns ioishing ta enter. Imt hy the saine score. Here Ttte club got otft o a slow isas a glante where the yoath' stant, but tbey see to 10 h fut Pinevieso teant wr Mihs Ump lte puce. LasI taaght a Iew trichs hy the otd iledudyngi 5 A masters. It Oas a very nri leant had a very satisfyittg 4-2 terestine gante 10 waInS and, Wi 15erte Sitvers Falcons. white the referee tooAson This is lte second meeting hasterns front the spict and, aller tltey lost a narros tors. 1 trot he hasdled the ose ffrst tme, ilasa game veryowelt. Guelph entry unlkely in 'A'I Theli HA toteentediate 'Ais jumping Up 10iner LeagUe w îl lîltely operate mediate "A". Port Elgin againnlrUlteason il lte applled ta enter the Contîn- saine litre teonts, George- entai Senior League, but bad tUAs. clUodat, PUnI Coîhoron, tteir application relncted. Thorold andFort Erie. Kngsaid it'ulkely the Coener Jit King said OltA ould aoeept Port Elgin ibis oreeSb h ad neceised by itell mbt the Intermediate tenentr Iront o group int "A" Leagoe bacallse il's Guielph, oslicttoas inteesed mîdes aoaytfront the presest inoenterig alfestn.Hooever, owns. However, Se nald a Monday tiigtit, J50 Drenîser. roi Intermediale "A" groUp contact mantforltheenîap, cUUld hi foroed sn the called King lU say he ooid Western Ostario-Genrgias libely isait aoottter year Boy area if Port Elgin cas before enterng the leagne. convones bons liSe Colline- Ri ng said he beliees lacS oood, Mîdtasd etc. lU enter of nUtable ice tinte in the teats. Royal City se the main reanon Meanohile, a Southero fUr the GOuelph entry's change Ontario daily reported lot oftheari. aieS that the 0003 Senior 'Te'c aitisg for "A" chamtpion Brantford aotherearena Io be buiît in Alesanders oill play sn Guelph,"' Kisg said. "The Wellaod thist year. The 0030 way il sa noU they'd hase foi office. however, refates hi satie Guelph Mcntorial cooffni St the notoire as Gardensnoith the Junior "A" heen appnovred. Plateco"' Wellaod, once a meober of Ring saUid the GOuelph esîry, the 0H30 lnterntediate "A" hchhba grUwout of a cty League, was mestioned as a league, han pleoly of mney ponnibllity lit celians, oSes behiod il. Deadlise for telanreps met ati isyear's lotermediate "A" ap- 0tA annuel meeting in Apil plicationssîs Joty t. King alto said il's almomt Kisg aiso reported bhat 15e certain that Tiomna odl Pont Elgin Sunocos, tant hon a toursaoent,owhieboill year's lIRA Istermediate decîde a Iruc intermediate "C ioUllsls. are inter-ested hockey champion for Ontario. ANNOUNCEMENT BUSINESSMAN'S OPEN HOUSE Disptap of Commercial/lIndustrial hionS Adoortising, Brochures, Stide Prenentationt Ju/y 13 & 14 Brennants Photography 24 Martin Street PRO TOGRAPHYCAN WORK FOR VOUI LEANNE WHISTLER corntes dashing into home plt oconclude the home run she smaohed WedBdagvenîng against Rockwood. "Plot" Whistler drve in tbree with the bit to help the Milton Lions defeat Rockwood. Larks cut Noble- before B.C. game Georgetown's Phil Noble hao accepted a position with International Paper in t he Kit- cbener-Waterloo area after heiog eut from the training camp rester of the Montreal Alouettes, June il, two dayo hefore the Larks' first ex- hibition game against the B.C. Lions. Noble, a Georgetown District High grad who playd college football wilh the Colege Bowl champion University of Western ntario Mus- tngs, was selecte by the Alootes in the first roun oft ts year'o Canadian colleg draft. Phil hso't yel decide if belIl play amateur fotball tbiS summer. He tili bas two years osf college eliçibility remaining. Alouettes paid Phil a substantial bonos for signing. Risks for fishermen sleta quiet aid perfect)y sale sport, but sonne of thr risbo il involces are drantatically illuitraIrd hy the nuntber of droîisgs dur Ici capoitiigs and lats osenhoard. Landing a libait i ansex citing moment aid lîshermn oliait fongel the muRt basic sfoi ruies, They leanove side o) the boul. cauucig il to copsîte on [hem tu toit ovroard. ish cavusuallî he landiruwhiln stiog. Ifsne lîshermas musl stand, bis c'ompanou chould emi seuird anid balansce ithe boatl The C'anuda Safnuo louocil cecomns soi chusging placues uhîle io deep 031er. T-bail reps bow (Conlnued fret Page 11 tosingls atMCnls bila. borne . ar trpl. By Vesert bit a double and Single Sitswore moade Sp MarS French, Boss Shao, Stuart Thurne, Scoî Mitchell, Jay williaoson, MISe MeConnell and Orpan In other gantes in the lournantent, Milton rasl up agînt tough oppositionoi the pns gante. Milton taced Clanbton, the beot lttn, and orais defeateil 22-3 aller Rires and a hall tmings i he bopenise trame Milton ntarbed ose run ta Clarkson 'S sine. Manage Gervais said, "We lot didn'l bit 15e hall oeIll Aid oSes wr dîd oe bit right into a doble play. An ore sot ton confident in bealing Clarbsoo intIhe firet place, Iront aest yrar's es- priencr or hneo bhey are onerofthe toughest lettnts t beol"* -Oînce ive. as a fetram, gel liigs aIl] together or are going to beat Clarbsoo ibis Chopo and added, "RiglIt nont oe are orhing on and met Bramnt in arne IWO nI the Shteridan tonea- mtent for th. oontolatin rond. Lot year Brampton edged Million for the B ehaio- nhip in the Clarksoe toune- ment and Milton oan nager for the rentateh. Branton had ntany of lt year't players ntoce inte a higher age oategony and se Milton bail litîle trouble dispnstifs of filent 26-14 sn four hilage. MeCandiest aideol the ois oith a grand slam honter. In gaine three Miltn dropped Forest GIes 21-11 for the rigbt 10 the consolation final. Milton altooedsaetms in four insingo but scored lIre in the finit, lbres in the second, seven in the tird and six in the fourth ton the rie- tory. Sargetnt î riao in c,ý s a r i n e a il il a fi 18 -Milton Pirlîgbters andl -Mitlon Porters' Market Police iîlI engage in a tog-of- aid the MiltoUir Cenître Flea isar ai 3 p1. Oaturday i 'Maort saalet Uiltons Coin' R.otary Park, an papi of the muîîîy Duy liinthday Party Jly i boliday eventu in ibis Saturday. tuly I. Milton. MALTEs FAMOUSNAMEERN LADIE1515' TOPS JEANS 0 140 . ioc-nts,.-ots SHORTS Contp.,.at 03.00 $100 $88 247 INFANT INFANT- MENs INFANT JUMP SUN SUITS SUITS SHORTS SHORTS $100 $277 $597 910 LADIES' LADIES', SHORT SLEE5IE MSN'0 SWIM T-SHIRTS SWiM SUITS FinrncditeS TRUNKS *997 *100 $388 TO0001805 0000 QUIIT SWIM JEANS LACE pATCHES SUITS 30-M fron -c- $197 $1297 10, 0110v ToiIJEANS '5.88 Girls' SHORTS *1.97 nFugger SHORTSO e1 $388 îeranSWlMSUITS *1.88 Bos, PANTS o t4 *2.00 Mes SHIRTS *3.97 SUMMER FASHIONS Boe50 ltl BlussSkrtPots ec. 5 an NML WiII ho clo)sed Saturday, JuIy lstIlS FOR THE ,CANADA DAT HOLIDAY Iorder that the Mail Marchants, Management and Staff may spend the holiday with their famiias. The Canadiar Chamnpioný Wed_ June2Sý 1918 B5 Monuurch you toi an exciting Florida Homes Seminar Thursday, June 29 7:30 p. m. Burlington Holiday Inn - Salon B FREE refreshments, fresh Florida orange juice, and a film presentation Cmli Now For Compiimentary Reservations Cali collect (416) 291-7347 thedow iSarasota on Florida's beautiful suncoast Villas. singles and townhomes Now POU cari 000 a Flonîda home builI Sp one of Ortario's ieadîsg deoelopers, Monorrh hoN already built communbies in Tornto (Cbarfwell aid Heroi'i Hil)> Waterloo (Beechwood North), and London (Westmirster Park). Aid we'oe eanîed o reputatios for qalîty construction. ie're a yartucîpatîsg builder in The Meadons îtv voe worîdowide Taylor- Woodrow GnouS and together we cao ottor pou av alivost iîmîtless choîco of nomesîpies. prîce rainges aid sites bordernrg rIre golf course. aloig windirg streets, or amîd vIrgIr stands of- Pire Saddle up Play tennis There are rîdbng Stables with traits Th5e muliîcourt ternis centre neatures tbrougbuUt a 200 acre conservaticn HOUOU5 c out forte en opmrrn of anea Iocated wîthîs The Meadows. every ca0o p of ployer Golf Our 7,060 yard cbampîonshîp course wîth Iwo pîcturesque looping vines mavs desîgned by renonod go" architect Frank Duane Ut Doover" We'oe g01 72 ocres of lattes stockedA wîtIr Bass and Brnant And really live! TIre meadonts na o total recreatîoval We houe a 230 acre naturai wooded community abere pou car malS fror. tract wIth bicycle pais avd walkivO pour home t0 the tiret tee on ternnis traits, avd yet ivcredîbly cose 10 coursa, and saddte Up and ride tbrough dowrtowr Sarasota 200 acres ntitbout dnîuîno ovynhere . Corne o voe semînr and fid tve bird enceptotffthe e of le you coud b leodvg rgIn owl Villas from $35,000 Single family homes Colt now ton from $56.000 complimentary, nesercutions Please call coîlect (4 16) 29 1 7 34 7 P.M.A. Realty Limîted lReul Estale Broker) HOMES QUALITVBUliB Monarch Construction Ltd. A member of the Worid Wide IOA41>33-78 Taylor Woodrow Group OF HALTON PUBLIC NOTICE TO RECONSTRUCI AN4D ALTER REGIONAL ROAO NO. 25 (Derry Rd.) trom Hightwap 25 Io 'Thompson Road. Milton. Notice is herbou'v P,oant taSectiovs443 and446o the Muncipa Actbeing chapieî2B4 of heOnoltd Stats of Ontaro 1970, thalvte Couricil of The Onegorl Munic,palIîro f 1-1000e. ai ils mingtoi be heid in the Regional llnadquartes Building, 3027 Harveste Road, Bui,gion. Ontaia i 130 Pon Wadnesday, lulo 19. 1970, to pass aby-a o Iaitr aider and reconrrc Ongional Road Noý 25 IDov- Road) front No. 25to Thompson Road t3otd Une) Milton A plan shmnl the lands requîînd for nus projnct anudth proosad by-lant May bn seeuu ini the Regiouid Public Woiii Sepaonient Offices, 3027 aestnr Road, uluuiglor On Wednesdac, JuIy 12, 19780ai 1 30p m, Regiiuoi ouucul, On il Public pinîks Commrinns. îoill Seau iniso rb i Counai, any parsn woclim iai hslanudst Ib pistait, cial afîied bythensid by-Iu nd ho apiensoin herd Anyniuch pasocn ho wihe o bhint!sholda ons passhla. maira appicatinr Mr. Garfield Brown ReglonaI Clark Thé Raifonael Maninip.lltn oI Hall.n BurIIngon00 Ontarin UN5 300 D..d et Badineaintile thdeyrf Jne, 1978. aîlinatan 0305703 NaNan Hil. 870 5071 Garfield Bronti Gaillae S"4 1040 aain.I 1Clark 'i

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