Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1978, p. 22

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82 JiueCanadien ChemPtOn, Wed. Juive28, 1978 Rblg Food.aE Game & Fisar Ne CoTesj By Murie Krsdetok once agate suit spr Sometimes teben game seema to ho scarce and tas t .rn O tran o f&ei refse to bite, we Wonder if sur teidlife Milite Flg Fotl a u nuaflougemeflt prograins are payng Off. We cati brhaigoit maeesu assure you tbat they are. prises, npoe expecteit andt The old Departfleflt of Lands and Forants, few teliat erent. tise Departsleflt of Naturat Resurces, worked Ta hegin with, Canaitia for yeers thi a limited budget, and unlike otiser Tire trouncrit Syert hy dearenta af governosent, was forcedtnstaY scored etil 47 n ne g telusma tbat budget. hait. Unfortunately, fonds tisat were meant for For Spers. mris rerent restocking were cbannetled into anotiser Roh McDowell, Dosg Arider direction and neyer were retursed to its proper Brise Camati andt Tee] place. "Kosipoulousn Terrya Great advances have 1 ees mode, and are Brise alla pichrit up ti continluing te ho made, in the cnev tond poitsesch unconvrtis.t management of finit and wildlife. Orarcier and Dise Shi sessons and limita on poputar game and fib sere the hie soers iitia apeciet to shlow tihe maximumi harveat by points each. John Herbt sportsmen and stilt keep lalltsation at thse and Ler Fasirsban adti hest tevel are recommern e by the witdlife sitditioai msajors. 55Don iHuntconverted torfi exprds stem ae etra points sait aditei Aotone tisousand lattés an sra acre 'hitoill hionserti surveyed eacis year in detail 10 antans tiseir aTc surprises oltart ch watar ins relation toi fisis production. Sasrgent Farinearitrirat Tise Department keep in close toucis titis tise en tsar grimrs, iseb te t angler and isonter, tieir let source of in- titd ta pone Gstn a ti formation, to determine fisis and wildlife kil credîî ony iri tred ouc eacis year, and know wises one area ie ready for a gents edeit p lsing hy isont te regulate tise growtis and isealtis of olor testieg score of 44-26. deer, bear, moms, and small game. Sargetserre imPlY a Unfortoniatety, a certain segment of our piayerin err tacet ot Society raisea a hue and cry every time one of gaire Tha asajar daea our wild animais ils barvested hy huniers, wbo withd1epoint Lad MayGe incidentaly, pay a mucis bigiser price for tisat Watsoe sith lin er opportti5ity tison tise pon wiso ie criticiziSg is liare aid a asspirte sari ilfing to Pay for conservation. a spart drte. game. We suggest people Who crîtîcizevsta vr itsartuts loin tue is pou atearaisre fawsand aduit deer are ai sa tssed Jal Byrdir-tia yngaof hookworm. Or visit ouw neigihors to the Brow and ltssde Murray south, wbo kilt and move ttsousande of deer from sie points rsch. over-populated arean. Aund may ine etg gant at Sargent P-arait manage tis tone Chat Hatton ban an over-abositalce of gei sn tie ecore tisard in deer and weekty kilts by cars are common. second hait Terris Hougi Wisile we are on tise nubjeet of tise work of ose scard iss majsir and Ra Department of Natrai Resources, and teithoot 100 mucis ftag-wavisg, may we atso euggant tisat MIilton gi Ontario in Use targant producer of fine quality ia SqriKe wild furs in Nortis America. Mlo qitKn Ontario bas supported an important cern- deicaird Limechaus Tth mot or tO yare.'t'bs iay 44-5 iîth tir Ris merciat fiebing inustry fri yasThs grts tiig il home r fisisery le Use targant prodocer of freebriater fiesh tes (Serii sed Ja. in North America and ose of tise targest ie tise \<seisseia tilt îss racti world. a hsatcr rch was loher We may add bore tisat our Federation es sotin je.iit Ganse., Talre» agreement os tise ticescing poticy 10 our comn- aiid. Elsier VSeh mercial fiebermes wbo are over-exploiting our tss eeî iani fresbwatertakan. Taem asse eartrdt Tise Junior Ranger progrant raci s emmer msedsi s Sqsîrt gante employa over two Usousasot yooeg men and tir Kinenrese tirg wlomen ncrOo Ontario, whiere tbey are emptoyed agaîs Lsevitte lesa i rprtoofboat taoncbisg sitan, casal toUght 87nesat. with tas prepstios'o isenere Vanti routes, triaita and goverolsent camtssites. bifftings atriple. Lis Geri Tise Minitr4i of Naturat Ranolirces' nureerian triptes ait a siegle aed J have produceu more tisas one biltten forent trean îîreeeana sdouble. for use onsots priate and croten tande. Thr Parises (MIIe, Tisat nearty 90 per cent of tise land ares in po rlbed Cants Ontario is pubticty owned. a.edi P>> . so he ieir gsei O up, our ministry bas Usree baeic functions: tand sit ti îaîsig rsren Management; Outdoor Recreatios; and ta Actoe 2120. Etrontc pacetmakers, wih regilte heari rhytm, osers pioneereit bp Canadian acenetistot AROUND TIEIIDUSE wits aefin suc u g O artis vrun W t.. rerovuvgtve eeg outa rs t te ak of htkfes stufe vO ioa sd e lisuh«teeti tt,1 T.Oboite avid, keeroa mait., te, or the flool nuli tisoCine Cat ont friesn Vot g vito vlybat r o i i 5PECIALOIB5 OF nSALroe MY Y«. ThtkdlOind mnded Wffl Valentinoese Ml/ton Tennis irprise upset ovor Syer Club tarer ans le~ ,~ceis,.St s..a.,,.tnhoetetssessssenliltle Johonton had este. MSte taler, Mach Brancier ana RobChteky esch hait tealors. The rn-st gater han Cana- sirssnsi~~ teoaînagero rie- Stan Tire ns. Byret. WACC tory overaaseeis retehinisg a~~eedle ilie teesîlflaais8sldaYatlorttoos ta assenes hateis Pauller Beanit dofeaisd 5055 Baamr le k ta i rit odct f. con a plic strosKeith SOMe. iel aller an interception. The gate resulted le o big seinor 0Galinger's, iusi ate salte âte a big tkas. août ion aSazki and fini Webh ere injareite tgatne. Te trogne iti taiLue onienits to tese trio great cotetilors a Oned=eda, Syers agnin irpinil t0 pick op tri tienit trio points toni tesetes on the wrong end et a 311-27 Briae Cateani cas te big ncarer eith 10 points, Dons Andters hait righi sait Ricit Kierstrsd aitieit a single. Satiti Aqoatti playeit a ntrong gar bulben Mike oit an Faul Fancals Tharaday il gatelo ves quitte isiefste as CanSta Tire edige lit Chate Hte 21-14. Pal Morse scored te- Chartes' oei wotajors andt polet converrton. Gary Fteteing teasgeita1 rahe lte togne taning a illie meore inteening hp onnileg te Chartes wilh bellp frot John Herhert, stre Brancier andt Lee Fairbanks. Don Hunt ronierleit ait tres teajors. Sa tar dits pror, the W.A.C.C. toso and nipseti haie on ldentical 1S23 record. t guessait oniy ssta proie yot otdy get out ai a meachine, chat yon pot io il Anyhari. titis weehsa pirbo are a ltile 100 refs for Hood's u sbyrtre tring te ctiv= itos Leoe Stichîr. he test eek ofAagUasBruce anisvrtOePnîbî ire tosit hrins bis Inernational bes hire ta 10 r cen thiet e itbsel of Reterreing back to, schonts support staff. Il towneforstother traiing eont ail ortarSthe r-sesion. iiiig rets. borieer s 8 a The nabset, opersirit by te site trip it plaintei ta Bise ai erîse OL lster Jays hait saine. Eseeti tor ribeno NLwistie trol te cesk oncluite s "gong the Btood, af Higknide tir.. it shtow" aeita closant; banquet. ige lread itp e liopcitb air u0 Tir schisl bs hee o lar yaang hopotalntfrotCanada nacensinlformeer ears soit aPY and nortbrtUSA seiilt P =b e = opat r ouraoftbe rp- ta portîcipote. Tbey'lb hase bren -ait houent ai Ereot C. Drary hne prsti ted h Schol fr te wek f Sin.relerer training camp. shi tsy, Aag. 27 ta Friitaypt. iStotier tentrsa l b vi 1 Friitay eigbt grate heicren taBocn e rean iih Miltn Juiors anda vsing tint ai the echisi soit on-ice trsa. Rets tramt the echset tls îetructtae wiii ha giien at wili aiticiate the exhibitti the Milton Merioriat Armna gainrailtpracceetmctlea9 tan ThomisiiRd t- alal carity. Lt yer îdy Bon eaîditheestatf citiba the evest raieit $120 atasrit ris win jActon tourney men This gaie isin bome Irues Nectes kait triples, Jady Wii- are- huMtaisb M i' Dehhte elair, eon lia dsebles, aet Suas mn Msr le andt Ssnity Daeîaa a double. uss Moore. Mariait bit tins Th lete in test and ane triplen, Joane Auiger s triple sgsie the follann a e sand anddouhletca doubleeere theCMVH5s177îingavei(hem il hy belied hy Ssndy Moore, andta the taareannent chamepion- Ls ash dobews bit hy Jasmine îhip for lte peecresi pins and Denise atOn. Manitay' samne agaiest u,de uhnegmcCii Linehoaeeslsa a 29- in for sait dcned Omnagb 43-O rit thbCMHli with hamrn bit hy Denise Garbo beiting thee Sharon tianni, Jsmine Fan, tîs hmeri seit a triple. Joanne Denise Osetan, Metaii tie or Aunger kit tria home rans. a and Juity Wilson clse triple soit itouble soiatan The Mitton Optimniste cen Gons- uies tins homeet. A tosr- 15.14 agaient Larieilte in cpme hsgger, tripl ei nd tduble Motits mitgrt gaine am nr i yTm Newiton, Opuis Metoitie eawikins hît a -ise2 ssdMere g hmrn tript soi tesn egles, aaseinsigleCnty Riiey ti tihanit Broin s tiple aet c, dobsind oa double cas bit single, Kstby Blair soit pion, ti Lieds tisetue. Karen titrieger rsch camne i Mt- hrouawh sii ingles, Karen le Acton's ceekenittourne- Vîcbery bit thrre snlesi ait ient cise aceit the CMH's pai Kee inl g tait tramt s 145o deticit t0 cie 15- 14, Ssndy MsoeandtTatete pic anaa Tire -15r . NoC picks are a uie teore dit- liceue. Bot Sargents and Chartes hl ave cote Off iteteatt tat oork a tey wcli ha prited tor a aie. WACC bas Oargenta 2n-t4 ier te Chartes. l'it domline romnts for obovions renaim. lTe W.A.C.C. picks Fohet to briai Ositinger »020. Titis is a dit- ticait pick hecanse il na bard to nay hori Oaliger aill do withoat Sueshi and Wehh. il iilhaa clone gate bat 15f give Osîtinger eighl poists. Thiseek on sp closeand persoonl- rie teatore Larrp 3chool he arenafund andits yer Hoit syn he hopes to pai the r fet ethSe lees eto a Take a Break PIL with Murray Hood Why ns il that bits bap guitae a i it e rate of t3, o per ee k oraltarratoplay betnit the rate of 46a ear? p,»,r-holli t as estebas Veare gettieg on riben te gleom ie potreryr sa jnst te seo yoarhbifocale. Wtei rnnrtnons srides banc bren or innommutionst in recent yers. tbrressitia lotitohe salit forthesortie. A gosspitomieneh ps tio ns et tro togeter atit gels tsar moure tbananybotYlea Eeerpate's taikise shoot te non fle. Wr cta eon It cSeaIrs at Sperd Qoet Lasodroteat and Dry Ciras- ing on mais treet, teni dose tothe CrediUiott. clt nh istepsa hey figutre lit ee' g ae agaissi Fober. Ho la t a eoteitg a tegettl le bis oaoteisd. For atittire and tan ai is bisat, roteont andt ses Miltes flag footballat Milton District hdgjsrltool maery Toeeday titt lthurtday. EXPORTINCREAME Dorisg te pool dorade Ontario exprt haie in- creaseit is vitte hy 330 por cent, staires te Ontario Mleistry of todnstry andt Tooriste. bree sets B-O, 0-z and &-I. tan Brand asd PoollerBead boltisin lte tielad dsuhtes anse Jobn Edards and Fate atsblEdwarde and Ssrohian 7-6,-6ad 64. Fter and son, Stan and Jony Buleon con te mens doublsI t losetovee MihePsivra nd Tery Chinhahk -1 nd -3. ta t e ladies dosh es, Pal B aser a d A gy Ba e r ve ld asisis-leie aored lsgelhar Bne ns tey dan Fsen ,s u5m ad Fra o ptonin IreaM, -1and-1. Dekaisi in Bahanias Wade Sekar of Use Milton Merchanta Baselbati Club wilt ho out of action for a brief wile. Bekar was married ts Karen McLesd os Satutrday and ised for the Bahamas on Use issarymoon. Ho misaed Merchas' win over OakviUle SundaY. o S. SPECIAL PURcHASE ~"~~5AE *25" ON THIS "CALIFORNIA RAINBOW" PROFESSIONAL STYLE SK<ATEBOARD * Extra Wide Truck Regular $49.95 *Big-OversizSt Wheels NOW $A *Plus Free Grup Tape ONL Y 2477 OTHER SKATEBOARD MAKES & MODELS AVAILABLE from 19.99 and also from 14.99 DRJOP/NAD SEF-OUR COMPLEFTEL/NE TODAVI Store Houes I WE ACCEPT MIon SeT.5 MASTER CHARGE Thure -Fr. 9-9 OR ETT S 1 & s it .9 CHARGEX MANST. FINL 3 DAY FGADCICi EK Gan Circalt The coclit n grealcel hamiess tacini mine Sit a ccck of coloriai, croct raciai eveaLTop trevere.Top tcaiters. And plesittg fetties. the beel tee ant tbcce-pcsr-old irolcers and pacoti Thecc'l tic bande. iiplays, interviewsi wilb tht in North America competitte for ccii oee stacs, hanticapping lips, estoahie prias trains, S250,000 in poree. shuon shows andt morte. If yoase neyer been racinl hcfocc, noses the Sa toma on out 10 Use gresicît harieisracise timo. Grand circuit aiTerse b s icn teareîn econt of îbcm sl-Grand CircuiL. FRIDAY, JUNE 30 SATURDAY, JULY 1 SUNDAY, JULY 2 THE $20,000 ADDE CM""I) E}&Y GRAND FINAL-E.I LfII1I UNsIE ' THE $20.000 ADOSO NKE $50000 ADDED atorrewagae~~ CONSMRANSCOIT SES MEEN«ffffYSIJ(5 THE $12500 ADOSO 1 u j> Big Redit Ford, Canoaas No. i tluegrasn bm vm m svj s. Musich Slte Show. Pion te ROARIN'GRAND PRIZE A PMFM 2YEA-OLDFILIEIL 4its Resenr Air DRAWS. ..3 Stries, tacit for stoip (or lestao Big Redit Fordt Csodas Ne. 1 Bad Canias Ftag Club Gusua, soit Tresase Tours. Wînnîog Bluegraoe Show. halions for te fint 8,500) tarses etl be trawn fram eltre tepantit Partsman h the pross The Argonsat SUN- tbaghui Grant Circuit W aek. W aeere Hi h Fa 3alaable pnizntrawsritripsutas a n alaa ý pe t se ta rornsstChe th ae.e otth anss.. enias tcAes ia rihs hans cofrectly ankili fao-tri a r orc festins__ question._ HARNESS MAiGT 11 MBESIS Q MOHAWRCEWA Hcp401aI xIl38 uoth Le Catephettritle. Gales open a 6:00 pont bro 7:30. Tetephene 854-2255. JOIlN TuE *M~Nq Row&up MR. MOTORIST: LASSO THE BEST DEAL IN TOWNI BUY 3 SHOCK ABSORBERS AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET THE FOURTH ONE "YouW find smooth trails F RE E ahead wlth aur shock absorbers- fRight enraie front Copêtafld Lumber) i MLoN 878-8819 &v*"-unr. Corbettisin Milton Jý ve ed a

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