20 TheConslainChampion,Wed., June 28,1978. ocîey show W enesdy sHrbMr Horticuftural Notes Delightful A ros rild th thr beao and sceni oi frrshly cut l ioaers was enjoyed by s visiors tuihe .A.W Ceotre onMactmn Si. Wedsday, Jluae 2 1 ichvo the Milton and District Horticuiiieai Society blred 10s1978 amooi fliaer Eniries in the show ee v arrangrd in eight seior sec- tions and onejuior section, in a totl oi 93 dilirreol classes. Ail bol ibree classes aereo oicoîobca Ih Brii Kies Ie r a place by linon of ibe da y oi lhr thon coîh jadgicg mvînina shorlly aller, Jodge ibis year wasFLE. Markie, pasi presi den1 of the Ontario Hortiol- burui Association, and jud- girg a' in accordance with ONH.A.ostandards. Thedoits opeoed ai 2:30 a'ith sihow ribbos in pac. ctpies and prizes ere preened dring the evening. In section one, the senior decoralîve divison, the prize lor Mosl pointsain ail 10 classes aaon by Francis Clementlo Thebrz ora besi FOUR 0F TH] exhibi in iis section, Sociely's Show dosiaied by Veima Niori, were Lilîco by wa van by Ada MeCano lar Clemenis, a be ber enry in ciass our Irc ish FacsCee Ji. The cules calied boran rniSCe ail-gren arrarngement, and arlo i the wi seing enlry iecprrird it yelo col an Irish Jig ith the foiaOao- ylo hviair::cc a sosi pecloashir. and lien- hot sargs ard-chiakens aombined catSbaîaha floweriggrcoss o in a eannyand tis, gcrn ceramie coainar. The spot prtac ais. Francis Cieeoi was aica h byr a ac orc(n lacewnnr o totl poitsl dayhiti ci ancolo w3 i the bioticidiarai diaîsaoi a by Macgacci liiggir seciotov, rossad se-an(,intOaallt lian Ibree, pentnies, and lor 7lici Wriggii best vxbibil in the ptxiny sec- doaaîd the price lac i lin. Jasiri Mayas cd grandi ail larsi rîabit in the ora ros iniaiass 21 ookbrîi tuin g basket a exhibil in lhec aaa rosescio cnril by ilargarei Jason, abo is [ive yearî aid. sac %as jadgrd She a modesiy riaiedinolpciai .,ittr 15 perir secesitugrowingbaycîr îram had ao fui b ainning blooms pivks, ariaaaaand r Totl-pointl -rater inse lion toir> iris oas M0ec t Thbe liecd Rose roa Co, oib hbitia Mlhtariîa iis ayearaso lie winîng brsi rolabi'. vc a fai),her roraaat Macgacei Wriggivîoci fteIb rd e ieevdpiesfrteMs i (riýnGo ponts in 0 cr oi the iiexi Schoa hairioaaiGr lbcee sections, pcî roiio aîtaagraai ia baskets, and poiicd plants, îaîog a dchightlai plus brai cabibit an poiicd colafi 17 Ciaacce S pislas Brai cohbi in perro- wa assaai:eil ' m ai as aaacrd lar Bîlia i accbcc, ahi) acîa Maneliîoa Fracais Ciroi,iia! foaoiiaî loin won brai cîibiin scioni scedulingii icace six, baskets. and in section Nacgart aiggi vigbi fcoits and acgeiabics. itagiiag aiid diani lor a lioua pîi bac oi Roabiinson. hln il sicaabeccina, plu in oal- Lev 'aNcil. Charli point prine in louat and aigei lile MeNcii. Gca tables. caificatiaon and Tho brai coliiti il aci le argacat ('30, Loit seio i te bartiîaaiacii fiyîh.aîria diviso was judged la be Jadgcî ibaicoian. Margari Iiompsao o roiry trcîva havi ichas 23 lac brr sticofa pabliciy Lcc MeNcîl tb Hybi Tcracoi wcaa a. Marilyo Sm Cbryser lmpvciai demon-'rîl.aoBoo straln gIte staiges from bud 'ýlark, îtdgc'a ciech t0 bu binm. This prînv aa MeNcil. Margaco dnatvd by Mrs. Clace Ford. haîpîtalila. Etibri In thv junior diii 13 ft, Barbara liîaaîci. E ta ri th ai pour, bat ia,itt att iod bra*(i bit was fir i.aa, :iaac alia'cd Waivivaing arrangement Robinono Agora to oI blue Sîberao iris volîlird Wrîggirsoarib, Dancing Waters. Her bcoibvc Rvadbead. Jason snapped op bith prises in bise Oive 10 12 year doasa. Hosîvos loy the ahi the show as RoiS lleaward for besnnhihil and Alat and Mari in clati seven, open 10 mien bachrb orvniog ociy. wes donaied by Grace bosivs Visîlors a May and on by Wilmer membrs e i Tisatmpeos. Hisoarrangementl and wvicomvdloteh for Devdl Dace was a bod- aease mixtare of cosy fiveet The seol omeing William, serai Oeilsa, blond-' beid Mooday, Sept. lesand red-ieaved barberry V.A. Ceotre al8lp IN MILTON *RACES * DISPLAYS *GAMES Corne Celebrate - Fun for the Whole Family - A Big Communîty Get-Together E BEST fiowers dispiayed at the Miltas Horticultural Wednesday ait the United Auto Workero Hall on Martin Si. 1Ma Muselius. A firsi prize Peony by Mrs. Francis ot Red Rose by Helen Babcnck and Sweet Williams by ilo. (Champion photo by Peter McCuskeri 1liagr of poyyy. doaaîd stecm oi a., îakro 'îaarier showa A Tbamse- rl eds phî tala [cn Bab- at: eoicy arr May acogav- May, bong, Mn] r Clark. ceMay, piacing, palier. MaNeill. .George lbh, Kim awards, Chlie s. Ovien i Co, va Cbi,- cd. Mlii ernonof Lochie. ev Odes- boii and ,nd tva icodocnd Society. 10 ai lise .m hen the speaker ai be Rachel <labs ai Ontario. and ac- Macleod of Kilo Facm, Pus crrdtddjodgv ini horticulture Illich. tliig on groiang and iram the Royal Bolanicai gaoig pant oir saaiog. (ardros, Sbe criivs a wvviy MlcI Macleod is an ar- a:îiaionogacdeninglforthe crditcd jadgr oi floarr iulriogioo Gazette. Every- arcoogingof ai e Gb arden one is wramr la attend. Check the quality features of a John Deere Gas Grill Jhn Deve vrf ar rmadvao catiaIamiOom oon seveandan attraieapyeOaac bath:3:,hi th deubeaî q:e gi ahonin cthe i:,Ir ýr 3 ýi h,,rgr t3333 ri.3 ..:tt< a ri ,sa3'I. bl a' t, tDr LP-gaî Bath haveha Slury 4icahasteel yaîllfor n-gouadmouoigaaor a Se vqi yed ait ha squa0 bas30e ao deakao pati use A?.ANI) (iARDEN 11)1 -FN ý\RF Cee_ ef Hqht*n5 .d «, d. oeS- fn- 8784121 878-8121 Mime 8a.m. 9 a.m. t 3 p.m. 9:30 arn. taS6p. m. 10a.m. to2:30p.mn. 10 a.m. ta 2:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 2 p.m. ta 5Bp.m. Sp.m. to 1:30 2:30 to 3p.MI. 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 1:30 ta2:30 p.m. 3 p.m. t 4 p.m. 2:30 to 5p. m. Plage Mary St. Parking Lot Mais St. Old Pire Hall Rotary Park Main Street Rotary Park Rotary Park Diamand Rotary Park Pool Rotary Park Miii Pond Main Street Rotary Park Main Street 3 p.m. Rotary Park Sp.m. Rotary Park 9:30P. M. Mill Pandi Aglstimes " Parmiera Market " Fiee Market * Jayce Pood Baoth " Kinsment Saap Bas Derby * Jaycae Children and Parent Pieldi DaY Races * Saftbal, Dilii Inkapots va. Maplaharat Staff " Pree amim andi ragea * Scotch Block Square Dancems " Optimisis Bathtab race " Kinemen Bingo * Haitan Gymnastics Demonatratian * Jaycee Skateboard Race. Na entrancefeis. Local chiltiren 7-18 Ierisn " Tug-af-War - Police vs. Pire Pighters * Share-the-Wahh Drais and Kinsman dram hY Mayor Don Gardon * Firemorks dispiey by Milton Chember of Cammerce Milton Centre marchants Eh Milton Mail Marchants Assoie. WITH THE JA YCEES MiOT DOGS, POP 25" EACH DUSPLAYS AT ROTARY PARK MAKE CANADA DAY A JAYCEE INFORMATION BOOTH F ML A *ST. JOHN AMBULANCE - AIR CADETS F M L A * IRE DEPARTMENT * GIRL GUIDES Have yoar chuîd put onaa name tai wsith yaur addreas and *BOY SCOUTS - TREMAINE-BRITANNIA CITIZENS phone flamber. Corne alang ta the avents of yaur chaîce GROUP 1or takle themn allin. SPECIAL THANKS TO The Canadien Champion, K'enbenlY Clark, Lohieras, Mepiehoret, Mihtowne Centra, Motorola. Pizz Dolight, Japtiaus, Kinismen, Optimiele Scotch Block Sqares, Hailln Gymnaaties, Milton Pire Départ- 1ment, Hahton Roglonel Police, Ontario Provincial Polica, St. Jahn Ambulance. Miltan Chamber of Commerce and eHl the othere isho hodped. CANADA-IT'S TOU AND ME J 'I