Canadian Meter New plant manager to broaden product Une DESTIIDYRD BY PIRE ai suppertime Sunday, Miltan Firefightero responded la the coul at ibis eqaipmeal sorage building and ils cantents Camp Manitau an Twiss Rd. nonSh nf Kilbride. repreocal a big lana for Burlingian Boy Scouts. Wilmotts survive nightmare The vughitaee as or foe Anon paymeai ni the sale ni John anA JSe Wiiiaicit ne os the Milton land and a baoge fie t0 aleep nighio and Jon baklin oaa 10 tane i aable Iogeln wilhlthehuol pondrd tarmial operatn ieofolakabng a nrolilee rr Rgina, hunieIi and histanoil Shnetiy aller the drai cal west ciord, the Ontario The Wîlmcli sory 000 a Goaeeaienl înieadacrd ins hoeenoineoy finit nprradnrver Poebmay Oeil Legisioiîonanad nmeo fine veoro. Il siaeted rite Milton laem on Highoay ii 1973 lien the lainr and 25 South oaa irozno An o soncageeed tneil andithey direcleoait of that. 16e owned inMittacdevrnP- deveinpmneai cnmpooy lmeal company sinpped ail lariher payaleato Joe oas retieng irntv and coneeqoeaily 16cmw t6e active larngi anA hia non Wilimotino ncononmic John -las nîoVng oal o-cal ghtar l1ohe aoed revenue leom the ithnai fillelt tireur landîin Obituary Wm. A. Bousfield ),îlliavi Anihool Bnotîfeid asin CarlislieUnited(houch died ai Sautn ieateooial ceinretr Marier in Miton on Monda,,- Pailiearevacwere grand- Aprit 24. Se had reeided ai lie s0n0 Diavid. Allen, Douglas, îiaor 1cr îaai oer Inn Bruce Blland Palous- years.lfeld. Born ai Carlisle in 109. 6ie nao the sonof nih1e laie Thomas and Elizabeth , Libby,- Bouatield. Hr ivar ed Lacea Eaon ta 1917 and they moed te heonus- field eoideoce on Dcrey Rd., SPR 2 Miltn cctli 1927 iohea the>ysoldlthefaimnd mnoed la Texas Aller baur leora lai Teas lhev retuened wi this area, livog in Milton aitd Carlisle bel ne relcenin g t0 16he lierey Rd latim in 1934. He oiaeled an oechord in MO4 conoainiog appleo, pearo and geapea aind addrd oareeeoer the yearo, To his0 day 16e troui buinîess o îheîvîogandîasbeing cariedI on hy hs son Roy and 60is Me Boî,iîfeld nao an avid booler anA ao entoYed tiasebail le 6,0 ycath, bolh s a apeclaice and player Hr aitlendrd Hamilton Business Collage aller the 016 Conces- sionvShiol, Carlisle. Saeavîoig are lits nfe Lacra and c hildev Tom ni S S 4 Milton. Ida Mes. Geeald Caeton, ei WR, 3 Mitio, Oeiiy ueors Olece Danko- i oi Stiatharines, Georlge ni (111002 Jack of Mtont and Roi ai 16e home la'm aie1 grandohîldeen antd nine great-geandchild- Se ns aiseoordec hy Niary lurrn anid .zael Bocrilt in Guelph anA flea-ieice Campbell in Hamuil ion. Siiiero Zeila Aidero ___ ilericaile Laking. Myrtli Codli and brother Aegie pre dec ea-edhtom huinerai criocasu heid ilui 26 fromt McKersie filmeraillHomewiih Reo L. iii Si roulas United horch oicîativg. Buniai MILTON DISTRICT 1 annual prom Saturday Ntinda. ay 2. 6e McCann. The couple lradtionai 241h oi May ns 16e selecico. neai public holiday. Milto and wiihano mneyl in amily's ceilîcai positin. tramt 16e sale, 1he Wimnltn John as lnohing foe a job in0a fondt ihemnalves n th1e perdl ageicalture or a relaîrd field onsposiioafntbeiagoable and his onJoe Jr. nilicarry tî rmeliihe Mtonaland and on aifileifacrta oai.i ri nal heiog able t0 mabe ingitnhatldoan peeainateron cnmmiimenaathehabai u what remalas. -ent. latereni payneient ee Accordingitna lree of t6e roning at $100a doY tomiyiherehbasoeea terri- Acordiog tna leicenof eth1e tic suppoet frent taren tamily, 16e pen6iem 6as tie, nrganiain in Ontario and heen resoivedandithefamiy Canada. ianniaveni-u hait6 anuets The fieed naied theOnt- orth cnadeeahiy leon than aeio ilnneenmevl did sticki t0 ohol ihey had whea the sale ils loed and penaide assis- of1the lndtfirsti0en one acende povions setout Throagh a cooipleo ocheme in the 6'arhnay Oel Legislaé the tamîiy 6as sond ail] bot t ion,.butaiiOcaoidn'hecdonc appranîmoieiy 70 acren oi ail clear fille oa in the land in Milon. The Ontaorio Olilininilo hando. goveramieot hoaghl the volley Johnnwaoeecently eleciad landsoalngithe 10 Mile Ceeh preodeol ni Ageuhiiîn, a and a landiocked portin la preoigmno ltri oganieaiao the er o nih1e creeh and accoediog In a iamîiy Thry arelelti 1O imn- iendlthisoas oeeaed asate- sleadof2,000acresoiulWest afirmvatin by ageicnliaeai anA 50 iooiead ni 200 con- o ut people ihal i ish ban ecl n-roi lent larmer. Jae con aierp oîghts wilh- *Il 6as doce a loi t0 lift hia ahl out the spirit, t6e teiend noned. Witt attetnpt ta brnaden il$a unis country, lie c ntinued. market milS the introduction Il ns ued t oumiltor of an additional prnduet lie, equipiment and pracenanu in nom, bnïng made by ita ninter the planta oning high lendls of division in the Uinited Statea, gan energy. acardig ta the platnem lana n the American manager DavidTany divinionn have fond the According ta Me. Tanney, monitoring af plant eqoip- ttMilton patiC om met and p ana - handlehbouse gan meteen and tremel helibal, h con- a, orety ot îtramen aion tinoed, and are pramating the and ' egalatora s'uIl i ý enpi eaergy nover ta industries. .tnapata ta Include ian Ia Erie, one plant round tegratara, ýIflicemarket hem. nignificant hat mastage milS warranta ti" the die casting machines. Thte Mr. Tanney came ta1,e mlchinery aanmatched and ilton. plant in 16es nem year, meteeed ta moate prablem and mas previoonly manager arean. In thttnparticular case, af manufacturing services at the holding tahkw mo n headqaarters ofth1e tually rehailt toSvontgan Americaa Meter Divîiin in connumptton, 6e said. Philadelphia. The eoergy progrom ts not With the prenentnstateofth1e a key programt ai the econamy. gromth mithin o Canadion Meter plant, ic Company n cilo, 6ie ntated, the plantlidoes nat une *'and yaa mi nat 6e an machinery cnnming great aggrennine an oilher uames, saooals nI gon, cnplined bat that dora aat meon yao Me. Tonney. nul stop." The method however, nf Me. Tanney momntainn hle monitoring ctangltg levelnaof Milton plant oith a nIaIt of 72 g on connamrption te lîkely la hon o high image, aming ta ie marketed in the induntrel the qaality and performance field, bolh locally and acensn nI tht prodiacts trnm the thecootintea le laid. plont. An manager oI plat Gs metero for renîdential operalinon. Me. Tonney is in homesaformelhe geteeper- chargentf mainlaitnng the ceotage oI the diniitnos rateoflproduction,nset outin husiness,he saidanaeaise the compony'starecanl the planî' ntait0 competitale Wnrhing wiîhin tinancial item. consttit. il isimportatit Canadion maleriain aine lind mare efficient noya, ot taem 95 per cent ofth1e final doiîg ihinga, lie aialed. produci. The integrotor 000 "The devaluation of the madein ne UitedStaes dlle polts a greai harden on avudsrv i nure use added. Police Week starts May, 15 Next Mondav iiothehbeginning of lice llck acros Canada. The Ballon Reginnai Police ni Mi llan..Octon,an Gieorgetonchave been preparingifo isseiail cekifor sonmelfnie ilrough vaelnuaprtieaea Constablcs OBi McGarth. Gienrgetown yrecincl. llid Doaldon. Acton precinci, anditon Osaiald and Bal Swaminathan havehbeen naededaleo ifor North Itallon for Police Ocehk In heepion with thîs yeae-s ihene Wiiebing Tigethce le, Preeent Crimentticers have esno(tolnO isit sîchnnlîci the thee to0000 BOb Andrews ill spciîd lune ith Avin sladenlo iîhîie Oayne.lsu temn in Georetiown. and Bil l Gall inMiltonv A ialhivg police car ud ilio inakc thc ronods of Acîonand Geocgetoni schousnl oill on0 Mail Diiplavs ai heoet cpm inte Geiioeton anAI Acmon prevînclo. ahile Mtiltn deachmni hia-ing a large diapia.i in16 thaiiiin Mail New papler artiolcs peelaiving t0 thc lacious ilepai inielîla anid accaîcesao tihe poice foce havceiaiiiccen paibiihd in local rica apper.s A i,,-le anciin l] ii e held ithe (Scireoai yeciiii Oaioîîl, May 1). ai wnch lime ail biioccale oe s.i i and iiîl reeieveed bthe wnersinithe pastiieae. oîilihea,îi Due nioicehbas eenadcertisedin the localnmedia CANADIAN MElEII PLANT manager David Tanney, lefl, checks out the melering syslemn wilh Peler Yonev, meler praver. Mr. Tunney arrived in the Milton plant as manager in Janaiary. He cames fram, the violer division, Annerican Meler Cnmpany. where he wan manufacluring manager ai headquarlera of the division in Philadelphia. nontnochig epeoe. Se said andltie plantiiscaretal Io asoeoa roacly chai il nerda tl have iaonoge A comparisca belmeen lie Canadiait division anA the Amerîncan plants shows the Milton plant t0 be vn a faorable spot, hie saaed. -We i aonada enoyonne priailege tailler divisonsa in the compony do n0t1 Mrt Tunnel sioted the compani has lisheodquaeters iu Milton îith seoeeal bronch sales ottî ces spread oul acensa the country, and ltucier, o i dependratiy ni t6e Amerîcav divisinons la additin. the Caîadîaa plant producen a mnber oi 1cieias fr a varird market, an opposrd t0 the ladîcidLI Amneeicaa plants mhich each peodoce aspectlic pîrve nI eqaipment, 6ie said. ornn St. Cotharines, Me. Tunary mnord n the United States ai t6e age ni ane. 1he Amerîcan army, - e canied ta do," and bie smit aî,rked asoachemîical lob ched taan industrielmanage- technîcian in t3ermany for encore 10o ifara. He cas promoird 10 the ilv nn., bre jîîîîed lie posiionofengineeringsupr- boîmrîcant Meter Division an oloor and la 1974 moord la ail eegineering technicien Phîladeiphia on a produet nîîibte Erieaccey, engineer. Ohîle wnrking daya ai the Me. Tanna y mon respo0- plant, lie opent rornngs in aubr for t6e design and docu- schoci. otudyîng for a mentation nI producto tor the unechonical engineering division, ulii hîs recent degree Haitcay îhecugh -I moe t0 Caada. DAVE McMULLEN GENERAL CONTRACTOR FLOORS - WALKS * DRIVEWAYS -PATIOS - POOL DECKS sOURBS - ~ ~ cleCnO temnmn" FREE S ES TIMA TESI 853-27261 aConnenl *CorePk-p VIo a..c F-10Pickups i * imes ..NTACAR :Eiono wlIea Cougar *ih_ -I F 500 6 'Van Ai GondiNOAoni*F60 Wa tisequipped 655 Main St E. (at Wilso) For a Day! a Week! a Month! a Voari Dmop in and check our economny rates. *SPECIA L WEEKEND RATES* ATrENTIONI! POOL OWNERS DON'T GET CAUGHT WITH YDUR WATER OUT Water costs... Don't wasto it Check vour liner now for holes Big or SmaII, We Fix Them Ail ý"WE D9ON7 PA TCH- WE REPAIR" FOR TPOALSOY VIY EPAIR S VNLOATPVINiVIL(Ç) UPOLTERY. .. CANYHN VîNY