316 The Canadian Champion, Wed May 10, 1978 Rape legisiation change concerns crown attorney A propoordl umeodhment toI 'upe tegintation coutd change 1 charge ofrapto timent ,uattand incauutog con teeer fo utton Cro httýocny Jtm Treteucen. Ilconcerns, mn tHuit sentnce myhbe wutred down un a cennettIenetr. he totd uni audtence oftrip- prootmututy 100 sudentu ut .Miton District Htgh Scheot Vrdnecduy etterneon. Muy 3, Mr Treteuveti mue monmher et a six-man pane distcuon,n epeptoerd hoy tht Mitotn Otmilft Cluh as part et Respect ter Lam Wteeh 'Tuettty teraugo. a man gel brio ren le and ta yers foracapeonction,* he sd *Troyeasgr ghegol sern, anîd nec Ce gets enty oten tee and Chrer tte fîrteitîeig tht Iprerelîaon ai 'Tinte ril Sîteti a Ntînîetrv of Cortecteonal Steresim rrt it' al appteeîntutetc 40 pet cernt rît intittion nri sortip Il tu.el eue' Mîaki, Il, thee - eqil echeet catit then' le tht' peehlen et .tcîhtte eno tobs.- 'deltA peurS." -"l mtnder tf fihs wii serve thehbentinterests o tsnctety tir suid oI the prupunedi changeý Police truintng, îtarenile coturt and correcttnnal Il Vieare htghltghted in te patne discttsston as tiîgh schoot studeito met witti reprnoentattces trom Haitn ttegtattal Police, Maptehiant Coirectonat Centre and Mr. Trelea cen, Ritchard Fttrioog,vie ptretdeto tthe btptîtttît Ctub tl tht gathertttg the Opti' tttetptitgramnot ca banhet endettement tor eti police pruettors. but dot ettpli azethe ittt et Cutta littseciety te have preper tue rctercetttnt --I te importantt that hou eho es ec~t etth the lue. Orian Fetierîce trent the Mntîrly et Cerrecîtonut tînt Tretrucen. ultten C'rou rieAtney. slated îanry mtt de ot hece basic' ehttte aod at'e therriore cubte te gel wo eE Tht diecceeteneas part et a six-mac dehete ai Mitotn Dietrict Oîgh Seheet AnA edae utternet, NMay 3. as pat et Rtespet Fer Lue since ileot te saame duea an te cret protide te ondation ta mate ollicers. tu u ires in an urderty Milton precinct has une manser. he ntatrd wmn utticier on te turce. "The importance ut taw ta Studentn înterented in te Htatttenables us tordnawiSt htriog practtces were tlt a onesanouler IfStetaw int criminat recurdmwutdnot renpected. te hantc toanda- peemit ntudeotn tu juit the tiensnottwestern societymwootd torce, he drasticalty ditterent," he At 16 years ut age, anti conttoord ctidat may net have a Statt Snrgeant Ertc Buttnch crtminat rerord, hut a junen- ot Milton preninet. Eltton tie record n Ittt maintaioed Regrettat Potice mut present in record tites, Cro te, discuts the nesuet Attorney Treteucen stuted. trainingoofpnolce oticern. 'It ie a recerd. and at- Sergeant Bsttorhms ue theugh notuanauotcrimna tînd on the detten ot potice- recerd. tl n nttll hept. uoe nd tht Atîterence In a discussonenfcrmes, hetwnen merh of peitimen and Mr. Trtnucenestated shoptiît- poticemomen, rig mus ntnudity ocereantng, "There ns the samne traintng addtng tha storre nom add tee comen us lot met," he upproimteyle0per cent of ututed, uddtng thut momnen te peine te coivr uhoptinting ottîcers are expected le carry lostet Wenk ceensoer hy the Mltton Optîntînt Ctub. Cete ot hnepîog initates vuet trent one institute te an- ether, hut the Ottatrio Coreitonut Intitute ceete heen $60 and $7e pet' in- mute pet day acrerdîng te Mn. 'ulterlee. eoae t Nttttee e Muptehuret correrlîceut Centre ceet $40 pet duo. arreeding te Tent MrCurren, seperiotendent et Matehuent. He poîntnd out the Centre minitt three shifts et staff, serer days pot weeh. Tht tilm incleded t'on- versations utth onmutes Iront, Geltph Ceerertionut Centre. C'uoerCnte ttt Weîinn Ntittheoeh Correctionut Centre and OAntario t'etreclîcosi tostîtule in Bramtîon Onagh 4Oth anniversary and 92nd birthday Al p-r('al ellttece eu :pelli a( Bîorn Centre or Scrdac, Ma, ftoruauOthced- teen aîtiiersrc patl for Mte aodMr lIe ntrge Liorsofe '1tnttity etgntd tht 19 lit ardi îîogralculrtd tht'happy ceirs 1Ote t "'-t'îîtgrî rertied Cet' g,,. ra iat lur leegth geun inaee a'nd floralt patten'rcth a cereegeeo inh Tht Ceuctîfli ceddteg cahe Aertutdetlhrt'd rosese and gelA tacet Cas tCe centret et onteresl. ItarAtît Ct condail aloioeurh idr C, andeente elr 1 rasngemenrot ot ted a nd ehîte hteentr OT'e hîîttt'l taCtf, tîrtmant trsiy gooditefo tet' ro t'a Gleorge and Margaret treldnmal gttand gn c tehes or the huppy occasion iTCe delighttei tereptien 'tee ptaoned ht lhent snst sud lii ie.Mr and Met. ttrtge LyennJr undMr. and Nes. Ernent Ltons and their tourt gtanehitdren, Me arA Mtrs Ltn enete trîrînie nh38t thetformer' 11 itesr îItIntsmgh Pesby- chair chcrch Re Htorace Kart ht'terdseetredmîshne titl George and Nîsegerel ciiih aries Mte Shoote Sterîl. a fiiorrreident et ttnagh arts anîd trou a rettdent at t'lon(enlennîut Ntanor cas Cenî,red or Cee teInd witthdar en Merdut.- Stai 1 eih I 'ptsu rpstir.,%iee tCr tîetr', etf t tngh i 'îtthilrtcrt SAA and tMe gsthrrd tel i rralclte her anrd etten odeî c thts or Cet epeciat Tht' crecîl glteAe or tht' Mtin îIlous il 1C3 rii tandr arit art tea eau tr ed ut :11 p tri At ceirtcceu Cîrthday itk cas erved rdesert îtt Crîhdai eeeg ue sungteorCtrs. Cîccî arA alto etr itr J tlii. we ho c-as creheratiog ber ielhdei o Nrcrlettereii eda eauticl floirai artangemnto and atroecrsagertrnt Mr. andNtrs C Tutrelro I vila adomîrrange Ntrttet'i aod a vr trc live hegerie planu om thet C %Ai Atofntagh andoretrat trber gîft and gtond uiîîer Mrt tou aeseuthe anArtut man ents eres îrgaoitt ut tintgbî rherrb Fîturteen ladites attrnded. thee, ete immedîir ment tere of the %O A and ber dauighter snd granddscghtu-r Wre oih her Ntre mor iers htie i'ieît Cic ue guet et Coor eti1Creoedding et Cet geendeen on Sautrday rien- irg, Maic 6. when Murat Jackson o il Siihergh and Mssc Bararat Rîchette ut Gucelph ere enitr in mac- niage Thernremuny cas hntd in Trînîty United rhurrh, G.uelphsatl7pm 10oiiued bya recrptio tunud erdding daerre OtCer guette Item Milton îîere Mr and Mrs Henry Mtr, endhtte Marelniîsun, vtre ('et] i'attettîîe and son Dîd yro knte thai the tiret ontyuetrew traiter, mat requte as much an luire te pressure s thse on pote car' Tht Otito Catnty tasagne tropes thut ou check pesr ontrait et tiret hetote vour gri utîderue COLLISIONS There is rtattynoetuch thîng as amino coiion- CIamine ensuit. The Oînturie Cuinty Lnaue peinte, eut thut hackug rer a tri- cycle es decrieihd asna mitrr colistion, hsnhîng erer e tri- cycle mîth e chîld or it te mujot collision Ccert. Mien NO Noue and Mr. und Mms D)ougtas Taylot Tht regeut'r meeting ofthCe Omsgh Preshyterien W' A and WMCS ceeheld inthe rhurrh huit Therndsr' Ma Nt ut 130 p.m Mes J Oin eue preeîdeot protem in thr ahsenîcretf Ntrs t i lo' rîdgr, and deetienutl ueo giverrh. Ite H tRutherferd Repotse ere rtecried und acceptrd and e tCenk toc rereîeed trent Me, tcHet terd tee Soere Tht ladies planto s0ere ut e golden ced- ding receptien in Jute, ase decided tohave pianos tuned und puy for taine The W.M.S uuerhairedh1 presîdent NOte C, tattereen Tht ntîscîonuty ptoyer eue rtint and a select ion trot, Tht' Dituot Breud on 'h'er StunyCbeauuti ituatilîres ere CendrA tti for tht Cule timugh ladie ciii ha gett a(tBoston Ntt, on Jenrb7ua 130pmn iandeutil]ouppîytheC ptugrant Tht nuit ceit ca et nsue eed C1itheee'd hoeMrte J, C Maurehull us progtumn sovre nd guie reudînge und ronduted a hymn eutz aise a tnuding c ut gîren hy Mtt. Miligen. Mre H huthertord cas second pretent Tht mttting cueed euth s hytter und pesyr, aiter e CîoC lunch mas serrd et NIrs isor urdt Nte Amme Te honnr ladiee euh Cit'thdays In Mua - bitttbde cakte ndettumhrrires.ere eereedhyNtreI M. Turnertand enjcyrd Cy att. Theto laies uit Ntsý hirthdayt are SIre J. Hîteun and Mec. J, C, Marshall Gri unit cishes 10 Gordon Ruvinetmwhesutteredîinjuriee te hîn fuce in un accident at hît hume on iretdeo eeenJng chule m-erhîog euh e rhain sue. Ht rntrîrrd medicai attention ut Mitîton Hospital hut c-as tater tahen te Oak- eille Hespital Ht ni doing Sriuted hîrthday grettingu ftil Min. Deihart Downs ou her speciai day rrcî'ntiy. Guide to Eatn 0nt--o sp t Fish" NOWAVILABL tnuîronment Ontario han propured tht 1978 'OctAneTe tItl Ontario Sport Fish in thret edituns: Sosthern Ontario, Nonthern Ontarto and tht Great Luhen. Eaeh hoies conttns smmury of Onsrions uniqe fish-testtng progrant. SMînîstry HM,,oGeorRMCaue of the c Scarpe 5 DEnvironment Oepatymnîster Ontario TO OBTAIN VOUR COPY OF THESE FREt 8CCKILII rs Phono, etrito or drap en se ony roglonal or district office of Tht Ontarto Miniscry of the Envntruent, Tht Ontario Minlssrp nf Natsrai Rososcos or Tht Ontario Minlscrp of Nurthern Affairs or contpiere and mailt chîtcoupon: l.N-ORMt-neeeEtRscýCEuîiS BANCH OTAO ceeouISciY nOF H NrtRONENTritile OS"I R VNEVE! TOnîîcur,,n R ONTiOs , 0 uî O 4IItîetlttti I -..O.ý E D.itut.e Otatî E Gt- L.k« I UyZAy ME I Nil I ¶ÊTl LLLZiL III trn rosmtou L..--------------------------L -11 eau promise pu tat doit tontoun, ho sid haut il they wîttgotoljil, ifthat is 0051 ha tut i0 yoars Iroin what tl tukon," he said ut the nom, whon top apjsly toc a thives Many iod anS adtis job." STUDENTS aI Milton District High Schoot met mith represeotatives from Halton Regional Police. tht Crown Attorney's Office, Maplehurut Correctional Centre aud the Ministry of Correct- ional Services, as port of a special panel dis- cussion sponsored by the Milon Optimiot Club. Brisu Fullerton from, the Miniutry of Correct- ional Services spoke on correctionol institutions on Ontario aud includnd a film presentation of Ontario cetres. Cnntrespritg pregram on and rens tei th end et May. ilton ools-Sales & Accessories RO0 Main Sa-ea East, Miltotl Ontamrio - Coli 878-877 X11x 2iground Pool COMPLETE WITI4 JACCUZI FILTRATION SVSTEM INSTALISO NOW ONLY *5.049"0 WE ARE FULLY INSURED *LADDERS Et WEDGE ANCHORs Phone Today te VACUUM KIT 8887 ti MAINTENANCE KIT 8887 S/ight Surcharge On Diffcuit Acceus MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Special Prices on Fîoating Lounge Chairs Mlon t w & Accessories ESONtd ~ JiE GS SONEIA 52.9S O WED. THURS. MRo. SAT. MAY 1lOth, 1llth, l2th & l3th PJamim, of Evonts * ExMà&tm fi P&»zes *FREE FOOD & REFRESH- MENTS (Tharu. -Fri. -Sut.t " FREE POOL FASHIONS AND ACCESSORY EXHIBIT " FREE FILMS ON WATER SAFETY & ALSO ON POOL CARE ti FREE POOL CARE CLINICS *SPECIAL SHOW Et SALE PRICES ri FACTORY REBATES ON OLIN HTH CHLORINE $3.00 on3h tht HTh OlIt Dtp Chturtne $5.00 un 1001 tht HTH Otin Dry Chtunîne " POOL FENCE MANUFACT- URER -EXHIBIT " ARKLA -EMPERMATIC OUTDOOR GAS GRILL EX- HIBIT Et REMOTE ti SPECIAL CAPITAL MINI POOL DISPLAY futip uperuttorai wîi be set up in thontroont e FLOWTRON BUG KILLER D EM ON STR ATt ON S * SHGWVPRIZES* Be suet o enter cet draw for: *EX/IDIl& KEY CHAINS POOL RING TOSS GAME EXHIÀ9ITORS * T-SHIRTS * CAPITAL POOLS PRESIDENT ti POOL WATER MARBLES WILL BE PRESENT e WATER WINGS " JACCUZZI FILTER EXHIBIT * POOL CARE BOOKS * FACTORY REPRESENTA- TIVE WILL BE PRESENT I M ' I " PROFESSIONAL CHEMIST on c LOCATION *u MR. DAN URSINOB.A. -M.A. SrsAe SAT. MAYV13 10 A. M 2 P.M. r uGong, o b OtP *POOL INSTALLATION F wy 01 - EXPERT WilI be prarsent with potfolio WE ARE ACROSS FROM MILTON MAIL PLAEEOW TOATTEIV FDMNST, ilTOA -,FOR INFORMfA TON CM 78770V Ministry film panel feature - Announcing the new Air Canada Nighthawvk Fares vvithtn Canada Nec yoe can fli non stop front Toronto to Vacern Calgary, Edmntron, Winnipeg, Hlax Et St. Johtn's. Starttrg Acre 12 tone destinoations Vancouver Il $202.00 Calgary $168.00 Edmnonton $168.00 Halifax $ 97.00 *7 ,'rtî 7u ar M'"day dit$2 Servce~ 14 Martin Street 878-2886 M, Popular Bank of Nova Scotia Financîng Johnson Bros. Garage 295 Main SI.. Millon 878-9942