Changes proposî A road by ge tree, bot tise Reintmnostried ta rentUdn caa B attins 15 Sideraad jost tisas. Local eatnsesttoes bailset as tisat suggestion, and detded Motfait Rd. mas botter. Atter ait, tise road dons go tiseougis Mottat. lit atmo travets thnoogh Hattossitte, Spepside antd tettarttown, bot tise toms tathers optett tor Mottas Rd. Lutter Base Lise sa as otd sorteyot's sotte wiei bas bers osed ton ose of tise any other name many a pnsr. Tise Rogios ttasted ta cisange il to Egtistsn Ave., ta mateis ap mitis tisenaamo gises tise mme strolcis ai road oser Toronto ttap. Local cosrdtioes ais- jeled agais. feling Lumen Base Lise is moci isoter tisas some rame copied frons tise Big iSmobe. Tise Campisetistie Bd. proistem ttas sotted isy totts couteil isp catlisg it Camp- iselîsville Bd. att aerrs Haiitas, irons mass 1 ttest. Wisats isB: = a m e l if il isappess t0 lis tise ens4 uposttisich yot lite, il asenma. Ballon Regios bas isees toplsg ton ose past pear, ttitis tise idea af cisasgisg sotte oi tise road Itmes acrosa RatIos, ta malle tsett ttore roadily identifiaisle asd ta standardise nattes of rnas misicis are called ditierosi tiigs inditterest sectionsof Maltas. Coslnslsg thiseo I. ose tact tise regios bas apptied samisero ta att of tal rosds and tisese samis appear os rogiosat ttoriss agesdas and os police accidest reporta, bat tisep dosIt meas mocis ta tise ordlnsrp isdisidmal. Dote a rmaidlest of Appleisy Lise, for instance, cane il bis mmad sa calied Regiosat Road tA? Not tiisetp Tises tisere is Fise Bide- rond, or Camtpislliile Rosti ttbicis s a tt alosg ports nt tise mmad as tise Campietiite ByFPass asd atss as Catts- bell Rd. sn tise sillage of Campisetîsitte. Coslsaiog, On pao cas entve along Derry Rd. misichiss aiso bsotts as No- 10 Biderosd, atmo Regitonsl Road 7, atmr Regiosal Road 15, atmo Tttisa Bd., atmo Kilbride St. Tise tact tisas port oS tl tit Milton asti port of ti s tn Burtisglon absouti sot confuse lise issue. Or sisootd fi? Aspttap, Baltos Regios proposes sem mmcies for sotte of lils ruads, but Mtlton Coust cil isn'tcotpletlyin gre- nis mt its lise cisoicet, atnd tise tonal couitcitiitrs sent in a fem sttres ut tiseir ous. Sedons Rd. mas tbr sne obicis rasSIed local curt-5 cillors tise ttost. Tisere lisait to be comuttnitiesbtuoa Budstt and Gomurrais i tise oli Nassagatteya aires, bot tise Biblicat sottes wr droppod niat ynart agu. Eserposo bsprd tbey badt Lise asd lise Fourt Lise tl s to resais tise Campisoll"eitte Fo a living os Campbsell Ave in lise sillage may base ta change tiseir addeess, il tise tons recottndation stickss. Cattpsetl Ave. la natie atter tise toosder ai lise sillage. Nd. 10tSideromdmas prot pssed 10 be changed! to Asis- grose Bd. but tise totto mai50 Moisawki Bd. 10 bo used. Natte chsanges tise regiot Region suggestoadliett at protes are' hetwna Brîtanns Rd. sa ta ie ns- tnded att tise ttap oros Bottas t tervser bots tise regiosal andtotttportios of tise rnsd Stenint Ate. mdll ise just sisal, att thettap trontsait to tnnst boondanies ut Raltos 2u Sidnroad a biselg rnattnd t'assgattpa Bd. 25 tidernsd naît become Elsi Tree Bd. lContinued os page 15) Parkway Beit exe^qmption Milton Cosacti bas decidati 10 tauncis an appoal agaisait a ooe isp the province 10 exempt ose Regios of Baltan tirom tise Farmap Beli Art ttiicis Cnusciltor Jins Watson otîts il gise ose relgios corclan astair adsantage loser tise isdisidmtl. Watson mas upont ttbet ie read a nttspopradlate in Aprîl, annssscing ose prosisces istenion un atted tise Farbmay Beli Land Use Reguatioss to porotit ose reigios ta -use land or errol aspibuilding or structue for tise porpose ot prosidisg a service 10 tise public, mithout taîsg subject ta prosincial lasd sen ceguations." As a trembler of bots tise toms and rgional ouricils, Watmon telt be msust abînsi *'strongly" 10 tise amnd Jobsn and Tory Digtas, wissers ut thr effective Ss kaing costett at Milton District Bîgis isciosi, spobe tu Milton Lions Club ai itsls nseeting. -Tisre arr big burgaits i uitile ChapnsplutUutifieds sonner tor restons 10 ta exempt tramt te tans tias the tsdisiduat ttust osep," be said. Watson soted tisas rnisestlp a judge bad rotod agais tise regios ton contraserting tise planing act, i is qaesttfor a rogiosal dUmp on Milton lands issomt as Bite F. "Tise decisios clesrty states tise regios must oporan isitii tihelattandnott pour gosees' mess sa suggeoting tisai tise tans ta cbattged s a regiot tay domhalttheyso desire but tise individuel obose land bas tan truset and tise caue potential greatly redscrd mutstitl aiside sp lise Park, ttap BeIt regotations" ise cbarged ina letier 10 Quents Paris At lise April '25 mttinlg of tuisteouscil, ttenstrs en- dorseti theo strosa prolesi suggestrd bp cousclîlci isatoor, t Mavur Dois Gordon tbes cbnsbnd in10 the armentset and tousd out ihat the toms and seseral utber agescîns are as A RARE SPECIES of Virgisiti White Botrrfly which inisuisis port of Lot B in Coc 4 in the former Nussaganseyu ares of Miltotn, is beitsg saved frotta destruction by 500 kV isydro iowers. This mnap came 10 Milton Coust- cil tusi meek wiis sews tisaI o huIt mile tection of the hydro tise hus isees dîverled Es miss lise isulterfly domoîs 1551 sortis of Campisellvle. White Butterfly habitat near Campbellville saved isydro lomers tsa ta casting Ibeir ugtY obaduo os thn fields and tarnslans of Ballas as lbey traverse tise regîio ast, wrst, orth and sootis' but a habitat ut Vie- gîtia Wbîte, Bulteflties nortis of CamptaîlsOtte wiii ta sale Irons thr uglp spectre. Milton Counicîl bad beard the romoer eartier, but tise officiai mord us bom tise Niagara Escarpmnt Cons mission bas sased tise botter- niesr grousd came sn tise torti ut a tetter and nsap ai tat vve's ctosrcl NEC bas apprUved tise construction of tise MO bV tomer fine sn ibis oarnas bumesier informtation Inuns tise Mînstry of Naural Bes- oorcrs b as sisce poisted oui tise appruvnd rouir would tir uithin a "'significat habitai orna of tbe buttnrtty, Untic ialltyknottt Fs"ienîttvirgins Board ... (Cotinud fnont page 1) Baitt tudens bave travetird to citre itîbvîlte lir BvelligtUt fi tahi courvevi tise tegio tO tibUt sh Ive f vocatiunsaltraiing. Soneoft tse taisg booond in fon Norths Ballon opond nsore tisas osree hours os tise bus scis dap. Itlai betiesed osas masp stsdentsmisottnotd hte 10 attend a socationat higis sehil base upted oaut ieause of tise long bus rides Tise isoard meeting begins ai 8.15 asti tise meeting mil t isetd attise board offices, 2050 Guelphs Lise, Bsetisgto regulatioss. Tise attesdaient mas approsedt talore tise region ot Balta was estas- tisiset, he sototi, and tise current amttettrsas only isteond 10 add tise relgion lu the lisi ot esnttptnd agescins Besides tise tut of Milton, ils tonal bosards, asp ttifistry ut tise goserotetes ot Canada or Ontario, atp telepisose or telegraps compasp, tbe Ontario Bpdru conssisiot. a gas cotposp bolding a ttusficipot franchsise and Baitos Rrgios Cosservation Authoritp are att exemttp front tise cuIrs Tise absesce ut Batus Regios tramt tise liait mus dis- cosered oison lise regitit decided lu isuild ils oeuv ad- minstration building in tise purkbptin iOubville. Tise ttapur's asoe luth probtett uas resînurd aise May 1 Milton Cusil meeting, but Wsontus viii issted! a protesi ta suis- milîrd. butte ut tise sites tise regtos sa cosideristi for a regiosal duttp are witii thse Farissap Beit ailes, bo said, anddsuc a rlig could opn the dortfurthsernglot toput a duttp anpttiere -legatty sn the toms of Milton, be warted. "Tbis couidcote botte le bfaut us laser," bo said, 'let's ubject ta il, t wuld tort taten ifoe didi." FellowucOcitors agreed and a protest uîll ta sois- Tise deadime tor appeats Sudt pýsrd, bot Drputp Cleris Roy Mais bas told coosicd bhat tise Oto Municipal Buard sboudd accepi tise lte petitioo, as Mapor Gordon hadl istrtted t, Reid, tise direcor ut legat services ai Queenos Paris os April 25 that: an objein was comng. Thse deudtîte for uppeuls a Aprit 26. " Compression (DOpsamicl a Rotor Gap Voltag leNwirnu - * Battery a Ballast Resistos e New Condenser * Ail igniti on circuits a Pics up/Relvctcr .ap * Ignition Coil Output a Heat Riter Valve * High-Tension leads a Maillvi VisîIv os We Adlust La Starter and circuitry a Exhaust Ernîss OU System a Tioming * Alternator Output e P.C.V. Valve, Air & Fuel Filters *Crueo " Voltage Regulutor a Ail HUsUU and Relts a Carbvietvs Linisage * Distribotor Cap Make our e Dîseil Ansgle Additional Parts and installation Extra Appointimett Today 10 And clean battery terminais a iensi-bon attened .5 asoid tise NEC describes tise boitter- botrie Blyas arre specetof A loatonomap acett m-ii Otttario's tauna, proteeted by p 1tit t is lto sho s tise the Eodasgnrnd Spectest he. abitat sa boit a cctcestiotP I Tisenetote a nw route bas noot ot Guelps Lite in Lu Re . 4. i been cbosec aod a batinsite Nine, tut toir trott Mobamis Re 's letgts of bpdru corridor bas RaceUOy. INCLUDES..... 4 ITS. MULTIGRADE SUPEROYLE tb'W 'f 87832721OW30 Warranty Approoedl COMPLETE CHASSîS LUBE, MASTERCRAFT SPIN 883208 ON OtL FîLTER -Most trocks escluded Mts.I tss _ ___! t5.d1 Etraitr o 9Bc qit i ecssary. St-n1s M.ti.5 13.1 tas 14ami ~..l6WITH EVERY LUBE & OIL JOB s.~a.a ' j~ijst AIIN ER! WE DO A THOROUGH CHECK 0F.. catchit aWIPIER BLADES a BATTERY & CARLES 0 RADIATOR e»MIRRORS 'i, TRAVOLTA MM W I N R a~ UNIVERSAL JOINTS * STEERING LINKAGE 0 SHOCK ABSORBERS a LIGHIS IF YOUIRsOT SUREt YOttU~ Brian Roch *O- FAN BELTS e HOSES * TIRES (INCL. SPARE) *MUFFLER SYSTEM*AEFIS FEltsrIatutsto RRDY D*LSY O LSfn RR 3, Milton wsi17..lY 8 .lFeLI.l s.20 ..4More NORTH STAR Y.9 SERVICE tae.21 tsanrdoe Mtis.. 20 SKA TE BOARDS ta be gîven awayB Y s...21~~55 m..2 Y..2 wîh veypUCh 878 m8393 *.s.22 ~..23Drop in and fi/I aut an entry farm NeîL~iasosa s't'te. MaibessUsOs heJLit 510R e Canadian Tire Cord or NiU gi-tmil.fl F O W A Save with Cash Bonus EIO~¶!IflPP 250 MAIN STREET MILTON JLJST SOUTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 25 Cuoso i at l vcssU fi. UssUsi Opn on -Sa. - Thora. ft Fri. tili g 878-2349 OR SERVICE 878-8393'ýý s SoonIeMO:Sun 5Thas.Mtt878-7665 05UsOO vIt,,asystit Fri.MndSet. taMe 9__________________ P. NOTICE Due ta the death of Mrs. Onoirna Bonin Mother of Gab'riel Bonin Harris Stationery wiII be CIosed Wednesday & Thursday May lOth & 1llth THIS WEEK'S raodanChampionWed - May10, 1978 3 Town pro tests