SPOR T wfth Peter McCuskeQ Bagpiper Jef f Swance paraded in the head table at the Milton Minor Hockey annual coaches and maaera dinner at the Uiona Hall Saturday evening. he final dinner prepared for the M- MH ëb Millie Thomas of Steeles Ave., ocas a repast ft for an OMHA champion. Whole wheat buna, succulent roast of iseef, home made apple, cherry and islueiserry piea, plenty of hutter and gravy ail added up to an extrai 10hIs. topull around the dance floor. Millie haa prepared the MMEIA feaat each year but Saturday'a waa hier lasi, as sihe may he moving out osf Milton with her husband who is retiring. At the head table were Marion Riehot, MMHA treasurer and hier husisand Harry, Bonnie Fay, MMHA Secretary and her husband Keith, Larry Arhic fromn the> town af Milton and his wife Erna, Joe mcCann, MMHA president and his wife Volanda. At Joe's right armn were Jessamine Swance of the MMHA mothers auxiiiary and her husband Roger, Peggy Boyce, Milton mothers treaaurer was there with husband Ed and Eleanor Riding, MMHM secretary isas with hushand John. Peggy Hulon, vice-president MMHM isas at the end of the table with Brion. Parkas and recreation directoir Larry Arbir apologized for the condition and lacis of lighting ai the Laurier Ave, arena parking lot and assured the MMHA people they wouldn't pick up any souvenirs on their cars sent year. Paving tise lot and iighting should he eompieted for the grand opening Junc 24 in conjunction %vitb Rotarama. Head gate keeper for the MMHA and a Milton mother Ruth Tisas ocas honored with a gif t from the hockey momns for her long hours in the box at the arena entrance. Joe MeCano tisanked tihe Optimista for their heli, in timekeeping this year and people who worked with the mincir hockey. And Millie Thomas isas isonored witis a cheque and a dozen red roses for her many years of organizing the annual dinners. "I've neyer had a donen roses in ail nsy hi fe." exclaimed an exhuiserant Miltie. After the dinner tise real action sîarted with John McLean and John Ridiog scrutineering for Monday Nigits anosal meeting. Will Gerry Inglis ise cpaehing tise Georgetown Intermediate A Raiders nent fait" Has Gerry decided sot ta retors ta tise Milton Flycrs Junior B's? An every y cor, Gerry Inglis of Norvat is simpiy contempiating retirement until he cames ta an agreement with a hockey club. Inglis said hoe han been in hockey o long ise's a t itîle lired right now. But wisen tise summer is drawing lit an end, we'il have ta, walch carefully. Milton's Bruce Hood isas featured on Hockey Nigist in Canada Satsrday nigist and tise local resident was given a fine publie relations job. Just in lime for Broce's ttefereeing Scisool ap- plications toise sent out in tise mail. Milton soccer enlisussasîs oero aI lise C'harles Hotel Saturday morning la vips lise playîng aI tise FA Csp iîl 35 people atlcndiig. Tise foc included breakfast buol l eer. as il osas isolore Ixon. Tise Chartes isilI ho showing lise Liverpoiol and Bruges match today atI Sp.m (Wediiesda.%. If yoîî're yearning for anme good hockey actiuon stiti, try 24 mites nartis west of isere in lise Royal City of Guelph. Tise Guelphs Holodtv Platers are piaying for lise national tile. Ceolenîssal Caup. witis tise Prince Albsert Raiders. lise deleîîdiog champion Prince Albeort learnod a lougis lessois in Guelphs Sunday aflernoon as tise Platers on a conviocing 7-2 victory before 2,300 fans. Tise Ontario Professional Golfers Association ilit ho holding a Spring Cbampioosip ai Wylde- wood on Trafalgar Rd.. May 20 and 30. Tise 30- haie event will ho a qusalifier for tise Canadîao Open it Gies Eden this sammer. Sanîdra Pîst will ho there. Speaking of Sandra Post, Canada's moal oli standing female gnlIer tram Oakvîlle, aise reeently wcon the Disais Shore Winners Cîrcle aod bas iseen one of tise top ladies on tour Ibis yoar. She isilI ho conducting a chiei aI Wytdewood May 30a1 4 p.m. MILTON TENNIS CLUB memiser Bais Hors was ouI os tise courts bright and eariy Sunday mars- ing dispiaying his skilis. Tise trick in bis style is tharout position as he attacks tise volley. Dr. on as working off tise dinner served attse Milton Minor Hockey Association coaches and *rnp SPOR TS r CANADIAN CHAMPION WEDNESOAY MAY 10, 1978 SECOND SECTION MILTON ONTARIO SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEDS Major MMHA proposed changes defeated ait annual meeting I5y Peler McCusker Thencontrossrnial proposai tahled hy the standing Milton Miner Hockey Association esentîeinais deteateil noosdlyai the MMHlA anual meeting ai Martis St. Onhoot Mondatcsvessg. Tlie change oa aricle E on page 100 oftihe hochet ascainscositution and liylaaawoud hiaeneessno coachior manager ofa bouse leageorcep tens have cepeesention os the ex0100 The peoposi cead. "o esecitîe inomer shai l e ta in the cojpaniiy ni a cois officia], coach,. assit THROWING FO5R MIL'rU Rigo dorîng Sunday's oc Rîgo was on last year's accoî'dîîg 10 coachs Wayne ont coach, manager. ntick boy or teaiser. The enenotise say permititsnenber'oas reqoiceil, to lie asailahie toc Tise esenutise unir taleil the propose change argued liait ose non outld sot hase lie lune t0 peetocet hl dues as n on cui ieishec and ai the noise time 11e attitiatet osith a testai, adeqoateiy. They naid! thet test osîll praihtine 1110e, ieasel and gaIne tise 1h1 biait t0 he spesthbya coach ormnager on top of the dalles of heing osailale ai boath hoose leage andeep goies osas impossible, The gessoal bodyt of 80 oshinli aitesded the moeetiing toit and coiteol difteesty. liane Smith naîd the este change ootl oseaheo lie enenteîitosas pned. GSord Kerr, as xctv meollie. alse spohie ogîain uhe adoption saying il otld dinqoaliit ait wAiîsig sochees wena boose Ieagae coachi couid nttoinîthe eoecotine Josephi McCann. MMHA peesîdesi, mld thse body liai o persos doing hoîli john coolol gise escrone a taie, ranenl shahe and espiaiseil hoos sonne enecotivemet bers hase leIt moeetings ta go attend a peactine ne a guise Smitli gais nahsoîtted ilieco slisid lie ways ofpoiiisothie enenatîse. Hie added iliat ony- one os the ensenutoo wo issedifourmeeings tliot a tegîtinate escuse shloi't bie os thc esoîoie. Son Nodalis osas coin ceesedosithîlie nosoliecof dedicated peopie the eeu tise iglit ose. Bot Macrty Copoto ws in nupport statîng 1h01t ilte eeotise onsed 1000 ne oce people t0 portcll paie in mnoe hochey they should parssthe chane, and il they osanietl the soise people cotiig the shows. t0 deicat the notion. îN Morchonts as Lauro gond atrong arm but needo o littho oors on ais orkost ut Beat Park, confidence and rhsythm. Merchants hase Ibeir Merchont squad and oponing gaine of tise season Ibis Satorday in Marchand, Rigo bas a Cambsridge against tise Piroles. Parker joins Canadian Ili's jogging six nmiesa day oelcronchios in an houe ai toi, repesîslîîgt'anada on Europan figurce shating 10111pelîiton. Caiiiphelisille shalîng ec, il16cualdKevin Parkrmas lfted lrin, has nîci lied ales 10I duos of boutig a 1h liua- sliial pneanoosa shen lie rceised a lelr frote lis Canalise Fnigure SkaisgAs- soc'iatiion iniormno lin ot Thelieîaong sliaeî oi skate la, Canauda in lie men's evrsai the 121h staiogof o Cope des Alpes in Gervais, Fracte Augonl 1h' la 20. He %% silsrinu m1h lihe testa t0 lOcîlst. West Sermant anîd s'îîîelîfo tacle Nedel tireî Tsîîpht lessi dagosi 2:3 ,fric appoinaent cane as a surprs e oh i an oais lanit aller hos performance ai lie Canadiao camaipion- ships in Victoria O.C. os Celi Cacher lias wson tise Central Canada dîsisional', toc uhe secondyveacina row and reeorned trais Winnipeg feeling onder the oseaiher. [lis coach tohn Caoghel a sîdelîsed luth liconchiat prieonoiu for la doys liat Kesî cotiînoeditoproîtîîe os a elgoros soliedole toc lie Iliîîconditioniuorened and lie mas fiae"d la sil hy a honidifierre kleep ho nue clear. The attertaît s obhi1 la peformane aithe Canadian chanpionships osas soi op ts lis ohîlitî, according ta has ftllr, Ernie Parer. Caeker had haped t0 go to the Junior Worid Cigare Ohatisg Choispionnhîpo iil a tient place fiishal ai the place ilas n1, ticket. A depressed Kevi Parer rîturnedhborne'ands'as or deredhyb is dîîctioritues A lîght npeîng training sohedoir w00 liokrd asd il osas thughl Cliii ouid lie tahîog the lycise and son- WOîll the ,îonosrcernest. thie Cochîrs île looking t0 bioo icrîîimesenstsearisg te go ands 1he 22 heurs of shaiing lie is îlîîî5 nomw0 nulot liîîough Il is hîs oustl innernational comipelî ii ai il o ill aiso lie the initial a ik at senior mns sh,îlîîg lafor hutienird "si has alilays oes Cri n' dî,oîîi t0 one day cepeeseol 'Carda. I cane line tas mý'aspîled," hie ftilr tld iliac Chamion, "55e eulitî' he's till a juiori lesel saspeitoir liuI team fouc opportoolîl " Parer Sa no ls ul' 101peed laila andlîhoueeest. But.accolding toe r.Parere.CKe voldoîsn't oîîad in lie alightelt Ses s escited Thec Csadîaa lea,is iinanced lic lie l'aîidian Figore Shaliag Assaciaion ahc liiIl lie oting lie tah for transportiation liudgîag. m al.oltils and tramner, Bul the addiinallha rd .rkl anid iae iuncstsa ailanlai toicthe rkr, 'Cosls car ecodae>to, achieseoîeît. CîEnie Parker sad and il tou Save la lois plainîabiout lie casis, il s lam t geî îot( ai lie gatol "The hkid lases skaling anc oelidameîiliad." lie iot's iuiher saill Keîî o ai cndingî Aco li Sclil. goade 11ad 1 M_ fi o iitis 475 members registerisg Saturday, in- t1~éeveing efoe. luding 275 seniors, 140 juniors and 39 inter- managers banquet held tevnigbfr. mediates.dtFifty participatod in tise get- Miton tonsis club members are sn full swing acquainrd tournament Sunday. îng wîtlieecise solisec lion 4. rcial, "Peesons 001011 sied tac Ceesident shali lias seesed al least one oftheusa imisediateit pcesîoos yeocs as the esecotîse." The addi- lias otl lions 000e on ta ccad." Il ns pion qualities os 1his mansee toe enorme sied tac prendent. then o peesident iat lie eiected rom tlie 0fle ai lie assiiol meeting. Coiîng thîs. a peesan shahlie appoîstel liy and teon the eectse elecled- Murray Hood osas the moist vocal opposition ta lie Pms poaettcliangeand sid 'The proposai iî sili iiu confidence in the eoeatine:" ol licol on ta sot le lion he Iteeni pes'po posa]ino anytiler oraegosîo lion in lic counity McCaon said il liappenet in lie Gleorgetown initier hockey systen lait year and il osas neceli' proposed se the eeocotise couldianoid aditi- cutsituaion, shooid il ee arine, and o ose fouk lie peesîdestilai posit ion. Bond celcebhed lie seltieo theorsiginal sali' nectîion and E and said the anenio ai ltisie mais ta preent anyooeriteonoaing the peesideot'schiai s' as with esenatîse caperiesse woid comme ta the chirl Marty Capuo aise hiait resasosa(0 peoieciiliestand- ing sobseation. Copals saîd. "The reason ose pul 1h01 in aas teproectihe leadesilp coino ap"- He added. salies a vice-presideot acepin the joli lie sol lac pî'epared auth150 1110e Capuo soucd they osaoted os o,0pz.cnced peeso in the enecutive's top cair and that lie dooso't osant O popalarit « comtest ofsomeone aing in The motion was deieated Tisa ioe clsanges dîd mnage oe survive the lest of manoir deliate. A qasoisr for esenotîse mseetings sall icon niai of tîse xutvnir- becs. plus thie peident se has soninee. The asay th1e taie did stand had the qorum set ai 7.5 neeis oftihe 15 executiseiihicî îtî,lde.tw lite appolotieslo Il siipli* isade gottîsga auiu e mleetings asi0er The fisal adoptioîaa l the NMiIA foae iaîll. i nder cai'es and icii7a lions. section 9. the 'ittti oi pcovidecrestsc oil ai playeca cegisteceditath the MOItIS The OtNtiil aise pesaîde teophîcs or the noal ispcoî'ed piayee sn coach classification Tlie sauf piayer oi lîe seiccted lia coaclies asti managers cas ecsedin ecidiiiîon 'ilese Icaphies mali e donî ateollit partiesaaotiîda' o[lie, M1M15 if liet a, dcsîce Ail auldîiasr la thie cal cead "Ai lie dîaaclîiono ile liceca rive, aosoaiiy. Icapliies ail lic fiscs ta teais pluiteca coacliesandimanagers ali aled ithll ast NIMIIA tes aluih moins as OMHA or IiMHA Zone Clianpîooshîp Tlie caccid notion Oaa naaed lia George Itichen andt seaaodeii li Gocd Kerr, McCann reinstated as president Joseph Motianntsi nil i for toc the 1978-79 seaon ae 'he ceaI race osn l the li hîirîd terniosCeresidost of Morray Grcaham assvice- rîgli esecaltar positios lie Mitas Miner Hocket prseiden, Home Fysece oshere 14 somnoseen r Association. tory. Jus isonlens as voîrd apes. Eieciîd lit hallal There ereonomnioostreasurr Joe iîlson osili 151 Jîohn Sain, bcd Gril- made t0 challenge MîCanr agoîn ait as innediate pont huis, tOon Hodd, iSard Cees. aller lis nominaion osa presîdesi and Mocray Jolis MaLeos, Bi Pl'ls, posted by John Rîdisg and Graham and Harold Ceego- Dace Snmith and Sali David BuotoRobetofthe noinst- sonsit os fire isenlirs son. osg conpiiote MîCann osas reenstated by acclamatioan ai the MM5A ansoal meeting rlnanci lr p t says Monday rîssîse ai Martin St. Otereectiemeab.MMHA weII in blIack %Thc blackintk ai the tallais The MMIIA donaird M cCann ot the Milton Miner Hochet $2.072.20 ta the aImna tondi Assoniatioo's books slioo o a'hîchoonssecoced bt holding pcotîiiui ,13n1f iorep l , pe oceedsoti,,adansc' lns r po t 1 mntil otf operation lObea t'e tîsocual tat'e The rccrpta un roccas af isetoasorulared t10li *~L,, r* espendloces toaliver $2.105 gesecal body, Murray Rtond VViU' flire oas cailod liy treasrer qoestioscd ahy theooudlcs' Marion Rîebnt as betsg thieeport coolds'ihav'rbeauoe ion ioîll hosl theFour rcsuilisnoftsesrralniscalcoia- ieaaed preroctîthec ossoal Town Toraietsosl'ieac tion1hy thie eeclosolbudget- meetng foraceatîst accoeduog il MMHS Creiý isuiosec the ps.ooo - "ik tbreîs alo'ays dis- dent Joseph McConinlbis Onsenmajordonatiîonohih cussion aboutltheraudîion' udrecsa ta tue isenhershîp ai atlrcted lie budget was les rep"rt, Ho. can ut Sc digositd file Mtilon Mtiner Hockey the Miltonu Mîsor HochetN in 10 ta 15 aninalcs," ghood Association greral annual Ocîpees lai $1,926,60 Aoother asked therîlîcluar mieetingMonîda> osesag ai on, îhe bodgetusg lac ucc lie quesliodthersrctlfor Macrie Si Scliel, line ai toa armnas an the socan ncc en profits and In hos odreon. McCase -onîth ofDecemhec. oshuch us mas soered St eoecotiac iuroaoty froin hs cales tact. h ibooseriagorieams oiendie'ciGordCKrr ohoes- and llstedîoerreiceplre indud'i'reailylit the Luauer ploîoeui ihai eqolpiselt a tle Milton hockey santeo lA e Sac e uc ooli the oea oceded hi, the association. invaling tis faiy in his tcae Hodrie,laid thuithe busicns Inte lie statenent. tbr hîttoHA ahooldot1 lie ecing He stariedhbysayisg brhadl MOIHA aloo ai $22,761 501 in pouie aIl tbe timoe and ouied sonethinggtatheiogiion and registrations of piayees and lui boa olit theîîu,îsuît fliair bc oaa ailliot ta occept 8,453.07 in garo ceceipîs eaougb sce île flrui erai lie cesponnibiiity ai the Sponsassaf teins canon-i repeamn lOlois ta iwai and presîdîotîal palltias. Ar saod boîrd $9.2000 Il tlie ceceipis. aoi gune. hI coold talle thc siatia liai il TAa toI erpta lite Jot t, 1977 Cerr sad bhel Oece fuods masn01 lis lonîly's cespos- until Aprîl 30. 1978 orre ullocaîrd foe lc tIoe Svt he sîuluty for ushai gocn os ln $69.a44.a5 Mitonla Ciure Skatîog 'Cloi miiner hockey. Buotuicrlnecos[theMilton loch orier the îae. "If e OtaCaso callrngrd aine mno hockey 10,0. huas dos t have lhis lad ca111 bs ashuogllhnifîîleî fel e ar foreeepad hoOsc loagoe Suy t"Cîei i ilieyhaverSceoalîogedr- irons. Eqoîpnent purcabues last lIai thi NV51110 11.1 îog the soason theo il as uiuilled $3,329.0 and eiereea an exaoss oi 0, 11 'il ithi liotetoact Hesaidtheenfire cast breassociation$4,79.70, books ecaotucoui ogree aull tholig thSpaoca ccae,~ r reps eàdaed 'o Sus tesird peesudrot's repoat. Mcl'onn saud hI 10e1 , .o the aegacioalios raod a gooti ro tourne y fi al youî and congratulationa go te the iciri aluon i their Milton noisqoilos iavelied Morgao recîlal theîshaloal zonealosopionshipandithe te Port olb nelforihe S ir ngourelaIm I'itiliiedii-o maujor aroums. tusolîsts in the lobs Citlisese todoce Soider îith Soeie boîl' Colt Cl toe ille liout osill Adtos Tlornanrsnt andsi usshed liaine Sheldaiililoalua Allen He noted i asthefriilfulli thuîd niesno lie finals lita Ansderson and P'aul liao year oflioselagooeiSeect single point. wer oianoiîaiin thegaine ironas and toud thr gesecai l losOieu'smin bodt ai the Snhonherg The Milton playeca Oece a Il an lotO Mogn ecn aosolton chanpionship mnir nlsiaqoi andl tbe heacacio uincm osin by the holnstcn yoongesîin theclassifictiaon hcuhfoMitnam Hie soil lie liugblughl ibis Thet Oece coaipling wlh e i id gore oshere tSoy ma h ptpMMES major noisqouls asd lad erasedgad b> Thocoid 3-2 day.a Mtorgan, Milton galkeepe.,KvnGifnadTeo McCann aise renundedi a maor attir ployer. l.ruii scoeed toc Miltos osill whSvr ws coain mietheAnderson and Colles grablt. oioseesoconsesisbe Milonos theur opsning ueoasînua excîauucr finit il ouoli nean graîne agaunat Niagara Colla i'oachSteveGrifitnsatd tho plentysofhaedos. certoîsly .10 autb Cool Rliansnoeisg Miloieubyn lye xrmt lIotas ose moeeting a teomoCesoieutiiaadCioPal pitedest tee l (:tif ouiîoant tdolthe Wilson, AIles Snderson o'el]landpuidota lii aîghî îîîîiîîg i naorker' front1 Gifou Oaý lb heir t ... giiiieia.gîlhîe recsasc atio îan thc Colleîiaciilcdinsthehurdlial] i iid.oi -a-ci- cu-ln noman g cannîîîee irais Romiao and Grifîll Pats C iîciiloeseesonito oi fie fheinals nrie morold I Coaches cram Rotary Park hall Tb egnocs b Osr 5 ososl soet SeraggriotdThe Conpion uoesotetunaidlbhey ors eramnel the Rotaryi Carl ltatis ofothe leam Polso isipeessedoihibheperform-' meeting hall foe the Milton lions are tilted ih tbhIe exnc Iose t he Miton boys andl oal Socer Association ception of one coaching POli are toohisg torosard ta sn coaches' chie meteing Mon, lion asnd two or three 500' ciliof Milton boick senat year, day Mays iandheiaitcoach of veilern. Scragg antd John ___ the MYSA, Briao Ssragg said Morgan, registrar tor the li osas dlighlcol odlh the MYSA', ishtribalel kits te -Banebaîl seanosn miti Se lornoal. coachen au use meeting oodersnay soino - I