The Canadien Chsampin Wed. May 10, 1978 13 Fairm gamtes closed but Trail sUi supported NIAGARA ESCA the NEC. NEC in fin 'lhe Niagara Esc Commission (NEC) t ahout the direcion of t len fo A-omajor disclosure rame finrm NEC chairmon Inor Me- Mulîro suho Bold 300 peuple on Terra Cotta's Crodilviru School on't Tuedos' (Mas' 2) Usai tho majorsty nsamis sioser Soner deopping [ho mord "eupeope iaoioo front hinai piano for lise Bruce Trait. Whn penssed hs' MPP Jaliao Bond IL-Ballose Burlingtool MeMuloen vien furUser. Tise reoelotioo mont lUs Uits: 'Vmir commenta looightltend me tn holieso lise NEC mii no longer comnbder expropriaion 05 as' n aot"' Baod noid. "Thirten motohorsofn tise Commisuion loimis ho6i memberoi hase sosd tises' arr millssg [n expropria- tion, MoMullin. MnMuiiin aise sndicolod tho communsion ohl consider permitting sonme grosuti arnond Cishenism, just an il in atlnmiog arund sunis centres an Aln and logie- Mud. ddrw od p pieuse feons tho gatisersng- mass' people aiseoo in ntlie auditorium and foyer hs' taing on hal ho sacs as a Usreas [n [ho troditinal idea ni omnorship. "t suhmis weuonegot tn ho nery careful. Il cernainis' oppeoru to impose a nom perceptin of loodomners suhiris I holsoo is untenahîn to mos boe.' The Lihoral MPP aise souk a umipe ai MnMoliin'o conten- hion sisal if land oa to ho bought I Release ni the Niagara Esearpment Commission potiry proposais us Fehruary 14, and [ho suhunquent forma- ton of opposition tandomner groapo [ise NECRA NENRA has planSd te Bruce TroUl iu an es- tremety noinerabte posit ion, according [n AI Stacey ni the PiBruce Troul Association. "00e have [est the co-opera- elon of many landomnees, poroieulartp in Use Gbrey- S Bruce and Grisbyh ornas w sho hune cloord thotr [rail sectinu. [doonnor, ho nuyu "nnlsilholanding tho emoinlsm and genuine concerrof ot[ho appoalu ut NECRA, NENRA, [ho ,RPMENT lundomnero curried nigno culiig for un end lu mojorsty of nue landosuneru hune cootîoued [o support nue ohjectives of o conhiouu otpat aog th sap- not expropriating mn. E ai plan: MoMullin NE arpmesf IL mUt he prîcnd ut uhot the rconorequsred hy leginlolion c o n tro s hintisg chairman snrmed taie mare e o gel public and municipal reteaIs naine. reactiohe pointed out. [os Pro- Rend sasdt Use peuple uit[ho Tise chaiemon eaensarhed D u Torra Coue meeting hune o sooneoftisscommentaifor tho e eigt tnhoecoucorued about mhllt is moant h0 'laie market value." 't have lise ombudnman nri vssigaling acquisitins on tho PorksuoySolasetmuehhoinsu msarket saines:- said tho MPF. Tise gusernouent's ressort foe hows pricet ns tise imposition ni a draft pion, ho sasdý McMu1isn repiied tisai ho did nus thinh ho knof nihe province in ibis orea huysng land as moro [han misai lise market saine ssoid ho. " donit thinh Ontario cooid peon a needituisus'landifor [ho Bruce Trait on lise Es- carpmestt," tho chairmon oasd. Acquisition, MeMoilin oaid, wsibca long tisse pro- For mosi ni tho msetng MoMuilin and ntaff o'spiained otep-hs'-ssep delaln nf lise NEC'spropood plan. Aheinif question pannd soloued hy an invitation irons tho NEC [o residents [ n spons the 5EC'v mapa and Ili about ihoîr parliculan con- Balepayoen groupo are foommng [o oppose Use NEC, MoMotis onmarhed. Bn said nons groupa are nooeaed [n give opinions lu locai e= cils and [o lisecomsin MoMnilin louis o deiniso lacis ongarding thal 0fr position. 'Tise commissison i com-erned abosut opposition," said MeMtllin Tise nom- misonhoasoneceededdis autisooîs, he sasd. Tise pre- imioaes' proposais are vol No payment Ontario Byden os arnussng Theo Ontaeio Oosernmns IL[ho ire of dintrict londumnoro isas repeoledis' luooed dsun along lise rot ni use piro- peoposais for ao independeni puod Bruce [n Milton hydro o[uds', cilisg lock ni limefo [mansmimsin corridor hy [ho pas leur s'eorv I5 os drouandongwisUsramaifron entmatedoa sudi wondfite theItrensrd CitaennOGoup a yeor i CG) honore pas' ng for land. ThelICis sigig tgUepro ~ - s 1 posaitaisVcorridor, asing for an ondpeodent nudy. w r r Ma r Aodrn h u paof uthen nohast hallot Lot 6, Ern Township, bas ELECTRICAL snn Ontario Bydru a CONTRACTîNG aus'e'u lcier domndiog 1î0gperocent[ps'ment foriland PiOLE LINE as pe an agreement oroired CONSTRUCTION on Nnsemheof niest s'oar. she syoereprrsenlatinoo of 878- Bydro [nid bor oire suud ree o payment ansil she 583A MAIN ST. E Mi msîhdre r thUe interooted Cîtîznos Gmoup __________ oedn Chapnsan, an Acn iasuoee. sas bren rosasord DuABSPM is and in o ltr [o Ontario Bydrons Acion office, nonid INH E fN T AR [bat effees mode nUerth Expropriations Ans munI ho 8soOO onnonddtinniand drmandiog YOuDoN.T paymeool Johno Schneider, a cocisair- MIATYirYO N.0 mas ni tise [CG. sas's tIm os qui 10 Ira nt theofors tinsr Bydro han trird [n dansage Usnir gnp~ ld ns wngteroteo pldon te ns h uii Ucnie as thenei¶e ICGuuil eonned saftte pooe dorridor nti siodowTise C dor laihesain cue Irons alon BydIs cîrouts hae iii lt PLU I 2nd RE HIT£i miis Onaid o sourd is' DLENETININ taising aen of lions o delnota E aiiy[aoute froint Y M Y1 Brumce tu BeIneroua noo-uTnnosoo HaThe Bin mlonsof Eeingoaoposuenknndu Ien Saroanetaol seedsOnsitv ot forTUe ummon Mumone Bruce Tesul. Be indiealod poopio'sconcornos [sot expeo- priation mili ho nord tn as- sembllandforothoe ail are peehapo unlundod. [t suas [yen ise peedicîrd [ho suoed .'expropriaon sunld ho oonsnued trirn fioal piano [or lise seuit Tholo' lisre per cent ni lise Beuce Teait is olreads' in pubie bands, dîncloord lise shisasman. MeMulli aive dotrnded tise coms io rons questions eaooediromoaofyerwinchad- sorhised lise meeting. McMuiinoassured lisoeners therelando coln renlnicled and not Irooen Tise NECs rueal palise cols ion four nsorancser [onacres sisal is unnemoeîisooCoh'dso t don' tihn tho land os fcoton. lise chaîrmon naîd Donynuownsynue landucon- lenhred ho' elosled ceprosoni- atvson b holie oppaoîrtd NE'C? Esgil ni lise NEC mcmhors ston coutil [snihon' havse hooen cuncinsonsesnand lise balance repenos people ai laege, roplîrd MoMolin Bon Rend, ni Bruce ConIs', and John Mîtchsell ni 100h Lino, Esquessng, huIs soid theos. in gonerai, support the NEUts efforts to prorve tise eocarpmnson Tise mseeting ierened tisaI lise NECos peopased plan is Car irons lise final sund on lise enearpouent. MeMulin saîd ther os o minimum period nf tisee nonoiss [ne municipal- itoe sl alis o concitsaoon lise escorpepno. thon anoliser sonhlforecoootisotlap- socahsthercns ssion. Puieo hearsogu arr ne lollosu. Ise sasd, Eors aller fisai plans are aopteod ho' cabinet, entend- n [ho plas' nay ho mode. saîd lise choorman. Olço lise plann oi ho re sieued euers'fiseyears ailler adoption, ho said. Thesoinceîneoslodoltoeut theonnanofilandecnlled s' lise Niagaea Escocneni Cosoimînsson ho' more [soct 50 per cent, ourerFIlJueen's Parksonnnoncrdioesleeis Tise eeduesiooconesnaitla lime suien NEC peoposols houe aeouoed ititer opposuiticon huom losodosunoro andlorms See nrtielen elseouhcr infn A soureat Queen«xFork has sasd tise land i, he theo irons tho consînonu '.ssg wili ho tronsîcerdci o lise 55 mîsosespalîhies in lise ecerp- mnt planningoars ocuver, lise mnieisolstis oI ise copectrd tn lolîo' the ohjPee huves oflthe Niagaea Esousrp- Tise commîssion. oul h5e-id utrr aCeGeretown nlo uoiros aouto 5.0 mllo acr's uloo lise 450 msS' -streis ni eseopepn lron slueecsssn lu Tohermoo' Property o-ners hsavero plaine0 tise eommnissionl ho' esoeeded il-, aoolisss ouI, planslfor osolnouer land as munis os 1,5 milrs front lIse Sp oflthe escocpnnsot. Altigh [smoe houe hemn luest ahuish lise Niagoro Eouarpnsooln Commission. PremeoDavisos sautil "There is nu qunstion Usas thore are prohliom impiili n Use future plannsing of Uhs unique rosoorce, tho Niagara Escarpmnnt. The BruceTrai Association futty opprecsats Use neod to incooporato [ho uft-cnsiiting land oses- extractine, agniculture, fnrosfry. oeencarpmnnt area and the pronince-hut, plan- ning mont ho dune, [n rooponso [n NEC pro- pesain and [n mahe cloe [ho position of [ho Bruce Troul Association on isonna Usat hane heen paramount in criti- cistms lenellnU agoinut il, Storeys' oyn tho Asnociation noSl mako Use tollosuing recommondationn tn tho NEC- t. TisaI [ho rosons of sho Plsnning aeaoan hn ectaln in mous' ornas [000057 incuded Iand in haif uould bc îoronponiletoddo auas' nnsoh il. Tise Govrment [s long sughl [o peuleci the enconflment lrun dcuelop- mnsnand graî'el pousand Thse punsh to abldh esoep- ment contrats and lIse cons miso sanoenlînely dslleeot lune thon suas sun heloco [ho Commssioon 001 lornod. Thon eosseons'ntolsls ond olteno eeelanoeîg [or protectin for lise î'ueapepno ouhen flise Goueenvsool decidrd [o ter lisecoms sisnter oaF, sill oal oppeonul from neoupupeen atnd enoontlssu ,sloog lise coule. Howuevs- suer lise eaue suppoet foce ient nssoo'v masndate h-s deten- socoîrd oison cocîrol' ha-e heI stoplenenlecl soîis land uwer nd doselupes hîve oppoord isouîng lisecoms sion scrulînize Ihese plais fce le s'eloprinenlu - lîllon Lions Clois has dooled $10 lu lise Norths Ballon hsnociatiin lue lise Ntenlolly Rrlarded, tu holp finonce r lanportatuon t[o day ecamp lue hantlieopped eisildren. Denur :hrp : os i 2.Thai Use sacrum Scmp do TraUmas" is mi-us casooernent pattrns. isrep oftsecuoingsthe trosit Wieoe poteon sea is oritli[ ta eadîng. [t vhnutd ho repted sîlle in lise loodoonee's iand ibhsuo nul po.ssîble nsF thea"provisionoandmaitien- hyoanvriahlenandBanlexbl oad assureeconsnud Trait suedaecnegoioîionshs'oan anco ofUshenscarpimnntas a apprnach ony aller lise valuos. appoopnnste gosornent cuniinuousunanurai enniron- sogosiaid nounoseni liste 4.Thullthe euîng ofa ang o s cne lise opti- mnt;liahttno dneteopmontl5asdeunesmwhon seuring eonlinnounfooîpalhisehenls msumosouteuissuldnweenloood ho pormlssed on nnsstiog Ins thesro fthefoolpalh.As lu nalînloelory [o tho londounr soio usis lnousees lu end of record sulUsin Usis limssd lise pont, Use lolpats canent and tisaI enpropriaion bh e r un,.eeloîoly lseougs gI ar ra and Usas Uhsee upont the normal tond usesnef deiriodos n oppeopesole osish rosuuol o egolsased ogre acquirod uhos Usoy cone on contînunus accruess' liste ibho policy. The euniinoais Ienîn. Use marketormwe ho ner landoonner Ans' arrange- ni solntnars'o-prsioo .Tsat lînduomnees olong relquests. mentnnisould ennuro tise shoaidowhernee doired b ho ilsbh pnsu-ssrisînyuit 3.Thn concept of a iglfos entnisuance of currenl land thotlanduno ctemasalvfai eilto 'Scagrp Iantdowners warm . .aI (Continond troue pogo 1) hong in lise oscarp oirna, lhey gel ynu for hoing in an orna uhoro Usenae uitdlileor 000e suhinis han m-noir potential,» ho uaid. When a citiaeo taken unometiglrom [ho stase, [t's rouned thoRt If [ho sueta oh snmething trott a landosuner, [t'n eatlnd planning.'* White cnmplainnd [solt tise NEC utitI dueun't houe auyhudy on ILo nIaft wils training in agriculture, Be said lisereo onoeed [ne tise NEC [n have a cnimu [raitlona Niagara to Tohor- mory. Whste ouggented tho NEC tolits[ platinera lo go hach [o tise deauing huard and [sol tise Wiotaro piggyhonk ho tappedfo tueh goseronsens to hbsy up land aiosg lise [rosil Oeangossiio re ar Ilors' Baker iuid lise mueeting thal Usoro are 000 00500 dîlferent dnssgnatîono on lise [20 acreof olandise ouno hSomo niof thel ltarmiand i have sa douignaled oroses', naid Baker. "I paid 55 cents [c use lise nom Spadina nuhuas' exten- soin Toroto lise oliser day," sasd Baker. 'Wr cuntrihute cloue lu $200 milon unaes. his su lisse people souid ho ohle [o conneup hereoand havefree usentf [ho traitý Baher uasd ho honoslly thinho tho NEC is heann uaohed hy [ho oumhoe of plinera ilhas. Angou Baips, o Tobeensons ara former, hod lise audience in nsichos oison ho sosd lise gosverono iad shumn hiuiland as a prosincial pars on lise road maps tuni s'eae 'Nomi tm a poica poc iihscaoupng alloed tiaip repoeted. Aohee Orangosîlle orna [armer, t. Mee cisacgod uiss lise Bruce Trasit Associ- altios han dosoiopod a cancer. "Tise Bruce Trait Asociaion has eut Ihoe 000 lisenats, it's nul [ho landounneen' saîd McKeeo MeKEr saîd sisal naeouung oft[ho planning aeea ox not lise solution [o lise peohino. complote reesion of [ho NEC planning andscoio Act Orangesilie fiopoîl reuis Lloyd Thompoon uaîd ho ee soegond in tise NEC pian and proposais. hutl nn phasioed tisai landonnen-, mustlhonotiidhs'eegslesd msail hous theîn land os tu ho dooignaled and houe lise rigis Ontario -ediecon of1, Ageienltuee i'coîdeol Petlee Hanonau rendod lise meeting uf lise nerd [or ohl londusuneesoiong lise escocp- mont to have o commusn usice andisooconsoussinîhreur feelings. "If [hores nos onanssoîlo' lise gosemernco nuiti[aise [nil odsonîogc of tisai," Bonnom ooened, Bannonsnaîd lise OFA ha', eslahissned an escaepnseni acion comnoudlooolheeps fretin aeeasofllise peovince wiîcis thseescarprnoni passes tl con' lie opposed to gourd planning, bsut planning în [or peuple ond tho people oho ohonid gel peînos' ae [houe isisse lîselîhood, scuesi- monts and (le sosingu are oiieclod iso lise eeguloîîons' ieo Wott of Nolianosaga tounsiîs nio idenlilind iîoselloaso lunglîouosup- pacson of lise Conuecuolsue Paocs, sosd hc eiseses usait, lislons oe landounens' con- cocos and dors sosneling ohout lison, il usill no loger ho nocîho os thisss support. Wellîngloo Oullecîn-Peel MPP Janis Johnson, lise Coty Gossoerule Mensher as [ho meeting, pcnnssedie onse' lise omossagen irons lise meeing haek [o is concs andlthe Cabinet. Johnsonsad ise heisesos tise oe o need iso lise plan culd hoe dnassscoiiy rednced in si0e lie aise snsid ho heiseses oleongl' in local atnm and sisal mue decisocs sonnd ho loIs oi (osai oernenoo Longîsoso iheral MhPi' hr Bruco, Eddie horgent, bld lise mseeting lise NEC iss'o mueis powuee [sol es-en Pemiser Devis coolt do asyliîng aouto t I'e v seennsnsuchisnjushice and d(eloioeshîp cnm Cre lhon fcons lise NEC,- ho soîd "75perceoniofthe escoep- mn s cn Grey and Broce, sel iiec are olyifour ceps [nons isal 0000 on lise NEC and lhey ee ail oppoînîed chacged, Sargenîsoîd tisai mool 'ouerrnmeninsneers lisons sevscon' s hlîese nisois "Doî on hase îo faise 5,0111 leaos' dooo and poeoll'oc Toronto Ion a doî oe show ossFncss' [se osised lise nseeting lts suggeusos, henst. sisal Douis hol ased to aoohish Bi 129 and. second, sisal lise prenser sel os'a RosyalCommson. oico h'- %a cnUso hosed holînos sheoogh Il"' second Sargens ,oidîO ,'ilss gohbas'klte r a e siiaî penisula, said h., pansý nulive îhncc shouId ise o haose seume obligationt soo ighh'-n' ýsd futur" lis -Iad 7, i' los hisfdoso u iieelilgaIdi.lssis his cha cd lio seron the pl;ilocîs ',sd the peopsol I- ho-' al ou lumnsBrueu'Iaitoloaused sh Ihe, pesieos iso hsl Plae lies;,id ill] 'e expropiaios s î [o' s'coies[lsooi the Bill The Ge Ni 50 saîd thec- ar 10uý1 Mlis he isoose ssiIt,1 sos added us- lel isuas aIe nibscre sBill( oslposlsoo oui noble iShcpheed eesd à [citer [rnm ,as delisseed osbon h), sore has ooi laias a',',oeed NEO'iI fiever c- rsolu added lise licol deesisoso eiI esl nis lise vis-Ou'd Tremble, nI lise Legs slatne ilaTsn-nocîsoglon 5IPP eýleocdeepesesîaloesal lise mei'ng SUPER GOLF SALE GOLF SHOE SALE OVER 600 PAIRS 0F 0 MEN'S & LAUMES' SHOES ON SALE NOW VTERRV ARE GEORGE TIDD GL LBS OHR A SPECIAL! 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