Landfii sites filingqukl Gaerbage restrictions could hit horneowners faet ee impeee tise fo gui a p setio be e t he haytt et ceeratv Restrictison cnen ameeni sea Coiceciner Pal ijne a in le term e bd cvc inn eeg n us Rase tgefison reideelc McKentie. McKaciele said npnence bacid inehal 'esci ce,giisty tenc nolid ceact eced leteieins1mn iellcbdrrin en bacseia lde reslricted managemnt bel te bashaveti bapoed ilsinithe piii bout garbage haeta 10o peîlleg oct only c certain province biadt sel gitan ina sent the cs e n regice = t h rueclsdcep and somc acenlie ai garsoga. regins the cslisorlty ta desl fiedecm lc ta domp gar- gcrhage ci isoucsils t "The prohibitinsa e bave mIls tee peoblene. isage. biig picedup. in elleraare nelylthellp ofthe Ha sciet teere waccc nead TIsai mae tee mcreieg Megre saiet tee reelcicties icehart, l'noalrctd. I molt bale for pressure ta hieogis on Otrecler Of Regleesl Woccls a Intenede incier esy la, ta teinis of tee riaction me'lI ina province for amnemens Bais Moore gae ta Ragleeal privais lircea est mnicipal gel finira tee pubieo n lsd." tu provincial hegielalian tedt Coneeil Wadneday. Mor pecisere or individued Mooe int aibampi ta mnisd niaise il esser ta opus ecld merbace ai tee regise's recideele. Bol Mor said tee bide is frustrction cse t nt odfii cites. thee foedfn esies are snt he mises restriction on decclhad mbatle ha lacis lea "Ils lise salne nid stary ni rctaeleg le occept construc- isueeebldere msehd hae deerate situation lacr ine ine pendunem emtegleg tan lice vaishle ced leeri ececcry le icci crond inn regien. fer. lAc eeded laces tu neniol ci tee hlain elles coner. "Frcnisly, l'm disap- protert he in inoriIy groupe ceoarebuisooea taffdecisiee. fie ecie thnt none peple pointait I teins me ore fur- bai nom te lei haeg in- Thsedecisicececefibal pst loin colccting gerbage bad teer cmcy fronm hcving o terprcled s etrctiy Ibat me chaic April 2f. mielelcepreleet tee directive landfillite nom titan me mccc canit do onyting foe ine Moore caid tedt decleton aed biadt lait came refuse inte ce years ago. ntctority. ban dcsme tee mrcs frest front of fhones. "I teinS mc "lhAisehosld ha a simeple "We are lota a dilliculi ntnmbcrn of tee publie ced bacc tisai etralgBleed out public morba problens han probtent and ica, people construction firmeuse bhave nom," Moore said. turned letoac legal nenraca, realise hom dilitoisi il te. dnpeende nlclainllien ce a Mooe acbamledged We are loto tesginy legal lAcre gettieg nombare tete place toi dcnp ceisOla. restrictios mini bave 10 hae dchcye, no malter mhich mcy moy," Moore salid mite o More cece reepnndieg taca inepeeed on îeedenic me go." delisîte trace of dieguet aed question pul ta iba hy Actan baseisid manie an mail. On Mosre notet tee province frstration in lisn sice. tase.tiai .e snw ils place, lisera a no adce notice. Siges mccc postact and lise limat toads mccc reiued. More sait! iere would bc adverlisemele wntieg cilizes ai lise restrictions isclere lise restrictions os houeehold grahege are lt- Gteorgctown Catieillor Roy Boohisaid ise ws aedoup wth lise sitation. He eald isy cefustlg ta accepi macle tise cegion ea ecauagtsg people to dentp reeinscavines and aeymbcccclatisey cae lied. Hc clainte t lis wce aleady ielg dose inte emiddle of lise elgisi. He noed lsd iGeorgetawn bcd cntiacised os c progiran lst lccltured lise separclios of gacisage ai source. "Il isolis me grcctly lsdt me bacc le accepi gaebage iccm thse saine type of Pregtant' That comment de citicism front Actos Cot- cillor Pat MeKesule. McKenzie said, 'Counctitor Booths beoma bleody meti that tise project in Georgetown is spansoet by t ie Minstty ot Esvirosmest and the Ministry chose Georgetown. if l t! choses Mitton ce Actas tl taoud ise ccerhtsg theee as wl. Milten Cosocittet Joc Watson sauit lie ouppoeteit tise ides ai hoteoes separatiog thetr garbage et source andsaid! ie bitaen- couraged a basesn the coltte- tics iboittles, tis and papees eartiee. Bat hie ctateted Public Wachs Chatestas Jacks Baills had staeghed the ntattec off. Tise eegio hiadt pegged alt sc eta thse Site F sn Mitteon Bat noa officiats are saytg tisat isecense ai detays bhey pceisaity wen't hase bhat s te tcee ced tisey dea't issoa weiat ta de eti tise daity moudainseof arbage in the tceeetime, -Peopte iseep saytog te me, bic Moeee ceiat is yeee alter- cative-ciat sa yoetc cas- tiogescy plas' Fcacisty. Mr. Mooecdoeesntihave a con- tisgcncy pltnc t deet hec', whist we areg-icg to de," Cisaiestue Rie Meccam satd cetsideofthschatiben tisat tise cegicc isad speet a lot of ccecey stedyi peteettat teodfilstes ccd stade a peliticat decstes isasled! cil tise ctadies. aie satd tise canctil isc tcttcced att et tise legs] steps and is tecstrcted infcomation bey isave cs Hesautdthseeeceot decsec ai justice iSouthey added detays acd caesed preais tac every stuetctpattty ciu tise procince. **ecase et tise ie teepeetetico et tise tests itt utost impcossibte te hsave e site apprcced. Nlerrce 'tae he ecpected bhat stastcipat associatiotts aeetd ise peesoceci tise province tcyccideleder- si, He sed the profitest, s iscadeetiace isat tise eegions haectecsdiction tc deatewits ccdcdicutedt ilci e b avc sone leadersip trost tise province Halte ttegicc tcct chat ws hped tu c ae pssibte tu Site F lien the paile site pvapcoed hy Wste Maneagement Ine. was ttced dams by the Environmnta Assessont Board. That liace had sntvded te truck Toronto garbage irom thse city to Maiple. ofiteat, tccnt tisat tient hall said tt',ttce could uethesan ste if approai mas obtained. cosder tise statcal procided isy Miltncon cuitants alu ta reviees the rgion pstion mh respect c, landtll and ceuste manageet generatit' Toronto,. Hamilte-Went- ect attd Halte', areai tacing at ceetdble aci stainf hycnt finit approveed sites tor dumtping getisage. Volume 118, Namisar 1 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, M 'Scarp Iandowners warmn up for Bill 129 scrap with Davis Parersc and Icedomece liecllyoflOntariolarmers, iareanead is fieVYeas vidai pomned ost peopey cosultanto misa a n iconels th ele ie rclted lise troupe, mis ago mal ceacoacse. Nom escip sone of tefluie a r cPentrose, sadi ha tise Niagara Esccpnl eeeee ise ce c ischybhave tumclisdomn dsy mental igis inCaoada.O Hte NE pvvsm Niagara la Toiscrneely, ced ieg d Itie flcvories ce ocds isecause isece are su saieti he Canadiec Bd i f mo hav casyseot mise aareeed sp lac lhisci batie lise "Hait, boilthlie gang's att macy delous," s"td Vidat. Rtgbls cteaety stestate lsd todomneen invotsoiartty go mils lise Davs (tocermenl bccc," "Home Os Tise "Fac lise NEC tu eute lisat misece pcopecty cigisancd sribu deisi miisoul isscmg ae lise propenale ai lise Range" ced "Wbeo Ils tisey expeciiise icail tucecint civiltrigbtsconelincoOilict, iorcemed any oey. csccrpritee ptanning ced Spetinte ln use Rochies". isy gond mitli s "pie cn tise tl s lise atisec citi cigis "If they dosit get yoe fac devclopeet cl ie ce otd- NECRA Prenideel George sisy" isecase gond mttt te out misicismuntc givc may. iasiened contry cally. last Sisepierd ai Siselissece ucged tise miedoos no." Jint Whbile, a seet-eoaploycd (Costioeed as page 13> Wednesdcy sigisi. landomnest enllt lisete MPPs Mare titan 2000 ef titae 10 calisis lise Ail and eevcc Cu rom budget repreccnieg tiere gcocpe, pane solser anc ise il lise Niagara Escarpenn "taiR 129 th ie calpeil," Cea e r A me hase hae pr"emen tacd mn t a allen, (NECIVA), lise Niagara marnes living on Ibis esceje- Enaepene Noern %WS.- am*n inn' he last Me -y«eeeem u i y a (NENRAt ced PORA, c lisere basn' e aue cnecei :Na eaieill e ell dev oe cse i c a n el payera' geoap, lllled tee "We occept u cal by- grandatMes Hantdo statatl sise "a" mant truse tar couc sentell luoc lowccteeloa Occanele ltacemcy. Speaksers ecpped tha Niagaca Esecpmeel Coin- mitaion lac ptactng 100 mnY restrctions on Iceneers ced decibise tise planntng ced develapee ac, taill 129, ce sedemnoccalic ced ton ce' bilcary. Roapayea caccyitlg ce aneocismeet of aiglas eccdleg "Brceaks tha NEC" ced "Scrcp tha bcacp Commeission" mccc urged tu trveto Qeel'n Paris, loneorrom (Tl'sidyt, an scigct of support lorac privcie tniser's iltl mInro' dtsced isy Bais McKeeoocis, MPP for Grey. le hie iltl, MeKese asa cattedl lac csltieg done af tha planning area ta inclade oety the 'ticorp ced the 'Scccp Proecion ores, permtission fer cil e lsting tots ce ai Peiscsery t4, 1978, ta ha gronleet davelaptacel permlita minisn ose yccc ofiapplication oe parcbaeed isy ina gavare' mnttinsone year of appli' collas ced appeca on developete contrat decisieno ta h eard isy the 0MB ralier ihne thn Minielry. Enlectoisar Viece Mount- lacet, star o aI ny o FeU Fair and Garden Partyand along- issecasceals. Tise itgist te junt hegtesotg," ectd Shapherd. Siscpbecd coud the peuple te lise Pccey Sosnd, Mucscisa ced Hlibsetas cegione could ciscsp sotseday andltind out lise Gaseremesi has dose the nonce thieg, il ito no ntapped. "Tise NEC isas becs tnt' peda pan us. Itteeo n elected boedy and me mdll sel occepl il," salt Shapiserd. "tihoutdn't tond se vantrnt baedoute hy elerted officie ct tise municipat ete?" Fced Dcveepnri, pcccideet oI NENRA, repoeied is gccsp nom bas 1,028 menthace ced lie cemenhrnhip milI catIe for ooining cccs titan abolition of Bitt 129. Jint Vidai, pceetdeel of PORA, eaid hecs se raie- paescoeg ia recmrntn a ein 10 gbattIs lis NEC la vantro NEC te thaer oser- pomerisaf aclncd ntenthes. Tiscyce carloinly coolcibut' tng le ineir ame dentise," lie ecid. Vidat msred tisaI viotence ntcy reslt isecasse il's going la heconte harder foc Beuce Trait binere 10 gai on tai peivais proeaty. "Tise relltionship halee Mittcn' t7sntunity Day celeiscatis, beeld anesatty ce Juty t, isave isees 'tas cetted. Toms ofiiit isdtcoe tisai tise discontinuation ai the popua evenimcasntade neeeocy heccuce oi budget restrictions, The esentmas expecte'd ta ccci $2,500. Tise osnsat esentifeaitued band concerte, amtu nsows, swmmning, cOntci' uins 1cr tise yocngniecn aed tha evesteg firemocis dts- ptay. Tise firemocis dtptcy ctmwayc alicacteit buge cromds. Cromdsctinged thehceisnof the ntitt pond ced tise liem merba aeee set off Iront tisa KeIgZIlIlpoelY, Mostlof hine dy's l. o lites look place le Rotary Parks Tise cul mon part ai $100,000 Poris ced Recresion Direcice Larry Arit sut Iront tise depacîtmentat budget ai tise direction oi courncit "h te tise une tinte ai tise yesr mises penpte conte front ailloner towa, to get togeiner," caid Miltas Couneitor Rose Harcrison te o tetepisone inter- vient mus Tise Cbantpion. "I mcc veey tapsel mises tbey cul could not understand whyithe eseei sheutd cst $2,100 ced nuggesIed selutaeer betp ccutd reduce tise cosi io ntalle tise day ponsible. Mayor Don Goedon said hie thoughis t as "a ehonte" lise sectal day coutd sot hae cete' healeet as te puni yeaco. Thse tam tact yeae ceceîved a $,OW provincaltirast t help mils cosie as, part of tise peovtece'n ceteiseatias oi tise Qucenes tuhitra, octet Mr. Arit. Theeaasanoeofli tis yea icugis, cnet tise esesemonschoses atosgmwtb leone tise budget. Mayor Gordon sggted c contnuntty negonticlion ntight conte formaed tu elli ntaie tise day possible. Tise tomo bias donc nclhieg ci ibis tase, bie sait, bust ade bie cispectee tu ioors mile tise Poeiss aed Recccc- lion cffise te sc misai coul ha done. "I tith e tome han tu, ottent te, do stnteteieg for tise day,' octet dri Metaneon, Mitton cosicittor, odding dit il ooing mon donc te the mecis haioee use ,iuty 1 cele- heatton, sonting shostd hae dose on July t. sot oi actictty,' bie cas. ieed, odtslittg hie mon sur. pctsed ta eacoc tise event bad hees cotsptctety choppad Iconn tise budget. Mr. Meanssacssggeeted comnttsity service clusand tise biess ntpcnvetest centnittee miaisi ha inter- ested cn ietptng est mitis the doy's actisitien. -l aceder il unothar look ai tise cost coutd not lied sonne may oi moiictl posesie," naid Men Haeeison. Mes. Harrison soidltheitoa, had otst tant it minlec cor- ninalt Tist aibit once isean vas by vetssters, toises one hy tise tomsi and tises cacealled. Innttsppace thece is a giosat mieteeeacsicat bseldi aI Ketac. Gabvitle, Hottes Hitte, Milton and Haltes Iegtcs Conserva' lien Auihoctty teinty sponsoe Tise btggest cst of Cein' mntiy ay is the reorks, atch t a cst of$OMicoutd bie cal (ront tise daces pro- gramtifs,'cescacysbe said. Prccntoflceeshimntl couid atse ha incceased io deicay Tise peputue soap bas deeby, spoosoeed isy use Mitton Etostes Clsub, mut sit ha hetit os July tasn Mois NDP stili without candidate Haltc New, Deneseratsar sut i tnoui a candidate In ruetinihe notiederat ridisg, Execulise stentisr Bill Johson totd tis papar usai o parn bias eopcecad inleccol bust lie basnci dercrcd buit- setlf Johnson soid tise annocece'. m as iseisg delcyed hae- casethe mn tes a pIcys ofitheinedecut gasevainnt. An seccus isedectoces ta n-s casii tac cilfr fice, ise bas te taite asae ci oh- Johson said the parly a iscving a meretainis wekto dieccen the etectin ced aI inal tines ni cny ne candidates aould ha ccPnr- led. itting ntenthr Franis Phihanois wiii rapresn e n Liserais ta is bld fer rn-alec' lion ced use Taries mill ha ccprented by 0110 Jeiei. 72 Pages 15 Cents AY 10, 1978 VOICES RAISE) in sang the Milles Chas- aitheF, mrcic a speciat compostion, A Dreare, soneties anieFlatscet a Oece capacity audience ai whtah was pcu'farmed Sunday. Milon f'igb a spricg musicale sn St. Paels Unitedt Chorch. Scheet stodecta Ruth Br'own and Kares Wisaley Tbe 50-voice momneos chotr, diFdCl5d hy Judy pravided fîcte accempasimesi white studeot Hooter cnd accompacicti hy Win Nemeit, marks Dan Warren. wtncr cf tbe 1977 Chanscnethea hos 101h anc veroary this car. In honaF cf the Bersary, gave a rumpet seloa anc vcrsary Becky Winsdhagcr. Mms Hunier's Somne opposition Board wÎiI debate fate of new Milton high school te especteet tc debate acd de- cide abetbcc et net t,, go, abecet at a proposed ccc' htgh scbet sn Melttes, msea t nteeisttnat'ce ntgbt. Tise Menstcy ci Edtaties eecectty approerd as ex peodituce cita5. mitttion for a cea, sececdccy scbeeti Milton, but use becret bac naser attettottY deaee mbethee tl cecaie go aiscai mets construcion etca nem scisoat Tise barde bas tisee cisoices. i coutil cpi lac c sec scisoot, cesocte Ersest Ct Druey SciSore de cctbtag ccd tcy ta cape ce tis ccu dtcg ce Miltton Distrct ittgb The bgb scole bec 'i portable atasureennto eancd use noceesi s cem scole coieti ha bist ced epueetli Sephentier of t9W. it maciet laisa leno tie ic eenoaute ECG, if' Ibai option peaves Dsrieg lise hast boaeet metaeing Tt"teee Bert Huston of Actan andi Bill Prientaca oi tastiegn satt thcy tell the bonard cochdn't juetifY s $5.4 Additionct portabtes ctitchue t ifsaytbtsg cs pcccded l osn't copecteet te taper ofi bacc t', he ade ut MDHS te sbcutd Ar mabei usof t acte r 198 05 capecmthba gemisi ect- spuce ut ECO. cct con- The nseacbeetce td in mtent in eptetshaer ftbtvctcctci ave scisotl cladecatiespuPt catcon yeaecond agctsnettyecc Hitte saggested bhat tise aesgcatd tactasses orthe ButFcieotnec suggestedt il prtectios shbcmcsi sn tccesubleeretacdet meatit be ireoponibi ta cceasedeesometctigbtsaot Fo ce eaco es "icNoth hudcacew chf b he mbebe e ha urae by o98ceseshe esseetue onpage 3 cecdli oet y n e s o escseeisupsedcco pen Public works Region avoids strike b ctctbe bN t107 ottde Tise Regtoac Ceescet en Negettatts bcd gene te c,,eec i e h a titn d,ec'ed cgid stansds taea byec liati'ttet cactisct csy tiegeei t'ubhic \Vcb thce manageent hegteee ýetc,,t ea clted ttcgtceat Dearinn - ii e ýessic atei,,e,, et-!te'e , ýe'i, f C,, ee,'>n oclte 'vten union aed maneage in tachi thcc biad beet stceog etiifet mcstsegcteatccs ageee apes Tise ntemhacotp bue ecces et opiston bat tise itege a seultement. Tise setitleoent catitict tise agrcentent bsct ie tisttons mere setlet seel oeeeomitb antsncease bas set yet gene haicce anttccty. ofIltpercent ove tmo yecese egal cocticit fineal Rail the eleine Thsemwes ee cc atbut c acceptasce. Tisai cote os saitetalie, the region coact cte Dec. 31mises eopeced tobe afontotity. o aveceloied key jbs thecld commect espred and The csstraettscueetepro- attbsupcerieory pernnel. lise ntehnip ai IPEW vsisonifoe a cooflivtingalt Tise morisere involved localt6t6hall otl 99 per centltomnce ta tise second ycae if saite eegtoest rocn ced te lasar of ctime ction le iltion rtel ntore ti usve stor on nemere, mater ced Febray. pur cent. secge irecimnees piants.