Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1978, p. 20

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B4 Tht Canadien Champion, Wtd. Apr. 12, f197M Limit 50 members Racquet club opens ush s iltcs tsta ha joicefiUtcGeargetame tons neent prisate rer- spart scmach,baemadetsure relaton club, te Miltan there liars mont for a squash Rucquel Club locatrd ait 22 caturt, raigro c Onario St.O meer ioaath iemer Orguoreers et..w n lro the crnj-ttatervi, huilding vrllent door club beld an apen bosse tht Fahert firm hauft a cre and demoautraliasl Friday office buildieg ait tht Ontaria eergtoa thelp istttaducethe St. site. sotta MUltan, and a gnd "Fua, ttliowsldp and fit- crod oa. an hacd. An ottit- nl ls jeur motta'" Tthoms ail oprning is piaasttd lter, ad"Susfiagrt suid club chairmat Gary Ssfssîivýamluaera Tbcm at s lu for peaple t a selg=prh The acqsdufe lu vlag5 lem, but they becoose tac- ot Fabert Real Estuteas atIlsutloeehygl Meilton office und lves in pfayicg tht galet' ha saaddt. Georgetaown. Threvaes ua The Mifloncluh la liled le qSPOR TQ with -Peter McCusker This ta the week ia whîch vie change fram wioter ta sommer sports. Not afficially. t men, there s n particulur side otf the moon Wr match for or there is n particufar bird ather thon BIsue Juys. But the Milton Minar Hockey Association bas conctuded play, the Charles Hatet af the WOHL bas bers knocked out of the playoffs by Grue Sheil ad the Sisaday Night Industrîi Leogue contd finish their playaffs this wtekend. On Sunday tht Miltan Merchants bacebafi club mutl be taking ta Bent Park, if weathrr and Arbic permit. l'vc alreudy heard commeats an tht appoint- ment of Daug Hyutt as caach of tht Miltas junior basehail team and if lanks an if me're in tor a competitive yrar, even if il is tht first. DSORCHESTER WINS tatermecliate B hockey fallamers wautd be taterestrd an knawing that Dorchester han mas tht Southera Caunfies tatermediate B League Championship for tht second year straight, with a 5-4 overtimne min agaient Dunavitîr Mudeafs. Dunavilte wns lrading 4-3 with 2:30 fa go la tht game and Dorchester tird tht content with 18 seconds remaiaiag. Tht OHA made Dorchester start Saturday against Gonocoque for tht Ontario Champion- sbsps. Dorchester 10sf 6-t Saturday and again 6-0 on Sucday, both games an Dorchester. But if mas also Dorchester's fourth game in four nights. If Dorchester manages ta came bock and wia tht verses il witt be their second year on Ontario champs. . MILTON TRIDENTS STAG Tht Milton Trident Stag Friday aight ait tht Haltn Sporfsan's Club mas a bomb. Only 3h mec sbowed up and a tram officiai tld Tht Champion the ctub aost money. Ht said f brrr was not ecaugh effort put ino selting tht tickets by tht players and tht enecutive. Tht arganicers were haping fo raine $400 for tht tram. Event ctub president Bah Bartirît wos disappoinftd. Tht tram wslt be holding other fond raîsscg acfsvîtses hetwttc 110w and Juty ta try ta aid their sagging porses. * . * GIRLS' SOFTBALL There are t6o girls registered with tht Miltan Girls' Softhalt Association which is stightty under tht 105 gsrls ptaying tost yeor. Tht majority of tht girts are f2 and under. Tht coaches and managers wilt start catting players Soturday for rep tram try-outs as Irep trams must be registered with fthe Hatan Rurat Fasfbatt Leagut by May 7. YU'KON EVANS Rav "Yukon" Evacs of Campbettviltt ted tht Itermediate A Georgetown Chryster Raiders in pto yoff scoricg wifh right goals and 13 assiots for 21tpoints. Eoacs mas shadomrd by Tam Dofey with cicr goats and 1f ossists for 20 point,;. SO('CER COACHES Mltton Youth Soccer Club credo coches. There are over 50Mitton youths registerd w'fh tht cluh Ibis year and caf enough men and womnen icteretîd ecaugh ta hetp coach, manage. canorce or referee tht octivfy. No ex- perierce vs cecessary as referer ng and coachicg chonies 'tif Se offered inferestrd parents and adults. Qniune Organuzational Meeting Farnlia of a K.imm Paik Te"i Chil LOCATION' Milto Memoial Aena 'T'homysoo Road) DATE: Thuesday, Aprit 2Oth, 1978 TIME: Thurnday evecing 7:30 p.m. Toaru a dincaaosli: Pappoai for foriatian oeni Cerlubo ù) Typesof use fnortiscouts siil Maintenance of teniscourts th - f. reom Clb sort 0neaO . .stss nae 1.sat en , ,a5g, .,w asesan ch ltos msSé Cou. ta mesner-tharebafdere. itiation tacle BtS17 and annual mtteblit duos ara $2mo, pasf ietther a fumrp suas o n aIl tiybta Af preacaft tc mmhtat liasf e hall tull and 'Thomas serlas no prohîcos in tdlliag if, jadging hy rariy itereat. Ontce tht 50 lirait la reaâchadt, tht cfub mat bt ccraatdtd attirera sea ta" feta.: Masamble Thoas serves tas hairsean and cammiffees ara tilag art up ta flook aftt pragruos, compatitsac, and brepice the basse in order. Euh memhtr rsta bey ta tht farifiy and tht doses twilht open 24 batt day. Thomas syn cari y moneag, nnahaar, vesage and wttbecds viil h the beaviesf tignes for squash. Mucy memhtrs fthe ta gef cn s gagne betote gat fa mrk ithermareig or daricg their An inclub challenge iadder onlhtb set up and pyerewgil adsue np tht iaddrr on a continuons basic. Luar a bouse laulgur mdl ht set up, andhbynextftaitith cbsirmac hnpos thetolp six or tight players rue represrct tae club in mner-el oh campaf- Righf case tacilities ae limitait and memhtentap ia ape ouf y fa mec. Thomas sauid he uderied tht club cachier and the taterrefex presurd hy men muas lO-tfUl fa chut came fronm wmn. Due FAST ACTION mas evident mhen Mil ton Becquet Club beîd a gef- acquainted ai ght for members Friday, featurîng ceveraf gagnes of squash. Gary Thmas Ifefft) and Bob Achby comptted in this game, whsf e members matched tht action through tht large mindom in tht membrs' louage. fai spare lmittios, tl as caf possie ta bidd ecosgh facslttss for mied squash se tht mec-ouf y raie upplita. ak iThere ta ouf y one ebamtieri. But expansion lit a laler data T ak a les adefinile pcsibiify, he Friday'a pragram icf ded B e k asmatchbete Thomas ucd B r a 110h Auhby, wt Ashhy seciasig thrtr gagmos fa tm. ___ Guests Bah Marchnd scdnîf ItoU Eaefmasd, of Gergelvinmct RC pfaytd a demonstrufac ionur fumne, thac detasird Ashhy M ra and Thoas eaeh hy 2-1 oo Aabby is urtîve mith tht î, Brumaica club and be clf ht ateistica Thoau mith Smail boys are Utce ortfiie flestions far Ilm Milon clbfshSars Tbey gel alanf cer mrmhter. cri e wihout see MILTON MINOR HOCKEY NOTICE Proposed changes or amnendmnents to the M. M, H.A. Constitution Articles and/or By-Laws M.UST be submnitted in writing to M.M.H.A. P.O. Box 37 on or before April- 24, 1978 Tht antenge pencil lesi haceas long, clfb faet qaarter-lscb traser-a' case oaa fhnught cpslîssism ens dad. You kaoif tbry ocre really strious about sac 106 gallo' lice, tbey'd let us able U- tomns eceysehere, Et at f lest yeu do s Oc ced, try, try nal ta hr icnuffrahfe. Trouble withbeitng a leader toayislttyau can't bcsure wether people se lollowing ynu or csicgyou. Faf f n the crnad lu Murray Iîcud Diriv'e-Intlebt ofIîigb- .Il 25 on Streles Ale ., f78- 6108. TtsgeatI raU you te n fasfy lunchfbuf's e5y Ssiela I L'J:ly a 14 Point lune-Up OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 28,1978 COMPARE 4 cyfndm AND PRICES cmSAVE ___49 $2 3995 etîces suavIesacrEot PARTS Et LABOUR îîsoaaCLLD ROTOR l FOR MaSo oARS Heresnmhatmtedo: t lats.. îgoîîOved-t 3. Succly b vnstall tespar 4, Sucl 0Et b eta lle pointsanadcondenser S. Patttoclvaat blavîr SCheck 11. btrcap. col, rm r 8. Check andaoetlltiming t Ctlcaalbtatt ta. Check P C elt- tl. Che adiîctldl. t3. Chckl tel conrenvn tOayIsîtîoast 4 wheel brake RELINE special cavansonva Il4f heele Re ase u îc att die ReOack 1 .. t-t. gv ras aatbtes braire lights Ovaci ce Otee Rosad test vehcie taoiudiao dtrm te-surfacinÇe ( Parts and 1-abour) 4 wheel drum-gdisc brake special I I, pa0rat an fonet wee -,pl LilaItar i-O - Cbfacro tndo =mtIs cmataro braire -aki platesbl INcLUINeta - ( toEaROTOR se - --G79ý Verhelle sinks Charles Hotel comeback hopes dTppe fosrlse tthar wal morclag at Millt Memarla Grues qsslly a tcon- mnand set in atal tht oaoline trame te eryta wataac startd tramt Bel Baker and Louis Girard at l:31f e Utfrase. the scosnd geal mas ftred hy Gary MeMDaad te Girard cetttd hie stend saui and ,non Girard htfpad. Wit a M- festd Grues kept tht pare itl tht osld-fraost as Ket Mitrda osarcherd la le scra astad' Mas MUfjour bord Rlrk O'Docaci aeclut fat tma gale ait 3:37 ot tae second paricd and at 2:07 of tht tird. lth cas tt ras2 oceyaalg tufllt in mnth etallaw..le Bt aity hel ite sssk Use Charta Maaf h4ra e tyheg tht gale t l Bull Hohara and Laduis Girard asuflg. Wlth tlgllf seconda lfat Loufa Girard tlred an ta)- tarante osarkta. ta gnose 0», Rsttlf's TomiaS masn't ready ta ead UsaIt asas and a llattfad Ocrrader'a Cnstrutiona ta a 5-5Sdram. Ruasaltuare demna gaailer te opentag fugs et t-1to le hrcedera. Ray Chlthaha bad a hesutftu day for Rustefa trariag faut gas and bsd Don Milford ualssrtng on ail tour. Tht ather Russell tally vrsby Milford, aaitlatd hy Ttry Adam 'and lItnnie lise Stbrotdtr scorlsg ws led by Rusty Cleapat sell ptfdapair sell Dee" Coesrt, lamr Desan assd Sud MrKay natted slegtra fer Orllroeders. Thtsae wnet o tsa aiile seUllogaut Gras SIelin ta Us -eau dllaospbneMp flash. tasrentsiae oreillsesss . jSolltae as se== ht. t M. 0 OmShine P= 7ADM setseU e.7 Cester 3 tai 10. Casa a for M., tuas 4 ters, eauy atsoraa, asslere5 Mike's Barber & Hairstying is pleased ta announce the appointmnent of Janet Howard Cunneymorth. Jan brings with het four vears of experience je Milton. We feel that Jan will be a valuable addition te Our staff and help us to better seroe out customnets. Jan is Iooking forward ta having ail ber aid ftiands aed custoters drop ie ta say "Hello". Mike's Barber Et Hairslyliang 148 MAIN STREET OPPOSITE THE BANKC 0F COMMERCE 878-3916 ~J(~j~I~3and koop your oyos open 0ý M ý for botter sav.aga an fine foods & compare yourpricos Oeiî ,." "i Beautitut Madara Far Dances-Weddings- Banquets capoct yup ndl40iOpIeo ~<878-2460 ( .5 Alier bates plte ilS 878-4903 n 878 6527 a.9 c Cbristie's 1DATE TURNOVERS 59Ç ' Wonder 100% Wbole Wheat BREAD 2 forS< FRENCH FRIES 2 lba.hag Il tor MINESTRONE SOUP 19oZ. o %9 g', Oen.n~daril ale. IOnly Front Wsd. ta Sat. 6 pu. Fs No FaEn T PORK LIVER &qr lb. STEWING HENS 29"lb. Tasto Tender PORK HOCKS 49s lb. Swifts WEINERS lbh a 8117 Lean Tender CHUCK STEAK 9"lb. Lean Tendet SHOULDER STEAK %9 9lb. Fresb Lean PORK LOIN CHOPS $3 Ye awis pe BANANAS lb.15 Can. No. t COOKING ONIONS 101b.490 U.S.A. No. t TOMATOES b.49' JuicySweet Stan 138e SUNKIST ORANGES dat 59e'o Aylmer STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRYJAM 24oz. Chrittrn CRUSTY LOAF 16oa. 3e fo Wondert HONEY WHEAT 9' BERRY 2 for 1 Wnnder HOMESTEAD BREAD 31$1 591 ONTARIO ST. S. (AT DERRY ROAD) Om25 878-2952

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