Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1978, p. 14

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14 TheoCanadien Champion, Wed, Apr. 12,1978 Developmeflt okayed Crawford Lake project goes ahead after ail an = t0 DaCoott. iotitJen ,:d $ av Olgt te vl etoatCt t r tiotoed lte undatton to atd Crawford Lakte wouid ite oervatiOn Servies Bill constrtuction of ale trtott ttymn tai- Jo Aloi a . pa=Wtglti lieinsa t pro cetr a t tr- lieW080 dvtpto otdto tdieng ar edwtiit taidot ptentr round oecurity pteole for lte tanil about a hait tediion dot- votng in fanrwr odo opetaltlt eieo oe i tleur y aý orra ge u a t ptat'in fo Up n lo ft theen o n am lt tilO o e e to t i p t 8 Tie lv ngqIl;t a e ie O r a l ci d a ea t ia.t o m d B Ioo to o lioeTihen o 0 u c en t r e a di ooo e i t ate tht'0 f eo o tIondation w a a g t h uiat e vra i ehab il it h h f e l m en t w otdd. Mep r i lt n e u c t s rc i ie B ie r p e e l iv l R m i o r .or aite o o n- I Aie t o aaî'. efeo el b lte utottyo p ble o r tetr oei hH petecnr.p prt he Br as iep en g M r a ot Po M oeol e ho ot t rld anwdt Afe arring ema nthait te l upa tin lit p fe or. aei f si g lite t'0da proprty SoTheli vi f uav r Beb eltaed tefa tar e H M r w ati -ppdeda p ria owooil. e projeet~~~~wul lit prpiarteh ofe, oua tittcebotnnioddt=one itrive VndSothu htaahi ocultbargltlt, laerotprnn om 120 aoaad oii coernIhl Mt. ilogne ua tea su ilaLu a e Consetrvaton of in l t he oP e telddB C eat otion wad lag sati i d litera prohi e su wod itde HMCr.eeri Maae acta.e Mdeeolg lt ra wllroerl ha E . B AaturtY R A) ad a emitet li t e a toi tya ' tbt lit tuoalama aod pul c se ,o l t e l a tna e lo tinoadtaig On a ec dd vt, lte nreite 'ail t ce Paitty l o ootl ite fo ch agen anate iolmn etptteuiebYnh o peae og lnd "vtt e o t re Zk IeH C vlein tuea m io infyt fgin ohcwodd toytoo. oMhos. ali ouom ali te f specini entb'f tat rpri s ntpae ad in lt e eit us l MsHabi s aidn te a r opotdn Sle o itn idcae liautorof l aa-i tn a t m t Te ole a Be 0 Mr. cWdton cetpo aitet dvlja tt nld ar . ns te i h r a ait teo r the weea it ui tu eo tnt r a o dev l P t i nt et h o t he la f ytp u i ~ daro yd e d it a eaue or b ig er ted l a rrat C ng m n s lt a nrid Co i e s o m 1,0 titee O pp ala lin hi c ai o ta ie So n eaid li a b o r oie'ta p caî e eoi et , fC thet go p C etfo dL e . it HRCA i rote tio on - t h so b o," t . a r Lits pepr oy Gafterai Mn agte r th aneMet developongte on tig b , a u o e oe th d v l ae bu Hrepote Cnsrvtin. Mherey lite pule ged malite onep re redote i t heoo o aoede thetuble laHitinlas hud hmo aont o d he y Auhriy (HC)ha iebrste ordain a uteit h ftooteeli oint antt for Atpe o visie in d the a aird Btion ingan reptOf n h polility h e epn ittiepret Ih et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ________ hega te th heoreit lit ghoo rprdt g hn oter h R on chang of eartfolloing bas beau indictes he athorty la ahea wit theproJet wa He blo tleed0ita1111 atot y dota ttraOOO m sSstplae ad gven he allt ules a sgniicat mjortY ":very"' e in the Impct f mssie th prble arse specai eetng estwee f m ai y urnd iterstedin rotctig te crrie ilto hre. CPCe withmemersotA Coner-of aisng fndsfordevl 1) ofthememers as n fvor lek de , o iton n beaus th Unique characterstc makes lake vuinerable The cet'eert aitout proec somethngiteenotodyhallas and sold lte laite and lion ni Crawford Laite relate of rgli nom, site told te nu udtog aenagle te te lus vuarabiliy an a Ha tot Reglon Conservation HRCA. Asotitet bayer in- teerttectc body of wa et. Authit y tt meet teeated inthtepropetty ai the In ordinary lakente tep Evidence of iontgtUt timewas a develpe wio layer et water crctila ee wit Sas iteen encavaleli along piot budld levet' homes theobotom uayer Craotiord wihportons ofpotiu vel a=an lte laite tecaflod Laite oa unique bevause iland axse eman nofe aniais Ototit Harris BIOCA chaite doesoo tavet'hos inveeson and pecen of catat'tHd co mat' procen. litebottot layer L andeenTe matetals ae HRCA plana call for an oteignent Aay tetg mi v it tg asolyoed ity lte Reyal tnteepret ve centre over- fansIthe C011m oi the 80- Otarieo Museum. lnoitg lte laite. Tht centre tuai deep lte nteyn tiere. The University et Western ounld bouse educationai But lte tact. of circulation Oterio bas otiereli 10 belpi dioplays, itouoe living teano the lobe t' higitly sus-' milS reconstruction of lte quarteta lot oecuriiy per- ceplible te lte danfers of site. Il lte orke indone pro- sonnel and povldeuavuotage poutionotlttit wud resuîl petly. lte village telil ho lte pane oitotrviog tht laite. tene ta lire iteiog uned lot ot'ly tt'e eecotntructed Tit fto iendataoo nwinming, boatit'g or authenlically, commetttel putteitting OnIy goided fishing Bill arwick, HRCA'sgrupu ovii tht lat but. Sectral yeatt agon,the i- director of conservation' The BCre Tralimaen covtty of Indiaen maint' pullen services lTe unavuilaility ltogt te cnevlo at the bttet of lte lte andi ai elm barit, itomever, is ora. Althoai the ei rl tht oinding ni Indian artifacte drawback. oleues the Gutîpý ientri la the tea iy local carmers Crawford Lakitest formai traita attraci ithe te .the led te lte speculation an as a tenait of mater tent t'oth aide ni the laire. Indian village eoested nearby. meltmng glaciers eroding the Titsaed tothe ditroverY ofan litentene in lte orea feott Thte fortee Homard tarte Indien viSlage. holieveli Iota ut'detnnath. Eventually. the eiticb adjointd the Crawford Huron daling to lte 13th dome collapned. leving tht peopurty la being actbvely ,em. Century. This otan diocovered steepsideli, seven-acte luite farmed at preent aod t'.l t nort ot thte laite. Until HRCA bougitt tl ie protaitly continue lt e put te AccGrding 10 Louise Hebit, 1969 te laite mas omneli iy agfricultural ose. A holding ARCHEOLOGICAL DIG chubeman of the Conervaton scceive fenteraliongofv nursery han ahao Seen year-oid Iodian village aL Fundatin, a fenait chaeged Ctomlotds, membeto ni an mstebiistd on the 1,291acre' of Crawford Lake. SEl eith the tait of raisneftunds old Hamilton' district juin purcel of laod miticit tealles 10 reconutruct the sillage and tatîso lamily, otho main- ttp the total conservation pt the laite, tht village le tained the etea caeefolly lTe aires. Sotee 200 aces et bunit- oo th1e oldeat in Nete and Ctomiords ielt the proparty landi armundi the laite wil ho lTe oteatheroean la pre- South Atotrica. 'We*ve gel sitvuld paon in public boodu prenerveci. dicliog anoter cool oteebend, Roots Bousfields revisit Texas birthplace Tht BotatiHida frot He ut'd hie mite, brothera They foornd lte origiual Mutet' ecently spent toto Tom aoit Gerge and titeir farte mhtre the Houafilda oteeksainTexas, earcingo out wives and Mre. W. (Leursl iead ibved feont 1920 lit 1931 lteir "rootsu and t-eterned Beustttld(theirtmetherltleot andi telitel 015te gracions hatetallertan enjeyaitie trip te Housltn Match 16 andi people woe ootntd tl Titey and tour rtema big statot agone f oo vioted the nearby choo Thtejooeneyotas titeideaeo teceefg at Lfotd othare the Boue Jackt Ooufield, woe ont ltey stayed ine Galvinaten fieldsitad gone teclassesuand in Texs and itas alotays Corpus Citristi andi Hatigett teeh maoy picluren te remind monted togoitacitand seetithe tetete eeaching the Boy- thetof et vieil. Hatlingenoêtres in the secte- mond-Lyfoed ores mbeee 'They ain vusitedt w15 eaat pari et the Lese Star Jacit eau tare, a teot tiet* oadnd eieShye State. north-went et Barliogen. tetHowa and Neet o15uyer - Wioter Tenons" au the viniteo are caltadino Halne gen and manogai te, motb in an evening et meodern square dancing th teh1e Seituyieen. Later titey lotrad Soutit Pade Island and Jack caugit a 32 lit. drumefuih inLagttt' A WSOPPERof a dttm Madre. (Tht tiait average t5 fîsh (32 lbs.I wan caoght paundal. by Jackt Bousfieid on a Tht grop oteot et te viobit t0 hin birîthpiace in Laredo, Sun Antenio and Texan. Housto itefore flying hote Morcit 30. 'reatteent tee tigit bltond Hg tiibt ieclude tht penure teuet ho prectiited enciteteentteing; Jacito ter toi pten ndivtthtally. JACK AND TOM BOUSFIELD are Bbtured ut itopiace, cotciting the btig Ot'ly ymrdctrEe owe the Texan farm where Jackt was hru. yes fiit, teeri tee Joitnon te treat ynO. Spuce Centre in Houston, The tintgs ARE btig in Texas, they found ot.t Aloteo an River Woth i Sa Steet regulot medScal Antenio, a trip inte Miexico ctecit-upu le yeutit In frot Laredo, and the geat fatellbesotite a hiofe etofitigit itospitity efth1e Texas btlond prenssure tee condition CO G A U A I N O peoppe. can itegin at an t'atly elle. * NGR TU A I N T __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1W.- 768 Banting Crt. Winner of Mlton Tidy Cars' J) Iv, .t ee v Fr.. Prs -A -Shil Drav t.. 'f h a ,Ire 'I Ô se' Mhr. Rogatrs opltoel lte develOptlnt becattt lte tltertiOg colit otlntatod at the lait operolion wostdd we te hot bots ity the trseBbli soid "it uider contituion lits taiadaion sMto aailttid, ho raines ois celle" littea. o aler la est; ap a edat- nItmd. Service chahol tI ho Ialoher avne ofa Zin. ie coenteid. a AdirecW taff atasma oçosay appronain ad min tent tmolaipaliliel, tNiagara , rlsst atialin, Wlnaata aad Canada Cosatel for lire- sdln ai ith denaoagtt M IO FRI MARK- reveated vile of 608- tout one-hoîf mile north rks in pîclere mark DAISUN T-SHIRT CONTEST WINNERS 1. BRIGITTE BRUNKER 2. MATTHEW ADAMS . DEBBIE BULL 4. STUART THORNE 5. DANNY BELL 6. JOHN MACFARLANE 7. LYNN WAREHAM 8. DENNIS WILSON 9,RYANVALIQUELTE 10. SHELLEY HAWKINS Il MELISSAMcCUAIG GULF GASLINE VOUCHERS $10. VALUE ~'oca1 ALBUM MrS MAINAAS2NR.M EDL .MS OC OSL Tb. boutdins « tpo-det oal thl. boudinst.-d t.o St. att. tl t. a. natdetn. The brtck biltdng (hott .,lt d boa tno, dI.nppnnd ttt'si the Courtt St. tatln. toal hlotett geut illarusstt. I'th ,nttn ptetple nttctdittt Br. C.H. H«attp, Sio I titH ,t Soclttttto SeAt. Il8 pý t.,a Milton' Ctralt Llhoa,. t,,ttt nd patleipntttln hr5.t't B ;h,,,t'.k,.t,,p, Preby'I. Qt.tlty 1 ltttt-tt Il it, tt43 ytetth1 .. o tt prnd. h- «. ... tntmtohntrlvtet okI teu oo aiIornmvread offictiet. cIt -eor F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSURANCE Stervttg Sicet1934 216 Main St- Mille. 1178-2326 THI ày SRPEC o9e MPLE 491 L fI u 1C 59e MOATE STREHOR eO1 Io F l 5 111.9 P 11 s(fjr a 9 5w 7 ý GEEK'S 79A,, IPlS M9, M' MRPFRI M185 MER MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL s sponsorinlg HYPERTENSION DAY in the interest of the people we serve April 19, 1978 -7.30 p.m. in the hospital classroom Film, slides, litorature Romource Person: DR. D.S.H. BELL Internai Medicine COMEANO HAVE VOUR BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKED

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