Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1978, p. 12

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12 The Canadiev Champion, Wed., Apc. 12,1978 Shoppers like Iow prices No-namne generici $8O,OO AUCTION SALE SALE CONSISTS 0F: Beady ta assemble wall uvins, gon cases, bock zases, home entertaivienel libcary mail luvîts. decocasol plantais, bar cellaretx, tes wgv.sofa sots, lampa, mutresnx, - lorv fo eecy oom inthe home. ONE ONLV ITEMS: Ove olectric sewng on cvBraevlcc lidv a-Bcd. Consignmentl of Avvî,cav gonds ta he dis poe of IyCoela utos 7130 pJIL aocu TERMS: Chergex s Master Charge Peraonal Cheque Cloverleaf AuctiOns ý ~Esîne Fo mcsdmaslssncslen sam: 1-41874190 p - v I0 )roductS are a hit nbrando, Mr. MattbeeS mre solet in Ontario in four at 12.9 fo e ped, sfI l lîd the o-o e Laaws advertie =afg f Arabie, cefflesaello at Ieo=teO aobr type of fromn if te 40 per cent iflfslre oslafr$19.No-, )nootion. Promotfons geerfc predocta. AfS lte ..mb. ac sold f.. . cetsa eady used by gravera are milon stor is lt :0 for lU nOcs ic an osofaCsrec' afl ai one fancy tomate Jufles, 48 omount af Chloresldafor feu ar sd ea, ceas nellfng ot 59 9.9 orfl oy t cnsslrl cnt; 1001fancy 1900 bieNatfonal Greers sa fou feader, =bcbae uce 40 -=nen 0f : 83cet . Z eif hetiser t' go w-prced item used t' drow No-oume apple Jules front genece Lbais pasl d ple 0aStr. coorentrate, ebo ' 40 15 Mor .tm ilo 0 l;pe bt 00-99990 sellera ai VuIen wa p=fe ai 55 =efo Sixteen are carreda blawhies baeba ott et;Vllaiîs apple joice presnt in the Milon store. ceappe jiceen cofee fr99co ncentrate a0100 cent' Generit labellOng, altsougb r. regrnao says. He added for 40 ounces. Balbe no-uOne neor t' Canada, bas ben blawo doenn't enpect Ille and VolaPlias mere labeileet acournd awbile. Tbe concept yt'g t' continue ai Ohe "Prepared for Sunfresb began in Fronce and was me fantsstf c pace ou Ohe Fonds Uàmiteet". piced opby supermarket' in vmeek , orben 250,110 unit' No-name coffee mas priced tba Uni te 00. e: - m ' ' - ay Otos Derînîllb odverlisieg budget, Mr briocur Sotatnn 13 pe cet ai Lik eeryePre ch., 10 or goxanh nosfuoe igefsiOa Lome eerywerducia i> Tbri, n acif ob' nd Oe loy odvertsid a l pY avnsoaie le n ýnI avrie "IMton are seiiing libe bot l ireug pprunif cuyib b 'caZ Ihe»,> cakm. u~nd bpu yitng are pennd orond, o am b r -Tbe movemnl ban been on t0 coosurneir, bie ouid. am rpisîtl aceptabl 010 pbemflai.reports -ac Houne tirond differ f--m nte- l for moirclu m Parer mcxgcrolLoialn no-mame tradut in Oit mcnt'.m mdI ntore "Tbe licol nbp huebad r ogio Accrirding t' Mr. BreOin, ep mnt cIereoiiflw h' houni ra s ro e dcch n Il products are labaratry a sa arLoil' Super supplicr e oennurccaonlnieflcY. and consumer tetd 8 o q lot Save bas n nooielIe1- Theconnsumerr Ibe l ame, muni mei rigormi uiiy p lme tadao Oui praoicc scar o contrai standordn. ,.If National firoceco. Oie lirm rccr, in no-lamne .ad..u-cuimeluet p ye 1,. wbicb ban Oie Supe bve xmoent purcliaSel faaitem wilb Oie no-am itesOey Jo franchise, ia Iseepirg oa cime moy or may not comte fcom, won'l boy il otosilu M eye on tis laiesi deveiap- the samne sple. QualiyandoVa ax e Lx met Lbas uplie it tua factorn National Grorers ha ment. r L ro un t fu r. a ker tarexitudyiîg cfonely before sa ..We have aprogam e'e -cccraduci an Porin sber ecs o o looking at ndldil-<ecîdeo soid -"bCuxifonie con' hriîg mln a<eso o i get nia il, wr cac gel mia i in lhemhaItleydn c a oecy short lime,- laya them No oe bas'" Dwayne Matiheul, genecai choppera buyîng no-lame sales manager lac Natioal items ai Labiaux laY Oiey Gracers lîbe the lau pricen. Several Mc. Mtibaul said if the Salurday shoppeel had lirm dors opi for the pro- samopird a iru ai the pro- gram,ituwiilheoflerrditoiis duvis, lited ihrm and liadt ret'îilec as an in-store came hacks toc more, Tbey I *t -, lesature. mccc pichitif up odcer no- The source ofthe saing ou nme gouda la iry as el Generc producla are a r , to-lame pcoduciu, lies in dcfinite aig, sYBarbara elimîlatiol of icilis. rrduc Shand, presidrîl of the pro lion in advertixingfcaxts and 'inciai divsio f he Con- t opportuliltic huyîlf. sauy sumors Association ut Mdcc regmal, Labiaux Canada, -i wuud ice tae ee ,..eee. business stdiex manager. consumeex rcaliy give il a Packafes and containler, t-c, shc sy "I hope tbey are a standard raiher ihan a on~s'le snobberydiscourage custom desigl Tua calar them freim huyixg. blacko and yeliau1 packages She poinird out, boucler, aceued ralhc inai hemoce 1h01 xe badl fournd cheaper coutly paîkaging usîng mufti- haya on speciais of regular colîoOrgraphies Package proifuca. 'il stli meons il cm linixhex arr fiai caiher ihan consumeraîil temairc the glsny Uing plastic hags brai boy on the mackctpiace, im fu aiohaes soucI money ihcy shoulif pion ibeu' -25 centsin t he case ai shopping and look around." X delergexi In Ontario dcree grades ai Good tarc packaged rP food peoducix arc avoulable - large amaoullas joîce, lac laocy. choicc andastndard. exampie, n avoulable only in Leducihticha oîl lo uty , 1 the 40.auncesize, cînogor in andcoc 16"-000e sior and hatbrom Ai Lohau. i lu a o- on , tissue in bo-rail paks. lame produclahcrm CHECKING OUT Lob1ow Aldcaugh Loblaul dîd in- grade label, lomato lace and utisJyCloFfh vest in adveetining ta lauîch appir 10icr. mccc marked dul xJy aeOFit thereecand 'educate the taixcy and choice rcxpec- of six, Mrs. Coleinixiter~ cmumie the lards came eyN acc au i bteir proollcared purahleinqualiy yALohlw No French immersion for Milton schools liereul acc If pa m t i abiilreeit asiil, immersion paogram in decis g tsandpas longsmell. Mdlt'on tcol telt l ca gesai mh do A ogh thece mcme Suffi- Aldcaugb 23 appcaosllu i dit.a cout h in applications, Oiere We reeviedfor a gadec mme d sem e be adiagreentent immersion pragcam, the The pexxîhility remains a colccllgibeacton ab mnmber ual iînufticienl te grade i French immersion program n oriiga meriHtoin Boardof Educa- prograin miii ha given in delînîtciy goîng abead mith a lion renjiremelis. The Board Georetown, Mr. Lauxon pcogrom. liadtagreeditenet up an im- said. louev'e,M deek Theordeenf mersin pcogeamnpeusidedo a id site doubla aay Milton doun aplanitesepand daiy minimum af 35 grade i pupils parens miii enroli ibrîr grade French studies ta 40 minutes wan retisteccd. 1ichldren in Gesrgetomn and testeldOtheclassesnt' An immersion program loa c aueo h rvdn i-gae n swl s6 grade 7laina failid tu atîract tac h or ag n d B.t enob applications. Oîiy lia pupilu ocre registered. 'ýWe'e oery disappoinird ix ~ ,....d.- m djdt go abead il Milton,' SE W ~ groupatfcalcerned parents pramoting the grade i mi, merlian peogramn She said the group wiiiiry again next Neveetheiesx, ers. Benedek ix considcrilg sendixg ber daughier ta kindergarten in Ourliio oiib Oie ient ot cnroliig ber inOihe achouils immersion wlttseut Doubt.. pregram the fllomilO cour "OBui if I do dcai, l'm gioing -ise Fient ChUdres oShees In thse Weeld" up on Milton.' xhc marrie4. "'d preter ta sou il in Milton' -beautiful cobolrs an ud lots off fittngx tua! Scbmfi trustee Bill Lausal Haif ices. Muli-midth f Il xgs. saidlie woxsurpiselauthbr amount ot inieresi shous hy Qult yeth r es utaon parents. Becauxe the imerslion proframs oren:t going ahead ibis year, doeslî t w oAsmaixO Ths mean the douc is elased, be SnInn sasi mcso pxinted oui. Il suttîcieli in- îeeeslîxxbshoninl1979 a pro- gram miii ha instîluted. F@ @TW IAR Mr. Lausnnxaidhleusup- ports anoptionai immtersion pcgam ' elirve there arc 250 MAIN S?, anm fon Poue x ni m) t tdos et t aerning 87S7US .. a Th. & Frencb ai an rariy age, as ST RESTAURANT and BANQUET HALL Saturday, April 15, 1978 Bernaver Bavarian Bond 9 p.m.-1 a.m. W. have dancing on Sundays tao! 4 P.m.--9 p.m. hdmissias Free FuIiy Licensed DoinU Our basf' Disputes claim of miii rats Tbere are no rats at tis IWe ar in Ose da=tMn feeataaImsbean. &-pecwieastad -Moln rw cnt be rate b9s oeeaneld mtrs St., Plant m ne bre c ZpaS acd.Oe ru bldai iml .a Cbaplnfolnln a atory beejc l.mI an if tbs peutlrdlfi. n local rat p oblen t st don t eS bave a blg - ed mt meefs paer. problem.l 110 5aiid Ose mIl bohan a wet, bavLer, b ad a pro- Pest contrai 1 laa" by ::U»dobemas ups fe s la n l e n t c o t c 'f ,, et e = Wil , - h-9 C s tl n y e re d O sa h «aslO i - wotgearn t. avrpa v ltase d b.t one . n Th.. rat' arm boesee 17Plisl ad met iq5sf S'aed, Ou mnge arn l a Orat l9 Wit aek' s55enOs Mcti iraa ba=l the r blas& O t'eU Pat'obd enqsn aatdmt bot if IsJ. - hockey sOsks il aSoe ae u yng tbat i O two f od Ove petgram. e o en 9 1 0 0 jot reinsmin oterab d H moie on Milon0ire plnyfoe pr d htt bea latsofrat&, and Ossy s aoîe g r tsathe nit acstuaI forte mile liai a lot of feid. But elece Os, OsE sYC059 oact l y i I . pest cotrol program, st0ted, sea caspalgn Two W"mfn ad Nhety-Suoin A sSt A Mark of Progress in Milton Expansion of Millon nemage trcuoment plant is stl undecwsy. TIe 94,000,000 praiect oi allow the towin tai serva a larger population and en- sure conlino id quaiity of muter ie lb. 16 Mile Creek otcich, fos pasl the Fultn SI pint. XFor a progressive eI< a ~ a tnunince lecogammn ai t cmpetitioeraioes.é I e CARPET rLEAIRANC CENTRE- ~AHAD CARRY CARP STARTING AT *Remnants *Area Rugs *Sheet Flooring *Factory Clearouts *Truckloads of Savings * WaII-to-waliî Broadloom BU TODAT AND SAVE! FRCON VENENTSHOPATHOME SERVICE PLEASE CALL 878-1117 ISTEELES AVE MILTON RTSFOR 's no-naume generir pro- buys;. Daughter Heather, 5, is moreinter-e' il Line, Milton. A mother teuxing thse phalagrupher. msted in gettinet thc befît BRIGHTEN YOUR LIFE Learn to play an instrument We have lessons for

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