Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1978, p. 8

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* The Canadian Cliampan Wed Jea 25 i57x Schools and Iiability Ail More Iav Tha nueshar 51 lîsalita neliml ahtty agcned V ssslsing suhesîs s goag ta erecerytihetyoscritses Tise mystary 0f "Eva H." is solved. aise nierhedlY ta Use seat les ycerotaget tnsotsed She is Misa Eva Houston o! Mii St. tAst maek tend anil appasarli Use titigatiOO,' lie tatd Use eau The to find lier, attar F.C. ta Ils tilteaties espciresaed 'Ito incrmsing dramattes Cisampiall apoenlad tiailed Statas, seuil aIl user Cusado." Falk 0f Kamleojlo, B.C. tarole to inqatre if me Osiebi aaeigamaii. s tield 5eying Uset ast a could locale lier, re a family mattar. Misa Nous' uffirer aclUs Usa Ontartu leachera are cidncrshtc. toma first couaioi is EUlth Falli Inca Palgel and ai' sacnsdeay scIant Teerbees ellctliutod Use aise ta an taou~li alia attaoided ncheol loi Milten han not Federatias Mc. Daigaaeuli craenisgly litigismi amie liv liera for >iears. We have Miss eing remecho et a Aaysna ilaalisg stUs au man,~ 'nul es ut necandoan sahasl pulilicsbohasaailaieed sIs Houstati in tauclimins the Faîka. paincipals asd aice-priaripels Ils pablir relim upan is O botd la iliseme Use lasse aI jact ta ha slaU il lSliiai scisoats anil lialiulity. misteses satan teso s Heres assother request - tais soie far former attudenla or teachers o! Lousaoia lAîhertal Con- aoîidated Sehool, to attend tac scheol's etilli aoioiiversary celebratiols July t and 2. For loi- formattoti contact Mm. lî~sss Kshulsfs loi Lsusaoia or Mes.Ieaslehlsesll, Delbtirfie, Alfa. Miltan area resident Rush WIIssn was recently named the vice-cliairman sf Haltooi Hilla Librsry Board. She mas also oiamed the boards rep' reseolative ta the Sauta Central Regicoal Lllirary System. We sce wliere Res. Bers Waasss is liack toi charge 0f Bezek, the Christian retreat centre at Camplielîville, tsllswioi~ a six msoitli salibatical. Duriog lits absence, assîciate directsr Gacoli Hans was toi charge 0f Bezek's mioiistry. Mr Warren reports toi 'Chunli of soi Ox," Bezeka newslettsr, that soie 0f tee reasoos lie tsok a six moota leave mus ta get some writioig donc an threc lisoka lie manIa ta ptshltsli. He was alile ta camplete one, plus Ima-tairds 0f the second. Elsemherc loi tsdays insue there lu a story an tae local hortlcsllural ssclety hsnorboig Wllsser Thompaes 0f Marti0 St. mlth the presentation 0f a harticultural award sE ment. Mr. Thampaso asked us ta make sure his mlfe Margami sharcd eqsal hanars with hlm. as slie mli par ceot sE the teara - aoid lias lices, for more than 50 years, me might add. Due ta III lieulîli, Mr. Tliompssn mas anahle ta attend Ihe Horticultural Sociely meetiog for the presentatian, ao club afficers visited bis home lasi w~k ta present Ilie certificate. loi an se- companyitig tetter, clali president Las MrNell praised Mr. Thora~sn's 14 ycars 0f leadersliip toi the propagation 0f "near-perfeet' specimena 0f rases; regslar attendance and participation toi clali shows; service on committees; donation o! maoiy prizes; and a csntloiuloig ioiterest toi horti- culture. Wioiter meather docant stop tac Thompsoois tram enjoyloig taeir number one hobby. Their outdoor tandacnptoig and ftower lieds ares siglit ta sec toi tac sommer moatha, but aIl minter long thcy grsm flomers and plants under liglits loi their home. Tlie club president called hlm "a model for budding liorticulfaratints.' Agriculture outlook said strong in 1978 nybiacha.l.cshy Geur mîtl bel TIc osauel meeting tae ibe puhiiraiîaa ai Us. Colica Peal Cailtamani Cottiemea aamniai~ Annacialtas tcas liatil duriaf Tha Caliiemea Facaseca' Seeli. Tbuaaday îoîîaa ta presaucia Jas looiilieacumptaatulc sealiacioma lai eaaaadn Tlicmaeltligtaus iacmecaagataai nuiraI liy Prenideal ail) paymaai Thît mas Jîclinun. mccc lamacila b Tha macaiag npaabaa mas ileolaci itacaceil b Score Madiessa, Agairul reseoccli pasîcnla irai Repretealatisa ta caccîcil aul site Sultans Me Madiaaoa auppoci teas ibe C abameil tildes anil dinruisel Acamililos bic acceat lcîp la Chas Ce _______________ îadicaled ibera aca maay dîttecearra ta aue muy aI lita Get as campaceil la ibe Chlsate n paapia. Tha iaiiomisg mace alerlel s sCta iaS M ~MK Our w AI Oc g H Merlin A Iris lotis bnci as a boa Wc beliain I ailS brais mas secceil ai slioattd lie p Lîsilsa> aiocieci lcam iba Tholi wh Saab c) Mîtalceol spolie oa Use latoce ut odeicalluar Mc or a perîoa social lait (bai agriculture Irsîl lucre ta 1075m111 te tiesagar ibas sasi lacacers oce onlîni îavolced. Yî poitat Wîih cellatil la ilia )aag tecm italiali, ibece miii Moaogcr. ha isoce peapie la tend esil Lcndîag pespie oea osycasiaf Useir saisies tîja stasilacil ai listaI an Usa lime gars lie. ibacelaca, mare lied good Ihîngi miii te ces1uiceil la Use tulure, Wiili Mdcc lie salI Ecîdi Maaîman cepoctedua iuIcty Frce Use Ontacîs Cuiltemasu dcccii oa Assantaltan articîtial Aa anstiloal lias bren lilceil la no-charge i lielp iba peeseat Secreiary aad île CIiS Ocabam e leybaopitpmilli ihc cari aitiellIrs Azicer S~îîi.d.ii. hi ____________________ Vahen iii FARMS WANTED Clinein. i~rm5en sU 4 qeelleisea tarmece, tome ailli et) cana, neak gesil saclialite teesI Pae scaeaaieed arbue pasan se JJLaealiaai Osai Eniale LII Oneliar, (laS Leseesas OanlSaae IsesoOli. Oas.. se colletS Tarsain 100.4400. tille ilia e Osioria g gasera- testera iba delauli a Id meus a actaf ail aumber aI ara mine norrocaice moaily o t nie-s calice y oa orroage ol lotie sîlli Mclro ire oaiy lwo pcopic ou oad yîair Mdcii aco moues sillicul Si 000 o> îlic mosy mc coa do for you. Trusl you gel aliso- Clicqaîng; higli ,~Our sovîngs; ~covcilecî' Clieqacs. vecîcace of o le rcîdy i orme ces iioaisss5i 5oaib (Mussa Mai11 moaagcmcfli milli O persocai iitî~lt oîîccere'tds iii gel alevin i 'vicir, vsuits predicted est saralag the gralp agalilst Ma. Daigneallt advlsed the aI a lassait tata ste a lot ol mooey for yoar cliesI le in fl~ ily lie la ty. itie lits ah- ilamage" Mc. Ragera said. Don Ragera, a Tarasta 5a1 heise sued 55551 Use lasyer cabale tiens deals stUs enil si the sorld, he slreesed, hecomtng paraiysed stUs Use fesr of mahine a mistahe. Risho hase ta ha taIses. bat Usey shmald lie mtntmlsed os mach as possihie and icoshara slinstil ha pratected, lie satd. The Usicil npealier, Ken Cilîn, principal aI SaUsorot Ceiglita saisi b Torsota, opake fram Use enpartmce af basine lices oued himealf. lis nat qaite as hadal yes Iliioli,' lie caismeiited îssd aIse castioned agatant tes mshitity resaltîne fram fese. Color televisions rise in popularity Ilie ditterances. Wbile Casadians ta 1017 ssrciedahauttheriniagcalt atlisineiacreantnguoaesP- Isyment sail ilesalustian 51 Use dallar Usay, ut Use seese lime. acquireil mare colar telesîsiasa, PM raceisera aId automatic dtslimaahars Usun n Ibe prasiaun ymc, cariliaf ta tigacen releaseit dits monUs liy stallutica Canada. Ilatartar, Iba tscchiy ntsc maltas bulletin pat mil hy Statîntira Canada pointu sut bansebaldo aI Use canda miaium cartety claded ta Ilia nurcer lac Ilie lirntttmelaatyearanilniaY, ta part, accouAi tac some aI Tlie nurscy 51 liaunebalil tacilities anil aqaipesmt sbamed 07.0 par cent at Usa bualelialdo nsmpted ssncd cslacTVstslo77campa~ta Ou.0 par cml ia 1070. On Use allier banil, Use pamentage 0f lisalebaldoasaisgbtachand cabite TVn drsppedta M.3 par cent tram 02.4 par cent. Ownecnliip aI PH raceiscra incrasseil la 0.3 par cml tram 7n.s par cent aad auls- mutîc dînbmasliera ta 21.0 par cent tram 10.0 par cent. Mara poapte omaad auts- matic sanlitaf esachinra in 1077 as salI (00.1 par cent tram 555 par ranI). In cal- Teen dance is pilot projeot Thefusdestntallilammittea îormaatiarsinamaaeyiaetba taStin aes arana miii opalsar a daaca tac teenagela tm- Imeca Use agai aI 13 aad la Tburaday, rab Saillie Liens Club Hall la Mamariol Acana Cemmîttea mambar Rana Horrinoti saiil ihai a dîsc îar bey actîl play munîc onil a cliarga ai flic babil la caser cals 51 baldîne Use dasce Sha aaied Usai iba camait- tac didat espaci la mube ocrai deal ut manay as Use dasca, baisas Use aseraine an as asparimeti aad as eflitti ta tilI a raceestialtal aaed tac peaple aI 1h11 aga fraup. slie naied ibera bacc hean masycamplatatsabautteale baisg osibiaf ta da tac peaple at iliat 04e geaup If ibe ilasca s a oucceso, Usera a a ibanea at similar daîcen bainglialdas a cegu- lac lisois Il ilia cammittea Insces Usai sa turteer fuado ara ce- quieediacihesi5ns,55y pas filomauldgstaaUseccaitorlt- cecreatiasal typa prajerta in ibe camaîality. "WE'VE GOT 'EM" 1978 Honda Civic "OPEN SATURDAVS" $3A34 las isse alaises) * sseedaaialiasoiaommaon * NoSseseCaaissOl W a OssIsClSeCtaasnIeS Immedlalstialîaere AT 5A2 MOTOFOS WE CAREC mi - 005 S trast ta Use autamîttan sas rise n Use ose aI mstd or cesl an caahtng fuel (1.7 par cent tram 1.3 par cent). Nearly ail bansehalde had electrtc rafriferetars 105.5 par cml fram 00.2 par cml) aad aimeal hall had home fremera i47.n par cml fram 53.5 par eent) Nearly ana-quarter (24.4 par cml) of Use boasehaldo turveycdasnedlsscarais lifit, Ils oanse parceetage as 1010. Hoseser, ane-asta- mobile honsebaldo drappeit balla pereentage paint (54.5 par ceot fesse 15 par cml). Matarcycles cale s papa- larity as parcesîframs par cent>. snswmalitlm liasereil urnsndUsellpaet'c5t mueli baUs ycara. Peser linsseholdo asocil sesine esacliiaen lant ymr (04.1 par ceai tram 55.5 par ceat). aadiesceteflsdest shathlad nf asserage Uic beard gises thees asd coaaselled pris- cipals ta luIse sot peesesai caserage. Tha ideal pellcy wasld praside a lilashet aaseraee silli speelflc escla- siaxa. lIe seuil same baards hase insurasce slarh sorba dia allier say araasd caserine specitic Iscidesto oaly. Ha aaid priacipata particslarly t table ta lie saed limasse, accsrdlsg ta Ils Educalias Art, lliey sera respaasîble tac Ils plant (Uic schaal prapertyl. tîvalsesteot la tasasita ras île up a priocipats lime asil prascîspalias oser aeserat years, he aildeil. Mr Ragera disagrecil. baseser. Ha naid aise alI sU lit casea are settted mil 51 caart. tn bis aies, lisylse insaraereisUserelpaalt- hîtity aI Ilie haarila af educa- lias 't ssutda't lie sorpriseil if itiey bail adeqoale tala- raace, lie tammenlest. 10 rases iosatsisg segli- genre, the apeahers saiil Use taurt a toahisg at shal a 'raaostiahly prodent" peroso saulil base dane usiler Use cirrasîsliaaies. Ilaseser, shen ortisal staff ara salseil, ttieic allions are campared ta the anises aI a 'reamaably prudent parant ta Use oltoation Aillisagli he agreed chances aI heiog soed sera increasine Mr. Ragers satd the hoard sasld lie Use major target sI tltigaliss liersase lisards hase mara msney thon adisidoals. TIte ohiect ELECTRICAL * INOUSTRIAL CONTRACTINO MAINTENANCE POLE uNE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING 878-2048 583A MAIN ST. E. MtLTON, ONT. LaT 3J2 compeasate fer Use damage soffeceil." lie palated est. Mc. Hitis otferad mme practicat ssrda of adstcc ta priscipais astI slce-prisel' pals. Ce adstaed thees teesti- ripais sttaatloss aod ta hase goad procedores far dealise siUs Usem. To laser Use oddu of an accideist happesiog, Usey shoatil ha asara of thair plast asd facililles. Staff, ortadine nsn-tesetaog staff, shmsld ha selI bifarmeil so Use paticies aod procediaras andshat s espactad afthees, lie sald. tn Use eseal an accident ar iscident dom occor, lie sald campreliannise reparta sesld ha requlred asd stresaed Use impartance 0f shaerslog aod resardtog Use details 51 shat happeoed. iocludtng Use Itese element tosslsed. Lasi seelis meeting, hatd s Dalisille,, sas orgeslsed hy 5endy Sicthalmcr, stce' principal of Martes Street Orliml. 5he aaid hastog ipeahers stUs differast hlnth aI espertlae prostded Use gresp stUs seseral par- opsetises tram sliiîli ta sies the mIse. Tha saujarils if Canadien gîs amuasa hair taadlîisnally sîippaclad gonaselcal tasada, 'tiaay of tharir pasple ara aparis lianlars, larges shealors uccellesliirs, and idlicas tee thoir gos lit basf er lrap s seder Iii sappacl Ihaîr tamilirs. Gancraîl>, lliey tzsada's raspansibte guis stars. lisera las usstl bol eceshsg graep o! peapta lu Casado, baseser, sha mals crestnalluestgolm. Fsrcsassplesraled mlilsrleslsclsaied 38e7r tram 1974 le 197li. Is i Ibis grespUsilI Iha ses gusmîsîml Irgastalisa sel dost stîli Ilimegh langer, masdolery prison seotances and prahililliso pas an, tIse loitasta ut f soi s tierraaaisg an aicti. leSt yaec appauntmalcly Me peaple acari icliessitf homicide stîli e eus. Many s os iîspshlsasosoesltdîialeoceassOnf tamîts sseeshoes or frissits. Nes aitsci-iirderad prahihilliiot. pelas teacali and 'micas pascra, asd higliar gîn ssfely siaitilardo mil rellaca Iha anedlesi toIt ot ilaithi asd mejsrlen. iAlIhthaceslismdillppalenf loii.idianstor ganasinînil, tir adi rddsîm lIse a ciatiest asd irerspitnsilile use af tam. s sharl, malt la stllhi5f taxcîher lu esy Oms gsss. Uscadomîha ses lIas Ceosesl leglaletias alfaco ses?" lfyoo oms oaly busiina alfas onil yoo cilla thos sofrîf, il suai alTaci yaio ai ail. Hiioccar. cactola tîllici guas miii ho cliliar ii.ciiauicd or pcoliîliîtcd litosicaliy. ail tasiic.hssisUoUiaiiil.ttt,(5511b0b.oial lcîg;li ait Icîs Ilias 10' t Ici, sais scîcicleil tati musIlrcs'0, cml Hoadgansliaac hrcncrsiacled sîacc 934 Samed-offnflrs il,) sliailgass. gitas teili sticacers osil talty aaiîiiaatic meopoas. ice îaim prailimbileil. CctCyi iliose taliy .tui,îsolics ragistacril lai ~ Jta-iry I. 1970 Metro Trust ~ 'flic MetrlIpOIitllaITrlL9t Conipesny Mcmbc Canada Depes I la u an c C po a ou M seiîaaaaS SM M a54 i "l'es glsd yos'ra gaet'asgsosighar I I g e go. B g . B ..whylsGslscousraIoslespaltass stthtriestslelsaislugflfcaflîes' WIsal happres le thaus?" Asyonacoasicteilcfusineabocarra mlle cemmîlline ocalltmptiog ta commit a crimisal eOcoîc milI lie seot 10 pnson fer 001 tsi ilias enr yaac anil net mose thon 14 vIocs Tliuî senlencacassot ho suapanileil. As malt, masisus prison ienlencan for othîn 0070cm effeacas hast lices doalileil. h Il trer tIsaI potire alitera base ces. eitrsdeslsacchssdselosrapamera? Yeî Pitilce tithceascaasom seize lircormi calibeat t seocali marrant itthey con',iilcr 1cm bozordeus tai ilia immailiola îofciyefoayîatlicitlaal.ThoYmiilllicali)tcc ioju'.iify îbr gritosil'. fac ilie scacali taio tlodiitroio. lesmsmsaprsihlhttadsmpas. Whaîdelde?" t isagitait ilia 1007 10 ho n Isaiiseisles tîfo prîthibîleil cacopea. You 'ilieulil coaloci yaiuc local ptîiicc os soen os passibla a aider itiiîtcalbcmeotsoaostrtO iliamorle moIsi elbccirstflg~.07tîsisferîiîîî'tPeîoî i-oîlttm pritiacutail. "Whal daessafc hasdtlssg aed ifiarageol gaies banc tado milli Oas Contraf?" Last yaar la Canada, ibis scia oser 120 accidîsiol dasilis duels Ilir carrless use et limonas. Ijodîr île seca legasiolion. gos tespassible for ils sofa sioraga et Ibeir meopttns. Foresomple, ifyoorgsn oseil s ocrimisol aches, ytio cea Id ho cliargeil milli carriesa sioroat If sacli n ilecidediaceari. My elle o mis an Use rastn~fod ha. Hem dol cexisoar C'" Caîslocl yoor lecol palier immediatalli osd argisier ils gaa milli ilicm. Failuae laide tai s ponisholite liy o pasais sealescetitup tabac ycors. "Cas do yao planas keepiex abs ta1 at Ilia bondis tif paispie ulat ilcesi alite loins lires safaîy?" Ilirtîsali lîrctrms Acqaisillita Ccciibcalcs zail lic tuons prohîbîtiais piameas. Tho pcoataciolly ailmisistereil F.A.C. sysices mut ciami laie affral Jaoaery t, 1979. Il s ilesieseil toPscent solil ami incompalilil parsiasa fnsm acqoiflegeuna. Tha sem prebibitios pamar alless the ccaaiislolahe guasamayfromdàogessisS parsians. Obftu481~ William S. Bennett Wetism stallfnddBsastt 51 Orage iMes. Jeha Mac- 4217 Wsthes"s Uses 5lrIlsg- tarlelit 51 Srsotfoad. aistees tan, dieU Il Milles DisIaiet Milciel sud sedali pre- Hesphal us Dec. 22. 1877. demaaedlem. fottesisgaleoglIsIiltlsess. Ce There are aha 14 grand' sssis bis NUs peor. chltdran esd 10 great-gresd- A fsrmse ail bis tUe. Mc. cliadran. somattssa bars aI Zinsmer- s'esoml~lseses holdat mam Jslynl. tala, mn 51Mr. MaKersis FaneraI Home le ted Mcl. Hamilles 5 Ce eseecled ~ ,j~ Millen us Dec. 24. stth Rea. Carrises la tuaesd Usey hast I7JIehI Charcli Lossitte flac chIUres. ascalsine ara bis mlle, Inlermest sac la salees dosgliters Betty la.. . Cemster7i. MelsISe Dothyl of Mlltan. Paslhearme sere grand' Patricis ihles. Meselce mes James and Wayne matheri of Carliste and Jsy ellialasa, tarry aod F151 iMes. Dormis maleoni 51 BeonetI, Oregory CanUsse' sarliogtan and a mn Wll5am lagles eod atese Dolhy. Bensett. sarlisgtas A doogliter Otorla pradecesanl - tam.. -mont ta qidt sesohine' Ce k siso ssrslsed hy hes Nationat EdomItes Wesh on sistara, Ceaie iMra. Floyd amahing, Jas. 22 le 25, gises OrsesI 51 sarsoglen usd escrysse a chance ta qait. .1.: Uliîmalcly. ta moka Cosodians safar from lic musse tilbmocm'. I (ici ycor oloar 1400 paaipla mcm kilîcil liy fans. rlimagli iîglitcc bcromi',ctaalrol, -.tfcty tilacaliain aad lic aacaiar.tgaateai o> rcspas.ibltgaaOmacr5hifond uic. me miii lic alite te railtice ilir (cccl tif (crocs aicîraca. ..lmaaCIlIsnisleafl5nSraabasftbailfelod prapecesrsfeosa.aedsmcedr0liîon ceslslcecll sud prahihised maapam. Wha shoîîd lace?" Caîsioci youc local ptîlicc deporisasi CbicfI'rosbsciol Fircocm'tt)lbCOr. or Clan Citait ai a Conoilo. 3401 oaacc Ascaur Wa',i. littoma. ttaiaiuta. KIASPO. Gunontrol jR Canada. I * Guassamosi Oaccnîeemeel aiçeaida IcCasalo Depasimosi Miaintein aijaulice lalausitan Suttailai Oaaeîal Sallîcîleas gesetul Casada Casala REQUEST FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE The Optmmust Club of Mdton seeks your fînano ai axa stance n the construction of Mutons new Youth B' Communoty Centre. Thîs s a large project to be completed August 1, 1978, et an expected capital cost of *800,000. This Community Centre will provîde Milton with excellent facilities for large and small meetings, athietica, entertsinment, ail available to the general public. If you can assiat, please send vour donation payable to The Optimist Club of Milton Building Fund, c/o 55 Ontario Street Soutli, Suite 27, Milton, Ont. Tf-lIS FUND S A REGISTERED CHARITY; enclose a stamped, self-addressed anvelope for your receipt for Income Tas purposes. mviii' to Metro Trust! 1~ ~- very -. n

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