4 The Canadie m ~pion, Wmd. Jas. 25, 1978 tstabustied 1861 Published bpDil sPrstimg and PukishingCompany Litd o.t . Ed., B . B.ut N.- nc cî Ediao.,P- 1on- . oosuo în Manage, oi gin oo ,,n.-.. ow . 191 Main SI. Easl. Milton, Om1ario L9T 1id PhnN7 824 McCacîue snould act Tbe promotion uf George Mc- Cague from relative obncurily as Minister uf Goveroment Services lu George Kerr's old post as Minister nf tbe Environment moyen McCague mie une osf tbe bottent seals in tbe Ontario Guveroment Cabinet. We hope Ibat une of McCague'5 firot official dulies will be lu or- tervene on the oogoing squabble over findiof a landfill site in Halton Region. Botb Kerr and Agricultural Minister John Newman bave been strangnly sileol on tbe issue. ever sioce it surfaced. Chances are tbat tbe proposai for a landfill site un prime agrîcullural land in Miltoîn ill bo tussed oui-if nul by tbe Enviroomental Assensment Board, certainly by tbe Ontario Municipal Board. Tbe guveromeOt's policy un use uf prime agrîcultural land for land- f ilI siles in clear, but aoy definitive statemont frons eitber minister or any provincial govoroment officiai bas yet lu cume witb referonce tu tbe Hallon application. Tbere are ai toast two clear precodeols wbere landîtîl ap- plications bave been scrubbod on tbo basin that tbe landfill sites would be un prime farmland. Tbe firot in St. Tbomas wbere, afler a four-day bearing, tbe 0MB disnissed the application bocaune uf the farmn land issue One of thos< Once again last week traffic wan nnarled oshen a train on the CPR track blocked town streels four 37 minutes. The 97-car train blocked lraffic on TbomTpsoO Rd.. Martin St., Main St. and Otario St. Traffic bold-ups due to train break-d0w05 or nhunting areo't 00W to Milton. In tbis instance, the break-down wan duo tu a brokon air bose. but in other instances tbe camse ban apparonlly boon at- tributed to mecbanical problemrs wilb tbe switclîiîîg apparatus. Transport M1ioistcr Otto Laing bas previounly assured rosideobo in tbe town that lue ban invesligatcd the situation and footis -tbis in Junt onenof tbone tbîngn thal bappeon. Laing nbould know tbat for Milton resîdeols, baving uone of The second similar case was in Kitchener-Waterloo. That region zeroed in on what their consultants felt wau the best of 22 possible sites, but forgot about it afiter Agriculture Minister John Newman said nu sites un prime farmland could be conaidered. The precedenla are firmly in place and une would tbink the implications nir proceeding witb the present Hallon application are indeed grave. Basod un lthe experience in Kitchener and St. Tbomas il would appear tbere is blle cbance of the Milton site ever materializing. if il duesnnI, the region could face a crisis Ibat would son mnunlting piles of garbage witb n place for it tube dumped. Suroly tbe province bas a moral obligation lu prevenlthe crisis and make clear ils position on the application, wilbu forcing the region lu go tbrougb aIl osf the onorous and time-connumfing prucedures. if tbe province is going lu kilt the application-and il ap- peurs Ibere is nu chice-it sbould kili il while there is still lime te seek alternate solutions. Wbîle in tbe Enviroment port- folio, Kerr cbose tu romnain neutral until lthn application bad mun ils course. if figures cuncerning the amtoiit nf lime remaifling are accurate. waîtiog is a luxury tbe regios cao nu loir er allord. Sthings tbose Ibinga bappening" is an att too frequelit occurrence. I Laing nbould knuw too, that if in tact Ibere are prublemo tbat could be cured. il is a problein 1ot0 serious tu ignore. Tbe break-downs nt only snarl traffic but leave a large portion of tbe tuwn severed fren emergelicy services sucb as f ire and bospital services. Tbe citizens see a grade separalion, (railway underpans or uverpassi us tbe ultimate solution, htit on the moantime stePs muat be taken t0 prevent any furtbnr train break-duans or traffic blockages. Tbe problemn is tuo serious for 011o Laing or anvone else to slough off as -une of tbose tbîngs tbal bap- pens. !Iuaifioffl E ditot id Ne NEWS ITEM: Counicil culs lhreo mon from tire deparîment budget. Sugar and Spice by Bill Smiiley ( J Back to good old normalityW uof thie most pleasanit elces in the ontd foriboseofiasobho,loifnnoe the bilt. arr ai toast siiiing ai the top conoiraiig ibha mixtureof dissoy and scareli eobiaralin ibe stuppern niope we havcctîsbod and the reasyonoe ure about t0 descend, na geitisu bock 10 normal aller lurebingthirnugh the ins ni the bolidoys fikot end the yeor. And innenoflssdoni goavmeasen- lonce tîke filet tent one on composiion, id probobti tour uitei rîibons toc tact ni cohtienco and Usin But iterbois ihosr cory ihings-coker. oocooandaunîiy-areîthe tings sniako in the hotîdon sooson, and 10 winch cor retaoim i asigh ofreliefinte sortold dOns and long cota nigti oi Jonurp Wr had a raiber bieak Christmssinsu year. Ourbhernowroi th ight pince, btoiyiotiO eron'i. heneraiofotireathad jineoolhatltte limsbo ohore ynnr ieelh g0 ohmn tkoy dacidot l tace pou to noue 000 docîces. ottirse knoon os guais. 1 put a nd fae on il. as il wre, trying t oneal irom My wife, withker noshing white leeib, ssp* mrntal, spiritueland physîcat humsiliaion ai honing lu enis on tsoup, solt-boitod ggs adsOdiunal brandy. But ti dîdnt oe. Wr lied tko usoot tigfit about the ireo, tînotin gelling il ap allr tour heusrs oiccs.sssssaifis, 100.0 ail,, explosinssorageandfrustraion This peur or put il in ahookel n o t sand, after years of trying t0 set i up in On the News Beat 1Regions tough to market Bp Bob Burtt cn June îu 197n a Champin edulooil writer induild n soe r tai ailgazin concomouca thefuture of eOgiona gocrn- ,hckrd foum, puesurd. deaanded, chasrd , Dcocuti aogurd. ieaed. inughl lucr -Coectuoed, hinird ut, tatkrd omouod Andt lunattu annoncod. potushrd and ..Y regiuinal oemenforînetalieon onuilcuno Like il o imbP t,- the crions The saine prce osent un tn soa inihe taitr liadt hrmc ondr diccucsonoi unev Can er hmr egonai oeament onrb' i li ho a challenge, but sero inosuisuuc enogh tn thinb or con Allr urcmnurcoos of preparaio, oroiutd bc -lha t p,lui pv).iud uit teclroodoftthe oftheupuosso that was edent guotg roin rgonal govemearoihsnoued. Noo ailler tise pmarc hune pasnmdl sinro county gosoernmnas in vogue, termare aBpeBtolbwomtergnna geriment iust 00001 osorai Oie cool, Tise Luborot Tosb Force on Begioat Goverrismn s ginng rsidns theOppor- lunitp te express disiotisiaction wibb regional ovnnen Lestceksamting didflush oui a lot ni spooini probtoats wilb reonnoisss. Groaing boreoucrocp, ermsion of Csss- ti spirit, and increased calta aerkep compiainla flteli bp Batan rosidenîs belns the commission. thou the ccunut oin ofttnellarnt needed Oeii- ui ai Ibm sane tusse il em geuurrattp nîmerd bai tho province 001 tao fin ilsmrcucuns andhbasdonemorerto delemoate lota gcenssrnt thon te Lubra NtPP ieos Essex Snoth, Resso ilancincu said ho would urlumo tobis bosse udung uchchuinol petmregsonolised-asd tlt hi-, home folk un aodstp the counin sirae bus loîgri about o full bon regicoa ovnrent.O Bol tialon isot unique un ila dunop- tauntamen ositi meguonut gucerosset Mussussouga Couscut us duscussing nptsng nuout ortelmogion ibis wemk, a oarge pr ceniage oi the population un Hamsilton- Shmtooneh us readp te stiolco aie won exrcser.and theioncept nasonvr boon iuuty accepterd un Niagara R,-uuuuu.u choutîcon ucu t uuhele arel tbhuuuuî lu I eh,0 -uclu sîd heey the meguounucintc btussucsauga, t.ounultue Frankh Beun deccmuboîoalypOOllitution. sn Peml thre are bbroe uficipaltissBrapion, Mississougla asd Caiedon. Brun espiains tiret ait Ibrer are repreenedaie ergion, bulbeaeof tbm distinct claracortatico in eadi maicipolty il na diiictdt foe lthe norious îoanicipalities 10 rononcite lise needs of ibeir co-parlaes un regionotiss. "Fronkly, MisiÊssaugo doosnni boom Beituno tnt in commolt ailS Cutedon. Caiedn se o commuolîn wita no con- dominiums. 1represesboa wrdttiO 0,000 people, flted ailli condominiums. dersslndcseniliteieople tber, lttuloc theur prnbiesss,. t resonl tbm Mauyoc ci Cotedon or lise rogiOnot obasesson iettung me boa t0 osai the city. Beansstaomont ssight sound a bit flippant, but il cenine aloi ni trulb anduul 151' applicable nolti tn Petl, but cerlasoly Button. Peiner On eginot govnesnt ditioremi aunicupatliois ollered diiierent servies and differentlevelsof serice. Bul Ibm reguonotconceptl s possessrO oith Ibm ide& ni standard services and berceuseosverptbilg us bnssPod in10 enasson pot, fil s diiiicult On caler un ponulisr nerds ony longer. Muncunni rsso 1 tis hae e ighl aieot un thuogs. Wiainulnopuingaeltotpnl so The champson editortot pagr dsd caution the cunn about o hotus hotus oppenach tu oeeonmaluna il soggesird huîucg chf a frti a tim andtting the pmroiceof sut abon the province handed nul the ruiebalis il as cear ut triai r:Ped t0 thro the baiobt 05 oith the bailiooler ,ter seoonpear of sudn and linopyeros ni mopetonco, thos0 intorsld or inotod un the regtonai eserîise suit ask, "car- c ssakeit ork? Te clenge hsn't disap- peomed. One hitngutliobas chnged since toce oaetp daps, slaIa Ihoro are lee opimus- tic people. Regionalcsairmon aliominl atecieo setisg Oie regin liane lsete liands fli. ils proving tobe a loogli produc t omariet afotiboard naletrithe teunk As usueltit toppird heaosiy in ail directions bot tho righînne. andwe hadt i i e theooa ,uith string Eneen year top oie soys othor pople neuihorir trte stand tuîdcoainssting. And eery year efrther esho one treeeintownibat isnt trussed te ibth lins vîer Chrismas dioner. lid boughi n ft dock. Bot the otd lady didsirt eccik entisg an eire duckhby hortîlf Se-ersot arond ratheeccactyandnioaedOaithe huile pile of porcoin undr tho troc. wbich cou tOoboopened of coursefareuse 9 perentofiRicin werotfort-lrehoys, and tise boys sooroot espectod ftthek dot aiiee Bon Day. ,O ibdan ibey did arieo, nose unnuot ireety. ne coohed the dock and a ronsi ni bort, and a hapy tre osas bod by aIl. iryisa to Put teont.ond-tnuders and lire trucks and noter Plasie anonrosities togetbr sou knou. iheee nos soseoihuiotbe said toc those oid davs durisg the Dopres- sien, ohm kidu got a taireo ni tis Or s05 and maybe a 15cent ohle-p Ai coult the aduitb didat havse oe stand booms reiungt in lm r o 0 TiTnker Tonc and Leggn and bonssme Si. ncaiiored ait over theiing roam Tbmy didnithave te iry t0 foi ingeir stuiftihot oouid have nonedtoonaedo da Vinci. Hoorner. the bnys nere a oring deigk, os atuons, and ihour Gros spniiod ibomss iiiy. and iheir anîhor bold ae abat oas wong ih ay entie attitude tn teaching unhe' ntieonai thee anntbnoand bos ai]th qestilons and arni oi the an- sesandi hein laitier drooned quiotin dormg tlie pianocooceiibot inliord. and yoursitrniyean outeery hom tne rapet incbeof ni ow off tir car. Oui ibis is coi nurmalten Itoosinous tu is 10 gei bock lu bheolnd huadru oeutine. To keor thiret tlng, drittiog sond ni the otora clubk ai l.5 toiler lu the tiothesosm oîibo rriic]joints giolng Oui cracks ltrke ssopieitees insa deep iront, and tnossorge intiree quariersorc an fleur, smariîs of Briefs The Champion wcîcomes car- toonisl John Mirochastven of Mil- ton as a regular contribut-i ta the paper, John is a pronen cartoonint and bis toieîîla are obvions in bis lirst effort for this paper. Bis work will add a 00W dimension to the presentation of the news. Insteali of flnckiog to warmOr nouttern cliaos ibis osinter, Canada's fitîance mîlnisier Jean Chrelîco wants ointer-weary Canadians to take their wiobor breaks ai home and belli wipe Out some of the nation's $2 billion bourisn deficit. Unfortunataly, il's oftan cheaper 10 fty south than visil Banff or seime Of the other fine wintar resorbo boere on Canadian soit, tf Mr. Chretien wanta lu bal- ance the books, why dosnnI hoe plan seime ways lu makle travelling in Canada a liftter tns expensive? ttowvereansiisnoOdotointie o-hon ait yoo kno about dario la ihai il's garane os tho harel% tighird sonin. ptayed in a pab. sno. ulcog in ait irsctions, sratchihe ice offth ibmnsido of yoe otssdsbieid oih And tn disoner ibai for dinner ysa're vour tinor-naiin.aand try tar the od havingliossbrg andienosn,ohich ysa boeast, hchlOuitsa copleofgranin tihe a hod in thecafeteriaiforiolc.And Illerhe lady mouse in lainor, and latn ioiaiy, bilt for the larnace repairs casse t $40, unorgiabipslet . th anice offhe roofaond5he pk o s io ,s thr ittist to goi bock tn ork he ibr u o i r n ihe pae r s sotcation oiany asmanoand onnand clioumas hmiriaeo exchango outin roparter, about tosing ynar t doolt hoa about non, baut IcaOl stand boots ai the Non Ycare5 Ese puriy, and ion ssany ni 55010 isoiidaYs: tie siolliio wose snon nobir broke doon, and ohy tpîng-in is Ose inrsnisg, tise siaytng op Jaekns noce is unniton ih grng-hinnuniss, uni airer tu walch a lte monte, te osre- and hon aoeh wshite gaok ibere is initie faloircofieehbreaks orniogoand aiern0o. drivoay. lits debiiaiing. Il conîribuies to moral And thon thoro s tho dolilhi ni goiting deiinqnoncp. For boiter the cosslortahie homoe allerork. and sitng dos for one hnrrolibte regiinr ronsenofa Caaien oi ihose intote chats nilti polr aile, oho wnteir. Turning the Pages of the Past Frnom the fites of Tho Canadiani Champion in- bobilnerFgii esiutn Taken irons tlir issue ai 111e Canadien (husîpisiso ni Jnuary 26,1i977 Construction oi a maor tood store on ituide De. oould ai but hit chances ni i cdcn.oprcouilic -etraihbuinessdis- euect of Milton, occnrdsng lu 1000 piatinee Rob issodanci. Be bold cnanicd toit amek 1hrai assoahisae boing put ingether rlgbn now asiti a 01010 10 rodenetnpssst in tiret block of tond, bounded by Mous, Munisn, Miii and James ti He said aecommesrcial, renudontiot and office coapten ns boing con- sideed. According 10 Ballon Regînnat Pubie Works Choueaan Jack Baftis, ttierr l tit1 bo o tandfii cire toatd at Site F. Raitis ade 1hai1 prodiclion duriog a break in a counicil-siti sossinar fid tant ek Hie soggonted bhai obon ai] of tbe doboto un rivercouniciltil]optifor tbreeournr nao doapnsites and auresnurcoe eonerypltoi Haotion Bogionai Police oore cattod Io Milton District 1Righ tchaoorty tent oeek oben an unidentitlod calter pbnned una hoabtheai Canadu's acul taaous usucerst too siadeni loch tiae off iroa elasses Tbur- sdap icbprok betore 400 poople ai Ok- uitIes Sheridan Colegr os on ni er facorite suhîects Fassiny Law ansd ber Poiticien huchand teoa Boeky Montaun, Albieta Moneorn MeTerr îaýyeur-otd soife ni néitional Pro geessnucoConseenatineîleader JorCClark nd athiodyeur student aithe U.nivrsity oi Ottawa Facatn of Consso La,00 red tena a prepared 1001 relting te ieurocn tho roltiosip bolamon the iaauly unit and Ibe taon gnoesung tussities 20 years adgo bdFromthe tucintieecmde tvie or Maor buding pî.iecls( cruer ,nciuded 15 huoms un the Fatiung- bookeoares, the new bowtaucuy, thr Breer s Refait wurobouse, tlie WlI Dick SchoutI the hydro gurage and wauîaknua, on Ess serice statin and additions t0 the seosoge ptant, lthe sunoco Station on Main St. Jonson Boa. garage, t.A. Fan and bons, Ibm Legion Hall, Hallon Co-Op, Bank -î Nuovs cotia-ami P.. Bobeon's. Loudoun Hosso nuilder a n otespling un esperîssent 10 pronide more toa-nait housisg on Milton. Counoit lias granlerd permission for airer Oea lso-slae, sei'- detaclied homes in the Faiingbraoke axes. mer oeousd 010,0W-a nasing oi $2,000 la sm,oaon er sissiarly sizeolhomes inMiltn Chasspion pukisber Jia Dilîs fibis mmli inteodocesa 0100 eoinsn, Jssss Jniiings. Il il boad up o itand pece,Ol as. A ts o o o e i a r o r tir ntsi rm a s r e r H r ld Koisos sodinatas Mitions 195 cneoriu colt around $s,OW. Tise slageOnoack akici pubticiedibthesetinseveraioresinssno, cosi $32.60, ho saidli To toney Crerli men bonasse Mitis it atatitias oi tise peu r lien a CPR frigt train sirucli tbeir slation agn beoadsido uithie Bronte ni. croalise. Tbe cor ouI hurled ung the track and down o cd tout rakankameni OFF Ollicers Jia Breadley and Tua Dubo said tbm rooi oas sheorod oil and the cor as split in 1550 75 years ago Frnm tlie Jos.22, 1900 issue il is reportod Oint a loin dans ueo Andoon Perso ofnthke pnstmsnternof uringtn oas talion III. Dr." Richardson oas caiied in, pennouncodi the diseose saipos and or- dered the patient tlabo quarantoined. Me. Pennt sa aei knnan in Miltn os a crack osng sbort, kosing takes partin neea atcbes kore. The nusbor of uossrried ladies of S George's Chareti, Georeown honing kecosse o sukioci ni serinni cossidorios, ut bus kers daided 10 hld "A apiaes' Convention" sinte Tuas Bull on aie 20th ni FekutO 8p.il tstn botinpedssemborl of the ckurnb ond nery sssny syssessiting iriendswitrmalle i cnnentnt ated, aise ikot a hocossisi grust mon bo preservd daingiedeibratin. E.O.Bon,utofHamilton, bus gune soin the anufactueoficarriagon, buggies. agons, iigbs ai tie otd stand of the taie, Wos MeKenzilO, cornler Mill and Marin Sis The oooslp etectrul ocuniYOn e w aeeit oretbrirstfinie netTuesdp. The ourdes asti bo etectod, standing cnm ateas seiectod aie opportionssoni ni tke ...ont la bo paid fer lihe Hamsilton and Nelson tlt road ai bo seited, and a sumbor of other lissinemses ios'sied ailar jas. B. Lenard, organiser foe the Homo Comrepondent Sckssi, jn in toan and vieint enroillea ami sturlisg siudenisl on diffierent linas Of siudy. A nsmbor la ahis niclaiy tooiup wnrl ithia sSchltest pear and have iond il o grand a of gel- îing a gond praclicat bsiness edonstiniu a moderate 0010. 'I