B14 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Jon. 25, 1978 TRIS WEANER PiG ns daof hîn brai ta lie chunen toc the Ontarto Saine Performance Teotîng pcagram. The pro- gram. condocird hy the On- tario Mîinicty ai Agricoltore ond Food. afloon purebred hceedern and commerciol hog prodocers ta select their soperlraptgstafor rcdin pur- pones In 1976, a fatal cit 156m boors and g if o iere perftatali a nce tested inOntario. Darîng tan trot penaod. pigs arr weigbed as nbama. roaloated on nain ai gain and inairdl for bachiot thicknesn. The wn tening progoi sidesigner!to Guroet edaitontari Fuswnharmer exploieda ne Peter Otannam. freaident tint. ted. ni Agricolturr fia' fume for Conadiano ta .atle ap. Tbey have bren daon ait kindsoft beltyacbîot abot hibr ioagrsnat rlcng fastienaougb or the high cool onoxry gonds. Bt lhry s May hoe dotaf ibnîr brllyacbsng onan mt stoacb, One tbîng bhat Canadiono hooe notrealînrd istbat agri coltore Is un big trachin lt*o n bigtrnoble beaooe tac bac ha ro re n eploited! torduiordo, bat trun Fac yna ra noa, the fariner hic bren oohoîdînîng the con sonr-not the ater a>i arond.onsibhncittcof aagr cul ture cf atm Leins font ai the tacto. Accordiof 10aa ceni Ub Deparimnt oi Agriculturci repart. Canodiano sprnd t ion ai ibnîn incane an tond ban 00y ataer peuple in the ancld Wtat tilts tocans 10 bat Canadions banc a higîî standard ai living becacan foodtissocbrop Asna reccli. tbey havr mare Many enfit ovrfor coton tetroisiîîn sets,. a oandcar orcvacations Cbnap tood inabro Il al] possible ul abat bac thr lacotri recciedincrtarn' TOe Agaio, lt i tant ai thi tacto Facin lincoeîtl 19 percenifast err Etipercent the Ier Octane and tim ierc tOnne ns rapecird ta bc a tantbnc drap oi 6 percent Wben yota alsa add ta the tact fibat îot dollar non boya cons tannmrco hacr orn hibrrceai incarne drap by naoly 40 percent siam 1975. 'o aiben gcaup ai Canadiens bon aenr thein incame drap o dratcatti If they liadt if aould baie bren front page nean Wr .sotl have eard ait kindsof But ahat bappened when lrir'inconlen frit tanti percent Agaîn. fOr 0000cr i veylîttir At the sieui on neon hrondcot and nwsapena aeecreamiof aout incncaund food prica, fhr tacta about dertiniaf ternm primas recniird ltffe atin Tlîcn a ill cn ta regret t Facrnnr arr feuli anfry and dîncoaratrd, Many are connidrinnleacng iarming %orsce. ncmc banc atready tanadiano mai antl ibe lilîliagth1e fane tOi laid the golden cgg. If or fane or tacineca. abo cs faotn ta yrcîîde Cinadiano cîth the laccot prtîrd sappty ai tond On ai wrd Arc býey faînt ta ccli ' un imnports' Wr did thot ilhb nîl, and looh chat happerird, Na, Canadia acnt con- tinue fil have a bîfh bstandard ofi living cnt esc ar have a hcalthv, agriculture. And oie can t banc a braithy agri- imarkets and tnt a tain price fori abat tOny pcadace. If tato ns goet ta happen, ibm iinadian are going tohave ta ch&nir brinr attituden. The, arc tact ta bavc iii ccalioc that if Ore ila prcbhe i atO tood prîcro . the prablrn i nbat farriera gei In i o the intail primo tOny pic Motiporatant, tnorn mnsare goîng ta hane ta changt hnîn attitudeso Tbry are tali ta ot tav stop the dumpint of tcneîgn pradoce Ore, ia cachante tac antli ng indcatriat gaadoabnad. They arecgaîng taon aeogîneous rasanahin tacîi protection and sop ctheccoantrtea tramn buiding tarili calls afainni on products If agricuture is faot ta prope.we ngedsaine major cbanges. tinedani get tbrm. fs fi[s ayo Our Canadians mate up ta ban Weeds, drainage, safety, rain discussed at SoiI-Crop annulai Day Hency J. Stanley coro field andina alun resltint Agrtatacst Repreacantattor ta Aicanine, etc. Sontc 75 Raton Sait and Jim Mynia ngineering Crap Improvemeni Annarc- Spiat. dic r somnar ai lotion membrs met ai tac prohiemn tisai are an tllrreni United Chcb on cnrring miih plastic drainage Tbarsday, Jan. L2 for tarir tle - prohinms wtb rodeois annunl meeting. Georgr rotiof baies taroogb if, filc Gordhisof a Mono Rondt, coliapaing aita impeopen in- President ai tar Ontario Sait tillingof the diet, and damage and Crop Impronement caondby machinny in wri Association, ibaokrd Hoiton semnons sucb an tan pasi toit. membeen tan ooppocig bim Foilootaf lunch, Mms one thse pont f4 ycarn an oue Walter Narrinfian oas Zone Direntria Rn in nom, presentrd aib o certificoin ending bis tira ounr rnprr- by Jobn Nurseon ro ngnition sentatine. for ninningtheb Wactd Rye Richard Saneccîfn oi Cbompionbip. Milton mon nomntid f0ta Norman Pîggor. Oaknîttr. tae nrm cepresntotivr tramn rnnrrorniatiar an tan Raton Raton, Peei and York. Dan Ferrotnine Asunciation, Shrmaod, Milton mas oien siccannd the importance oi nominaird on oor deingain noînîy in enîn ilo i f mita noib Merry, Milton an tittiof tîme. benerot dratho aitersair defate f0 the bore ncored in tae pont Ontario annoat meeting on yçor du ogosnn. Fnb. toand 2 ai tan Cars Inn, , Airpani tiood, Toronto. Gaomo Drincer, u n (Sauf McLaren, Wnnds and Dicectar ai tac Saile and fends Speciotiot, Goelph, laid Crapo froncb, Ontario ofithenmany nmwnnds which Mtnitry oi Agriculture and arr hng louaid in crapo in Food, dincosncd tan im ibis oirna nco nonietîns ai portance ai otabilization an if lamb's-quaciers ibot are affects ceopin taOntario. Hr campleirin restietnt ta Atr- feelin iot brune ntabiiizain aine, and Vetariteai abîch Plansnoil ietecashbcilp cOn fr00 up to 0tO t i a prodoner mach mare stahility 1978 plowing match Oct 21 in Burllngton The f070 Hton Ptoitng Match is ochedoird for Ortaber 2f in tan forlîngian ae.A commutter ai Georg e Rnadheod, Comeron Mac- choit and Roo.s Segsinantb are ta locoale a t for ihia annoel Dircnirn ai tialion Ptoamrn Association wr tory pteosed aiih the f077 match hrid ta Raton titis, rspeciotiy aita fhr ai- tendance ai the totion 4-R Trociar Club ai brier match. Ottîcera and directars chosen wece an tattaun: Pont Presîdent . John Brechan. panttngici Fresidient Daoight May, tornby, Fient Vice-Prenident. Lloyd Fickering, Ookîîtte. Second Vice-Preoident, Murray treakan, norlîngian. serre- tary-treanacer, Jack Taylor, Barlîngian Assistant Secre- tara-Treoorrr Getrce Sinano. Miltn; O.P.A. Dîreciar, iiight May; and Ration Formaw Qoren, No ne> McKinon, Milton. Dîrectaro are Raiton titis. John A. Orctinn Doigt May. John Wilson. Clittird Wrîggtesworih. Oak- tiffe. tarold Oîggar. Jack Marchmenl, tarley Pickering, Llayd Pickering itartîngtan. lao M. trectaný Murray friatan. Ed Sego waeih, Nitilîn. Sheraaatt tome. Claude lottlis. Oryan Marshall, I î%iltam tayr. Andi Shen. Lloyd Stokes. George Sainn. Annoirt dinertars are teîtb Merci. John Middle- hraat. Johnl tOnd. Carl Sin clair, tanoa.ry dîrectars, J. C. Cunninghiam, Ray Carnie, J. C. Marnhall, Front Peacant. iGeorge Reodbnad. taons iegnaartb, teram Stanley, Spenlcer WOilson, HALTON-PEEL PORK PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING Hillcrest United Church Trafalgar Road MON DAY, FEB. 6, AT 12 noon Election of Councilmen Guest Speakers $2.00 a plate Hows to buy a new car without being taken for a ride. Saîèty Space LlandlinPrce Noth Endl Detterga mu 61 IatnSre, itn n thon in thc pont mth femer fluctuattinin thc retorn par Geritard Trevîcanon. Georgetown, Ontario Feder- obaon ai Agriculture Directar ftra taion, encoraged everynne ta nupport thecor morketing plan as proposed by the Ft'eeattan. Dr. Jackt Ietchenaon tramn fhr Satin Deportmnent, Uiniversity ai Guelph, djscusned tillage probitemas tatiowtng our xtrntoely oct tait. te stressed thc impant- aceofaopaow, the nend for amop roatioan ta bud op sait aggregotea, the importance of oranore ta heip in building upoodhyiln ditinti work tond in ordr tao et doaa the nroaiaa due ta wind and ater. Taca nesatutions ore sent ta the Ontoria Sait ond drap tarpranement Asociatian Aanuot Meetngnt the firut noppartingcainpirtnresaorcr rrcanery ai gorboge far fregionsý the serand requeabing the Ontaria iacrrntnrnf ta pana legas- lointa 0000ft oib the availbility oi ports tar tarra rquipment. Att tarnuro arre rardiatty incîted ta tbe onnoat meeting ofthbeWest Central Rrgtoa Sif and Crap iaipoernrnt Assoaciation on Jan. 3f ai tbr fora Inn, Airpari Rd., Toronta obicb trotorro dis- cuos onsoifstructurerond t if tagrý Thr ara atficr ond dirrctors oifOrh lialtan Soit and (Caop irapranearni faonw Pal Prendrai., Frank Aniboat. l.mouaor Prrndrnt. icaord Sovrrrîfn. Milton. Vice- Preodrat. Normian taggor. Itakoiler Secretini Trra- nanen, flicri Statri> if M AF i Miltton; Saety laaaicil rep.tocrry Brander. Narat and drîrgoico ta the West Cntral Regionat Sait and inafi tmprovemrnt Asocaîtion. Fronk Anttanv. Limehonar and John Nurse, Georgetown. Directarn are Keta Aitaen, Bitl Alexander, Murray Daonn, Arnold Finb, Dnng Gacdbannn, Kai Hansen, Art Lomnan, Bob Mcrry, Danoia McClure, and Kart Wilson. Forecasts for farm Fartme VA wtt ant ta pla c lt.aaNfarca recortds and for lte future shanld lirraIpaltIn ott ccnaflt aach thei plns n plie. vrialesas prices, can ashow Iheir ~ ~ th planar onppho101 nw mach mtntni, Canfarm, a liemen-1e needs tai carry nutlibts operated autamtetrecrd plan.. nemîes, offeca farmers cauh Faracasta areaita aaefl la flou, farecasta far ap ta flte document hana lan applica- yearn in lte future. lThe face- tionn. OPENING SOON THE OPTIMIST CLUB On MILTON j la asna to nnouncni the -ao Optenit Youtt fi Cannenn Cent., In BSatan tant Park ai the fot Ooimmnca St. saa open0~0 iuus 1078.Pî Faciito . atta teananatPubi. Là'I CRflRD R Rnm SHOW Exhibition Park - Toronto 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Jan. 31 - Feb. 1, 2, 3. 1978 The Iargest indoor farm equipment show in Canada Hars Pull & Sale - Feb. 1 Tracter Pull - Feb. 2. 3 Aberdeen Angus Sale - Feb. 3 Ladies Preram - Each afterncen - 1:30 p.m.