Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1978, p. 25

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House league Novioe Divsin in Milton Millir Hoceyt Associatiohbougeleagnoe PIa of Saturdat', Jan. 21, Ma's Snrtd dofoatcd fae hMila.n Firoese 2-i. MAce Bndserfa mnd Cary Silipm senrod for thadmsicnr. Jefu Mosngast- ory taluS fa theoePFirosen's gent. Talld Illenbbo scorcd thc fitygoalitalasd5WOlL tan t - e sin oer Scnneit. Sooco DoSl wsc in the WOIL net ta record thauouant. itcaas boni thc apood Qeo 3-1in lanoine mac. rpmu lisricgs, Mai Meunedieuanmd litront Tasker fired sarkor laithefa apeed Quelo net. Chri McKen nbod fac ton Spood Queos gent. Accu Dinisios Mitas Laso Service and Pro Hiardsare Pleyied ta a scorons dm05 in Auraac Smo. Dcscg Stesart acd Cent Actennan secs eufstacdisg in the nedc, Sewart sifa Lnsn mnd Ackern sifa Pro. Dovc Jabsno saca en- oellcst on dlaietns fer Mil tac ,asn Srvic. 5... tasced the Milton Lins s-i Satarday. Mlac Jams ed thallsouera sifhan bot trich. Ofacr gent scaroirs fer thc IWA sone Tien Blacb- adnr and David limiter. Paf Reche saif cd fan poals fer the Lins. Mnshrap Fuels dnshlcd Millin Upiostery 4-2 in Atous play. Bill Cnradsttl, Bill Simson,' Teoer ahoursar and Grog fisseS tallied cingle sachiers fer thc si- sisa Mesboay. Murrap Vandeahesvel and Jasie Lins isttodl fer lphel- sterers. Pesons Division Fap'. Eet c shed MoCuntg Insuranceslftha nu-s vintary. Mfac Meintwralfa, Fraser fiers, Brion Sergic with Peter McCusker Last night twn Miltonians made thair North American television appearanca tagether as Bruce Bond and Ln Stickis worksd the National Bocksy Leagua l-Star garne in Buffalo. Bruce llaad said hie fait it waa an honar ta he selacted ta do the game as an officiai. Bod rsatsd a teaxedo frnm Bus Knight's Messi Wear on Main St. The teix by the way sas ot for the games butfor tas Mnnday night banquet. The big night in sports tais wsak is Satssrday Jaa. 28 at M iltan Memarial Mrena for the Bruce Ellison banefit game batwssn the Flyar Old- timers and tbe prsnt MiltnFlyar club. it ias a firat for Milton Junior hockey fans andc tac lineusp for tise Oldtirnsrs is st. Steve Gervais and BiD Anderson indicatsd thsy wilI dsfiniisly heaspectators. Lan Stickls ill ha working in the NBL tais svsning and sie nat ha on band. Howevar, a star atssdded cast of limpiag hiotory wili onfnld bsfnra your very sys. Corne ys and bahnld in aplendor tbs rnagniificence nf tas Oldtimrs. Ynu can aily les tsa utasent Flyers, ynssng aad the resUlss, P wsskly, bit itray ha tas ons and ciy tirne in history taat such an assimilation cf talent site ha onaled at Milton Memarial Alrtna. The satire acharne is ta aid Bruce Ellisan. For tas uniaitiatsd, Ellison playsd for tas Flyars antil Novsrnhar 25 in a game againat Borlingten Congars. la tbat game Ellison had bis seasas rrnorly cancsllsd sita a esvsrsly brakan Fg.HeI ha sporting a caat tili tas fal of thin ysar and fortunafaly ftha pain io gona. Rigbt nw Ellison can't work at bis joh ha beldi hafors the iajury, haing an Air Canada baggaga loandlerat Toronto International Airpart. So ha'a finisbsd wita Junior haisg 20 yearsolnd nos and silib hajtting marriedis October, affar tas cast comaes oif. Oldtirnsrs that silI ha laiag ara Don Bearns, Dnsag Hearna, Marty Seade, Jim Coe, Barry Eliiot, Dick Marsalal, Merv Fletcher, Rager Wildfong, Bob Pis Las. Bite Cornar Graham He,, Renata Bartoli, John Zoppas, Jas Hors, Frank Marchiorri, Bob Robson, Mon Miljnur, Paul Kîtchan and Jim Keana. -I and Darrn Cole scoered for thc siosers. Caseon McKintey grnbhed thectarte gent fer MeCunie. Lont 47 itetildgid Srusk ettrie 3-2. Kevin rino icd thacan siftsawogenasand tenaloat Grog Pancs set- tedfthefaler..5nriog for grus ere MfalBronand Peter Matevris. Octaneo Provincial Police edgod Millon Aserlng Sen- vite 2-t in peeses play. Bill Pelep acd Sevcn Pincent tltiS fer the sallura. Darrpi Orth oetcd thc Aos- seriog Service genl. ailen Fselc haut 00-25 50 2-t ac Breot Mpers pafiSd fae pair fer the virturel Stevo Harris replicd tar fac go. TMe EPoers nigu dreppcd McCenig Insuranre e-t, fais vsaionemudnp, Stove Haisî seored farce gen.oacs no ant trirb and teassoîr Test Bapeten sccred n pair. Roert Ones tattied one ta tattn nie sarbere fer fac BP'om. The tase McCenig geai sasncorcd hp JoSf Buichore. Bailcy Fuets and grucb Etectrir ptnped tOea 2-2 dons. sront Mopcrsrered tso fer Baitcp and tho Brenb pair solerttlcd hp Peter Male- vrinnand Doug Meoincl. asaitn Divisios The Dulcdfer Daclitters fot- tocSd the Milton Kinssen 4-t in anetas henge action. Jorry Mrbned, llich Hein- noSh, fRay Mcttish asnd tef Wittown scoed fer tho sin- noms. Pnul Kellp sas in the Outiittcro not fer the chetout. Super face heat Hot Chirbon Kîngn S-i. David Econ. Steco Duguat' and an entîstod plapor sulc fer Super Save. Tes Hoeunton oetted the aunc fnedo gnnt. Beltc and Japto bottl teea un4ie in Sann action Mon- dan ovocief. Deug Poes ncred tso anti Don Pirboti and Keirchced ngles for Jutno. Scett Stovon nottod twe and Mark D'Mu0ay and 5carry Thopsen sngles fer The Appte Entors obuttepeti Pencfatoaiy S-i and Wuybr fluhhn ted tho graupc-th ahbattrirk, Deug iestion nonnrd a pair anti Barry flienko, John erniev- Sert' and Reh Nooinaeed singleo. Luron Stoadn surboti the eetp Partee tattn. Bills boeut, Knigbtns Mon Wear St1 in MMHA hoe bague action. Bran SrahsH, ront Ateroaad Guy' Gonoicttasncetd toc the Bitts. lraig Vician nottoti the singlo for Ban Keights. Pigment ceter and chosi icntuand aus Oeight. ptuyrti t aO4-4 drait tact Montiat' Dnco Toelii Bilt Bountoi, Mibo Muntiore anti Mark Terbo scoroti tan Pigsoent. Bil Hoiase nettot tc nSrf Keights whito Guyit Datas anti Gerd Mernn ncttoti singles. Miltoee Bus Linon dreppod Harris 5>abonurt' a snob Metiat' OS2 Cnrt Caputa. BaS gcntev. Setin DoGnent aed Birue Johnson notted -igJ eîarkern fer thocinors Mibo gritten and Andn t'lcb- son scred for Harris. Board defers decision on French HItn Board of Odncalian hoo.deicood a voeexpas- sien ai tho clcscsnry French angsnge pregrast enita e aJner 26smeting. Trustce ngrccd ta dcicr a voe os thc centroernial question alfer such discassion Thuadnp shas facp sere tld provinciat funds tac the progrns liait set hoon rendeSe and n del c- gatien sa cnpccd aI fans Theosday'n meoting front lialten Paronla tar French Immrsion. Thoboardis ot sre shcfacr fendu iresn thc P'rcvineoer tho pregons are partof tbir preent granta o annfxtenntafaheto Guidctîscs fres thc Mieictry ce glale aoard $54 perntudcnt fort 20mnutes ef French daimy. That ,seutd tecronse teSt70 per pupit fer 20 oinates and $110 fer go minuton ef Fronch daity uner fho nos potien. Theopregrns contosPtatei Sp tho Bilttee Bord catie fer dudly 40usieuto Frenrh poogreonftroin graeolur tnt. bgnou in Spteobor, CINDY RILEY cennantrafeas te f inrc tp a shet during the frac thons bunkatboll nom- petition, eponearoti hy abs Knighfs of Columbuse. no'5 @rqk@ ®[r7 rrýrr PLEASE TAKE NOTICE luoII~ ndbkeep your cyea openafor Da a .k.rl ou. L!)U baffer sasiage oa fine foode . . compare your pricea Fpcas Ony Frtont Wod. te fat..56onti. Lonetta W\hote" 100ez Tin MUSHROÇMS retta te OZ in PEACHESOR 7gcal FRUIT COCK(TAIL 2,tis Chrstoes Reg.51 tboacb (Cake CHOCOLATE ROLL'a$ Chistie's Reg. 6e' Leef RAISIN SLICED BREAD 2leases Ciecoer Creas anYerb Ait t-tasonrs ICE CREAM 2Litre Ctn. 19V t-tes Tendet Tesiy P9RK LIVFR lb. 35 PORK HOCKS lb.5" t-nant GROUNO BEEF lb.9 FroS "A' t-nyor5 ÇHICKENS 6 3" 1978. Additiennt staff-to lenohrs-fer the pcegrno eeuld ceore fiah presel ctaff. Thoro are prcscttt 37 toeboohes inalouctina in French in Hatton otoooentary Ohjctios te the pregrasm hanve conte frest Miltonc ransce Bill Lasn and ltes Bills truteec Bort Nîntoec Mr. Lcsn said ho stenil firmon iesenerna despite n tcngfap ropot tres thc supcrînfocdcnt cf Pregrns Bruce Mnthor, dcfcsding the epacsien. asen eisns; the coe rorgrastin theochoets sîi hoe nffocod hp tabicg tiooenpwa fronseih subjecta an sathoonatiot and hcgbosh. Truteeo Eda Rohinsen caps the pregrano ta bonI- habcd horauso it tabos 1S toachrh outeofinestrctt precido F'rench intructioe Sac oniti sho supperfcd French instructian but eet uner faco ferais Sho toit tho adsnistration sheutd coe orward and Say faop neoded OS moe tonacoes fer the pregran and unb if tho support tL Trutee Hnatee saggcstod the board cbeefd ho asbieg touchers, sot the afani- sfratien, hes vateabte tho progras ca. Se have le bees sha gales oni te a attofiotd sbors foachin gee ee te got ceffirloolt beestcdgeof ee t value, hoe saidl. No reli fho heari sas boisa led do the gorden paih ho the adt- sinistratione Dirocter ef Edecntiee Cnt Laendor adoittodthefa ex- pacded F'rectih poograco seutd Labo isc frocn aufaor pregaeos but ho sen ex- plaied fat rcsearch data frine efac pleces label epndod F-rench peegrans aoc in toc shoed ce adverse affect en alter nubjeets. fie alie noed that clstesn j Notten soeni arr hotf heur toger thon lcgintatien cutts for. Truastee Do. Nolon Howard- Thr portahle liais arc i stckb ut labcittr o date bas boco set 0cr the portabtr r-adieu tcb leocosud. the chiot The Spet'oîdn transmnisin toer, part cn ste nyntos. ni serbieg acccndîog Oc The 000 raic eysec caa tho tepîe durîeg test snob potice ommssion meeting ut Dabcittc. Plan to complete poice radio system ctcie cspaet' ofticiats ili contine te sort with an ot'c te gottiog ait theoe potîre radie nytos ccrbieg. Potice ChicO Ken Shonott snitit'riduy. Mtost ef tho radic cyntosn bas heen serbîeg fer about six ccnoks, hoe sai in ou totoe- phoe inervciew fleocr, parte et tho systnts arc sent ap Oc top cf- hicîeecy and tho partablo radioc foc catiog coenstables tecb ws as tirsi en hor sepport of the pregrate a efaco tru0ste 0000 epposed. Sho cnid onpned Fresch sestd roieferco the fiont tuogungo Engtinh-nnd petntod out Frenrh bad the scond htghont usage in the sertd. Shoe ai a vsthe ncndngrcntost icternati- onat langue ie totois ef halle doveoeoi cutture ns welas boisa Canadans altcreato tanguago. Bruce Matbor said the smai gnunaisef tise labe fresn ether pregoann sentd boceorrectedby prncipals aerftheettaree p rs,n cssec saiesotruteeoatd disturbing. Lassee tond hoe lereas repeoctontens nseeg seheet staff. Mr. nvoendco. dîreceer ef odscone nnid tho onpanedd -iregrato poeoil a dileoon bath for hoard aed adoieni stratien-ce Sow tc ftac sithie tho syntes. SOHEDOLE "F COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE ab or* SHOULDER ROAST PORK lb $109 BUTROAST PORK lb. $119 BTT PORK CHOPS Ili $129 14 MAI t 878650 sin -Laay Mopte' Lb) FIkg Van Pas 5LIÇED S10E BACON '1.39 SI RLOIN. T-BONE or PORTERHOU$Er STEAKS lbý L05 RUTABAGAS (Tuties> lb. go i'cttewripe BANANAS lb.1 Ne t U.S.A. TOMVATOESueiac Ilb 9 GRAPES lb. 45"# Ne. t Canadla 21b0kg - CARROTS 2pbgs. Ne t1U O A LETUCE ha Ne. t U.SOA.A CELERY bncs Sankîst Navel ORANGES c MUSHROOMS 99 lclALBUM Mietnovla prn. oanlocderaielacctinat n and Lbellaai candidat .V.Olnb :ndcMr, .,chs.dsvihMr..PttcHab.cid halltathar bossai Pearsconweth Yon, oe 1aai a saisr tnncscan. Pnnstt s ita ratichis hncswesna oio. A. lodeedaeaagents daatioc sith th. conenns sajins nann enspatis an c.n a rscuOssion for serit on he plan. oaut patcyrine i hou cav a ai. Lotsus hae vau nostalrla sc casa11 Ouinantt F.W 0B. FITZG,%XERALD INSURàLbANCE servtngSîncettoi 2i6MsIaaSL Milton $75 2326 - PRODU TheCanadanChaMpOon Wed. Jan. 25, 19'78 B5 Notice cf an Applcaton by The ieg onal Monicipality of Peel r For Approa of fy-la Numbet 2117 Ahich Sets Oct f eqaîned f oed Widtho And Senhunko from Regional Roado Paooed Punouant ns Section 35 o> The Planstinq Acn

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