Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1978, p. 22

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52 me Csvedion Champion. Wed - Jas 25. 107h mii~t ~, Flyers throw gamo in final 10 min oo.oc.OdlslaandaiOi10 tremaalh5doaoyaliilatO4 hesrdwllinPaolAhflsus'sgooI OPoasofsieCmke as affeo as la lad dose pro- PasIMcCaoostereUOlyers. . . . .- - - - - - TilsTorseroofDislgmarou flat aoêl fofleflagomeat îî socondo left, Dore Tomer ahi. St appeaci f0 la file moral seamis on record. fane tosoes and ose ahi and Ses f01500 remaillinfi bffifan Disicict lilfil fichool hockey MunhilsflS lace f0 ligilten tilelc farter lalf0 and ahi lilree or more fiances If liley masit f0 firail ibId of 00e f aol pfayoff Upol for Halion sligil Scilfoin. There are seven of olne teanco o 00e ptayoff s. fOUI coacil Don Leosard f tona cd. 0e h ievO!/ teams nciledafe s ocer aod filey nom favc meahsc scilochi inOie bagUe. Tile Maitoofis areloohinfif0lmproceinelr record draalically. fhey nf0rled 00e noUas de- cesltly defeatiof Alderohol ai MOhin Memorial Aresa on Nov. 10 The leaes hail 000 mUr cf pracilce a c tek asd filai mas on Wvdnesday morehigo. Oie day of iheir home gancen Coacil Leocard f011 dos fondered 00e decelopacol cf hinleanc. Wi00 hile oeil' lacîli- lies 00e bm milI nom have Toesday and Thursday prac. lice bncI Lenoard foldThe Choapico 00a1 he frein acol ol de losUen occorrd duriof ihe fiord period Fada shoco os fia scoreoheel 1h01 f00143 competif0rn oulplayed anil milicnred Milf0o n hile bisaI otogesafeacil fiance Leosard nald that mas 110e 10 00e loch nfpracliceandcnodilinoing Ho explaînrd hîs playerc anal d hocouce iîred and anahle la krep up mi00 dc play n 00e Ihird periodc asd onmooldfrahnlanh.hildilsd honil 10 nîna 00e o00ec leiles doms and 0007 iii 00r play Therefore. pecallîco hacr hart 00e clililo perforocacce record He hopes 00e addrd prac lices milI recoodifino us playecO. TiloremoinocOcin fUmeS are afiainol 00e leamo iv hile lomer rang cf 00e ilallon ofandinfin. 50 far, MîllUci han facrd T.A Ulakelocil Apple. hyandElfinmhlch Ueo nîrnofi banco. Elgin. Applehy and fiarlafif0n Cenleal players recoive lurve pradlicen a aceil, accordinfi 10 Lensard 'Ihisin 00e Icesi yvar cor .hLce~Onl.Samen hy cacil a nn~uuho goals,' Lennard saidloalll ecerremeocher lainfi ileafon hy more 00as foUr goals,' ho enplcîncd ilal 00e coacil il opiiminiic ho- came 00e opiril of 00e leila haosoth.nmeakesed. MUf0O coilI face Alderslcnl. Perdat and Oahville-fealal flUe Higil Praclice olteodiloce o good and 00e playero are lad il 1110e aplel coi00 00eir pasI ce cord 00in oeasac. Lessard Up 10 esiddle age, ucarl attocils are lice lices ncore n mon 00as iv ARDUND TIti HOUSE I Ca UbOgO k o fais - fohmcdclnihsvcohsavil essnninoclcoailoo'iasiate meAoano nos Geteanisa cosîs coins AwafEesneveNrni 155 scincacca cocOs cf a cnecpacsd 100h 00e soovos o AGUAI7IOWt' n 8449781 saîd lhey leel 00ey ohncold have more coins. b a 73 boa la Appleily Colle 00e hapo 1011 00ey coore o Oie fiance aod gave Applehy a gond con- test. ibId 00e final stogen ilfialo Weneedawishatmeee cliii iv 00erv,' Leonard suid. vice verd a total imes ef- tort. Oy facng Ual oO ohape me casi ohate coi00 10e o00ee cloils iv 00e third period Il yoohaccst astronficlailto fagin cci00. lis dillicait f0 aililUat prildîldO lime he said The Mastanfis have mont f ce plaîces and piched Up tan more dae loche cemesier cyo- tees ai lhr sohoni Mach Minor atomE OMHA quali Mdccc Misor Atom Dors and Dents mil Ihe lirai game 0-0 ocer Streetocille iv their hesi thece-ol lice serdes, colU, the coivocor qahhilying 10 piay 00e OMHA piaydomos. Don Vandesheacel opeseil iheocoring n lite lirai period ilsochinfi s a Ties Silyner rehocod thev 1010 lilas a mîsole alec Mihe Difiger l)eipilpil Pal oie Up high Streciccille selmînder Ken Payiv osa panvoat irom Sean DilcidcUUaodToddOorse, TIr second prrtod scacclesc ciiih Strcvtsciile comino cern clone osly 10 fa îaroedhachhyliiecetseafiîe icd Craîfi DeiveltassililriOfi IVI Is5~ Is~N 535.1 EUE -- Leonard optimistiC Kendeicil, Chacil Mcarna, Ton Omelho. and Craifi liiîheîelae gradilaîrd and JUin CUira lotI. The icam piched ap Kecin Smc00, a for- oaedandDaveSncitha doiencencan. MantanfiocoîftmilhOilPtcoO cancolird fiances. Ose o afiainot Oahvifle-TrUOaifiOr aod000000eeiOmi00Eifiin Theneotactconforf0e high ochoni tam n Feil. 5 cohen 0007 hoat Peedae ai 00e Laurier Ave. arena Lessard especis more fao support aI 0000e games, mhich are pl~iSrdOi33Upm.hiWUaseof 00e clone peosimily oO 00e UcO5U 10 Oie sciaI 14e oaid ho thîsho incrcaood las nap- port miii aid hile players peelormasi'05 win first fier game the Mcihio sois aod a une gacoo hy Oie hI lIon defence fron Mile tloetos oposed ihcthirdporiodscorhifiosa soioeiioclleomhisdeieonive position, Oidetyone oecnnds lofer Darren lihaco lired home a paas irom ('aptato Erdc Chudieigh as the Dors and Dents hegas 10 meor domo Streelocilie Dacidnon md Chadiragil scoredialelo 00e game coi00 Todd OUrse ptchisfi ap as a s s i s i The second oome of ihts 10 fa plilyrd s Mîlino on liatorday. Jas. SUaI ilociorh asd the third game, SoiidayJan.lOthahO.3tPm hteevîsclilo TIa game appeared f0 la vlosaly. Sy lilla il. f800 oodercoofrOl glvlni file oppfsîflos mach Mltfao Ffyori acre leadiafi chaocoatfappillfiillrehoOUdU. file hff-had SfrOef0vill e Streefavllle ooly lad 34 slafa Derhyo 4.5 tileouflil olo. on Roherfa ami Ilafloaffeoder miOUteo of fia filial period 0f s part of Ila reaaoo ola shofa Mit ton Memorial Areoa acre lomer fllao Sfreefavflle'o Fridaynlfihl par. Balaflerflahafloflhefioal Roherfa appeared f0 la trame lad eopired. Milton slaodillfiaplattaralldgfovhig Pîvers amoke magîcafly and hile pocil agalo. Rolart 'PIe" proceeded f0 march f0 Oie LeehinathelpiORRolaIlUUf peoalty hon, jOUt lihe SOcefo- Flyer preofloon, ami coach clfleaaotedtlam 10. Gercy Ingils said la Uppre- 10 dmog oo Flycro lileca ~ cf0tedfliehetpfrom~ flame amay. They flashed fao pierre Piiote mas ah. play- poloto doan file pipes hy 00k- infi aefl. POUle la h.omfog a infi 10 10100cm il pesaltceo f0 bp checher aod mfolip plays. hile final 10 mioules of regola- Todd Sheppard os fia Flyor lïooplay. defeove mas stronfi slandiofi Milan 100 f0 maille aiorvv- 0100e holeilse and moved file dilot f0 Rmi Goodhifl ~ pachootofflair oaoendaell. remaiflinfi If minUtes Coach faglis said Uic toam penalties prevented Flycro lad a "sofld Uttlf0de' fofloa- fr010 amiotiofi 007 furtiler fofiflagaine. ocoriOgoffochaflaimfflfrcoto ______________________ cille Before yoo cool d illinil, Poeftm a lileesticille had lied hile game deatimardBI7Ifl~ and ocored Oic miocer aIl 15 37 secoodo MoeMarilofiedlile act. fUme 4-4 Ut 1043 aod Marc Sioclairscoredlilewlooeral film Flycecoacil Gerry f ogla ilas sfafed 10057 limes lus G liai cao heu Streeticifle asd year filai FlyClO are a Icaîl ~ filai Derilys have ooly tour or 50 players mho cao pal file pacil 10 file nef. fOalcohat ho .-y.-~~~z0o&' doconi f011 yoU O 1h01 Derilys have Milf0os namilrrasd cao Exuacise md.1*~Ij inlimîdate Mltloo Flycro lob hihlOflUloslOOlhOOhlO. GîceHvaîtFutid~ UrlasGordilsmasnOOOiOdio FrldUYUsdcUaldstmahethe - 00100 Il file Roberlo plOy 10 file Flyrro sel has împrcced ocer iHAPPINESSi Ihepiloil coniiofO Rohorti îsolleiiîsfilhepach gotoose O.H.A. Intermediate 'B MILTON TRIDENTS e vs SIX NATIONS REDMEN Sun., January 29, 1978 Thoapson Raid Mîmorlîl Arma Garni Time: 7:30 p.m. This id compliments of MILTON TRIDENT HOCKEY CLUB February Specials LJPtO6O0/oOI~Flh n store specîillS afferLooflrfdsaa kadafready scoreS at ai me marksd file Deehys' opeoer. GaoperPaaf. Gesrgefaws. Capealo Chou leloil asld Kef fil Yoeke md Gefirfie4awo Gary Vemar pot Derbys Up Mîffoograbhedlileioahead af 03.53 asd 001k. Preot- goaf 52 secooda f000 fOie filird fdge pot Slreelavffle ahead 3-1 perfod. Roo Smoldeen trois affil 7.10 leff us file clocil le WifUOo aUd PlIofe gave Flycro 00e secostd PerlUd. Tho flrof file hope flley needed for file perfeufmadoeorelesa. aie ThatwaohefOrefltreefU- As file seoUed perîod villereversedlhelead. oloscofi Milfan sahmctfed fao Georfiefomo Gemiol proved qwck bols and fled file fiance. f0 la ov match for Mît ton At 1.30 Ofeve Wlfsvo scored Plyvro ooce afaco as file focal PIerre Pilofe laflled fao goafa each f0 lia romp. PUof MarIlU, MoCano asd Geodfflfi rmmded 000 Flyce ocorlofi aflilslofifeo. Milfos hefd a 5.0 OsaS affer file fleef perlod, Smafdees aod VUrise fallylog. FtyecO aeof f0 5.0 fead hefore Georfiefoas maoafied f0 ilghf file score- 0011f on FOyers had Tf m Wehhfer Up f rom file MMIIA Trf-Cosnty Juveofles, - a hackopforlasabfehsfkupfor Roherfa befare lise pfayeffs are Ut ilassd or eh. RUherfa mlii bave facarryali file pfay- off prmsare. ~~4~ww ç~e. ~ '>nnned tif f tkie hdr.wr'itera~n... J ASPER has the same problem a lot of us have: too many kida around and flot enough hDt water to go around. t'a the same old story. You're ready fora nioe hot shower or relaxing tub before going to bed and . . - brrrrrr. . .the old water heater givea you the cold shoulder again. t'a almost unbearable, lant t? There is an answer, though. And t'a a very simple and very reliable one, indeed: Gulfstream. A new Gulfstream Natural Gas water heater heats up water a whole lot faster than the electnc ones. So when you're ready, theres a ready supply of hot water. Ahhhhhh, now thats comforting to know. Also, too, an ultra-modem Gulfstream Natural Gas water heater iii very, very _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I I. UTILITY SPRUCE 2x4 Procut ~2'/s" Lîng98:. OPEN MON. - FR1. EVENINGS TILL 8:00 P.M. SATURDAYS TILL 5 P.M. 878-5400 878-3263 economicai. Jasper doesn't realize t, but for many of US, t can cost Up to twioe as much to heat the same amount of water with electncity as t does with Natural Gas. Imagine that. No wonder 80 many homes n this neck of the woods have Guitstream n their basements. To find Dut ail the warm and wonderful reasons for getting a new Guifstream Naturai Gas water heater, oeil your local plumbing contractor or your neighbour- hood Union Gas Appliance Centre. Whether you want to rent or ~ 0~. buy Guifstream a a sure fîre ~ appimance to get yourseif centre into a lot 0f hot water PRICES As ADVERTISUD ARE UN EFFECT UNTIL Fil. 1/78 CLOSINO OR <WNILI STOCK LASTS) I. 3026 <OPTYL) Dec UICULAU t-CCd 5050 ______ FFOcUUiOO ONLY 22~50 l::I;È ICE Duc cEc~cLAc Ocilu 33 50 cEuhucel Osto 21 ~ KINGMAKER ~cc cEGuLUU 0015E 59 50 ONLO 2350 MADDY ~i1iW cAOPRGE 3450 19~O 218 MAIN ST. 070-5923 ALL AT ONE LOW PRICE $1098 YOU PICK YOUR OWN Wl DILIVIR

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