- s AUCTION SALE Oasis Tocodaa erOg as 7:30 P- tSan Pearkiieatntoato aisns Oari. aesr ruritr goise, 'an, adrain. Canodie, impore, oui. etc. Laoh booi avail 7mf Tems oash or desasdrhichaue AUCTIJNEER DAN BAILEY GUELPH 823-1107 For Lease 2 Il bulsdinstmh 49'tfoaeoo MW si i. ioobodesssrf so. fi.tscat saaOpls oce llusrentsiltaeane~ond fo_, artient, samprts i edae trainn atol r', cosnitai. Sa'toalc for a viro5rt o reiitan offeissas HUne of daostomo Milon on Moin ti rst. Adjacent tri ts, municipalprkinga. EOoy cuOssblisoo1d401 Cali National Trusf 1-416-526-12600 Mis, Peso Devis 1-416-528-3303 pot tleriar r Ofonoisogirsi rnrdappoted othe board i 19D5 lii lise ComancI le- geot.. Sie seeved as suce- aisairmat tash year and ibis yeam isemomas tho fis arma> riairman i G-e10 i'oar bîsiuri' of Oie marlge. Syrimas replacs William Curlie ni Barampton mO ras obaîrman for Use port tmo i'eans. Ryrimao naid Use mair ioce n Us te 1830 mil bo ta .rb ruisi Oic mintres rganzoob arraongîbirnt the Cîizns' Cummiltee Ion Pollutîron Cuntrnl adthe Gariglon Buaturimat Societi' SOn bas beld office in Oie Borlînglti on anbte Htamilo dîitrt Progressive Crn- sesvaivn asociatios. Nem hre't-chirmao George Fanra.w of Gabville afo re' arîsed bîo appoistmn fo the gord of Gnhersors hi' 1he Corlorf egos' in t95. Bm ia a parises on Use ar- chitecturat firso, Dmnlop or- r.w Aitken of Toronto. ch gro wiflg 14 ThsCaadaCUOpion, Wed. Jan. 25.1978 5 p o t r r P e Raberry's tsN~for Frenrb booer- srroin programos have bers soselbelesa met! rorth AUICTION SALE Auction Services sias prozrasos starling f or succsfui arrosa Canada. arbievise," the grospas brie! I THEAGICLTRA HLLAT ifFARGOU W.70 hor 100 p., ceni initiera ri grade nneasd aryen puipits In Brooks nid hie duit dsiob derlared. INTEARCUTRLHLL TTEFARRLNS yoa sais. Aes kîsd'-as rlace. Hln ssnwy growosg, brosfelsaFe Tbey romplained the board Consigore Mo aprsed.ia l- Haltos Board of Edaration immersion Progra5Os, abot alpret ON RORERT ST. MILTON aressi $150o in mas onldt byar Paras muin- no eoffort fo siPanst SA]'a JANUAR 26, parnt AM roUsson ,ty h33atmarbroside5sg onsthevaloe of immersonast MOS . 00000f Y 2MIT aorrss A1 gronp o! parents froos tbe board' sa m9oillios bas bee5done inthe parstoith 4 c bon etinchtIf.d uae ood are, duettes 33r67y an ht hogot h ein a badget. oshitle pr.uiogrally lovensuin ailbod.o1t77, p,. ofsrsnamsrlosedriylrcourhes, i.o or lno - 3.66 tsensetoos Hallon Parents Hesnoird tbe provinceOsays wgdtifn rahrisinred1 sosi srrks's, hoig upose! as' chair r rf 70e,, for Frenrb Immersion, 5,i0boars of Frenchbist'rc Tesateeoo'ereofargets oohoe as isBic bwr hOt lpu ircbnt presesled bigares sooiog tion are Iefeed 10 fonrtion sonemaytobhave immersion wouthi smng machhre rahiet, r ofi1 dans, tablns, magastrn tiIhAiere are about 200 cbilde freelyin sthe languisge and al ererynmbhool instead ofiaalt ;ail.st tabrlei, nrissls bh>rh.ssis fableOseula25oPitrao YON aras l sclaleso3kliait. mbose parensmasfilentsin eses ifanmmersonnbegosin un coli urigo n raeso 5 mi ashosielsthr kshhstaa, shirrpol potable aiosna tooe homee miltrire. sa25. immeron progranis oesi grade one, Ballon siadeota in Oabville and one in Nords masses, shirrpol dv'r,a masrhig r. likensea, Hoeracuum a month. Restsenes. s79ns September. rould osriy arramulate 4,110 Haitor. &iE. O 2 Orsh firl5'oo ssoileRsnser nhoers,Oso ai' sala. Sppbesmas for the grou boars bi' grade 13. Tbose Thbe parensnsadbaO codiios, dhuiifer pi f abelape 2cad as,15914 Aies Brooso, Bartingios, sald riariing immersion in graderoapiatosCrme- odlisfon msontd'e r' acs ohm lgae 'rs dresO, arELIOsLE ongaoupleoone 5gdy of anoer lasgoageisa oeemaibseoii w? appicarroesfartinmr- aices1 1s'ii.sh5aser ori, randdrrdia,7slnmsomai rsudasss s o "rm vital." bores of Frmencb under ibeir mid-Derember asd mitb usrdsmda rfOge imdlraiss mplas. sîsa a Ho said bi' baovingnore bells almhenOd offirlsba aboat diol sigord ap tliere ai i0ocsîeismsseidrvasesiswih d rl,5KeinErCpaida is sie ton h 85a220 Frenmb, soudieot wonld be days TrhiionadeqoalY esoagbforbhe boardltos'on crede' . ýgssahiehrisil,saite. i 18v) osa .s ,dl ciu'roIM earsaog sot gos Canada's inoFmencbaa tdenosnedsait prgram. Tbey saggesled if pihe pats vgeabe ow, 2,c DnnBirmrplne, flPl otberlanggebat alo tbe ieaoa2,100oorS Of inStrm- tbe board slarled mabisg patr. 11mncesrn ina uehi, inc . l-asD rt.P .ic noroonbarY andcutuare. uo tbe Ministre Of decsions and prvided 55b isrOssivss ' oishisrso lais hoau osap ptns vs To properle lerre anotber Efcto aclte. = inmr aet PsirqIaCrh -us, s.heorrrha n. .s olrens l NEW BIDNG ggAC os Iar 20 Edrauisaiidbm teasrlism'prot illaee hox, gsens posasse rosis Fsng mhm osororlia "Wr, fmii il late ynfresales mol siiîheir rbiidmeo ap 7ashasiaae asi sshnFOR as n RNT !ngaee ddmoe o insrutin lib felilsp'curlid oir immerson snoe morerof .as'asnO.'Oas saassassss'nsrsiis UasOes smoic firrs l. prnae aooe'r sraimbealat hei eir questions roatd bie gîasIlenaas"n 0 , siasa.5,ihlibDi siasas rarhii fsaodai erlise on driog ibis job. oif peobimrn rliboalaiordaimed ik'oosi aonard, lavndgesl.iOnssahss ,dt, gsasraasPin, ,isisi Bemb sad adig tmhbi e middle levei s "Ar immersion prograsi ors, 2 asasslrrsssilogs,i(2m ir, cairiharatcsu-iat Miiw c50 CLIFOD OOW Remediail education need lrs2"siia serielodbEt asrhinicairs oc aiasnlhelrd able Odiiilai26incihoBEtW T V,woliidoublehaodmlai 0 ...an Phre ex, tahle. r' ofsalsi'lhddsaaidehais, mais Ebdi -i*nI buffers4dsovr't giecdurs, 3 mapirathesahirsPn m eost T500Oe e hm h e tals7Oxrsmal tbe36x26.6scicirs OaornDrstP raooabeshe0 li y îorevtn in M & tOfl gsaessarhesirhrssniiWoThmrrdiirso ar s'ar 1,1078 S400. mosihlY cabietgorsy arEehsilh m' sass ,Uai cniinr good Ofc aosoare 0cpnyFb Tbere lit'marbrbaance of rrmiog barbutarastees for' ibeeîseaowadiOg islforibhe oassisbte Knmrashatic ucm aBiseirugshmpised.r, Rel stis oiiis' eato emmedialtngthehedberipsiertforremdIbeeli o brhslrs imLne exosi'g hicacle. sisal, h Deries ninals'a bodas shens osa-2365. remediai eduaaion on Camion rrileria frr limie esser, srf beraose mr Ore ne rorravelasash 5 gai. ceas sas. paond ihaere ox 1. gai. _1576 Halions ambosis a spemiai demidîng rbr reedo remediai Papils serd bnlp bai learbees cncTasagDsi2incself isldsrotaryOOsaw ompe irirslnlh STORE far s'est 50e Mili1 rosmilter id trastes bellipinmath andeadig fer are spottiog rbdldres mbr gsasg catcher, 150 fi as gasiiosbores aihaîhi gil, sIt -imt Milton, 87s 4389. Tbarsday. ail Ballon rabosîs Sas bers reed bnlp belr iban in tbe plemnt ain Jakalijac, 1,pc pie wnnch ax, sedge pl casacta0 Tbe spemiai nammiltee set amged bi' the nommiitte, pool. He saidbhe bordahsesa ainsrsnasaFCiaaiOî5pisaeshar anaa o ss. sAcigus 5hle oeds'mm apiaestîearby Ofalio Board alriigrb wiafrlbeeîmplrmefl' eahi o neeabeelfr eerY ares, shareir S a ina sisal ls ra onhaos. lamilson rft Edomaba of Ibm Halto Eaei r emdaippls le R. C caFFRs'rNOlo fiesre l'o bains, iish o dcto ie eot10rmda uis fe a oesdcror ee nrsis3 raikes, ise camans chair. rUsher. goaag ansd mooi. Shlisg 13 pren of rthIe Ideotiiratiron PeOgam, ase! aroîber il irambees are bied P' ai ac F dhair s s ra i sainsa, Cursae balirarl haCk Siia masîhia osa s9os. 191bdhidree in eiemertari'l plaîde edr s irr br iisi o ahlowih omhalssesnd aras, Pr sail adanssari chairs ailS sosh assais. 1531 omoolo rn Haihro reed spemial belli raiîirg list. ai alchar, osual srssiii"asirr Sert bt des inak, anid ras, 3 BE0000M sosmhrose se remediai belpi Smadabiiiv olalemen olr e Truatee Isan Armstrng Qrrhecornemassstia ofs aakeableshin allotableicherr oAsoenossishroso53a.ao "Allboogb impniirectech 1m' xt~bos,îiasemviceitraining solidbrre agatui!t e h maanonestahle, malars Dosias Phafe ramles, sabla oiit lh a v~ oermath.Coi>al ana 431212 niqaes aodi olealegiro ioIr learbeers stabey spo1 possibiiliy srme siadrrlo jast top,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~sn wanilm alwiu altbe eilgoktbe W mediai aod megalar irarsiog duihmalies beller marîtdo milin jroper moocept lar iidsrsmut pao n isril posrds loupsaroia6Oslros ACOcsaAvalaa imIl prera mai' redre tbis and for srtiesaderlaaialjeer raboismas bnally abiiio' rosas~~~~~ ~~~~ aassmshssmsmsloodssyohD rair s eipdrwms htutoe Aoivperrlge bremi sahoot slamrg age rar sag- imdged smonscocion, 25 sriisamedsarnbs&abiparColcn.lsamd oaa60 eosdimme v. eretgter lcn sosea broacan hSanolectaionsrsamed len olletonrr,ii 4 Mssisaa t40 s~s inae olae ba signifiratif gerieil hereport. Effanas ail> b made ta ,.e Id mik lasi aesWedaeondmthr at ofr4 moaalt 1gî 33o3amberaofabhidenbho lag Olber erre rdho rpnriirilaia rarra homo, Roalsiai akae plals, RoalsAlbrtamer Etsoal.2 i 5000usd voss ais' se. bebindtbeiepeees fori>aeirs iomiaded mrairgrbilde bolmeen pablim and sePaeale r00 hibltrle canamm & aroas arsh slvressas, naariasichina s'mom. 250 Sasofei.oOopyresrs," the mommites lito arebhasîrg rrbess raI riemooami' sisbmis and bîgb assamos Lioge ris' masrs ask, 101 Fias miss clai, satin gaua Ian osiliies. Arsont oore report demiaeed. ir 0pe0 morcept arboolo irla scmbos ard boîrrer tearbero l~ilmîts. oimalaemsposseo. Brmamse of liereili aod eeguaaemlarmms, lime sel as papilemrselfrontgradelro sasiniiiss,ifrsui lanii casiiesrscksl,ar ci assr 003 2712 oo83î1818 Dm5055, slaIhar asuiisoeessal esPaasilforsacciOdes. Lunch '31!pasl eoperieome, oe mbîab aside fr peroaoyieadiog ba graeaSindividaal pniigeams availahle 33780îc thar bm amon lias itle aoroer, sîndents. îeaabîrg riadeola mac bie dmsigred la beip rilb Tossss are ash aror o.ssîD1, , s'snaeai930aoiinarsofU FI' c '0'~ raie Soiiate q somnembildieo oi oerd long milb probi ro rgbra tieaeeîog problemds. WAO6ONIG rea. a'ir roealtloed. 103 terni remedial betp and roolt tbeir lime rn omboos, aod Teastee Bert Hisilan sa id bie WR RWH E mas t Si naSen 503oo îl progress as qaimbli' as ribemo Ilpoe womsimbii o alraid aI tbe flie r! tbo AUCTIONEER s7mo -Oeaem tien r 33132i da deopile, Ibm extra belli boîreeto pammnts ard leambers report beraase ibere sen itI "Tbiere are dubre mbildreo eegat'dosg remediai irdimation eed Ir reediai 878-6730 1milait, possîesio sl woo if idestifid erni and peobiemos mmom irambees'*"poleeliai" o sOs'aa Bson ado. The *Caeadien gri rrfi'pae' Teaste oBi Hend raid bes' mati Seip popîls ii Cahamoioss loi Maintht. Mil ive aeul ln soi> iis " emedini sapport as lbep delaig ther age abîldel rbr ieaesiiig diffimaliis. 10100 on Hmmaeoediima ufld r gig ohaePrbemeabmr'O AIITIn SA E i itbio tie regalar progeam," slami smbmso m as roll irig 'e warnd if ao flA550eTIO SAL th sb msiitteor'titeil lob peoblii item aveyeer fsasALAL in dûsgeraprfoladets the aiirlbme imomviiig peobmv as om on, arge boad lipes he umb of Truatees ore laid bi' tbm prsed momb mare S0 pr CREOIT VALLEY' AUCTIONS iCENTRAL Ata! effaide ntsar bpe ie emomi> bmp wili esor end. aeni ai falirii'o siodorîs MaishilCviss10es5 cred r.nsse.or souesae afdeaeeii Heei ino vrid isoadaofmuuld edp iremdii Mai Sioass'liasatrs'sytjaiiss belprcan biedmed.gro'trmrila 2 noaN, h1 Gesorgeaownv goes' alihied MIeS Theenrrînâtes beoagbl en a opeodîv oe nrmeilcass rUDY AUR 2,A :0PM HoeeiiiisvAtsI>e' omoif ecrimendahtis eduatrilntbobard sbroit!bi Hilrii raid toambero SUNOYJCUl.Y'.A .T PM .rgs5 alsaares frbm Oich bo mevieood byi' vesiîg in esopiiigrlassr'rboido't iraI he rboemviirg (Pîeview ai nainI senigrs asie. 53 31 15W senrior board admsindiratiron Sapemivirdotl ai Spemiai rbiems aind oeniirtg FI IO55II RF Beeoifiiorne2msssOrhras.drrSthdhcrirsd.oodFUN1hH Es'o'rSmoeokOa aod mos resiemed beoe Serese tren Cbapmai ibal rhîldrer la auober barber hresrciesranasdisopsrdo;rrn,sshvssspans genleases gentlemen.Lieesroiiod drsser;, ssiiishced Mcsiio. Oas isest dsowrs ssall hlasit owthiil f7s.2g16atts' ares inie rwrs efihd re apntr rp ox efnsedbttri597 - lim n s e n d s $ 12 ,1 40 sol aroasrar dots drible ol rilsoi ins rlir hais l; '5 PRTVE wai eei saockrrsi illroehalmo table:] clrmsiitable;rhaOpassoirbe wasniiodrantseaihiros;csw FO M o j o n r st e cl b htreveaopic;antlesaahpsiasreaisoiacoc coin,'sedsaiisasuiaoors ousr pste, hedurhsrsg and 1599 Dropile oieoog objectios rgasîsîolîios o Trser Bll iim ' aid maestn,dremss ih swingamrr aiywl wn iorr SO5LE5i2 oeiis'go'&otses, Irm some membir,, Ballon Onca gaio Halior rîli jin ilPSTOras ardir ofiisrOmi rvS O ime'iateir,cadulteSoeuii578 Board o! Eduaairo i>rted tbe Onvtario Pubbici lirbmn ad ao'ibeliHallonsiv îassd srla entlemantis dsserm als n rigaconditiov;.s'atrvg 5345. Tbarsdoytorposd $1214 frTute' Astar (ODP- aiy o ispobnmo. Hm sa5d riginal iondition;,excllentsrsne dressra vo l, isd avrisa m'ie rAu BEOOM ripe s'es bibrhpi w rseeSA n nai re' "th aergapbrem sdoaigoeoesgassfrontchar~s1bhsD racils. oisostdli>rgsmes arcilole Mar eart boni T) alb Thrubranandbpharsh oratirnrrr:waou dnigomsutecassivasosbufettasorss haoder. 87-7a8 thea boar Oloji h nveigti ml ratl FrenchMarqeypansssand isadnalmare siOiiiaOîi O0 a.s'seess Banhelas THE MA5'PAIO 280 rtaAssos' cration Large iirbrai espeo'8irs'libelbhebiriig of Piesîh MsCINA, mRases an OKS mass LANOU mat $1ies be s om150 0, 2 St., Mîltons fines sart ords nf Ontar iAi.iBhi) a trdnsportatuion rîbmen. SLOS.cerai, ous. LOaS MICFLOEDU Ooa Onenes5.5 a. 011 utilisîns mest$. Ove searSm cassr ras rermîed. ALSO ejemmnd reemmoli bi' trasteer. sexclletssaecisirvfigsss admrenaioOsdigAeasssdutusosh Cor'iedoa1- esssarortaoe rhebpi2ihiasirrigî ebrCe 50~5i>0f555~20~5~sasihrmsvîoniriosaismO.OiON coa g ets osaore extraim.h uturgess snseraioerohveiadisg stn e l iAsee steredrplacsof hnar o 1srtclor, M.dpuinresauai Ms's lasohe A500 u ntebe a seetino caks pthray one;ncestnoesclsvi sCo- a!i 2 eio rs ionses.ct aa robey s>hOirai' lii> raiaio iiiFSaraol rehs: sali Caselo. neandrsco;srasrrees Cnin aIe,, ulotcilN jl.Pl e thea suae iofrrialses ogitsîahruien unmmre o casogsrmiiaomarsseaglmirsraîssosamoosd ONEi>aroOdsosiacs' aerds'ss, Mrav*Isee-Ivanyig tIes f Milton.io'rvie seîahb o et edî at masmrîroisrîaiemnrOiisg oi siamceut5oa me0c00 areUiotsOl itinerO 878s'e5r45. ais e hinagai hegboarrriri f ped trsteems iaroorevglireiiess.l od iamioinaglus;eraisietc.srehes espacesepetsp.l HmraîdiismBmro203'orOOelb crita rsctOras'ss'cOtapotsin nnue ascoes: ieiloiie 3»4 s'558h3 igvt tsr' or HniAiri il atten lîsmabrismlanrd rdes ,s'Sos ld t riqu SCd osiid artaem îs a l casue ineotS, Dpl codt o r. Alrteso ilie sopporearshp aHsr Oi ed spld m ib Hiooti hal s7 335 cois immediatelr. 128sOvsîs anid uTi' comment Oa prolf nI bO cha,,atutdobl bc;pl.,cotienalnwn usbail: lcri ph472 iE.Aton ara369 aca 0e said bie tbougOl ihm sliiaî ibal mnmberbip l sase, rnossa haras; mrvsg board min Foi'ssandiraa - - 3us70t0 Masrv.Ls'a oseee nouer GMd araseseo Of Mî,so ncires aSopp irtmi salo ai;siisrssnan oesaiichOsstesrd -.... inre --i iaasa,'0-Z sONoEit ilOO araetone' i oudsrnten Fre oadca ýine , shets, owe etcspont cii rluea uilte lsecon otin prvit, one,îboutbgoupo bol rraidtit Jodi' Aleranter arhai- rn. hnotediapstaioý,prkin. Adutý cose o dondow Pri appo jiooeg ALO. ie poîond as alos opy Il. entan 810 bl Ma tc 5 onmd)1' IiiFSA ai liste rrad rIo 'rrilas t PT _______________ torenooocEDOMReit 55 imprsveseol bal ahil yends The vreede Oaisilie frustes 1970BOSKIOai shomtlie uNe o_25H00000c.IhsoflicdwnonMtn crostes. nor arrein for l bnsame mare "progrsr mas tari praros delogair lu 1355 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ py N0o SPesashl i rr2 easans5odss, r rts Privaissen Miltoe coantrye home. KltcheSirr'- IIPOTA. ecelentssssd.îs eavre. ose 76.5 foili lies, gaas'aOcaAî7'402 _ RShOSAhLhS.CaasSoSrOoueiths ________ 1969 -_____ _ 15932 l Oohnssmnsisaaaiehirý oseoeoWaossetoa ULCT crse bearuSm cprs 1lst w om n r im n Thiae sdarsi'ssrsssîssse oraccntovusofso abe. Noble TueS Aprs mest, Oilonescs lbl m n ch ir a daaeasrpryoncio ae ests. Adaits rehs. 808-at30. aesss'o 878ao oas Tm Sioota5rl251a.lrr o ImOiama Marhnrros ave osistnthraroarromWhe tsosi! i 87 'NUTRA Et a7 mNUTILE laimd Adrey R i'kma as mprrrdr oniteiorrngo Foriînformationo cafl 1 a hmaîrmar and etemied hirrs'e iiycrmdr. a medîîai (416) 877 4488 Mal1Smih 1 FRPRISPOPRIS iSiauguai vmeetbingi>av 'r irpurdb'ereSr, j7ssigeamoOnal 1geoduair ai MaMasier OOiriiakirllr C'dmprs Jani Il hsevswt siarisareSfirllusIesmsriib staff r=ifr ho'ndanst lrad asee nsty Use "attie" iri'sgnepa= = Us rp a nod naa-Aagnpaacc. prgramt orbes otlig ta BoUs Btstaa and Tractee pareots. Etas Illsso qeacttoaod The osits' issae abmatdo'h iionersion's valae ioetasUe influencre ans'ose'a lhosgbon Freach spoat tartinod Use regardlsg eopasdlng French, tst of Use vssrtd la on dOf- Truatas Bort Bison nid. ferranh in Qnebes. Be nid immersion iostd "People front riosatnins boea barder le ail haspas'ers arsasd Use mortd wo opsik Oiat mosld baten nis a Freanch doait osdorataod amal peresoge of papila. French sn QureO,O Bflono Binons nid immnersion dclaeed. 't'LL NEyER FINISH fIais tunnel" says yowog Mtke Ctoybouro as he digs o uag the 12 fort biga moroatain of snow. No policy allowing puils in sohool during lunch, sboaid lcin itheb sbol Oauiding doeing luncb boom. Tliantdai' Gallon Board of EduaaiGil rejemird amotion front Dr. Brien Homard Crois mhimb mrald bavr peemîirtd maeririent accuos lu sabraIs damîog luoa0 break ion rahong luoih. berpiîg w aoad comforlabin il a waaller rravongraseram Lasi mrOihDr. Horard- Gallar's elrmrotanii sbol lunchbrmrgrom and setlown ba p b i r O unwi r d b i' pr gram m oo_ O O b t mrel iOn mrdiala srbosl'romoedo.Her coneroo aer alo refered li lie Trustee Edna Robison oaid accommodation r! sa' denIs dariog lunch mas a sabuoal ademistration mon- cenand tbe board sbaaido'l legisiale bu rid rîih tbe Tise motioni oaid bave imalle Ibm board espossibte ir ai' rbîld orbo gues ino if thr rbild lires jasi a blocb arai', Trostee Jadi' Aies- antderhiaroed. "Wmaeegelliflg lu sosadive about id and sowansd i'à ro noeping riO boîsg gonid Canadian pioner stocks," fliremmor of Eduaaion Fm Lasender obred. TrueoBrtnitonsald be r ao sre obdyi'ls oppooed slmesntiments inHowrd- ibis sa le saplsg osr pris- cipais baresnorosmos Barbongios member Cam Jacksnssaidble ad otil abrout provisiro for lunrb lime ai saboots s'es Oie board oa tili doiog sotblsg. Bomard-Lrei said Use parpose oh Use moilion la oîmpls'inoadvise paresand oladeotta bheildie are ai- llamen t irome air Oie ambooil darîog lanrb. Sbe sait mbiid' rnare stas'ing arsoide ie strrms andbO olY alta lbem lur hao Oies' oas (om cmmmreserraitad go iie Luncbseries improvr' adderl. Social Seeviies Cuoiiîllee ai bo 'irord tla ose> the panse stinugs faor rbld morr in iOn refloti, forlingl a pion lii Regngtai Cbaurmait R Mos- Brmn bold lbn annsl lie isadbsadmasnal discssis o'îO fid rbers ni tbe dnparmmmr and liait On appnauredrofonne sitaionsO whero rumn bad oe gian np jnoand amepsurGlare, bel cse ibri' arldal allurd dayacaranddiSrrarefno fonds refi isn hebdgrt lu asrsls any morpeoplemriib dai' rare loacs DirecorofCommu>ihi'and SocialhSevesîO tamonistivan relerred o nm porlimnian rare wbeme a arman bait fund a ijob rayîn> $60 per iierasr sbrlila Iiir eougbsIiobsrbsiv air osis. sie hl lu fa an wl feas. Tberwomao'O busband rs inojailuforibre miths anid mai' on mai' ot retarn homo orelease. reaerhifr, site 10 Ihn Mile supporter Ir Use famili'. on elfare stbe moadd ne' reiso frsm 030 bo $370 per muslb. Gai' rare moald rost boeswers $310 aad 0425 Per Vivien oued tibait oi ioti' roatdOthe omafloaro more hi' mrrklsg, sitenri!d esjoi' a bigber self ostinm, remais maraid 0e moboond. 10e prohiemos are presing Vivienrsaidlbnrrer O14 no%. people un tbe raiiog lîsI for Morrur inîrodamed Use sobsîdîed da arnlbnlr an'i traiter al araunril meeing lie hlpodaiiiessbrbabdgetln Wrdrrsdlai rai of ordrr and mnrrased aller sorme disrasion, The budget lue pnisam meferrd tbe malter 10 coin- aliased frmnt prîsaîr oestres Commuti and ouil Ser- ould hasm su, lir inmeeasedi sîmncsommitereoempeted leom $204,000 lui $252,000. lur maie a remommendatios tar Hen i>rld the regiti ope- aoronîl obea sont rrmmthee atscnrs> Georgetown mmmin sodas' Seek youth leaders for week-Iong course Milton Rotary' Club la Voalbs fraim remreahîn lobieg ir pmeoot oh clu bs, rbanrb grous, posib futre) i'uS reades lui ai- agonries, polirai or cultural tenaremk-lutg smmiiaruon groupo mai'appi' Tbrilocal leadrsship an SI C'atharer Satany pai's ail the rarir, sn June îsladiog travrlling, meals mîrke Mahoi, Rotarian in and arcommodation. cbarge o! Oie Ratan' Yraus Pmugraio isolades sîmala- Leadership Arard programn, tios ganses deslgned !o ahi noplais lsait Roonas' Clubs in maultte a serios of Ioanisg District 709 sposor Oie rone enperiesns; «lectue aand meekoreas a dmoatra' paneldiscussitons; grpPPdis- lion of HooneDas rners for rusions, enrbasngns betwees i'oaib, and tai rerognize s'ousi Ameriras and Canadias leaders sn Use oommosli'. praiba, field trips, teloare Yoaog peopto aged 18 hor 2a artielOnes anid fsBnwshlp.. are, etîgible t0 appts', and Mn. aMr. MoNelt ntd ase 50i- MrNeiil bac Oie appltion herested yosag people sostd forma. The corse ras Jase appuy i'ngbt aras', as Use tocat il ta, FI, BSndap on oahardos', club maathbave tas detegats' aI thidles' Colloge sn S. samneas n a Distrith Catharines. Comminhes beffure Aprù 8. Word Brownîîidge Phono 876-6730 nootoocie -s AUi>ons inatti aonnd. t! offers o îlstat curaila, Sociat and mcononir boe!eita. And tl s oeipfal in deoeinplsg a înrmiodge asd limder- standing of Freorh Canada." Trustee Iras Armstronsg objecti e luhe cmmeent ibat nu athenspi ras made triseil moseruosi At Oie mseeting bie attended inthe norOile said Hardship case cted Region reconsiders budget for day care