Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jan 1978, p. 23

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Mlton Then and Novi The year When 1started reoiabgunldissuesof The af Canadien Champion 1 chose the year 1911 as a. sforting place. 1 have hees reading splo one issue a day and have nanît read ail tIne put issues for that year, filing itemis of in- su formation acnay on index carda. AI Sais the year's end ilseemed appropriate tu Tel n oino the highiighfu of fhat earlier year. In January defaîls were emerging as ta pro the faifore of thelcarmer'n Banlk.This was 1 a disastroos event for masy peuple in we MilIon and the Trut of the coumy. Sel Appr tfyheank mas fioanciallymweak. triu anadhsmoney mas advatnced lu the spt p Clstr aI the Keeley Mine and il could f eoh reove. Therewas aiouuof more Du fan hala a milfio dolaars. C Vhen thehbatihfaiied, maaty residenssof S'a ibis areuilosthbealonhe aigshey foc hadon deponif. Manyilocalionvestors found pri lihi1 fthe shures thry had purchad were cii ioe han morthless hecamse omnrrship anc of the hanhos shares mnvoived douhle an liahility. An a groop the credifoms cf the Th haoh (moofiy thr dcponifors) had a righf cf dre achiont aguiosi each oharehoider for an samuantfeqallufhe parvalue of hishfare DIe holdings. Nrews iems cppcarrd regaiariy Cie through therprar aotcortprocedigs Th and polifiral appeais reiatisg 10 ihis re hanicrupîcy Me Bs libreS 16 Milice onvreagaco lad ihrer an hatdas. Thr Banh cf Toronto oprord uit ir agency in the Formeras Bash huilding mc cchich ctli stands ut 196 Muin St. N. 2,1 Murray Camphell mats moved [rom Wc Coidmutr ick tchis home tomnnse asu manager ofthe tem agenry. ye For many people cf fIne tomit the Pr Coronation ofKingrgegVmwaniircvt ch of greai sigtiificaner lies cccth Brilaic mt mccc crry streng. A oarge numher of the De tom's rcscdenstad cotrefrtteEnglandI inrccii yrars. Sugagesticits w d i cavrrd that vehuri chidrec hroie , Betwveen the WiIIows Th Bt Boit yers therdeep e icci air~ the binikivg lights of Deor e oa i prc Shrcciccd'c giaci (radeor disapperrd tront 'Not ti threeo ordivueay Ihaingefaiarcd gîe'i u Sinerrs irc "dccopccc'ci piirdv a on co îmiet o and bocuts and icradrd dcccv le retriere the seric the t toitlas eicch or tard rift parked ce Waihcr's and the ci As i cave miettoerd icrtorr. ccc ive on the lie askrd eacctri siopes ofi Mount Neme. And or "il i kv itriceccy,utiislibcmcofyar. rcpresrctsa crcno iC lingr l trulcli drivcer aod machinvc reptird. e 1ftoiloed ticr astral ricii-tin-avcie saie _Maybr i0ecirt soei o he ree iakiciga deep lilîgel th tirrath and pressing doccchrdc(tictherr "Boti[di)i Thertirscihazar oervrc viciis a cagca mceci charpiti ai theiieth fthcedrivrccayt le jst Dc.c te, thc right sperd te ececd sliiig cir tice ireen c am t yeer rcghi. tartedt tic Thisv1avvencplisideihilyccgveieors Mturerdi Nce, the trichk 10tr held yesr meîreltumn 'This is ,ih rvercoeiccideccyaup--thrv gonîiforcldîti ,fincalicht sietffo Pavsent oanct Itaîveit lo the ciccld teevh. -ti cc c Thee. ccs i sictiiivvian ccii itu thic nc aiotec hoccd ccn c5sicrthe tp. iitcr strck. Seddelyt1 Aveiher lordcccicIiif hrdrctcecc, i ccvpcc spitrini sort aii(ht us t eiicegh.ccith thrievoni ; cncds aîTU bock chetici' oci the dhriver's scdr em icrddcciîith It norîccdoftcneriofciyhblettd iccecieu Springs hi huit ja At bl>,v- i ece "Wr Aid 1911 in thmemenfars ofatheccasoion aogmct repcnicgasdlea.. nSaeugrinma for a firemnc trtcday Businessmenandhamccsvres oct o grat dhipiy cf tiags. On lice ts nday cf Jane Sac Anglican Chareti avrd speelal CorInatin service bhi cec rnig andltheevencg. Onthcesaine eend Sacre mas a big sports day igram nl local polies Sae big issues cf Sae year ce thce rcpair mcrk oc silton Puic fnml,and thersucceunfgl extensioneofthe aermcrcs uyaarm 10 droco on lice Agvem n lice fedlerai elmîlion in Septemicer vid Ilendemuon, the Consereclive edidole, defraîrd fis Liherol appoenti citer Harland Smith. fitmaea vert icord iBid ccmpaign. The maie ansur mas a cpsd agreement fortrff recpevcti ch lice lietird States. Ie baIc lice oertc' lihe cuntry os aol Itrhie Liheicis l lice idesocf rectprecity ccere e Acit e officiel riant for gallon mac lienc cmn 2,618 and Smith 2,1m9 Ticre mas alia o provincial elîrviie fin c. IL Il mas appreitly thecriaesi ctionield inthertactdy oîp ttcat fir e ceiy velrhraticc ai. lice end of lit(, dio dmp mas a icontie opposire tire GibbicetigaI As 1cr rcads mccc hait i hecweather cccl, theclorneet cf ceoi'tc sniigct. Dr. A.AVV ixonsof etrgetcc cntforiheCcnservativssmithcacvotecof 85 teiicLiheral voterofc,52 for Il 1i le lice tirsi day of lave lice reClar 1ii arcn Iso Canada ocas sicrird. .j Il acck ofibis tcmvcas Commtissioe or argete for e onry. Miltce eomercici ceeC. F Eal,F. Pcarre. and W J en Nevemicer thce poiclîicrd figures dccc ctccs eicac icmmmvitirs cire Milhi 57; Actoc 1,729; Borlngîce ccc1 e DeviI's o niobrrassmeei ci ii happeninga ti ci clcrry loiccgic." sciA Rthea.WeI tecteerce Ai almas icavr. iriie have aed i meet citi Io tri ita ionl lad corcrdicaît trlycl ro i oficr specefa hod iroer e iceil Aid yeci gri mccy icer hele c t.a or icoite tancince ep tic or cceiitc tirstti tic iil-dcsgoiniioîlalcc i tan poil yecou ccit h c C- e chace [romc tOe banc.'" icit citkcow Yo'*etirvall t inett trcilitggIirf Acingmwic 1uicip a triii> oi e huslkr] up Or ,bi icked ccp lt criv e ican ut Ticire was jlc act ctas IiICiCI-E't uniit tecic ggiefa icopelens,' raiii 'Dve. "I ins tseit teyieg le cmw ccc outi ci c' aiere fac!" 'tii i ,nevcrcicecd tatil o andie et tcicrcc agace teck. Ther Cicrcy's lcelsrti, T ire 1,i , cic lis i l- oi d iice 1ci-sibck ocîctherlIrccv,ý cîpccicoi icareîcitiiictic cvii ti s-eica tccci'hdce A ieil ccci,, ccc i îc e nrit ic r I Milton Gerretcccv 1,574; and Daheclir 2,272. Dri Il the year the icoAhSFatory rift Millt te reitirate ie Prth. The Williaeis Shoe tavtcry moedm tronc Brampton te Milice le replace il. ite in the errithe BranedonPressedcrBrick and Tile Co.icrgaeprodavivghbrick at ils plant mesi ci Brovie Sf. and south cf lthe Ccnadien ravilir Railmay. The P.L. Robhrtson Co. Ltd. rcpcvded tts eperatices hy lice installation cf a wr draccief depariccelt ofiiels cf 1he Sceday schruls le lice arra arravgcd for an excurstee hy sperial traie 10 Toronto Island ov ,cly Il. Orpartore troin Campicrilvîlir mas f a.m. Milice Seigicis O.le, Milton O.15; llcrehy 6.25. Attevdarr cccs icout 50ic Thcrr mas a icrcvy thuvdcrstercc derccg thc aI- ternir« het thee mas pirvty et cheitr c preccdrd a elicmer elci tronc c proleegrd hien at 191i mas theryrarcin'iccvh rcîdrvtceof Milicn e hgc te lare te tht meter car as a mrccsoftiraspocrtaio. Sererai er eccerd icy tomeeprople icc lice end cilice vrai, Accieitsi ieveIvcegcicr use !cr tor a ccv ofi ls site Miltolchad aic evroitel vrar ce 1911. Ecvir heather clas a malter ofi ivterrc Ticre musvrete tierme, icra and ei drecigin ce omic r cicîtice, icrirnt icv sonne cerer rimirieci sterme m l'lit talaies wer qeite heavo and caued pricirm for thecfait faire ce Ai the ecd ofth1r yar Ibrc was a grce ti.'icT',imcv Ornomicce on thvecccsaailen 'Crcitmasi.iay andenovktvfar rlinga ce tichek acc. lite lirci cime ce the' mtencirofithe oldest ihaiciccthe eo anipd th acoenireeccictonerpkatces wn driveway Do i ttlieci eecif v WHY STARVE - TO LSEr WEIGHT... WHEN YOU CAN EAT TO LOSE WEIGHT! Losegweight neeW EIGHT tastea se geeA WATCHERS The Atîthorît, OoaeTHIS CLOSE 10 LOSING WEIGHT. Si i-l, Ai. YM ccit Chc 400 cccccIccc£ WecqCi i Welil aev,,, cc Mcn, 7 30vil, p-,cc,, cicci cite on3 eV ccc tI' Il Si o i n Hall FOR CLASS INFORMATION CALL MI SSISSAUGA 826-920 E IILL TANY CSS- FREE E8M MTH wo Thei Caeadcav Chion,cc Wed. Jan. 4, 1978 B9 Around the Camp fire More advîces thce sncccceilr ici carry lice icilomiefa eqoip- Btasie eqccpmevt cccscctsiof ce extra drive-heut spcek plcgs ced ticr vescavv Lorris for thicrin cstallation. Forlong distanereks yeo sicold bcreqccpped cdch tce iellincgtcergec gare t. A pote of snowshoees ce skis lot catch passeeger Tisc ce lest as nceesary ascii tachris ce a boaat l Icioanded miles lrth i r ae sa picccedrocd. O. Emeegecy cilot eppli :L A ligiciceigci bclck ced tartie mdc ) cee rti incit niyleTepe. Tis icoici cci cicr dîllerevrie htc'i abi,, tîocefa yccei mcie cin stock. 4. Topcgvapical mapto aes t ie traic'ec cc compose 5. licedîccee hoîcicegicecit on snowmobile safety ketitle- lic1,hyit id ccmucvgenc raionvs and soeeic'iicgs Aicaîs keepithese cn ese foia cveitgeery. 7 A ccopact lirsi ccd ficl cc kit e.h A cmaiilsized, air prccit taipacliti anil spacvt type sicrvival iciashet. C fîtiic sicould be r and wnd-prwf. Airpproctd craoshicelcieiscotldccvtcc ci al limres chenvcraeting a iccfathil cc iîîif Doeno liccîc icive crv icramec tlcse'iciid ci oovrn tic ai.thie eaicidii cirs licec rime ccc liiti tspcisid pai corhas ,cc il, ,ccc'ceic Sa'c eoch ofcicr fii hec daner : If a sinctr s veeded. i sigas ccci, il, marie ccth secce. Mirter tricsiitseOic cari [eVIccltccetfatcr hccis cie iicaccdcciiithihohtticaciirnoniaiyiticcfaplat dlibreak the ai %aevi band or ,c %oi id Ai heio l ii nb (ut coeiîifcî cýale Dccitcoai cc i'iiti.i ie eia fie Ouic hic Iii nitao mt-I aice or c'ci'facic'i hl tiecleic an itei shecld hec- ccieiOtiA uiiidriied irviv nediicii tetiiit,oon a , icipc'ii the cicr cc fineu Possible, dcciic t ic dhtie fn tevihe fi1I0 li 14) 15 te IN cc Iii, 1itidilY Cfron 1i il ecit I cihitec icii'iký iccîci F% cfrtitti iicegicc ci' ccr cctIi cii ici it îîicîîcd ,plgtl in thic ro c i ,- ii witrsr i cîiiniionv dei thei pciii crc iicipfi DlON T PANIt ' Thi ,v ii,i lh Il1t oiicdees cc ci inry andvttc Iccict cedfu h1-- siiiiiiiit Il 'si a iidiciiiii,, li, -cIl kccp pccciiiiiidtsgeriiitocci \oueimar'in ic taiii theoiicciic.tici'and svooiihiitcc glicivi o ini iii ir I.,,,tte- Iiiain VUYa &tet HOUSE0F PIANOS KAWAI 4 c Sherlock -Manning 689-6833 In Memoriam Donlationls for the Ontario Heart Foundation are kindly handled by Mrs. Francis Lee, Apt. 201, 81 Miliside Drive, Milton. Rfticcc C aicccc ii( li/l, ltccd For further information caTi 878-7591 DUG STARTINO WED., JAN. 11 RUNS 10 WEEKS AT BALLINAFAD COMMUNITY HALL "EVENING CLASSES"' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: AM. 1S AM. te,2 877-2465 PM-6.8 OPEN c HOUSE MILTON TDWER Renec osy 2e or3bedr c on cdominu in a ua sern gnde eno I eeeaso lic nral choe FuIIy Registered *tccacuEtccccc pîiccs stuc at $35,500 1,, c iet 77F Att T icc lc iCtcicciccccc~~~~~ Aci cc pccc ecaicc t Etn ccc e ~csp cc acarrin 1ccae vuig: tua HSR 50c HN 2 7-878 7 iCV N 5d Or Fnl MuSse r50 SEANm RRI FURNITURE SALE BED CH ESTERFI ELD $28995 ..from HOUSE 0F BRAEMORE RECLINERS $1 299e5 KROEHLER ... from HUGE SAVINGS ON QUALITY MATTRESSES & BOX SPRINGS 20-50% OFF ALL FURNITURE *Open Daily 9a.m.-9p.m. Saturdays 9a.m.-5p.M. EASY RICH RDSO 'S * LE VISION BANK RICiàtR )SONFS PPLIANCES FINANCING 465 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2336 * PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING

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